Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Brock's Love 2: Little Jacob's Big Adventure ❯ Trouble Starts ( Chapter 2 )
Chapter two, coming at you!! Any suggestions? Please Review!!
A few months later…
Liz sat in the baby's room, feeding little Jacob. He had just switched to the bottle yesterday and still seemed a little upset. Pikachu sat on Jacob's teddy bear while Vulpix admired the child. Persian sat sulking in a corner.
"Pikaa! Come see the baby, Persian!" Pikachu said.
Persian snorted.
"Oh don't be such a spoiled cat!" Vulpix said.
"Mew, why should I go look at that pup?" Persian growled. "Ever since it got here, Liz has been paying less attention to me!"
"Vul, spoiled cat. What's a grown Pokemon like you doing being jealous of your trainer's pup?"
"For the last time: I am NOT jealous of that… that thing!"
"It's not a thing! Pika, it's a `child'. With a name."
"I know the little twerp's name, mew mew. It's Jacob."
"So use it, and stop being such an infant, vul-pix!"
Persian snorted again. He stormed out of the room. Liz was sitting there, having heard, yet not understood, the ruckus. `I hope they act better for the picture today,' Liz thought. Brock had planned for the gang to get their portrait taken. There weren't many pictures of them all together. It would make a nice photo to have everyone together, like a family.
"Liz," Brock said, peeking into the room. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yep, I just finished feeding Jacob," Liz said, putting the bottle on a table. She grabbed Jacob's diaper bag next to her chair. "Come on guys," Liz called to the pokemon. Pikachu and Vulpix followed her out, with Persian lagging in the rear.
Misty, Ash, Brock, Liz, Jacob, Pikachu, Vulpix, and Persian all piled into Misty's SUV and headed off to Phil's Photo downtown. The pokemon sat in back with Jacob, making funny faces. All except Persian, of course.
"Pika-pika! Hi, Jacob!" Pikachu smooshed his face together and stuck out his tongue. Jacob giggled loudly and waved his arms. Vulpix covered his eyes with a paw, and then uncovered them. "Pika-boo!"
Pikachu turned around. "It's Pika-chu!"
"Vul! It's Pika-boo!!"
Vulpix and Pikachu began to wrestle each other, as Jacob laughed and murmured.
Persian found all this quite boring. He usually rode in front with Liz and Brock, but now he had to sit in the back with the baby. What an insult. Ever since that little runt came around, no one paid any attention to him. Instead of giving Persian a little extra cream at breakfast like Liz usually did, she was giving Jacob special cream in a bottle, cuddling him and singing to him. Liz used to do that for him when he was a little pokemon. And instead of bringing Persian a catnip ball from the mart, Brock would bring a toy back for Jacob. Even when Ash came over to visit, instead of giving Persian a pat on the head, he wanted to see Jacob. That pup was taking all of Liz's time now. Even the other pokemon spent more time playing with it! `Stupid little whelp,' Persian thought.
Persian turned his head just enough to see the baby pointing at him, laughing.
"Peh! Peh-shee!" Jacob babbled. "Peh-shee!"
Vulpix and Pikachu started laughing hysterically. Persian still stared at the little boy. Was it trying to say his name?
"We're here!" Misty announced.
Everyone unloaded in front of the photo shop, Liz carrying Jacob in his little cloth carrier. As they entered the studio, Persian noticed Liz had left the diaper bag with Jacob's bottle in the car. Before he got out he grabbed it. Pikachu noticed this and began to tease him.
"Aww, isn't that cute?"
"Yeah! He got Jacob's bag for him!" Vulpix joined in.
"Mew, Shaddap! I'm getting this for Liz, not Jacob."
"Oh, yeah? Then why did you say his name?" Pikachu asked slyly.
Mew swallowed.
"I knew it!" Vulpix declared. "The pup's growing on you, isn't he?"
Persian scowled and kept walking. No way was he going soft on that pup…
She could see them all inside, smiling happily. She could even see Liz with the baby. Yuri puffed her cigarette as Liz put the baby down and walked back to the photographer. This was her chance. Yuri walked behind the building and broke a window in the room where the studio kept reels of film for editing. She pulled a little flask out of her pocket and poured the contents into the open room. The vodka splashed on the floor. Yuri tossed in her cigarette.
"Vulpix," Brock scolded, "Hold still so the man can take the picture!"
"Alright folks, smile and say Caterpie!!" **CLICK** "Great shot!"
Brock, Liz, Ash, and Misty all crowded around the computer screen to see the picture.
"Look, Jacob," Liz pointed. "Who's that?"
The little baby giggled and waved at himself in the picture.
"That's my boy," Brock said.
"Okay," said the cameraman, "Let's get one of just the grownups!"
Liz put Jacob in his little pouch that she used to carry him in when she didn't use the big, bulky carrier. "Now be a good boy for mommy! Persian, Vulpix and Pikachu: You watch him! You know how he likes to get into trouble."
Vulpix and Pikachu nodded, while Persian managed a grunt. As the group posed for another round of pictures, no one noticed as the back room smoked and crackled. Fire spread quickly into a room where the cameraman kept reels of film for editing. As soon as the flames hit them. . .