Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Hamtaro Fan Fiction / FLCL Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Koala Kaos ❯ Chapter 1: Enter the koala ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

################Koala Kaos!##########################

Disclaimer: I don't own any shows in this fic, but I wish I did.

eniol8r: This is my first fic but it is original. This fic is about evil koalas that travel through different worlds of anime, cartoons, and other things. Now, onto the chapter.

$$$$$$$$$$$$Chapter 1: Enter the koala$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Somewhere, in Antafrica, something big was about to come down….

Archeololigist guy: My word! Something big came down! That giant sumo wrestler fell right out of the sky!

Sumo wrestler: X_X

Archeololigist guy: Are you okay?

Sumo wrestler: Ahhugh…

And now, somewhere in some other place…

Dora: We did it! We did it! We did it, yay!

(A giant spaceship comes and crashes into Dora)

Monkey guy that always follows Dora around: What the hell did you do!?

Nickolodeon producer dude: What are you doing!? You can't say that on Nick Jr.!!!

(Sniper rifle bullet comes out of nowhere and kills the monkey thing)

Nickolodeon producer guy: Well, that takes care of that.

Some guy: Swiper no sniping!

Swiper: Oh man. (Falls down the hill he was on)Oh! Ow! Ooch! Ahhhhh! My legs! My-y legs! (Hits the bottom and dies)

Evil music starts playing as a koala crawls out of the spaceship.

Pikachu: Fuck.

Producer guy #2: Not again!

Koala #1: Yeeeeaaaah. Now, let's go koalas, and take over the universe! (Lightning starts flashing in the background)

Pikachu: (Suddenly blows up in a nuclear explosion)

Koala #2: Now, let's go to Endsville!

(At Endsville)

Koala #365248:Are we there yet?

Koala commander #1: Yes, I think.

(At Billy's house)

Billy: Oh yeah! Bake that cake!

Video game: Let's smell what Pat the Baker's cooking!

Mandy: Billy, did you let out a horde of evil koalas bent on world domination?

Billy: Nope.

Mandy: Yeah right.


Koala #2: (Has a huge enhilater gun thingy) Now, where is the Loch Ness Monster!?

Grim: You stupid koalas! The Loch Ness Monster isn't eve- (Gets the top half of his body blown off)

Koala Commander #2: I told you! You get the answer then you blast them! (Notices the scythe) Hmm…

Mandy: (Has a shotgun) All right. Prepare to die fuzzy animals of death! (Keeps blasting the koalas)

Sirens come up

Police guy #1: All right lady. Get in the back!

Mandy: But what about the evil koalas bent on destruction!

Police guy #1: (Stares at the koalas for about ten minutes) Hey! You're right! Those are koalas! How cute!

Mandy: Fucking morons. (Gets in the back and goes away)

Koala commander #2: So, the Grim Reaper's scythe…Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

Bum bum bum!

eniol8r: Evil koalas! Action! Adventure! Pure stupidity! Please review.