Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ The snow white tiger and the poor robin ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Akari: ‘Ello there! This is our new fic. I know that we have two fics that need to be updated, but do not worry!!!! This particular fic is almost already done. Sissy already has about 4 ½ chapters already written. So we *cough* Kurai *cough* can type up the chapters quick.

Kurai: Yes I know sister. I am the one who both writes and types. No need to try and hurry me, because I will take my time. Also about how short this and the next couple of chapters will be, I am sorry. We have really...odd....chapter spacing.

Akari: But we will update faster!!!! So no need to worry if you think it’s too short.

Kurai: So please enjoy.

Akari: AND REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!! *smiles* Thank you.

Disclaimer: Akari: Matsuri Akino owns PetShop of Horrors, not us. Oh if only we did!!! Oh T-chan!!!!! *blushes and gets starry eyes*

Kurai: ahem *coughs* Ignore her please. *sighs as Akari starts to drool and mouths ‘why me?’* On with the fic.......

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A woman with long curly brown hair and green eyes walked down the Chinatown street one hand in a man’s with strait blonde hair and blue eyes. They walked down a dim and shabby alley way to a shop that had a sign in the window which read:

Count D’s Petshop;
Were love and dreams are sold.

They walked into the petshop, a sweet smell bombarding their senses as soon as they stepped foot into the strangely designed room. A bell clinked somewhere in the back room, signaling their entrance. The couple looked around at all of the cages lining the walls, peering at the birds, reptiles, and small fuzzy mammals that stared back.

“Hello. Welcome to my petshop. How may I help you?” asked a man coming from a room separated by a curtain. He startled the two with his sudden appearance, and smiled slightly when he saw them jump. He was wearing a Chinese cheongsam that was light blue with a silver dragon going from the collar to the hem. He had purplish blackish hair that was cut to his chin that covered half of his face. The eye that the couple could see was a magnificent shade of violet.

“Yes, good afternoon. My husband and I are looking for a pet. My name is Anne Okino, and this is my husband Richard Okino. Please to meet you,” she said smiling at the Oriental man, her briskness betraying her smile.

“Very well Mrs. Okino. What type of pet did you have in mind?” he asked smiling back.

“Something exotic. Something no one has.” she said. She then mumbled, “Anything is better than the other one.”

“I think I have something in mind that would suit you perfectly Mrs. Okino,” he said blantly ignoring her mumbled comment. “Please follow me,” he told the couple extending his towards a big black door in front of them that the two hadn’t seen before. Upon opening the door he led the couple down a long dark hallway lined with many doors and windows. When either Anne or Richard would try and look through the windows, all they would see was bright colored eyes following them as they walked past the windows. Several animals, mostly cats and dogs, but occasionally a reptile or bird would go near the Count and stare at him, or cling to him.

“They are bad.”

“Don’t let them have her.”

“Horrible things will happen.”

“They are untrustworthy.”

were the whispers that only the Count seemed to hear. The figures that said them stayed hidden in the shadows, but Mrs. and Mr. Okino could see the multi-colored eyes that watched them. Finally the Count stopped and opened a red door on the left side and stood to the side as the couple walked in.

“It’s so dark,” Richard said. D turned on the light to revile a tall brown oak chair that was turned so that the Okinos could not see the occupant of it. D brought them around the front of the chair to see what sat in it. Sitting there was a little girl that looked to be about six years old. She sat upright and didn’t slouch, hands clasped in her lap. She only looked at the Okino’s for a brief moment before fixing her stare on D. She had long curly white hair and the most dazzling blue eyes. The two gasped and looked at D then back to the little girl.

“But she’s not a pet! She’s a little girl! What kind of petshop are you running here Count?!?” shouted Anne. D just smiled at her and patted the girl on the head.

“You are mistaken Mrs. Okino. She is neither a little girl, nor a human. She is a rare species of white tiger indigenous to a small island near Costa Rica. I just obtained her two weeks ago. She is yours.”

“Are you sure that she’s a tiger?” asked Richard skeptically. “I mean there’s no tail and I don’t see and stripes or tiger ears. She looks just like a human girl...” he said doubtfully.

“Of coarse she is a tiger. Now if you’ll follow me we cam get the contract signed and go over the terms of the contract.” they all went back through the impossibly long hallway and into the front room, Anne holding the tigers hand the whole time, unaware of the creatures following them. D went to a tall oak writing desk and got out a piece of parchment that looked centuries old, and a long peacock feather pen. He gave the pen to both Richard and Anne, and they both signed it.

“Now remember the three clauses please. Don’t let anyone see her besides yourselves. Feed her fresh fruit three times a day. Burn the incense that I give you always burning everyday. Also please understand that if anyone breaks on of the aforementioned clauses, the contract is terminated, and the petshop can not be held responsible for anything that may happen to the pet and/ or the owner. Do you understand each and every clause Mrs. and Mr. Okino?”

“Yes,” they both replied. Mrs. Okino got out her cell phone and called their chauffer to come and pick them up, and to make sure he parked out of sight of anyone on the street.

“By the way Count, does the contract include our daughter as well?” asked Mr. Okino.

“I was not aware that you two had a daughter. But since she is part of your family, then yes. She is included also. But you must tell her all of the rules as well.”

“Okay. We’ll be sure to tell her them,” said Mrs. Okino briskly putting her cell phone away. They all heard the honk of a horn from out side and the Okinos hurried outside getting their new addition to the family into the car before anyone saw her. After they had left a little rabbit with horns, bat wings, and bat feet flew over to D and landed on his shoulder chirping quietly.

“Q-chan could you do me a favor?” he asked the little creature. Q-chan squeaked twice. “Please follow them. Something’s just not right with those two. And Anne’s blunt disregard for their daughter doesn’t settle right with me. Some of the pets also felt it from her and warned me not to give the tiger to them. Please go?” he asked. The bat bunny quickly flew off after giving one last squeak. D quietly went back into the petshop and sat down on the ancient couch. A few of the animals from the back came out again and surrounding the couch all staring at D. T-chan, a Tou-Tetsu with an orange mane and curly goats horns, came out of the back and walked to the couch. He looked at D, and when he patted his lap, T-chan jumped into it. D began stroking T-chan, and the Tou-tetsu’s eyes became heavy. “Something is defiantly not right,” he repeated while T-chan just fell asleep.

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Akari: Good? Bad? Like it? Love it? Hate it? Review and tell us your opinion!

Kurai: For once she is acting somewhat normal. please review and make her happy. You don’t have to live with her so trust me. REVIEW. Or else she’ll make my life a living hell.

Akari: *smiles and nods* JA NE~!!!!!!!!!!

~Ja Ne from Akari and Kurai.