Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Paths meet ❯ Funnyist Chapter ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well uhh before we get into the story i just wanna let ya guys know i don't own Inuyasha or Pokemon..but soon..i WILL MWAHAHAHAHA ::cough:: oh umm forget i said that..now on with the show!

This Chapter is mostly about...well Everyone!!! ^^

Hee's back!

Chapter 7

"Hey Misty..sorry i gave you a scare"Ash said jumping down next to her and slashing the cage away with his hand.

"Ash?!..how are you alive!?"She said hugging the life outta him.

"Me and Inu created a kind of livelike dummy just in case..but.."Ash said hugging Misty back."I'm afriad Pikachu and the Pokemon..were real"

"What!?"Mash said steping back in fear.

Ash shot a death glare at Mash making him shake in fear.

"You!"Ash let go of Misty and started to walk over to Mash."You don't know how hard it was to watch Pikachu die..i'll make you feel his pain"

"Bring it on Blue boy(Cause he changed his clothes in Advanced Generation..you'll get to see it next year on kidswb)!"mash said before Ash punched him in his face.

"Misty..there's an exit not to far from here..Brock and Hakari need your help..go and if i survive this i'll come back to you"Ash said not noticing that Mash was quietly getting up behind him.

"But..What if you don't make it out?"Misty asked.

"I will Misty.."Ash said.

'i will not lose this..i shall take over the girls mind!'Mash thought.

"Alright but be careful"Misty said.

Ash gave her a thumbs up.

'NOW!'Mash threw wave beams into Misty's mind And Misty just turned around with an Evil Smirk on her face.(Will the story ever end!?!)

"Misty?"Ash said.

"heh..what?"She said trying to hide the evilness in her heart."What do you want?"

"Nothing..anyway get going"Ash said remembering that Mash was still alive.

"Whatever dude"She replied walking forward but quickly hiding behind a corner.

"Be good Misty".."Now..time for busniess"

"What?"Mash had an evil Smirk and winked.

"What?"Ash turned around to see what he winked out but soon found out that what he did was pretty stupid.Mash struck Ash in the Stomach Ash coughed up blood along with spit and Mash kneed him in the face.

"Yeah Mash go go go!"Misty cheered.

"W-what?"Ash said wiping the blood from his mouth."Misty-ahhhgh!"

Mash sliced Ash in his nose leaving a huge scar.(Just like Squall from Final Fantasy 8)

"Thank you my adoreing fans! for my next trick i shall beat the living shit out of Ash!"Mash proudly said.

~6 hours later~

"Lay down some towels this is getting a little too blooda!"Mash said still punching Ash in Places.

"sure!"Misty said.

(Can you guys......and evil girls imagine Ash in pain and bloody?..i can't..uh-oh demon girls coming bye ::runs away:: you'll never catch me muwahahahahahaha!!! ::trips:: oops..nooooooooo!!)

Ash fell on his knees."Misty..i tried.."Ash fell down with a soft thud.

Mash steped on Ash's head."well i say that went quite well"Mash said wiping the blood from his kunckles."I could of left his gall bladder there..but..i can't go back to the past"

"Hey look on the bright side..

( ::has a black eye and as we speak is getting beaten up by thousands of girls:: ahh ouch and keep in mind that Mash looks just like Ash but he's more of the color red-ouch! hey that's my spine ouch my spleen!)

"..his gall bladder missing well give him a Stomach Ulcer killing him faster"Misty said watching the blood on the floor.

~Inuyasha (agh!! i almost forgot about him.. ::gasps:: i'm not a true Inuyasha fan ::punches self 1 hundred times plus the demon girl punches::)~

"Whaaat!?"Kagome almost fainted.

"What the hell happened here!?"Inuyasha ran down to Brock and (her dubbed name is Mel..pretty stupid but i'll change it) Mel."I see the dummy didn't defeat him..shit"

"Inuyasha!?!"Izzy ran over to him."We thought you were dead!"

"Long story kid"Inuyasha stood up and looked at Naraku."woha..you've been working out dude"

"Inuyasha!"Kagome yelled runing into his arms.

"Awwwh..."Naraku sighed.He then slaped himself and growled.

~Ash...wait...ight.. Mash and Misty~

"oh..man.."Ash blinked hard and and shook his head."I feel like i got beaten up for 6 hours and got my head steped on my Mash while Misty and Him talked about my Gall bladder..but that's crazy"( HEY YOU STUPID IDIOT THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!)

"Whoa your really have a good memory Ashy"Misty said coming into his view.

"M-Misty? that in the blue heck are you doing here? Mash could be back any minute..speaking of Mash..why in the blue heck am i straped on the wall thingy!?"

"I dunno..ask Mash"She said spining around on her toes.







"Darn it leave Misty! he's coming"He yelled out.

"huh?"She stoped spining."Is that a bad thing?"

"Of course it's a bad thing Mash is a Demon from the deepest layer of hell!!..well not really it's a nickname but he's some kinda of demon of course that's bad!"


"Don't you ever diss Mash like that!"Misty yelled slaping him.


"So what do you have to say for yourself?"She asked.

"Mash has done something with you Misty.."Ash said.

"heheheheh..you catch on quick dude"A voice said.

"Mash! Give me back Misty!"

"huh? i have no idea what you mean..she's right there..you know the red headed girl with the sharp blade in her hands ready to slice you up..That's Misty...isn't it?"The Voice answered.

"Ready Ash?"Misty asked.

"M-Misty you wouldn't!"Ash said.

"Well of course i would!"She said."Now hold still..you should feel the slight dying sensation.."

"Misty no i beg you!"

Misty's eyes went from blood red to dull blue.

"A-A-Ash.."Misty's voice was crackling.

"WHAT!?"Mash yelled out.

"...."Ash was silent waiting for the death blow.

"Ash.."Misty's mind was confusing.One Part was telling her to KILL DESTROY SEND BLOOD FLYING INTO THE UNDERWOOD MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!!..whatever that meant..and the other part was saying KISS HIM SAY YOUR SORRY OR SOMETHING YOU DAMN BASTERED IDIOT SON OF A-"Ash!!"Misty ran into his arms..well Stomach i should say.She was crying her eyes out.

"This..isn't happening..twice in one day.."Mash said his eyes widing.

"Misty..your back"Ash sighed.

"I'm so sorry Ash"She burried her face into his clothes.

"It's ok..as long as your safe...but i need to get out of the wall thingys.."He said moving a bit.

"Don't move your hurt.."She said wiping her tears away.

"Hey you catch on quick Misty ya know i have the cuts and burises and their's a large slice on my Stomach thanks for noticing i'm Injured!"

"Shut up!..hey maybe this Sword will work"She said picking it up.

"Misty..i can't feel my arms..or my legs...hurry"Ash said blinking slowly.

"Alright"Misty said slicing his left arm and leg chain thingys then the right side.

"enh!"Ash fell on the ground.

Misty ran to him and knelt by his side.

"Ash Ash are you alright"

"Yes.."Ash said getting up.

Mash's eyes glowed a blood red color and his body started to glow black.

"uhg..what's up with you?"

"You have kept my plans on hold long enough!!"Mash said as he started to grow fangs and claws."I will not let you live any longer!!!"

"Whoa.."Ash took a clumsey step back and triped."Misty i mean it get out!"

"right be careful!"She said runing out.

"Good the girl is gone..now i will show no Mercy upon you!"

"Well like they say!"Ash said.

"What?"Mash asked getting ready to kill.

"Bring it on Willy!"

End of CHapter 7

:::Laying on the hospital bed:: well i say i got away from those girls safe...anyway i should be posting more very soon.


Thanks for my only 2 reviews!