Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ A new Beginning ❯ The Hat Crisis! ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~**~ I don't own Pocket Monsters! I do own the situation the characters are put in in this fic though! (Although I also have the second Movie "Lugia Revelation" in Japanese) Not written for profit!
I'm baaaack! ^^ Sugoi, I'm going to be busy for the next month! I have marching band practice that just started Thursday and I'm cat sitting for my dad's friend and his wife. They're going to Tokyo for a month! His wife Linda is really cool and obsessed w/ Japan like me! I think I'll move in w/ them! j/k …
Oh and gomen for freaking you out w/ the Kasumi/Kenji thing Misty-san! ^^; It is really creepy! And everyone will also notice that I changed the chapter names (Ch.2, Ch.3, ect. Gets really boring after awhile) and fixed a few mistakes in chapters 1-3. Nothing major though. Just noticed a few grammar and spelling mistakes when I re-read them. Anyways! I'm doing the babbling thing again, so onward! Enjoy ^^
A new Beginning
Chapter Four
"Yawa Kasumi, you give me back my hat!" Satoshi's voice awoke the rest of the house. He heard a giggle from her room and pounded on the door. "Let me in!" Curious as to why he was making all the noise, Pikachu sleepily came out of his trainer's room.
"Pika? (Why all the noise?)" Satoshi looked down at his friend.
"She stole my hat!" Pikachu rolled his eyes.
"Pika-pi. (I'm sure.)"
"He just wants in her room." Takeshi commented, coming up the stairs. Satoshi's face turned bright red.
"No I don't!" he exclaimed. "I'll get you later Kasumi!" Glaring at the closed door, Pikachu and Takeshi, he went into his room and shut the door.
"He sure is grouchy in the morning."
"Pikachu. (Very.)"
Kasumi's Room
Kasumi triumphantly still had possession of Satoshi's hat and laughed to herself.
"What's so special about this thing anyway?" she asked, looking it over. She shrugged. "Oh well. I'm going to take a shower now." She said to Togepi who was looking at her curiously. Smiling, she hugged her egg Pokemon and got up to leave her bedroom. Then she locked herself in one of the bathrooms, taking Satoshi's hat with her.
Hearing the door to Kasumi's room open, Satoshi jumped up and almost ran into the door, forgetting it was closed. He opened it and dashed into Kasumi's room. Puzzled, he looked around and realized that she wasn't there.
"Do you know where my hat is?" he asked Togepi.
"Brii! (Kasumi-mama has it.)" He sighed. Of course.
"Where is she?"
"Toge! (In the shower!)" He nodded.
"Arigatou." Satoshi left Kasumi's room and went to bang on the door of the bathroom she was in. "You better give back my hat when you're done in there!"
"Satoshi-kun!" came Takeshi's stern voice from behind.
"AHH!" he jumped up. Takeshi crossed his arms over his chest and looked at him sharply.
"First you're trying to get into her room. Now the bathroom while she's showering?! I have one thing to say to you…." Satoshi sweat-dropped.
"I-I can explain…" he begun. Takeshi cut him off.
"Keep up the good work!" Satoshi fell over.
"But that's not what I was-"
"Suuuure." Takeshi went back downstairs, leaving Satoshi staring at the closed door.
She'll be out in a few minutes. He thought to himself. I hope so anyways… Turned out that she wasn't. Satoshi had sat/lain in every position possible outside the door. And she still was in there! Giving up for the moment, he went downstairs to get something to eat. Also at the table were Takeshi and Kenji who kept giving him sly grins and other weird looks.
"Um… okay." He commented, trying to ignore them. He was quite relieved when he heard the bathroom door open and dashed up the stairs, eager to escape Takeshi and Kenji. Kasumi heard him running up the stairs and quickly tried to escape into her room, but she wasn't fast enough. Just before she disappeared into her room, Satoshi grabbed her arm and went in with her. He shut and locked the door behind them.
"Now," he grinned. "You will give me back my hat." She stuck her tongue out at him.
"Never!" She had his hat in her left hand and made sure to keep it out of his reach. He raised an eyebrow at her.
"Oh really? Even if I tickle you?" She backed away from him.
"You wouldn't."
"Yes I would." She considered this for a moment and studied the hat.
"Why do you like this thing so much anyways?" she asked.
"Cause. I just do."
"That's not a real answer. So if you want it come get it." She told him teasingly and stepped away. He chased her around the small room and tried to catch her, but missed every time. As she tried to dodge him, she tripped and fell to the floor, but kept her grip on the hat. Takeshi and Kenji looked up at the ceiling in surprise when they heard the big thump.
"Haha!" Satoshi exclaimed. Before Kasumi could get up, he had her pinned to the floor, her wrists in his hands and straddling her hips. "You can't get away now." Kasumi was laughing, and begging him to not tickle her. Putting both her wrists in one of his hands, he used the other to tickle her until she surrendered the hat. Letting go of her wrists he sat up, took his hat and placed it on his head.
"Hey! You're heavy you know!" she said, pushing him off her all the way. Not ready for it, he fell onto his back.
"I am NOT!" Giggling, Kasumi offered him her hand and helped him sit up.
"Why'd you take my hat in the first place?" he asked pulling her closer to him.
"Cause. I just did."
"That's not a real answer." He told her, pushing her back onto the floor kissing her, leaving Takeshi and Kenji wondering just WHAT all the thuds from upstairs were all about…
Muahaha! ^^ That was a fun ending. This whole chapter was fun to write! I tried to put some humor into it, but if you didn't find it funny, that's okay. Hmm… now I need an idea for chapter five and I have NO clue just how I'm going to end this, so I'll just keep writing it until I find a way. ^^ It's a fun story to write! Muahah! I've got an idea for maybe chapter six, since it won't work for chapter five. Lol, I'm making NO sense what so ever so just ignore me or something… Thanks to Inu (one of the cats I'm watching, my idea for chapter six is based on these guys ^^) for sleeping on my lap purring as I wrote this! Meanie Ni-ko won't come out to see me though! -_- Anways… questions, comments, answers, ideas, flames, whatever, you can email them to me or review w/ them. Bai bai!!!
-Daidouji-san (DS)/ Stacey/ Evil (name given to me by Nicki…thanks Nicki, I love you too :P)