Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Next door to a cop ❯ Week goes on and then... ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The week goes on as normal. Well, not completely normal. D's father stops by to annoy us. Every time he leaves I end up comforting D and taking over some of his responsibilities as Chris, Q-chan, and some of the other pets comfort him.
“He is such a jerk,” I grumble as another customer leaves. “Are you sure you two are related?”
“Yes,” D answers quietly. “Thanks, Chris. I don't think he was always like this, but grandfather would know.”
Q-chan nods to the statement and I think he's agreeing with D or saying that D's father was always like that. It seems he taken to the extreme for hatred towards human kind. Listening to stories like why Karasu hated humans greatly supports D's father's hatred towards humans. I look over to D and he is petting T-chan while Chris has Yoko in his lap. True to D's word, Karasu doesn't ever come out. Some times I want to see the crow, but D says it's dangerous so until D lets me back there I will leave Karasu's and Yoko's territory alone. At least D given me some pictures of it and other locations in his shop that is forbidden to me, for now that is.
*Ding* “Welcome to D's Pet Shop!” I shout. “How can I help you?”
“I would like a pet for my daughter,” says a woman.
“Is she going to pick it out?” I ask looking at her daughter, who is hiding behind her mother's legs. She nods and I offer my hand to her. “Come on, little one.”
I take the small girl to a room full of dogs, (young and old), cats (young and old), piglets, ferrets, foxes (like red and brown; there are more, but you have to ask specifically for those), and some birds. I go to them with the girl hiding behind my skirt.
“This is Chika*,” I told her showing her a black cat with white paws as I pick it up. “She's the mama cat for a lot of the kittens you see. That's (pointing to an old red bloodhound that come up to sniff at her) Nori*. So, see any you like?”
The girl pets Hercules as she looks around and I pet Gypsy. She walks around and some of the younger pets are running around her, but keeping a distance because they sense her nervousness. She finds a small red fox that's curled up and sleeping. She pets it softly and it wakes up and looks at her. `Awwww! That's so cute.” The kit licks her fingers and the cuteness multiplies.
“His name is Yuu*,” I tell her. She hugs the kit close and he licks her. I can see the true form of the kit smile and hug her.
I walk her to the front. She walks with Yuu in her arms and is smiling. We get to her mother who sees us and smiles as well.
“I think this may just bring her out of her shell,” she says.
“Here is his contract,” I say as I hand her the paperwork. She signs and pays for the kit. They wave and leave the store. “See! I did alright.”
“Good job,” says D. “I think I do the rest. I'm feeling better now.”
D walks around doing odd jobs with the animals as we wait for the next person. *Ding* A man comes in and a dark aura fills the room. Birds squawk in the background and Yoko trembles in Chris's lap. His hair reaches his back and he has very pale skin. Chris starts to shrink into himself and I scoot to sit next to him. We watch him wearingly.
“Can I help you?” asks Count D.
“Yes,” the man's voice growls. “I would like to buy an attack animal…something vicious.” He looks around and sees us. “Hello,” he purrs. “May I have the name of such a divine creature?”
I shudder in terror; he thinks it's in pleasure. “My name is Jewel.”
“Ah,” he purrs. That purring is really starting to freak me out. He takes one of my hands and kisses the back of it. “I'm Camlin.”
`HELP!!!!!' I scream inside my head and I can just see me running around in circles; which is disturbing. Maybe I should see a doctor about that.
“Here's one,” Count D says in a rush. “His name is Carroll. He's a German Shepard.”
“I'll take him,” says Camlin as he fills out the paperwork and pays. “Good day, my lady.”
He exits the shop with Carroll in tow. When the door closes, everyone lets out a relieved sigh. Man was he creepy. *Ding*
“Yo, Count,” says Leon. “Hey, little bro. Let's go. Jewel, you coming?”
“Nah,” I say to him. “It's the weekend. I'm going to the mall in town for awhile. It's only four. I'll go home at eight.”
“Whatever,” he says. “Let's go! Bye, Count. Jewel.”
“Bye,” says the Count and I as Leon and Chris leaves. Chris waves goodbye to us as he leaves. Yoko runs to the back to join his mate.
“I'll see you later, Count,” I say. “See you on Monday.”
“Goodbye, Jewel,” he says with a smile. “Have a nice afternoon.”
I wave to him and the animals in the foyer as I leave the store. I put my purse on my shoulder and head to the mall. I walk in the right direction and as I go I talk to a lot of the venders in Chinatown. Some are very friendly. I speed walk by the more violent part of town. I spend a few hours there window shopping and talking to friends who work there. It's nine pm before I know it. I need to get home before Leon starts to look for me. He always says that if I'm not in my apartment by 10 at night unless it's for some really good reason he'd come find me and drag me home.
“Oh, man,” I groan. “I have an hour to get home or Leon will (dramatic voice here) hunt me down. BWHAHAHAHA! Sheez. I'm a grown woman, but at least I know he loves me in a brother-sister kind of way.”
I skip down the streets staying in the lights. I wave to few of the prostitutes I know and get a few waves back. One of the older men give me a look.
“Need an escort?” he asks. “Only $15.00 for you.”
“Not tonight,” I answer. “You know I only do that when it's bad weather, but it's clear tonight.”
“Fine,” he shrugs. “Just asking. Akane* thanks you for helping her kid.”
“He's a good kid,” I say with a smile. “Smart. He'll make it and probably graduate with honors and get a good job.”
“That's good,” he says. “Good night.”
“Bye,” I say with a wave.
He runs the oldest brothel in Chinatown. It's the most respected one. You can get anything you want from here: a prostitute, wife, slave, maid, etc.. I usually buy an escort from him. The escort is usually someone who needs a break or just a friend I have not seen in awhile. I walk past one alley and hear some sounds. I get a little paranoid. I walk a little faster. I see shadows. I start to panic and walk faster. Footsteps seem to come from behind me.
“Hey, girl,” growls a voice. I look and gulp.
“Oh, no,” I whisper in panic.
“Oh, yes,” says the man.