Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ As The Poke'ball Turns ❯ Chapter 1 ( Prologue )
As The Poke'ball
Okay, I'm gonna be stright about this. This is my first time writing
about Poke'mon, so don't expect the best outta me okay? Me n'
my sister wrote about Dragon Ball Z ( As The Dragon Ball Turns
and the sequal) but she got too busy writing her card captor fic
and left me to do all the last chapter!! What a sister she is!!!!
So that is why I am writing this one myself. Well one thing that
you should know before I start the fic. Actully 2 things.
One- I think Brock is very good-looking. Two I might throw in a
little reality in now and then. Those things being that Ash is
extremely fruity so now the fic will officially start.
Narrater: As our friends Ash, Misty and Brock continue
their journey, they stumble across something very unexpected.
Misty: Ewwwww! What do ya think it is?
Ash: I dunno Misty whaddya asking me for!! Do you know Brock?
Brock: Hmmmm. Iv'e never seen anything like this.
What does dexter say?
Dexter: Searching.......still searching................system error..............
... poke'dex mouthfunction, fjogeknvd8rels
Ash: Oh no!! My Poke'dex! It's smoking!!!!!
Misty: Quick Ash, drop it silly!!!
Ash was no where near calm. he was acting like his mother went
out with Prof. Oak. So Ash just dropped the flaming computer
on the ground very near where Brock was.
Brock: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unlike Ash, Brock knew what to do. He jumped up (even though
his shirt was in flames) and began to stomp on the what was now
a piece of junk. The blaze quickly went out but now his shirt was
merely a piece of charcoal fabric
He quickly went into the process of "stop, drop and roll" and his
shirt (also a piece of junk) went out. He turned to Ash. Misty
was rolling with laughter.
Brock: What the heck's your problem!!!!!
Ash: Sorry, I panicked
Brock: Yeah well........Misty will you SHUT UP for the love
of pete!!!!
Misty: I'm sorry hee hee hee HAAA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!
You should've seen the look on your face Brock!! HA HA HEE
HA HA HA Your eyes were as wide as dinner plates HA
HA HA ha ha ......ha ............okay. I'll shut up now.
Brock: Forget her, Ash you idiot!! What were you thinking!!!!!!
jeepers creepers, even psyduck is smarter than you.
Ash: Hey it's not like you don't make mistakes.........Misty now
what are you doing?
Misty was scooping up the stuff that made the poke'dex go
berzerk into a baggie.
Misty: Well, if we are gonna go to Prof. Oak's house to get
your poke'dex fixed, he might as well take a look at this. so let's
get going. And if you two fight your're gonna get it from me!
After about a week, they got to Pallet town where they met
someone new-me! First they went to Prof. Oak's house where
they saw Tracy and Prof. Oak.
Tracy: Hi Ash, Misty. It's nice to see you all again. Where's Brock?
Misty: He is still recovering from his burn. He is outside.
Tracy: Burn?
Misty: Long story, don't ask.
Tracy: Sorry I did.
Oak: Hi Ash! What brings you here to Pallet?
Ash: Well, you see it's my Poke'dex. I pointed it at this and it
stated smoking and then it went up in flames!!
Ash heald up the bag of "goop" and his broken Poke'dex and
handed them to Prof. Oak. The professer couldn't help but to
Oak: Well, it seems that it will take about a week to fix it.
Plus another 5 days to examine the "goop".
Ash: Oh man. Well you better get started on fixing my
poke'dex. bye!!!
When they got outside, they saw that Brock was so bored
that he was playing rock, paper, scissors with his geodude,
and he was loosing horribly.
Ash: Brock, what the heck are y- Hey, whose that person
working in my mom's flower bed?!?!?
The three walked over to the stranger and to their surprise,
she was a girl.
Ash: Hey! What's the idea!! Why are you in that flower bed,
It's not yours. And with that Oddish!! I bet you were trying to
use sleep powder to put my mom to sleep and rob my house!!
Why You!!!!
Ash started kicking the girl who was completly defenseless.
When Brock saw this he said
"Hey Ash, that's a girl you're kicking lay off!!"
When the girl had had enough, she grabbed Ash's leg bent it in
a very painful position.
Ash: Owwwww!! Oh that hurt you jerk take this!!
Ash kicked the girl a few more times and then she got up, put
Ash in a headlock and began to pull his neck hairs.
The stranger let go and Ash fell to the ground. Ash's mother
heard all of the yelling and she came out and went to Ash's side.
Mom: Ash? Ash are you okay?? Julez why on Earth did you
attack my son.
Julez: Oh this is, this is your son well unfortunetly he didn't
know I work for you so he attacked me!!!!!!
Brock (looking at Julez in a weird way) went up to her and
grabbed her hands.
Brock: Hi, my name's Brock. Please exuse my friend here, he
isn't quite right in the head. Do you want to grab a bite to eat?
Julez: Yeah...sure. (she lied) I'm Julia but a lot of people call me
Julez. Oh right. Ash I am soooo sorry!!!!
She helped him up and brushed the dirt off of him.
Ash: It's ok. I'm the one that freaked out. I'm okay. Iv'e been
through that a lot more times than you have.
Julez: You'd be surprised.
Mom: Julez is a scientist, well she used to be but she does things
every now and then. When she lost her job at Rocket Co. she
came to work for me.
Ash: Rocket Co.??? You don't work for Team Rocket, do you??
Julez: Why does everybody ask me that, I was a freakin'
janitor!!!!! and a part-time servant.
Ash: How did you loose your job then??
Julez: It's a long story and it's cold out. I'll tell you inside,
come on in.
Once they got inside Julez made some tea and went to the
living room and sat on the couch. Brock immeadietly took the
seat next to Julez. ~_^ When everyone was setteled, Julez started
telling the story.
Julez: Well Let me think.....Oh yes it all started when I was
feeding his Persian.......
*~*~*~*~*~*Flash back*~*~*~*~*~*~
Julez: Chill Persian!!! I'm comin' I'm comin'!!
Giovanni: Julez!!! Did you clean the counter cuz' it doesn't
smell clean!!!!
Julez: Yes I did but I didn't do a wax shine!!!!
Giovanni: Well you better do it quick and where's my coffee!!!!!!
Julez: In the c- Owwww Persian here is your food now eat up!!!!
Your coffee is in the coffee machine sir!!!!!!! Oh good morning
Cassedy, Butch, Do you want waffles or pancakes?
Cassedy: Waffles and extra syrup!
Butch: The same, extra syrup too please!
Julez: As usual, I knew that, so I was prepared. Here you go!
Oh crap I forgot I have a meeting with Mr.Kunnishi about the
Poke'land matter Hey boss when is that??
Giovanni: Don't ask me okay but it is at 2:30.....oh....that is a
crap thing. Well in that case I'll have to gooooaAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!
Persian will you stop scratching on my pants you made me spill
coffee on myself!!!!
Cassedy and Butch couldn't help but to laugh and they laughed
so hard, Butch spilt the syrup on the floor. Julez slipped on
this and waffles flew.
Julez: AAAAHHHHUUGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The wafflesjust happened to land on Giovanni and the syrup
just magicly spilled on Julez.
Giovanni: AAAAHHHHUUGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JULEZ YOU'D
Butch: Dude, run.
As Julez was being chased by the huge 'monster', she tripped
over Meowth.
Meowth: Meeeeeeoooooooowth!!!!!
Giovanni gave a big whopping on Julez, she has the scar to
prove it. When she had just about enough she sent out her
strongest poke'mon-Onix. He was her very first Poke'mon.............
~*~*~*~*at the Kechem house~*~*~*~*~*
Brock: Wait wait wait, you have an Onix?
Julez: Uh-huh. My very first poke'mon. Not a very good poke'mon
to start with huh?
Ash: My first poke'mon was a Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Brock: I have an Onix too!
Julez : What a coincidence! Uh...one more thing-Brock?
Brock: Yeah?
Julez: Try not to interrupt.
Brock: Oh...ok.
Julez: So then took some of his money and I-
Oak burst in the door huffing and puffing (not smoking)@_@ and
ran up to the living room.
Oak: Ash, Quick!!!!!! It's Team Rocket!!!!!!
Ash: Oh no! Lets go!!!
Julez: Miss Kechem, I think this is one of those times where
you should not wait to jump in on the fight-am I right?
Mom: Yeah, lets go.
The two ran outside and Julez stared in amazement at Jesse,
James, and Meowth.She ran up to them and slapped Jesse on
the back.
Julez:Hey!! How ya doin' Jesse, old college buddy you!!!
James was blushing. Those three all went to the same college
and liked her.....a lot!!
Jesse: Hi Julia!!!! I never expected you to be here!!!!!
James: Me too.
Meowth: Me three.
Jesse: So what are you doing in this town?
Julez: I work for Miss Kechem over there.
Jesse: The twerps mom?eeehhhhh she ain't so bad.
Julez: James, why so quiet?
James: Oh me!!! I'm just speechless to see you here.
Meowth: Or is it that little thing you had for her at T.R.
training? Huh? Huh? Ha ha ha ha!!!
James: Meowth!!!!! That's none of your business!!!!!
James was now the color of a strawberry. Julez was now
laughing and Ash, Misty, and Brock were looking at her
like she was the stupidest thing on Earth. Finally Ash
blurted out-
Ash: Uhhh....Julez they tried to steal my Pikachu!!!
Julez looked at them in horror.
Julez: I'm appalled!!!! Are you still working for that Giovanni guy?
The only reason I worked there is for the good paychecks you
get! Get outta here then, go on get!!!!!
Jesse: Too bad because prepare for trouble
James: And make it double
Jesse: To protect the world from deviststion
James: To unite all peoples within out nation
Jesse: To dennounce the evils of truth and love
James: To extend our reach to the stars above
Jesse: Jesse
James: James
Jesse: Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.
James Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight.
Mewoth: Meowth, that's right! Now hand over that Pikachu!
Julez: You guy's are still doing that stupid motto? And why in
the World do you want to take Pikachu? I got much
better Poke'mon that I bet you will want. But, just to make you
mad of course, I'm not giving them to you. HA!
James: You do? Can we see them, please, please, please?
Julez: (scoffs) no! Why would you need to. Oh Ash I left out a
little thing in my story. When the boss actully trusted me, he let
me in on a little secret.
Ash: Really? What was it?
Julez: I'll tell you when we get rid of these 3.
Jesse: Rid Of!!!! But, We're your friends!
Julez: Yeah, I'm friends with a bunch of Poke'mon selling freaks!
Jesse: Freaks!!!! Why you!! Arbok, go!!!!
Arbok: Chhaaaabok!!!!!
Julez: You like to play games don't you? Smearagle go!!
Smearagle: Smearagle!!!!
Ash: What's a Smearagle? Oh, I forgot, no Poke'dex
Julez: Smearagle, Attract now!!!
Smearagle looked at Arbok in a weird way and Arbok looked like
he blushed
Jesse: Arbok poison sting attack now!!
Arbok would'nt move, it was still staring at Smearagle.
Jesse: Arbok!!! Why aren't you moving!!!!! Okay then, wrap
Arbok still wouldn't move.
Julez: Ha! Now Smearagle, finish it off with a double-edge
Smearagle: SSmmmmeearagle!!!!!
Arbok was pushed back into Jesse James and Meowth and,
you guessed it, they blasted off again.
Ash: Wow......Hey, what's a Smearagle?
Julez: Oh! It's...uh......well..hmmm.....I-I'm sure Prof. Oak
knows...uh let's go ask him...kay?
They go to the professer's house and ask him.
Oak: Oh, hi Ash what do you need, I'm kinda busy working on
your *cough,cough poke'dex cough*
Ash: Uh...heh heh........we came by to find out what a Smearagle was.
Oak: Oh Smearagle well it's a...........
Oak explained what a Smearagle was and then he spilt the
beans that Julez was a famous artist, very talented and that
being your mom's house maid was just a cover-up. Julez tried
to go but it didn't work.
Julez: I think Iv'e had enough information for today Oak,
I must go let's go Smearagle.
Misty: Hey wait Julez, What's that secret about with Giovanni?
Julez: It's strong enough for men but made for women!
HAAA,HA HA HA do y' get it, secret HA HA HA ha ha....okay
I'm a fruit right. Oh right the secret, well do you know about that
Poke'mon, oh what's-is-name saw.....Oh it was Gary. The Poke'mon
that Gary saw. Well Once I was cleaning the bosses room while he
was out. Well I accidentally stepped on something or mustv'e
done something because then the wall moved and the next thing
I knew I was in another part of the gym.
Brock: Woah, are you sure you aren't bluffing?
Julez: Yeah, I'm not bluffing.....one more thing.
Brock: Yeah?
Julez: Is it just me, or do you like to interrupt my stories.
Brock turning a deep shade of red, said: Sorry.....so what
happens next?
Julez: Well, seeing that there was no way out, I began to look
around. I saw all of the Poke'mon that he stole and I felt so
sorry for them, I began to look for a key. And that's when it
spotted me. It waas in a glass room and it was covered with
armor with cables attached to it. His eyes started to glow like
a pearl blue color, that's when I felt myself being pulled into
the air, and thrown against the wall. And then it was weird.....he
said something, but his mouth wasn't moving.
It was communicating to me telepathicly. I heard his voice saying
" What are you doing here?" I saw that this guy was crusin' for
a brusin' so I said " What are you doing here?" He spoke again,
but this time with anger in his voice " It doesn't matter.....I will
not ask you again what are you doing here" Just when all was lost,
the boss walked in. He looked at Mewtwo and started talking to him.
Maenwhile I was drawing a picture of the Mewtwo. Luck turned
against me when Mewtwo pointed behind Giovanni. He came
looking for me and eventually he found me. He said
" I gave you a brake for the waffle inciden't but this is too far.
Julez, It's so hard for me to say.....actully it isn't. Your'e fired.
Now pack up your stuff and leave."
And that was the end of me at T.R. Yawn I'm goin to bed. Oh Ketchem? Wake me up at 6 Kay? G' night.
Misty: Gee 6 in the morning why does she wake up so early?
Mom: Well let's just say she has things to do with less time to do it in. So why don't you go to bed too.
What a story. i know it's not quite much but I'm working on it. Please feel free to fill me in on if I did something wrong or my spelling is not right but I'm sure you don't care so E-mail me at shadow22girl@yahoo.com
So remember to R+R Bye! ^_^