Pokemon Fan Fiction / Death Note Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ 15 Minute Ficlets ❯ Theme #79 ( Chapter 79 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: The Repercussions
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Redshipping (Ash x Jessie)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #79, Haunted

Rating: G
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Warnings: AU, Het
There's a horribly frightened look in her eyes, and the next thing he knows, she's trying to drag him off to see a specialist even though he's fine!
“Misty!” Ash protests. “Stop!”
“But you like Jessie! What's wrong with you?”
“She's different now, Misty.” Ash said. “And we're neighbors, and friends, and I haven't even told her yet! What are you getting so worked up about?”
Jessie was pretty, and she'd learned how to tone down her temper. He'd asked James, who said that it was worth a shot. After all, James wasn't interested in Jessie - at least not that way.
Brock had cheered when Ash had told him the news, saying that it was about time he found a girl to like.
And Jessie was pretty. So there!
Ash pulled his arm out of Misty's grip and resolutely walked towards the diner. He had a confession to make.
Misty watched him go, stunned.
It wasn't fair…
End Fic
Completed 12/18/07
This takes place in the same universe where J&J got booted out of TR and now run a diner in Pallet. I believe its Theme #75