Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Get Those Hedgehogs! ❯ New friends, more enemies ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. Ash, Misty, Brock and all the Pokemon belong to Pokemon. Sonic and Amy belong to SEGA.
Sonic slowed to a stop in front of a huge building with a “P” on the front.
“Sonic, what is this place?” Amy asked.
Sonic shrugged. “Hopefully someplace to tell us where we are.”
A voice could be heard behind them saying, “Wow, mommy, look at those Pokemon!”
Sonic and Amy turned around to see a little kid and it's mother staring at them.
“What did she call us?” Amy whispered to Sonic.
Sonic didn't answer. His gaze was fixed on something behind the mother and it's child. He couldn't figure out what it was, so he squinted his eyes.
Amy followed his gaze and gasped at what she saw. It was a huge green bug of some type. It had ferocious, razor-sharp blades as hands and wings that flapped continuously, four of them to be exact.
“I don't know what kind of Pokemon they are…” the mother said. “Scyther, do you know what type these are?”
The bug shook its head.
`So that's its name, Scyther, weird one too,' Sonic thought.
“Mommy, can we catch them?” the kid asked.
“No dear, we have to take you to school, remember?” the mother replied.
The kid nodded as it walked away with the Scyther.
“Sonic, what did they call us?” Amy asked again.
“Uh, it started with a `P', I can't remember. It went like…” Sonic replied, thinking.
“POKEMON!!” an unknown voice shouted.
Sonic and Amy turned around to face three people. One had black hair, a blue coat and jeans with a red hat on his head. The one to the boy's right was a female. She had red hair that went up in a pony-tail that rested along the side of her head. She also wore a yellow tang top with turquoise shorts that had straps across her shoulders and back. The girl carried a, egg-looking creature. The third person was tan and had short, spiky brown hair. He also had an orange shirt with a green vest and dark brown pants.
Suddenly, a yellow, mouse-like creature jumped on top of the black-haired boy's shoulder, saying, “Pikachu!”
“Whoa! First a giant bug, now a mouse? Amy where on Mobius are we?” Sonic asked.
“They can talk?” the red-head said surprised.
“Whoa! That makes them even cooler! Okay, you new Pokemon, you're mine!” the black-haired boy announced.
“Uh, Ash?” the red-head interrupted before the kid known as “Ash” got a hold of one of his poke-balls.
“What?” Ash asked.
“Aren't you gonna find out what type they are?” the red-head said.
“Oh, right, I forgot, Misty,” Ash replied, with a hand behind his head.
“If that means something with DNA, I am outta here!” Sonic announced.
“DNA, what's that?” Ash asked, pulling out a red object. It looked much like a miniaturized book, except also mechanical.
Ash pointed the red device at the two hedgehogs, which stood perfectly still, ready for a blast from the boy, but one never came, instead, the red device said, “Pokemon, unknown.”
While Ash put Dexter back in his pocket, he said, “Great! This means that these Pokemon are rare!”
“What's a whatchamacallit?” Ash asked.
“How am I supposed to know?” Misty said.
“Well, it might be a…” the tan-one said.
“Brock, we don't need your half-an-hour talk right now,” Misty interrupted.
Brock smiled. “Sorry.”
“We are getting way off subject; I think it's time to catch some pokemon!” Ash exclaimed.
“Fine! I get the pink one!” Misty said.
“And I'll get the blue one!” Ash yelled.
“And we're outta here!” Sonic exclaimed before grabbing Amy's hand and running off in two colors: blue and pink.
“Pikachu! Thunder Bolt!” Ash commanded.
The mouse animal (pokemon) was surrounded by electricity, and shot it towards the quickly fading sight of two hedgehogs.
Unfortunately, the shot made contact, and the Mobians fell to the ground, panting.
“Great shot! Now, hit them with quick attack!”
Pikachu did as told and collided with the hedgehogs, making them separate.
Sonic weakly stood up to face his opponent. Amy got to her feet, also, and got ready for anything that may attack her.
“My turn!” Misty yelled, running up to the fight, “I choose…”
Just then, a duck-like pokemon came out of her backpack, and said, “Psyduck?”
“No! PSYDUCK! Come back in your poke-ball!” After Misty said that, a red beam came out of a red and white ball, and engulfed the duck, retracting him back inside.
“Now, I choose Staryu!” Misty commanded, and threw another pokeball, which let a tan colored star come out.
“Staryu! Water gun!” Misty exclaimed, and Staryu did as his master said, hitting Amy with great force.
Once it stopped, Amy looked dripping wet, and had an agitated look on her face.
“Alright! That's it! No more miss nice hedgehog!” Amy pulled out her Piko Piko Hammer, and swung it with all she had at Staryu. It made contact, and Staryu slid away, slightly damaged.
“Staryu! Are you alright?” Misty asked concerned.
“Hayyaw!” Staryu replied jumping to it's feet.
“Okay, now Swift attack!”
Staryu shot a bunch of stars at Amy. Amy cried out in pain, and soon fell to the ground, unconscious.
“Alright! Pink one, you are mine!” Misty yelled throwing a pokeball at the wounded hedgehog.
It bounced off Amy, and engulfed her in a red light, calling her inside.
Sonic couldn't help Amy, because he had problems of his own, too.
“Alright, Pikachu, Thunder Bolt!” Ash commanded.
“Pikachu!” Pikachu replied, trying to electrocute the blue blur, but he dodged every move.
Suddenly, he ran by Pikachu, causing Pikachu to fall of it's feet!
“Pikachu, Thunder Bolt!”
Pikachu tried again, and made a direct hit.
Sonic fell to the ground, wounded. But conscious.
“Pikachu, quick attack!”
Pikachu struck Sonic again.
“What…do you want…from us?” Sonic asked weakly.
“Just to have you as my Pokemon,” Ash replied.
“But, I am not a Pokemon!” Sonic exclaimed.
“You're not?”
“No! I am a Mobian!”
“What's a Mobian?”
“They are from a different world…” Brock interrupted the conversation.
“How did you know?” Sonic asked, trying to get up.
“I just realized something, I heard when I was young that there were many different worlds, only some other ones produced life, and you guys are from one of them,” Brock said, “But, how did you get here?”
Sonic quickly explained the cave and the plant to Brock and Ash, and now Misty who waked up to the group triumphant about catching Amy.
“Oops,” Misty said, and she released Amy, who ran instantly to Sonic and hugged him.
“Amy…you're choking…me,” Sonic gasped.
Amy didn't care, she was so frightened.
“So, her name is Amy?” Ash asked, “Then what's yours?”
“…Sonic…” the blue hedgehog replied, struggling to get free from Amy's grip.
“It must have been Mew….” Brock whispered.
“What?” Ash and Misty asked in union.
Amy finally let her grip go on Sonic and sat down to listen to what Brock had to say.
“Mew must have sent you here…But why?” Brock asked.
“Oh yeah, Mew has unknown powers, so she can do a whole bunch of things that we don't know, but don't ask me why, I think it might have been an accident,” Ash shrugged.
“I agree,” Sonic said, now standing up.
“Then how are we going to get home?” Amy asked.
“How about we ask Professor Oak?” Misty suggested.
“Good idea, but I have no clue who he is,” Sonic said.
“He is a friend of ours,” Brock explained as they left to find the nearest phone.
“Friends are nice, I guess…” Sonic muttered as he and Amy followed their new friends.
Meanwhile, little did the group know that they were being watched by a camera created by none other than Giovanni.
“Hmm, interesting, new Pokemon, and very rare too. But those three brats are with them. I have seen how those creatures fight, and the blue one's speed may be of some use. The pink one's ability with her hammer is most splendid. Yes, I shall have these Pokemon, and those brats cannot stand in my way! Hannah and Raphael?” Giovanni summoned.
Two figures in costumes much like Jessie's and James's (I won't tell you about them, since you probably know what they look like) stepped from behind the shadows.
“Yes, sir?” Hannah, the female asked, twirling a lock of her long blonde hair around her finger.
“I want those two new Pokemon, and bring them to me. Get rid of those brats while you're at it,” Giovanni commanded, his eyes not leaving the screen.
“Yes sir,” Raphael said, bowing, with a hint of light showing his short black hair.
The two members left silently, to start their mission…
Well? Are you gonna review? Or am I gonna have to start the next chapter without any? Now, that would be rude if you aren't going to review and just read, so please review. But, then again, don't just do it because I told you to, kay? Anyway, until next time…SEE YA LATER!!!!!!!!