Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Behind the scenes of Pokemon ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(A/N: I decided to stop Tree House of Hentai because I had way too many ideas that I couldn�t get anyone else�s into my fics. I am now starting a story of a bunch of PWP possibly loosely connected lemons. Also Ash and Lisa are both 15 at this time so they do know about sex although Ash still is a little dense. R/R)

Ash, Misty, Brock, and Lisa where in the Greenfield Pokemon Centerafter freeing Molly

from the Unown and reuniting her with both of her parents. Proffesor Hale decided to

invite them along with Professor Oak and Mrs. Ketchum to stay there for a few days.

While Professor Oak and Ash�s mom decided to stay in the Hale manor, everyone else

decided to stay in the pokemon center. It was currently early morning and Ash was the

first one taking a shower in the communal bathroom.

Ash: Ahh, it�s nice to finally have a nice hot shower after rescuing my mom and Molly

from the Unown.

He was about to wash his hair when he thought someone was staring at him. He looked

around, but nobody was there.

Ash: Huh. Must be my imagination playing tricks on me.

That�s when he noticed the note on the door to the showers. He walked over to read it.

Dear Ash,

With all the events that had happened over the past few days I never got a chance

to give you your prize for beating me in our battle. Come to my room after you�re done

with your shower so I can give it to you.




Ash: Well I guess I better hurry up and see what she wants.

Ash quickly finished with his shower, got into a forest-green bathrobe and went to Lisa�s


When he got there he knocked on the door.

Lisa: Who is it.

Ash: It�s me Ash. You wanted to talk to me?

Lisa: Yeah come on in.

When Ash walked in she asked him to lock the door behind them because she wanted to

have privacy. After that was done she went into why she wanted him here.

Lisa: Ash, you know about the pidgeys and the beedrills. Right?

Ash: Uhh yeah why do you want to talk to me about pokemon in your room instead of

the reception area of the pokemon center.

Lisa: No Ash, I mean do you know where babies come from.

Ash: Ohh you mean that. Yeah Brock told me that after the Indigo League. Why?

Lisa: Because this whole ordeal has shown me what a great person you are as well as

great pokemon trainer and I�ve decided that I want to fuck you.

With that she came into the light to reveal that she was nude, which began to give Ash an


Ash: Wait, so you fuck all trainers that show you that they�re a great person and beat you

in pokemon battles.

Lisa�s orange eyes showed humor in them at Ash�s statement and decided to go into more


Lisa: No. You�ll be the first one because I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Ash quickly slips his robe off. Revealing his athletic body and huge cock. He quickly

got within inches of her and gave her a passionate kiss. His arms quickly wraaped

around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She managed to gewt both of them on the

bed with him on top.

Lisa smirked and said: Yes Ash. Put that nice cock into me. Take my virginity.

Ash plunges into he pussy to fond out that it was extremely hot, tight, and moist. He

slowly went into her until he reached her barrier.

Ash: This might hurt a little.

Lisa: I know. Just be gentle.

Ash gently went past her barrier. A moan of pleasure coming from the two lovers at the

same time. Ash picked up his pace going faster and faster. Sweat was soon coating their

bodies. They could both feel their orgasms coming closer and closer. Ash picked up the

pace and started going as fast as possible. Lisa�s tits were flopping all around and her

raven colored hair was spread over the bed around her head. They both finally reached

their orgasm at the same time and screamed each other�s name. Ash rolled off of Lisa

still panting and done for the night. They laid down so they were facing each other.

Lisa: Thank you Ash. That was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you.

Please journey with me and see new places and pokemon.

Ash: Of course I�ll travel with you. I love you too. Besides, you�re much nicer than


Ash tucked a strand of her black hair behind her ear and careesed her cheek in the

process. Brown eyes looked into orange as the two sweaty lovers drifted off to sleep.

Unfortuately, unnoticed by both. A set of angry blue eyes saw the whole thing.

Misty: Oh you will be mine Ash Ketchum. You will be.