Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Fan Fiction ❯ Meds ❯ Meds ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Phoenix Wright, nor Meds by Placebo.

Pairing: Wright x Edgeworth

Author's Notes: Written from Edgeworth's POV. Possibly going to end up being a collection of one shot fanfictions to Placebo songs. : D

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Meds: One-Shot

I was alone, falling free. Trying my best not to forget. What happened to us, what happened to me... what happened as I let it slip...

It'd been a long time since I had seen that man. Grade school I believe it was... Now, here we both stand on opposite sides in the court of law. He, a defense attorney. I, a prosecutor. We have our purpose, his to prove his client innocent, mine to prove the defendant guilty. He had grown up quite a bit since I last saw him... grew into quite the handsome gentleman with that spiked raven hair. Wright was a man who changed physically, but not mentally.

After watching and facing my first defeats in court at the hands of my old school friend, I found that perhaps what I had been doing was wrong. I never did look at the possibility of another person being the guilty party. It became more or less instead of the von Karma 'perfect case' it became, the 'perfect truth.' Yes... the pleasantry of finding every man guilty had been swept from me.

After a long battle out in court with Wright, I returned to my office to enjoy a glass of the finest wines. A knock fell upon my door... a disruption that was much unnecessary for the time of day it was. Ten at night... It was my alone time. Who would have the audacity to even CONSIDER interrupting my alone time.

I got up, despite the fact I had gotten comfortable and answered the door to a face I most certainly was not expecting to see...

“WRIGHT! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT TIME IT IS!?” I shouted as the raven haired male just looked down a bit.

“I came to talk to you about something.” He replied in a calm, collected voice.

“What is there to discuss? We are nothing more than enemies in my eyes.” My eyes narrowed as I looked straight into his eyes. I sensed a bit of hurt in them... but why? Why would this man be so hurt by where we stood on sides of the court room.

“Us.” Wright stated firmly. “Don't you recall... what we were when we were younger...” This puzzled me... when I was younger, I dealt with the murder of my father, so I blocked out and repressed most of those memories to deal with the pain...

“What do you mean, Wright?”

“It's Phoenix, Miles.” He stated, disliking being called by his last name. It really did seem to get under his skin. “And I mean, our relationship in terms of... being more than friends...”

I was confused by the powers that be, forgetting names and faces. Passersby were looking at me, as if they could erase it...

“Do you have definitive evidence of this so called 'relationship?'” I retorted sharply as he presented to me a handful of little love letters we had written each other. Well, notes we passed during class. In all truth... he was my first, and thus far only crush. We'd kissed, held hands, and snuggled when we hung out when we weren't in school. It was a bit hard to keep under wraps being in middle school, sixth grade, but it worked. “What did you want to talk about it for?”

“There is something I would just like to see... if that old spark is even there anymore... I mean you moving away seemed to bury most of the fire, but...” He bit down on his lip. “I still... feel the same...”

“This is a bit childish, Wright.” I informed him. “For one, our standing in court. Two, you have been with other people since then, what makes you so interested in me?”

“You never cheated or lied to me, like Dahlia.” He stated referring to the first real girlfriend he had. She tried to kill him by poisoning his cough medicine. What a fool...

“We were YOUNG!” I insisted. “And besides, what makes you think that I'm interested in your offer?” Phoenix took a long moment to think, his thumb lightly tracing over the gem of his Lawyer's badge. His hunch was right, but I wanted his proof before I would admit to it.

“I have evidence.” He stated, reaching into his bag for a moment. “A letter I received along with this.” Phoenix produced a bottle of wine identical to the one on my table. “Stuck to the bottle was a receipt for this bottle... along with another one. And at the bottom, your name appears because you used your debit card.”

“Very good deductions Wright.” I smirked. “I am still interested, but I thought you were straight.”

“It is Phoenix for the last time.” He sighed, “And I've always been straight, but I do... and I always will have a spot in my heart for you.”

Baby, did you forget to take your meds?

“Really... you say that, but I demand evidence.” I challenged him as he yanked his tie off. “I don't believe your tie has anything to do with this case.

“Did I say I was presenting that as evidence?” He smirked, yanking off my cravat with expertise. “Mmm... There's some sweat forming under here, is this from getting turned on?”

“It is not. It's just really warm in my office.” I replied softly as I felt a familiar stirring in my trousers. The other male just shook his head.

“It's set to sixty five and I highly doubt that any person would be this warm at that temperature.” Wright deduced. “And there is something sticking out in your pants and I do not believe it is an ink pen.”

“Good assumptions. That is not a pen in my trousers... I'm happy to see you...” I responded as his hand groped between my legs as his lips met mine. Those warm chocolate eyes just seemed to go right through to my soul as I watched him make quick work of our suits, discarding garments to the floor till we both sat on my couch in nothing but our under clothing.

“I would hope it wasn't a pen. Cause that's a rather nice sized pen there.” His hands slipped with grace over my bare chest, lightly tweaking my nipples. I emitted a soft moan, enjoy Wright's pleasant touches. Phoenix slowly kissed down my cheek and along my jaw bone, taking them down my neck and further down to the hollow of my neck. Those plush lips gently sucked at it, starting to leave a nice sized hickey.

I was alone, staring over the ledge, trying my best not to forget. All manner of joy, all manner of glee, and our one heroic pledge.

“If you leave a big mark, you better make sure I can cover it.” I warned as he insisted to continue leaving that hickey there.

“I want anyone that steps into the court to know that you belong to me.” Wright stated. “It's my definitive evidence.” He smirked as my eyes narrowed.

“You listen to me far too much...” Before I could finish my statement, I felt his hands ghost down my tummy causing my cock to jump with excitement. Those talented digits traced over my cock through my boxers. “Fuck Wright...”

“What'd I tell you...” He smirked, “Until you call me by my first name. I won't get you off.” Phoenix merely continued to tease my throbbing member, seeming to find some sort of pleasure in my discomfort.

“Okay... Phoenix... just fucking do something about this!” I grunted as he pulled my cock out from their cotton prison. His mouth pressed kisses down my chest and my stomach, causing my body to shudder with anticipation. Slowly, his tongue flicked out to trace around the tip of my dick, draining a single droplet of precum from it.

His eyes gazed up at me, clearly enjoying the sight of me being so tied up in pleasure. “You want more?” He smirked as I merely nodded, taking my shaft to the hilt, causing him to gag slightly, but he continued to suck it. My eyes clenched tight shut as I tried to shift my hips upwards, but to my unfortunancy, he held me down with a free hand as the other lightly teased at my hole.

“What ar..e you doing?” I asked softly as he decided to bring that hand to my lips, to which I simply gave them a gentle nip, slowly taking them into my mouth to suckle them. That bitter taste of salt and skin was nice on my taste buds.

How it mattered to us, how it mattered to me, and the consequences. I was confused by the birds and the bees, forgetting if I meant it.

He merely continued to pull his fingers free and pressed a digit inside, pulling out a long cry from me. Phoenix continued to do whatever he was doing, not seeming to mind the apparent displeasure displayed upon my face.

“Phoenix... tha..t feels good.” I whimpered softly as he pressed another digit in, stretching out my walls as if preparing me for something much bigger. I was on the verge of going crazy as he inserted the third finger and hit my first climax. The heaving of my chest seemed to turn on that raven haired lawyer even more.

Slowly, he pulled my half hard cock from his lips and looked deep into my eyes yet again. Something about his eyes just got me every fucking time.

“Think you're ready for this?” He smirked as he removed the remainder of our clothing and grabbed a tube of lubricant from out of his pants pocket.

“I... think so...” I panted softly, “Did you know this was going to happen tonight?”

“I'm afraid I did not think it was going to happen, but I came prepared just in case.” He smirked and set the tube in my hand. “Why don't you get him warmed up a bit?” I popped the cap open and squeezed some of the oily substance into my palm and slowly worked it on my counterparts throbbing flesh. “I think we're good now...”

Baby, did you forget to take your meds? And the sex, and the drugs, and the complications.

Slowly he pushed into me, causing my body to jolt from the mixture of pain and pleasure. “Phoeeenix...” My dick instantly rose to its full length as his cock filled me. I never thought I would be doing something like this in my office, but there was kind of a rush to it.

“Fucking tight as hell.” he whispered, saying words I never heard him say. Sounded kind of sexy though... His hips began to shift as he moved that throbbing piece of flesh back out only to the tip and slammed back in once again.

I felt my body tremble with each movement he made as I felt myself already nearing a second peak. I was certain that phoenix must not have been too far behind either. “I don't know how much more I can take...” I locked my legs around him like a vice grip as he pumped a bit faster.

Baby, did you forget to take your meds?

I came hard onto Wright's chest, leaving a big spurge of spooge on him. He continued to to move in and out of me, loosening me up even more. “Miles, I'm gonna cum.” He announced, some how this got me even more excited, knowing that I was bringing the other male over the edge. Right as I felt the other hit his climax, I felt wave over wave of relief and pleasure wash over me. He pressed me against the couch and nibbled my neck lovingly.
“For some reason, I don't think thing will ever return to normal in the courtroom.” I stated softly.

“Oh, they will Miles... this has all just been a dream...” Phoenix whispered softly before my eyes reopened.

I was alone, falling free... trying my best not to forget...
