Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Azumanga Daioh Fan Fiction ❯ MST3K: Love In All The Wrong Places ❯ Part III ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

MIROKU: I could sure use a hug right now. [sneaks a glance at Yamisui, who ignores him]

"Ivy, I am so sorry about this." He said.
"Well, make it stop now I don't want you guys to fight anymore." Ivy replied.
"Thank you for standing by me, I know how difficult it was for you." Mewtwo said.
"That's what friends are for honey." Ivy said as she kissed him on the cheek. Mewtwo smiled and looked around the stadium, Ash had gotten better with the help of the pokemon's tears.

CHIYO: Pikachu's Miracle Poke-tears-instantly converts stone to flesh!

KAMUI: Wait…isn't that alchemy? Doesn't Pikachu have to sacrifice an arm now or something?

YAMISUI (drooling): Ooooo…Pikachu, can you transmogrify Michelangelo's "David" for me? Pleeeeeeeeeease?

"Ivy, I must speak with Mew for a moment." Mewtwo said.
"Okay." Ivy replied.
Mew and Mewtwo talked about how Ash had sacrificed himself to save the pokemon.

INUYASHA: What happened to all the clones? Why didn't THEY join in the war?

CHIYO: Uh….maybe they're all sitting in the bleachers?

This made him open his eyes and his heart, he decided to go and live with Mew.

MIROKU: …because New Island's legislature did not yet accept civil unions between Mews…

Mewtwo and Mew used their powers to pick up all of the cloned pokemon,

INUYASHA: So they were all lying in some sort of heap on the floor?

and before Mewtwo left he flew down to Ivy.
"Ivy, I am going to leave only you with the memory of me. Ash and the others will for get all that has transpired here." Mewtwo said.

ALL: Heyyy! What about US?!

"Okay Mewtwo, but aren't you going to take me with you?" Ivy asked.
"I would Ivy, but I need to be alone with my fellow clones for a while. But I promise that next time we meet, you and I will be together forever."

KAMUI (Mewtwo): …in death…

Mewtwo replied.
Ivy hung her head and started to cry. Mewtwo put his finger under her chin and lifted her head.

MIROKU (Mewtwo/Casablanca): Here's lookin' at you, kid.

"We will meet again Ivy, I promise." He said as he hugged her tightly, before deep kissing her

NARUTO and INUYASHA (turning green): BLAUGH!

and taking off for Mew's home.
"Mewtwo, I will always love you!" Ivy said.

YAMISUI: …to quote Dolly Pardon…

MIROKU (dreamily): Oh, to be engulfed in that woman's breasts…

INUYASHA: Miroku! Really, there're children present!


"And I will continue to care for you as well Ivy, just keep me close to your heart and some day, destiny will bring us back together." Mewtwo replied as he used his powers to transport Ivy and everyone else back to wharf where their journey had started.

KAMUI (grumbling): They really shouldn't be bringing Worf into this…

Once the group was back at the wharf, Ash starting asking about what they were doing at the wharf in the first place. Misty and Brock didn't have the answer and Ivy just sat there quietly and started wondering when she would see Mewtwo again.
She continued to follow Ash and his friends for almost a year.

YAMISUI: Whoa…HUGE time jump here. Methinks the author should've inserted a hearty " * * * * * * * " at this point.

Until one night while she was asleep, Mewtwo came to her in a dream.

NARUTO: …wearing a chicken suit and carrying a mace…

"Mewtwo, where are you now?" Ivy asked.

INUYASHA (Mewtwo): Hell.

KAMUI: Me too.

MIROKU: Me too.

YAMISUI: Me too.

CHIYO: Me too.

NARUTO: Me too.

"I have found peace in the Joto region, on mount Kana." Mewtwo answered.

KAMUI (Mewtwo): I have joined the cult of the Yeti…

"Thank you Mewtwo, now it won't be long before we are together once again." Ivy said as she reached out to touch his hand. But just as she touched to soft skin of his hand, Mewtwo vanished.
"Ivy woke up, and packed her bag and left in search of a

YAMISUI: …better fanfic…

way to get to the Joto region.
It was dawn before Ivy got to a pier and the boat that was going to the Joto region. The only unfortunate thing, was that the boat stopped in Cherry Grove City.

NARUTO: Oh NO! Not Cherry Grove City!

MIROKU: Well-known for their red-light district, but really once you've been with one Cherry Grove whore you've seen them all…


It was in the Joto region, but Mount Kana was deep in that region and Ivy would have to travel a ways to get back with Mewtwo.
Ivy started walking deep into the forest that would eventually lead her to Mount Kana. Ivy saw a Pidgot drinking at a small pond, Ivy had always been good with pokemon

YAMISUI: *snickers* Getting them into bed, anyway…

and so went up to the Pidgot and asked it if it would mind giving her a ride.

ALL: O_o

The Pidgot was reluctant at fist

KAMUI: …because birds in general don't have fists…

but Ivy told it that she would give it some food and the pokemon agreed to carry her twenty miles and then she would be on her own. Ivy agreed to this and soon was on the pokemon's back, flying through the air. After they had flown the twenty miles, the Pidgot let Ivy off and Ivy gave it half an orange and some raspberries

NARUTO: Thbbbbppppppp!

that she had, had in her bag. The pokemon was grateful and took off leaving Ivy alone once again.

CHIYO (sings): "All byyyyyy myself…"

YAMISUI (sings): "Don't wanna be/All byyyyyy myself…"

CHIYO and YAMISUI (sing): "…anymore…"

By late afternoon, Ivy had reached Azalea town, but was completely exhausted. Ivy went to the town pokemon center and got a room, she fell asleep really quick with hopes that she would be in Mewtwo's arms again soon.

INUYASHA: Then why is she SLEEPING? She's burning daylight, the slacker!

Ivy woke up in the early evening, around six o'clock. Ivy grabbed her bag and filled it with some food

KAMUI (author): "Namely, a corned beef sandwich, complete with twelve grapes, a Yoo-hoo, and three Oreo cookies…"

and continued on her way. She was looking for another pokemon to get a ride from,

MIROKU: Sort of like the village bicycle, isn't she?

when she came up to a very large lake.
"How am I going to get across this?" Ivy asked herself.

INUYASHA: Swimming?

CHIYO: Building a raft of logs lashed together with vines?

Ivy waited patiently for a pokemon to pass by, when she sees a feraligater

NARUTO (Arnold Schwartzenegger): I am the Feraligater, here to feraligate you!

and calls out to it Ivy asks the pokemon if he would give her a ride across the lake, but the pokemon refused even after Ivy tried to bribe him with food. Ivy thanked him anyway and just waited for another pokemon to pass by. After waiting for about two hours, Ivy finally sees a blastoise pass by.

KAMUI: Meanwhile, back in the past tense…

She called out to it and asked him the same question, the blastoise agreed to carry Ivy across the lake. Ivy thanked the pokemon for the ride and started looking for another pokemon to get a ride from. Ivy walked for about four hours, before asking and receiving a ride from a Fearow. The pokemon, flew Ivy forty-five miles before making her get off and walk the rest of the way. Ivy thanked the Fearrow and gave it a piece of steak as a reward.

INUYASHA: *snort* What, she just HAPPENS to be carrying a hunk of spoilable meat with her all this way?

YAMISUI: Theoretically, for every mile you carry raw meat in the wilds the odds favor you getting your head hollowed out and eaten by bears.

It was getting late and Ivy was getting tired. She had just reached Goldenrod City and again got a room at a pokemon center.
For the next few weeks, Ivy kept bumming rides off pokemon and she was getting closer to her destination everyday. Finally one night, Ivy was riding on another Fearow when mount Kana came into view. Ivy knew that, that was it and told the pokemon that she needed him to fly her to the top of it. The Fearow did as he was asked, and soon Ivy was on the top of mount Kana and landed on the small island that she knew Mewtwo was living on.

KAMUI (wincing): Apparently the author was writing fanfiction in elementary school during the lesson where they explained the difference between an island and a mountain.

Ivy thanked the Fearow and gave him the rest of her food. Which was half of a ham sandwich and an apple.

CHIYO: ………. That ham must've been pretty green by then…

NARUTO: Guess it'd go with the eggs she brought, then.

After the pokemon left, Ivy started looking around for Mewtwo.
"He maybe asleep." Ivy said to herself.
Ivy continued to look around, until she saw a pikachu with black tips on its ears. She knew that, that was Mewtwo's pikachu

INUYASHA: …by the giant M.T. tattooed on its ass…

Ivy started walking over to it, then it looked up and started to stare at her.
"Hey little guy, tell me, is Mewtwo here? Please tell me he's here." Ivy said.

MIROKU (sarcastically): Oh, I hope he's not. I just LOVE hearing descriptions of all the wilderness Ivy crosses, and all the Pokemon she uses… hahahahahaha

INUYASHA: Miroku, don't let it break you! That's what Naraku WANTS…

The pikachu froze, it had been to long since he had seen Ivy and did not remember her. He looked at Ivy and then started calling for Mewtwo, telling him that there was a human on the island. Mewtwo was up on top of the island's highest peek, when he heard his friend calling for him.

NARUTO (Mewtwo's friend): Yodelaheehoooooooooo!

Mewtwo, quickly flew down to where his pikachu and Ivy were. Mewtwo landed and glared at Ivy, not knowing at the moment that he was looking at his old friend.

YAMSUI: WHY the hell NOT?! Does this guy have NO cumulative memory WHATSOEVER?

"Who are you, and how did you get up here?" Mewtwo demanded.
"Mewtwo, don't you remember me?" Ivy asked.

Mewtwo stood there and looked at Ivy for a minute, before realizing who she was.

KAMUI: Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, is he?

"Ivy, yes I remember you now." Mewtwo replied.
Ivy ran up to him, hugged him, and kissed him.
"Oh Mewtwo, I missed you so much." Ivy said as she kissed his cheek and held him close.
"I have missed you also." Mewtwo replied as he hugged and kissed her back.

CHIYO: So…apparently there is such a thing as recurring amnesia that lasts for one sentence.

NARUTO: Hey, once Sakura socked me and I kept forgetting who Sasuke was every other paragraph…

INUYASHA: So what happened?

NARUTO: It pissed him off. He had Sakura hit me again to reverse it. Wanna see the scar?

INUYASHA: Later. I'll show you mine, too. My half brother stuck his hand through my guts.

Mewtwo reminded his pikachu who Ivy was and told him that it was fine for her to be with them.

CHIYO: Aww…how sweet…he's SHARING her…

Ivy and Mewtwo, walked hand and hand up to one of the rooms in his new home.
The room, had a couple of wooden stools and a table.

MIROKU: So he lives in a bar?

Mewtwo sat with Ivy on the stools and talked with Ivy about things.
"Ivy, I just want to apologize for how I treated you last time." Mewtwo said.
"It's alright Mewtwo, I knew that you didn't mean to make me feel that way." Ivy replied.

YAMISUI: Hey…I'm getting an extreme sense of deja-vu here. Haven't we seen this somewhere before?

KAMUI: Apparently the AUTHOR has amnesia, and can't remember that he wrote this same scene three paragraphs ago.

"You did, how?" Mewtwo asked.
"Because, you could hardly look at me without looking guilty. I could see it in your eyes." Ivy replied.

INUYASHA (Peter Gabriel, sings): In YOUR eyes…

MIROKU (sings): …the guilt, the shame…

INUYASHA (sings): In YOUR eyes…

MIROKU (sings): …the one to blame…

INUYASHA (sings): In YOUR eyes…

"Was it that obvious?" Mewtwo asked.
"Yes, I know you to well to be fooled by that stuff." Ivy replied.
Mewtwo just smiled and looked at Ivy.
"I am so pleased to see you again, I started wishing I had

YAMISUI (Mewtwo): …a gun…

brought you with me." Mewtwo said.
"It's been tough without you." Ivy replied.
"I am sure, you care for me a grate deal." Mewtwo replied.

CHIYO: Careful you don't grate your deal too much-it'll be rubbed raw.

"Mewtwo, we are together forever now right?" Ivy asked.
"Yes, I promised you that we would." Mewtwo answered.

KAMUI: …be…together forever.

Ivy smiled and yawned, it had been a long day and she was very tired.
"Would you like me to take you to my room?" Mewtwo asked.
"Your room?" Ivy replied.

YAMISUI: *slaps hand to forehead*

"Yes, you look exhausted, you need to get some rest." Mewtwo answered.
"Okay, I guess I could use some sleep." Ivy said.

Mewtwo took her by the hand, and led her to a bigger room in the cave.

KAMUI: So Mewtwo lives in a cave…with bar stools. Very chic.

It was somewhat comfortable though, very soft moss grew on the floor of the cave making a very nice bed.
Ivy sat on the floor and pulled to small pillows out of her backpack, and lay down on the floor.

CHIYO: Wow, she has EVERYTHING in that backpack. Just like Mary Poppins…

NARUTO: It's spandex space-an alternate dimension that all cartoon characters have access to.

Mewtwo knelt down beside Ivy and kissed her very softly on her mouth.
"I will stay with you until you fall asleep, if you like." Mewtwo said.
"Okay, thanks Mewtwo." Ivy replied as she closed her eyes.

INUYASHA: Really? Spandex space, huh?

NARUTO: Yeah, they can pull random weapons like cream pies and mallets and Uzis out of places where you wouldn't think those things'd fit.

Ivy was asleep very quickly, and Mewtwo got up and left the room. He wanted to talk with his Pikachu and Meowth for a while,

INUYASHA: Even their ass?


INUYASHA: *smacks fist into palm* That HAS to be it, `cause I swear Naraku's ALWAYS pulling the Saimyoushou out of his ass as a plot device to prevent Miroku from using his Wind Tunnel.

because he had just felt something that he had never felt before. He wanted to have sex with Ivy, but wasn't sure if she would allow him to be that close to her.

MIROKU (smugly): That's because if I could use my Wind Tunnel every time I'D be the main hero and they'd have to rename the series.

YAMISUI: Uh…guys…did I just read what I THINK I just read?

ALL: *look back at previous sentence*

KAMUI (going white as a sheet): Dear GOD no…

MIROKU: *sigh* Well, we knew it was coming at SOME point…

"Are you kidding, she's let you fuck her brains out if you asked her." His pikachu said.

ALL: O_o

INUYASHA: I guess this is Pikachu's tattooed, cigar-smoking cousin.

"You really think that?" Mewtwo asked.
"Hell yeah, you can tell that she wants you." His Meowth replied.
"But I have never had sex before." Mewtwo said.
"That's okay, just follow what you instincts, and your body tells you." His pikachu said.

NARUTO (Mewtwo): My body is telling me to hump her leg and drool.

"Alight, I'm going to see if she'll do it with me now." Mewtwo replied as he went back to his room. Ivy had woken up and was waiting for him to come back into the room.
"I was hoping you would still be awake." Mewtwo said.
"How come?" Ivy asked.
"Ivy I really care for you, and I just want to be with you." Mewtwo replied, as he sat down on the floor with Ivy and pulled her onto his lap.
"Woah, Mewtwo what are you doing?" Ivy asked a little shocked.

ALL: O.o

"Ivy, I want you." Mewtwo replied as he leaned in and captured her lips in a fierce kiss.

MIROKU: Let the lemon commence…

Ivy was even more shocked by this,

YAMISUI: …because horny Mewtwos release large amounts of electricity…

but was soon to recover and began kissing Mewtwo back. Mewtwo was massaging the wet cavern on Ivy's mouth with his tongue,


when Ivy feels something prod her leg.


She pulled away from the kiss for a moment and looked down, the purple skin between Mewtwo's legs had been pushed back by his hard member.

KAMUI (whey-faced): I hope they just mean a member of his fan club…

"Well, I never noticed that before." Ivy thought to herself as she continued to caress Mewtwo's tongue with hers.

YAMISUI (green): Well she KNEW he was MALE…

Mewtwo pulled Ivy down on top of him, and Ivy stopped kissing his mouth to start kissing her way down his chest. She gave his chest a small lick, before kissing her way down his chest,

INUYASHA (pale but determined): Where, unfortunately, her lips got stuck in his cavernous navel. The End.

all the way to his member.

YAMISUI (green): Meanwhile, back in the present tense…

KAMUI: Maybe the member just wants an autograph! Hahahahahahaha

YAMISUI: *pats him comfortingly on the shoulder*

Ivy takes his hardened member in her hands and slowly starts sucking on it. Right away, Mewtwo starts to breathe heavily and he puts his head back.
"Oh yes, that feels good." Mewtwo moaned softly.
Ivy licks around Mewtwo's member head, before sucking on it faster. As she kept doing this, the sensations running through Mewtwo's body start to intensify.
"Oh yes!!!" Mewtwo moaned as he bit his lip and closed his eyes.

CHIYO: The "Mewtwo Story"---a totally organic experience!

Ivy could tell that his climax was fast approaching, and started sucking even faster, until finally, Mewtwo came and Ivy swallowed his whole load.

NARUTO: *starts crying*

INUYASHA (shakily): It's all right now, kid. It's over.

Ivy smiled and kissed her way back up his chest, before deep kissing him again.

INUYASHA: O_o Waaaaaaaaaaaahhh!

Mewtwo, gets on top of her and just looks at her unsure of what to do.
"Come on baby, take my dress off." Ivy said.
Mewtwo unzipped the back of the dress, and slowly pulls it off,

YAMISUI (green): How is that POSSIBLE when he's on top of her?

revealing her white-laced bra and matching lace underwear. Mewtwo unfastened her bra revealing her soft ample breasts. Mewtwo massages Ivy's breasts with his hands, before licking her pink nipples.

MIROKU: Apparently the author's so busy jacking off to his own writing that he's lost track of what tense he's in.

"Mmm, that's it baby, just like that." Ivy moaned.
Mewtwo caressed Ivy's nipples with his warm tongue, making them pebble hard at the soft touch. He kissed down Ivy's stomach, licking her bellybutton

YAMISUI (still green): …where he encountered a large amount of bellybutton lint and swallowed her whole load…

before removing her underwear. Ivy opened her legs and Mewtwo took this as his cue to lick her pussy.

CHIYO (with gut-wrenching innocence): She's got a cat down there?

Ivy started to squirm and heave,

INUYASHA: *squirms*

NARUTO: *heaves*

as she felt Mewtwo's tongue swirling inside her making her wetter by the second.
"Oh yeah baby, lick it!!!!!!"

KAMUI: Wow!!! Look at all the exclamation points!!!!!

Ivy moaned as the sensations running through her body started to make her quiver.
Mewtwo ate Ivy out for a little while, before taking his hardened member and slowly started to push it up Ivy's pussy.

CHIYO (horrified): He's doing it to the CAT?!

KAMUI: *sigh* Chiyo-chan… Never mind.

Mewtwo started to glide his cock in and out of Ivy's pussy. Ivy hugged him, rubbed her breasts against his chest and kissed his neck.
"Oh, Mewtwo!" Ivy moaned as sweat covered her face and she continued to press herself against Mewtwo, trying to make him go deeper into her.

KAMUI: *dives under theater seat*

"Get on your knees, Ivy" Mewtwo ordered.
Ivy did as she was told and got on her knees.

YAMISUI: *hauls Kamui back up onto his chair* OH no… If WE'VE got to endure this, so do YOU.

Mewtwo got behind Ivy and shoved his member up her pussy again and started to fuck her again.

MIROKU: Wow. Mewtwo's got stamina, I'll give him that…

YAMISUI: Maybe he's using telekinesis to keep it up.


This time, he did it a little harder and a little faster, slapping her ass as he fucked her.

MIROKU: BAD Pokemon fic! BAD!

"Oh Mewtwo, don't stop. You're wonderful, keep going!!!" Ivy moaned as he thrust into her as hard and as fast as he could, his violet eyes glazing in ecstasy and sweat dripping down his chin.
Mewtwo laid down on his back, as Ivy gets on top of him.

MIROKU: Sheesh. They're changing positions practically ever thirty seconds. This is SO unrealistic…

YAMISUI: *gives him a weird look* Like Pokesex is realistic to begin with?

She grabbed his shoulders to steady herself and starts thrusting. Mewtwo rubs Ivy's tits and closes his eyes as he enjoyed this treatment. After Ivy had been doing this for a while, Mewtwo came up, hugged Ivy and started to thrust himself into her again.

MIROKU: The author seems to be cursed with sexual ADD.

Ivy rested her head on Mewtwo's shoulder and grit her teeth as he started to fuck her harder.

KAMUI: If he keeps fucking her harder, he's going to poke a hole.

MIROKU: *snorf*

YAMISUI: *slaps Miroku*

"Oh Mewtwo, come on baby fuck me!!!" Ivy moaned.
"Oh yes, cum for me!!" Mewtwo moaned as he slapped Ivy's ass and kept fucking her.

ALL: . . . . .

KAMUI: So all that monotonous sweetness and those detailed accounts of what they had for lunch were all leading up to a slash fic?

Ivy and Mewtwo both came at the same time,

YAMISUI: FINALLY. I thought that would NEVER end…

and Mewtwo pulled Ivy back on top of him.

ALL (weeping profusely): WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Ivy rested her head against Mewtwo's chest listening for the sound of his heartbeat.

CHIYO (Ivy): Dear lord, please let him be dead…

Mewtwo stroked Ivy's hair and pulled a cotton blanket over both of them.

INUYASHA (sobbing and singing): The touch, the feel of COTTON/the fabric of our lives…

"I love you Ivy." Mewtwo said.
"I love you to baby, I am so happy that you and I are back together." Ivy said as she started to drift off to sleep.

NARUTO: *sob*

Mewtwo and Ivy slept comfortably that night, both of them happy to be in each other's arms again.

ALL: ……………….

MIROKU: The End?

KAMUI: Is that the end?

YAMISUI: YES! There IS a God!

NARUTO: *sniffles and wipes nose on his sleeve*

CHIYO (shaken): I can't believe Mewtwo chose the CAT over Ivy…

INUYASHA: Let's get the hell out of here before Naraku decides to send us another one…

[As the lights come on and the screen goes blank, all of them hasten out the door. Covering their mouths to avoid breathing in the last of the poisoned gas Naraku had filled the ship with during the fanfic viewing, they race through the halls. Several hours later, they finally reach the Transporter Room.]

INUYASHA: Kamui, see if you can get this thing to work.

KAMUI: Why me?

MIROKU: YOU'RE the engineer, remember?

KAMUI: …. [walks over to Transporter control panel and starts fiddling with the knobs and dials] Ah…my friends, I somehow doubt this will work.


KAMUI: Er…"We need more antimatter!"

NARUTO: I get it! It's just like on the bridge… The lights and buttons don't do anything but flash and beep. So that means…

YAMISUI: *slaps palm to forehead* We're screwed.

NARAKU'S VOICE OVER INTERCOM: Yes, my feeble little prisoners. You are MINE, for all eternity, until your souls finally shatter beneath the assault of crappy fanfics!

NARUTO: [holding up something small he's found on the floor] Look! A tribble!


Moment of Zen:

Ivy started to squirm and heave, as she felt Mewtwo's tongue swirling inside her making her wetter by the second.
"Oh yeah baby, lick it!!!!!!"