Pirates Of The Caribbean Fan Fiction ❯ Lost in Translation (Pirates of the Caribbean) ❯ A Kiss Between Friends ( Chapter 11 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Eleven:
A Kiss between Friends
Kaitlyn couldn't stop laughing as she sat beside Dallin. He'd been trying to teach her how to bluff at cards but she was doing a terrible job, mostly due to the few glasses of rum she had downed while he was teaching her.
“These bloody scallywags are gonna take all your money,” Ana Maria warned before taking another drink. Kaitlyn giggled a little and picked up her cards.
“No they won't,” she said.
“They will if you intend to play that hand.” Kaitlyn turned to see Jack looking over her shoulder, smirking.
“I can't very well bluff if you're telling everyone I have a terrible hand, now can I?” She asked.
“Is that what you were doin'? My apologies...go right ahead,” he said and sat down in an empty chair. Dallin started laughing which made Kaitlyn stand and shove her cards into his hands.
“Here, you bluff them. I'm going to go see if Gibbs is willing to speak to me yet,” she said and headed across the pub.
Jack sat watching Kaitlyn, not exactly sure how Gibbs was going to react when she approached him. `Might be breaking up a fight yet tonight.'
She only made it about half way across the room before a man approached her and started talking. Jack watched for a minute then decided to stand and walk over. He knew exactly what most of the men in the place were looking for.
“Come on, love...how much fer the night?” Kaitlyn laughed a little and tried to walk past the man that had been coming onto her, only to have him grab onto her arm and throw her off balance. Normally, she wouldn't have any problem standing up to drunken idiots but her mind was far too foggy to think straight enough for that.
“Don't think you can afford that lass, mate.” Jack said as he walked up. “Costs a bloody fortune.” Kaitlyn glared at him but said nothing to contradict him.
“Money's not a problem,” the man said, still holding onto her.
“Might not be a problem fer you, mate...but I already paid,” Jack was doing his best not to laugh at the look she was giving him, but at least she was smart enough to keep quiet. “Plenty of other women around, aye?”
“Aye, plenty of `em...you shouldn't have a problem findin' one fer yourself,” he replied, still not offering to let go of Kaitlyn's arm. Jack realized he was too drunk to be reasoned with and pulled his sword, letting the blade rest none too gently against his neck.
“This one will be coming with me, savvy?” The man stared down the blade for a moment then let go of her arm roughly.
“Take `er,” he said then pulled away from the sword quickly. Jack watched him stagger away before returning his blade.
“Thank you,” Kaitlyn said to him before turning to look for Gibbs again. The second she moved she got dizzy and stumbled slightly.
“I think it might be best to take you to the ship, love,” Jack said. He didn't particularly want to be stuck fending off drunken miscreants all night.
“But I was haven't spoken to Gibbs yet,” she said then started laughing at the memory of what had happened with him. Jack couldn't help but grin, himself, at the sound of her laughter.
“No love lost there, lass. Come on,” he said.
“What about my money?” She asked and glanced back at the table. Jack looked over as well then smirked.
“I'm sure the lad'll win ya a few hands,” he replied. He wasn't sure Dallin would ever fit in on a pirate ship; he was far too honest. Jack was positive that he'd return Kaitlyn's things to her the next day, fully accounted for. Kaitlyn finally nodded in agreement and followed Jack out of the pub and into the streets. There were people out and about, taking their good times outside. Jack quickly realized this wasn't the best of ideas, because suddenly Kaitlyn was giggling and talking to strangers as they passed by.
`Lass acts completely different when you get a bit of rum into her,' he thought in amusement. After an interesting and adventurous journey, they finally made it to the docks.
He followed Kaitlyn onto the deck of the ship, staying close enough to catch her if she lost her balance. He'd seen how gracefully she handled alcohol before, not that it wasn't amusing to watch. Every time she glanced at him she broke into giggles which he knew were a direct result of her little prank and the rum.
Abruptly, Kaitlyn stopped walking and turned to him, feeling the world around her still turning after she had stopped. She let out a slight gasp then broke into giggles again as she lost her balance and fell forward. Jack's eyes widened and he moved forward quickly, catching her before she ended up on the ground.
“Better get ya to the cabin, love,” he said as her giggling continued. Truthfully he wasn't quite sure how to handle her at the moment. Unlike his encounter with Elizabeth Swann, they weren't on an island with little hope of surviving, and the last time she had drank rum she had been hit hard by it and was half asleep.
`Knew that bloody bar keep was givin' us watered down rum,' he mused inwardly. He, himself, was barely affected by it, not surprisingly though. And rather than being near the brink of passing out from drinking it, Kaitlyn was merely tipsy and giggly. She nodded emphatically at the idea of going to the cabin then stopped herself when it made her dizzy.
Jack grinned a little at the way her eyes became unfocused when she moved too quickly, giving her an almost childish look. It was almost like déjà vu as they made they're way to the cabin, the only real difference being the incessant giggles. Once inside the cabin he let go of her so she could walk on her own. She had insisted on putting her new dress on and imagined she'd need to change out of it before trying to sleep. He didn't think any woman, no matter how drunk, could sleep in a corset. She nearly made it to the bed when she stopped and turned back to him.
“Where's Pepe?” she asked then looked around not finding him. Before Jack could even reply she spun around to check the rest of the room and lost her footing. Apparently, all thoughts of Pepe were gone because she was laughing again as she sat there on the floor next to the bed. Jack chuckled and walked over, offering her his hand, not entirely sure she'd make it safely to bed even though she was only two feet from it.
“Monkey's probably afraid ya'd fall on him,” he said when she took his hand and stood. She looked at him for a moment and then smiled.
“Thank you,” she giggled then leaned forward to kiss him. It seemed like a perfectly rational thing to do at the time. It was only polite to thank someone. Almost the second her lips brushed across his, he pulled back as if she had burnt him.
Jack saw a confused look wash over her face but kissing wasn't something that he did. Sharing a kiss was intimate and something he didn't do with whores and whores were all he'd ever known. His encounters had been nothing more than sex and lust. And there was something about kissing the mouth of someone that had probably been kissing and servicing other men that same night, that didn't quite appeal to him.
Kaitlyn swayed a little and again Jack steadied her, all the while watching her. He found it remarkable how sometimes the smallest things could catch someone's attention. Right now he found himself focusing on her lips. When was the last time he'd been this close to a woman that wasn't wearing at least three coats of make-up? He couldn't even remember.
“Kaitlyn...love,” he began. “I'll find yer pet for ya. Probably be best if you lay down `for ya fall down again, savvy?” She smiled up at him.
“That's the first time I've heard you say my name,” she said.
“That's not entirely true...Katie,” he said and grinned at her. She smiled again and though the giggling had finally stopped, he could tell she still wasn't thinking clearly. Again he found himself studying her face. Unlike the women he was used to, she wasn't caked in paint. This close to her, he could see the light freckles that had begun appearing on her nose and cheeks since she'd been out in the sun. Her green eyes had an unfocused yet innocent look about them with the lack of kohl; and the naturally soft pink color of her lips was actually inviting to him. He wasn't even sure if she'd kissed another man before, let alone spent her days the way a whore would have.
“That's right, I forgot about that, Mister Sparrow,” she said playfully. Rather than replying to her, he focused on his hand that had begun to massage her shoulder, almost on its own accord. The consequences of having a woman on board a ship were long forgotten as he let his hand wander to her neck and his thumb trace her jaw line soothingly. The gentle gesture caused her to close her eyes and let out a contented sigh. Jack hesitated for a moment and then leaned in, kissing her softly at first. She gave a startled gasp when his lips unexpectedly touched hers, then relaxed and let her self rest against him.
The sweet taste of rum was still lingering on her lips and when she didn't shove him away he let himself deepen the kiss. He could quickly tell she was inexperienced; rather than being forward and aggressive, she simply responded to him, which he found oddly arousing. Her fingers began tentatively exploring his chest and the more she touched him the more he began to feel that familiar ache. It had been far too long since he'd been with a woman and she seemed willing, though a part of him didn't think she would ever allow him to touch her this way if she were sober.
The man in him began to quickly over take the sensible part and he shrugged his coat off and let it fall to the floor then pulled her closer to him. She let out a soft moan which made him begin kissing her more hungrily, nearly devouring her lips, before breaking the kiss altogether. He heard her whimper in confusion but his mouth was already kissing and biting at her neck and ear.
Kaitlyn closed her eyes when he began kissing her neck. Everything was confusing to her at the moment. She was light headed from the rum and unsure about the feelings in her body. Honestly, she wasn't even entirely certain it was actually happening, it felt so surreal. He moved her back so that the wall could help support her then let his hand move from her waist to the bodice of her dress and began fumbling with it. In the back of her mind she knew she should say something to stop him but the words couldn't seem to form coherently in her mind.
After a moment she felt him push her bodice open then give a frustrated groan. His hand slid away from her corset and then she felt him reaching for something. She looked down and watched as he pulled out one of his smaller blades and bring it towards her. The sight sobered her almost instantly and she shoved him away from her.
“What are you doing?!” She nearly yelled not taking her eyes off the knife. After a second she glanced down at her open bodice then pulled it closed. “What am I doing?”
Again she looked up at Jack then closed her eyes taking in the situation fully. “Oh my God... what are we doing?” Jack glanced down at the blade and quickly realized it probably wasn't one of his best ideas. `Bloody corset.'
“Sorry, love,” he said as he put the knife away. He hadn't been thinking clearly and now the idea of pulling a blade on a less than sober woman probably wasn't quite the aphrodisiac he had been looking for.
“You should probably go,” she said then took a step forward and nearly fell to the floor. Again Jack grabbed onto her and lifted her back up before she could injure herself.
“Let's get you to bed first, eh, love?” She began to protest then looked up at him and nodded. The entire room felt like it was moving and she wasn't entirely sure she'd get to the bed safely on her own. After feeling her stumble once again, Jack simply slid his arm under her legs and carried her to the bed. Her lack of objection told him how close to passing out she was and an unusual sense of guilt was tugging at him. He'd been with whores far drunker than she was, yet this was different. She was years younger than him and truthfully he respected her far more than most people he associated with. He'd been quite close to taking advantage of her and it wasn't something he was particularly proud of.
“I'll find yer monkey for ya, lass,” he said after laying her on the bed. She mumbled something incoherently while trying to keep her eyes open but quickly lost the battle. Jack watched her for a moment then grabbed a blanket to cover her with and left the cabin.
He wasn't entirely sure how much she'd remember in the morning but knew he'd need to talk to her about what had happened. He pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind as he set out to find Pepe, knowing that it was the least that he could do for her.