Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ As The Poke'ball Turns ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

As The Poke'ball Turns

Chapter 3

Hello again!!!!! Julia here with your next exciting chapter of As The Pok'eball Trurns. Well, we left them when Giovanni had a gun up to Julez's head. Pretty violent, right? Well, just so you know, she doesn't die *cough*nosurprise!*cough* Anyway, let's just start the fic, right?

Narrater:....................................................... .....What?

The Narrater's Clone: And now we join our friends in an unusual

situation. Let's see what happens!

Narrater: That was just about the lamest thing I have ever heard!

The Narrarer's Clone: Shut up.......................

~*~*~*~*~*(Back At The Resteraunt)*~*~*~*~*~

Julia: Exuse me?!?!?!

Giovanni: Don't move Julia, don't even breathe.

Brock: You can't do this, sh-she didn't even do anything to you!!!!!!!

Giovanni walked over to the young man in his green t-shirt and

orange vest.

Giovanni: Oh yeah, and what are you going to do, stop me? You

came all the way over here just so you could kick my butt?

Julia: No, so I can!!!! HHIIIAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Giovanni's back was turned, so he didn't see Julia come up behind

him and drop kick the gun out of his hand. She quickly picked it up

and pointed it at the usuall Persian that was at his side.

Julia: You blink, and you will have a very valuable dead Persian

fur, SO DON'T MESS WIT' ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Giovanni: You wouldn't!!!

Julia: You're right I can't, but you didn't say that I couldn't do


Julia unloaded the gun then threw it at Giovanni. Of course, being

Giovanni and all, he caught it and looked up. Everybody was

gone!!! Julia had made a run for it!!!!!! ~*wimp*~ he thought

The five friends ran and ran until they were now at the beach

Ash: Good one Julia, but what do we do now?

Julia: What do you mean?

Ash pointed behind him to see that Giovanni was running after

them. They all started running again, but Gabby tripped. Julia

picked her up and in 'mid-run' she put her down so she could

start running again. Because of their hold-up, the others were

about 3 yards in front of them. But then, Julia tripped and hit

her head on a rock. She went out like a match in a snowfall.


Giovanni got in an advantage and caught up. He stood over Julia

dialing a number on his cell phone. Then Brock looked back and

everyone went over to Giovanni, but standing a good 5 feet

distance away.

Giovanni: Yes.....bring a van.....a big one.

Gabby: Well don't just stand there Nogvannii, Vonaggi or

whatever your name is, let's go!

Giovanni: Where to?

Brock: RRRGGGGGG, Ok she is bleeding on her head and you

don't even do anything about it so now I'm mad!!! If you won't

do anything about it, I will!!!

Brock got down on his knees and put some stuff on her head

that I don't feel like writing. ( I'm tired right now so don't expect

the best from me :) When he was finished, a black van pulled up

and the driver got out and talked to Giovanni. The driver nodded

and pulled out a can of what looked like spray paint, but it was

not just a smokescreen. The driver pulled the tab and threw it at

the group.

Everyone Exept For The Driver And Giovanni: *Cough Cough Cough

Cough, Wheeze Wheeze!!!*

Everybody exept the driver and Giovanni fell to the ground with a

sickening thud like maeinettes. The driver pulled them all into the

van. Giovanni got in and the driver got in and drove off.

Short chapter right? I am totally out of inspiration so feel free to review, even if you want to say I suck. Speaking of suck, this chapter was 7 out of 11 on my scale so don't worry, the story WILL, I repeat WILL get better!!! The only thing funny in this chapter was the arguement between the Narraters, funny right Ha Ha Ha Ha................

Gotta go, Bye! -Julia