Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My destiny ❯ A suprise visit ( Chapter 3 )

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My Destiny

By: Myst_Lady

[1]mbmflips@yahoo.com or [2]myst_lady@hotmail.com

Note: Usual disclaimer applies here. Sailor Moon and Pokémon belongs
to respective companies.

This was a unfinished crossover fan fiction from two and a half years
ago. I owe this favor **a lot** to very special person.

Recaps from Part 2: The heart-broken Brock dreams to meet the right
girl for him. Trouble stirs in Tokyo, Japan when Chaos' evil plans
backfired. Super Sailor Venus saves the life of a friend when it ended
up endangering herself...

Part 3: A surprise visit...

"Aw!" Meowth bellowed, holding on his tail. His tail was swelling in

"Quiet! You idiot!" Jesse exclaimed, clamping his mouth shut. "Do you
want those losers to ruin our plan this time?" Mewoth answered by
biting onto Jesse's fingers.

"Ouch!" Jesse yelled, massaging her fingers. "What was that for!"

"That was for stepping on to my tail. Thanks to you!" Meowth
complained, showing his swelling tail. "Next time watch where you're

"Quit complaining!" Jesse ordered. "We've got better things to do!
Boys, we're in a treat for tonight!" She rubbed her hands greedily.
"We're going to nab Pikachu once in for all!" Her eyes twinkled in
excitement. "Boys, you're ready?" After that moment, there was
silence. "James, Meowth? Where are you?" Jesse called out. She was
answered by a loud snore coming from behind her. She turned around to
find her team sleeping peaceful against the trees. She had a furious
look in her face. "Wake up!" She screamed.

"What?" Both James and Meowth woke up in surprise.

"We're supposed to nab Pikachu remember?" Jesse asked sternly with her
hands on her hips and her foot tapping impatiently.

"Oh, can't we do it tomorrow?" James complained. "I'm to tired. I want
to go back to sleep!"

"Yeah, where's a cat supposed to get a good night sleep around here?"
Meowth said, looking crossed. "We have tomorrow Jesse. We can
terrorize them the whole day if you want."

"Well, I have no time or patient for that at least!" Jesse answered,
dragging her team away. She tossed them in front of the bushes. They
spied their enemies from there.

"Brock, aren't you tired yet?" Misty asked. His friends were getting
ready to sleep. "I think I'll turn in a little while." Brock

"Okay!" Misty replied, sliding inside her sleeping bag. "Good night,
Brock!" His friends called out.

"Good night" Brock echoed, staring out at the sky.

"How long is he going to be that way?" Meowth asked impatiently.

"Be patient!" Jesse whispered. After seeing Brock went to sleep,
"Alright, let's go! Put on your costume!"

Each of them was wearing a bush, to penetrate their disguises and get
closer to Pikachu. As planned, it was Jesse who first came near to
Pikachu and she sprayed the sleeping Pokémon with a sleeping gas. She
stuffed Pikachu inside a knapsack.

Team Rocket quietly retreated back to their hiding places, inside
those bushes. "Come on, let's go!" Jesse said, tossing her costume

"That was a brilliant plan Jesse!" James said.

"Couldn't have it done better myself!" Meowth said, sounding

"Why, thank you!" Jesse said. "Now, let's take this to the boss and
get our promotion!"

They ran like sneaky thieves into the night. Everything was going well
except when the atmosphere in the forest began to change. The forest
became to quiet and cold all of a sudden. Meowth stopped dead in his
tracks. His ears went up and felt goose bumps prickled on his skin. He
sensed danger nearby.

"What's the matter?" James asked. Both he and Jesse stopped running.

"Quit stalling!" Jesse ordered. "Do you want those losers to find out
Pikachu's missing?"

"Something isn't right here!" Meowth said, shaking. "I don't like
this!" He took a cover behind James for safety.

"Stop this silliness, Meowth!" Jesse ordered. "It's only your

"Oh yeah? What's that?" Meowth declared. A moaning sound echoed
throughout the forest.

"What could that be?" James asked in a terrified voice. His teammates
huddled closer.

"I'm not going to stay here and find out that's for sure!" Meowth
announced, running away.

"Hey, wait up!" His team called out. A blast of cold wind swept the
forest. Tress began to shake with leaves rustling furiously. Thunder
rolled in, making loud crashing noises. Team Rocket couldn't fight
their way through the sudden storm. The wind blew the knapsack away
from Jesse. "No!" She yelled, reaching her hand out. "Our work!" she

"Our ticket to freedom!" James moaned.

Team Rocket watched sadly as the knapsack disappeared, heading for the
other direction.

"Here, comes more bad news!" Meowth said, his fingers pointing. A
large portal opened suddenly at the dark sky and a chaotic energy came
bursting out..

"Yips!" They screamed. "Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!"
They were all blasted by gigantic energy...

* * *

Ash, Misty and Brock woke up from a chattering noise. They were all
surprised to see their pokémon out of their balls.

"What's up guys?" Ash asked. Onyx answered first by roaring loudly, he
pointed to a blackhole in the sky. A tiny orange light came out,
plunging downwards.

"What was that!" Misty said, sounding afraid. "A UFO?"

"I don't know what it is," Brock said. "We've better check it out

"Squirtle! Squirtle!" Squirtle exclaimed, jumping up and down. Brock
looked over to Squirtle pointing towards the forest. A storm was
coming near them.

"Guys, we better hit it! There's a storm coming up!" Brock warned.

"Alright, guys back to your places!" Ash said. With their pokémon back
safely inside their balls, Ash and his friends quickly retrieved their

"Wait! Pikachu's missing!" Misty exclaimed.

"What? But Pikachu was sleeping beside me!" Ash said alarmed. "Where
could he gone off to in the middle of the night?"

"I bet Team Rocket is behind all this!" Brock said grimly.

"We've better find Pikachu then!" Ash said. "You knows what Team
Rocket might do!"

"What? Are you crazy?" Misty pulled him back. "You can't take off when
there's a storm. It's dangerous!"

"But what about Pikachu?" Ash said. "He's my best friend. I can't let
anything happen to him."

"Besides, Pikachu wouldn't want to let anything happen to you right?
We'll find him in the morning." Brock reassured him.

"Alright..." Ash said reluctantly. "I'll find you, Pikachu. I
promised..." He ran after his friends...

* * *

The unconscious and injured Sailor Venus entered another dimension,
similar to Earth. With her body drained out of energy, she plunged
downwards to her doom

* * *

"JIGGLYPUFFFFFFF!" Jigglypuff screamed, being chased by a terrifying
Charizard. Jigglypuff accidentally stumbled unto a sleeping Charizard,
mistakenly for a bush after hiding and following Ash and his friends
on their journey.

"CHARIZARDD!!! (Say your prayer pipsqueak! No one is going to save you
now!) Charizard growled. He flaps his wing and flew upwards. He opened
his mouth and a blazing fire came out.

"Jiggly! (What am I going to do now?)" Jigglypuff exclaimed.
Jigglypuff couldn't sing the lullaby song since Charizard was too
powerful to attack back.

Suddenly, Jigglypuff felt the ground tremble and she tripped forwards.
Closing her eyes, she humiliating turned to face her enemy. She opened
her eyes after hearing Charizard moaned. She saw a girl lying on top
of her enemy. Jigglypuff jumped up for joy. She soon gasped as
Charizard began to rise, rubbing its head gently. A knapsack flew by,
hitting Charizard on its head. Charizard yelped and ran cowardly for
safety. The knapsack dropped beside the girl.

"Jiggly! Jiggly! (Serves you right for attacking smaller, defenseless
pokémon!)" Jigglypuff said angrily, waving her tiny fists in the air.
Jigglypuff turned around to face her savior.

"Jiggly! Jiggly! (I wonder who can she be? She's so pretty!)"
Jigglypuff stared at the face of Sailor Venus. She nudged her but
Sailor Venus didn't respond.

"Jigglypuff! (Please wake up!" Jigglypuff begged, trying to awaken
Sailor Venus. Tears started to fall on Jigglypuff's sad face.



1. mailto:mbmflips@yahoo.com
2. mailto:myst_lady@hotmail.com