Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Next door to a cop ❯ Jewel gets in trouble ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~Last time~
I walk past one alley and hear some sounds. I get a little paranoid. I walk a little faster. I see shadows. I start to panic and walk faster. Footsteps seem to come from behind me.
“Hey, girl,” growls a voice. I look and gulp.
“Oh, no,” I whisper in panic.
“Oh, yes,” says the man.
I recognize these men as the boys I saved Karasu from. `Guess, this is when they try to get their revenge.'
“Um, eep,” I squeak. “Bye!”
I run the opposite direction and through another alley. I hear them behind me. I pant and run in complicated zig zags trying to loose them. I then run into something…or should I say someone.
“Ha!” laughs the man maniacally. “Got you, bitch!”
He takes a hold of me and I wiggly helplessly in his arms. Then I get an idea…
“OW!” he shrieks and drops me, “You bite me!”
I smirk and run away. I hear him run behind me. I blindly run in one direction. I notice that I'm almost to the back entrance to D's shop. I cut another corner and run down a familiar alley. I look back and see the men coming. They see me. I hope D left the door unlocked or I'm in trouble. I quickly try the door… `YAY! It's unlock.' I run in, close the door, run a little, and look around. I hear the door slam open.
“Damn!” I murmur to myself. “Should have locked it!”
“Ready or not here we come!” shouts one of the men and I run.
“Goody, a chase,” says one man with an insane cackle. “Rape…Rape…I want to rape.”
“You can go first,” sneers one of the others. “IF can you catch her.” *Insane giggles*
I shudder as I run deeper into the woods…that seems to have appeared out of no where. I feel as if someone is watching.
“AHHH!” screams a voice.
I pause in my flight and look in the direction of the scream. I cannot stop long or they'll find…*Giggle*…me.
“Pretty girl,” says the man. “Pretty…Pretty. What do I do with the pretty girl?”
“Let her go?” I suggest.
“No,” he answers. “No. I want to play with pretty girl.”
“Look!” I scream and point in a direction.
He glances at the direction and I run again. I twist and turn in the woods. I hear him right behind me. `AHHHHHH!' I scream in my head. `HELP!!!' Don't want to scream out loud. That would be so smart. I look behind me and see that I lost him for now. I make another turn and am in a hallway. A tall man is there. I hold a hand over my mouth and pray that I'm not panting too loud. It's Karasu. He glances at me. The hatred…it makes me shiver. I do mean shiver, like a full body shiver.
“PRETTY!” shouts the man from earlier which causes me to jump.
“AH!” I shout. `Oh,manOh,manOh,man. I'm so dead.'
He pulls out a knife. I gulp and he starts to stalk forwards. *Hysterical giggle* `Oh, goody. I'm turning insane. I trip and twist my ankle. He is now on top of me and using his knife to slice my clothes off while holding my hands with his other hand. I feel myself panicing. Then something tackles him off.
“HUH?!?” asks the man. “Where you come from? *Giggle* Don't matter. I'll kill you, too.”
I think I lost my frigging mind. “Leave him out of this, bastard,” I hiss. A ripple is felt. I shrug it off. “Pretty is getting annoyed.”
The man looks at me and smiles. A slight shiver goes through my body. A hand lightly pets my arm as Karasu now walks to him. 'Oh, hi, Yoko.' The man raises his knife and rushes at Karasu. I close my eyes.
“AHH!” the man screams and then there's gurgling.
I look and see that his throat is slit. `Oh.' *Faint*
~Time flies when you're unconscious~
*Purr* *Purr* I snuggle into the warmth.
“Five more minutes, Midnight,” I groan. A cold nose and tongue bath my neck. One of my hands pet her head. I feel really big ears. “Hmm?” I feel down a very long muzzle. I open my eyes and see…BIG GOLD EYES.
“AHH!” I scream and scoot back. Then a long tongue bathes my face. “EEWW!!! Stop that you mean fox.”
*Purr* I glare at him. “Yoko,” I sigh. “Where's Karasu? Is he alright? Oh, my God. Is everyone alright? I'll never forgive myself if someone got hurt.”
A sharp nip on my ear pulls my attention away from Yoko. I see Karasu. He lowers his head and nudges my jaw like a cat wanting to be petted. I take his invitation and am now combing my hand through it. `SOFT!' *Giggle*
“Soft,” I purr. “Cute.”
“Cute?” growls a voice. “That is a demon and MY pet, bitch!”
We look at the voice. Well, didn't think I see him again.