Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Carly's Quest ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

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Author's notes (Featuring Carly and Fire Fox):

Me: Hi Minna! This is my first fan fiction so give me a chance people! (gives puppy dog eyes)
Carly: Could we hurry it up!
Fire Fox: Vulpix! ( Gets ready to flame thrower the author)
Me: Ok, Ok, please don't hurt me! (sweat drops) Let's make this quick, Pokemon is owned by Nintendo and Game Freak so don't sue me cause I'm broke. Carly belongs to me and if anyone wants to use her in a story you must get her masters permission-
Carly: What did you SAY?! (getting really pissed, anime style)
Me: Whoa look at the time gotta go! (runs away leaving a trail of dust)
Carly: Don't you dare leave me here to do this! Oh forget it. Well let's get my story started peace. (gives "V" sign then turns page with Fire fox on her head)

Carly's Quest
By: Yami's Girl710

It was 6 in the morning and a young girl slept soundly in her bed. Her room was messy and she seemed to love to collect things. Most of the things had to do with Pokemon. Like most girls, her room was filled with posters of singers and movie stars. Next to her bed there was a blue baseball cap and a pokeball. She slept dreaming about what would happen to her in the next two days. At the edge of her bed slept her best friend and only Pokemon Fire Fox (Vulpix). The sleeping girl's name was Carletta Mansion. Her friends and family call her Carly for short. She was a tomboyish kind of girl. Her long and strait black hair was almost always in a ponytail and her long bangs came down the sides of her face. She was tall and slim for a ten year old. She had always loved Pokemon ever since she was a little girl.

When she first got Fire Fox she was only three. She and Fire Fox care for each other deeply and are the best of friends. Carly had lived on Cinnabar Island all of her life so she loved fire Pokemon. She loved fire Pokemon so much that she became the gym leaders assistant at the Cinnabar Gym. Blaine, the gym leader, who was considered the world's best fire Pokemon expert, let her play with his fire Pokemon. Carly enjoyed going to the gym and helping him out. He admired Carly's skills with fire Pokemon and became good friends with the girl.

Carly was dreaming of getting her trainers license at the nearest lab. That very morning she would be leaving on a ferry to Pallet town, a small town where most trainers start off their journeys. She knew she would miss her parents deeply. Her mom stayed at home but she always encouraged Carly to follow her dreams. Her father worked in the research lab on Cinnabar. He had a great sense of humor and was also the one who gave Carly Fire Fox.

"Daddy! You're home!" said a three year old Carly to her dad.
"Hi sweetie, I've got a surprise for you," he said pulling out a small box with air holes.
"Let me see! Let me see!" said the little girl jumping up and down.
"Okay Okay, hold your Ponytas! Now I want you to take good care of it," he said as she took the box.
When she opened the box a small baby Vulpix lay with a confused but innocent look in its eyes. It jumped up on Carly's lap and licked her hand.
"It's so cute! I'm calling you Fire Fox," she said with a grin.
"Vul?" it said looking around.
"Come on Fire Fox let me show you my room!" Carly said picking up the little creature and running upstairs.
(End Flashback)

As dawn approached Carly's alarm radio went off and began playing the end of a song..
"You used to say I couldn't do it but I did it after telling everybody that I wasn't with it. I know it brings tears to my eyes I can feel it but that voice inside says I'm gonna be alright," sang a female voce on the radio.
"That was J-Lo singing "I'm gonna be alright". It's 7 AM so rise and shine and keep tuning in to Z100 Z morning zoo!" boomed a male's voice from the radio.
"Alright, Alright, I'm up already," she said sleepily as she hit the snooze button.

Carly looked up at her calendar and jumped up an down on her bed. Fire Fox woke up with a start and shot a glare at her friend. She quickly stopped and got ready. She wore a navy blue t-shirt with short low rise jeans that made her belly show a bit. Her t-shirt sported the leagues fire emblem. She fixed her long hair into a neater ponytail and put on her blue base ball cap. She put on her midnight blue fingerless gloves and grabbed her backpack before running down to greet her parents. Fire Fox lazily followed its friend down the stairs.

"G' morning Mom, G' morning Dad," Carly said kissing both her parents on the cheek.
"Good morning honey, It's a big day for you," her Dad said while Fire Fox let him scratch its ear.
"I know Dad, I can't wait until the I leave on the ferry," she said before she ate a bowl of cereal.
"Do you know what time the ferry leaves?" asked her mother with a smirk.
"Um" she said nervously.
"It's at 8:00 dear. Sometimes I think you're as forgetful as your father," her mom said.
"And what is that suppose to mean?" said her father standing up from the table.
"For one thing you forgot to put on your pants," said her Mom bursting into giggles.
"Huh? OhUm I'll be right back," he said looking down at his boxers and running back upstairs.
"Good one mom," Carly said trying to repress her own laughter.
"Come on Carly, you're going to be late," her mom said picking up Fire Fox.
"Got it mom. I'll call when I get to Viridian," she said fixing her backpack and taking Fire Fox from her mom.
"Ok honey, Bye!" her mom said as she watched her daughter run down the street.

Carly and Fire Fox walked down their block saying bye to friends as they past houses. All of Carly's friends were boys. She breathed in the salty air of Cinnabar and ran faster toward coast. They walked up to the peer and marveled at all the different ships docked there. Once they found their ferry, called the "The Sea's daughter", they boarded it quickly. Meanwhile a few miles away in the town of Pallet a 10 year old boy is daydreaming on a hill about being a Pokemon Master.

"Ash!" yelled a voice from the foot of the hill.
The boy woke up immediately and answered, "Coming Mom!"
He walks down the hill with his usual excited expression plastered on his face. His spiky black hair swayed as a gust of wind passed through the countryside. His dark brown eyes always gave him a determined look . He wore a black shirt with old blue jeans. Over his shirt he wore a blue/white jacket and on his hands he had on a pair of green fingerless gloves. On his head was an official Pokemon league hat. He twirled it backwards and placed his hands in his pockets as he walked. His name was Ash Ketchum and he dreamed of being a Pokemon master.

"Hey mom," he said walking through the back door.
"Hi honey do you want anything to eat?" she asked.
"No mom it's ok. I'm going to the peer to see the water Pokemon," he said happily.
"Ok but don't be gone to long I want you back at 1o'clock," she said.
"Got it mom, bye," he said walking out the front door.

(Back on "The Sea's Daughter")
"Oh we're almost there Fire Fox! Isn't this great?" said Carly as she overlooked Pallet Town in the distance.
"Vulpix Vul Vulpix," ("I think I'm going to be sick,")
"Oh Fire Fox, don't do anything that will get us in trouble," Carly said with a nervous giggle.
"We are now arriving in Pallet town. Please take your personal belongings and prepare to dock," said a voice over the speaker.
The ferry docked in less than ten minutes and everyone eagerly got off.
"Come on Fire Fox. Let's wait till the crowd goes away," Carly said clutching Vulpix in her arms.
Once the crowd dwindled to nothing , the only people left were Carly, Fire Fox, and a boy who was examining something in the water.
"I guess it's no harm asking him," Carly said to herself. She brushed her bangs out of her face and cautiously walked forward. The boy, obviously Ash, was carefully sneaking up on a wild Goldeen when a voice almost made him fall into the water.
"Um Excuse me," said a female voice.
"Hey watch it! You scared the living daylights out of me!" he yelled without thinking. He glared as the girl winced.
"I-I'm sorry. Come on Fire Fox," she said in a hurt voice as she backed away.
"I'm sorry, I overreacted please don't go," he said realizing his mistake. His eyes softened as he said those words.
The girl looked unsure of herself. His voice was dripping with sympathy yet a second ago he looked like he would explode.
Ash watched the girl's eyes carefully, searching for any sign of emotion. She had a confused look on the delicate features of her face. Her sparkling chocolate eyes showed an endless battle with herself. Se felt himself blush in spite of himself. He didn't want to scare her off. He seemed to do that a lot with people which was why he didn't have many friends. She sighed before she spoke.
"Well I guess I can trust you. You look my age," she said examining Ash from head to toe, "Hi my name is Carly Mansion. What's yours?"
Ash was surprised by the girl's change of mind. "Um yeahMy name is Ash Ketchum."
"Anyway I was going to ask you if you knew where the lab is?" she asked with a smile.
'She's nice,' he thought. "Yeah this way," he said.
"Thanks," she replied clutching her small Pokemon.
"What Pokemon is that?" asked Ash eagerly.
"It's a Vulpix but it's name is Fire Fox. I've had her since I was a little kid," she said letting Ash pet it.
'So far so good,' she thought.
"Cool, I'm getting my first Pokemon tomorrow," he said as they walked.
"Me too, well I'm starting my journey tomorrow," she said as she brushed a strand of hair from her face.
"Even better. Maybe we could hang out. I don't have to get home for another few hours," he said blushing.
Before Carly could answer a voice from behind Ash said, "Hey loser! Who's your girlfriend?'
Ash clenched his fist and muttered angrily under his breath.
"Who do you think you are?" Carly said seeing Ash's reaction.
"I'm Gary Oak and I am the future Pokemon master. I should warn you not to hang around with losers like Ash here," said the boy with an evil smile. He was about Ash's age with a long sleeved purple shirt and long purple pants. Around his neck he wore a necklace with the Ying Yang sign on it. He also had a pair of brown boots. His brown spiky hair was at an angle and behind him were a group of girls cheering him on.
"Gary! Gary! He's our man! If he can't do it no one can!" they said in unison.
"Whatever kid. You just look like a guy who has enough ego to fill up a Snorlax and that happens to pay local girls to make him look good," Carly said with smirk.
Ash looked up at Carly in gratitude and turned to face his life long rival.
Gary glared at the two of them and raised his fist in the air as he was about to swing it at Carly. Before Gary's fist could touch Carly's face Ash grabbed Gary's arm and held on tight.
"Out of my way Ketchum!" he said as he tried to get Ash's grip of his arm.
"Leave us alone," Ash said coldly as he tightened his grip.
"Ash, let him go I can handle him," she said glancing at Fire Fox then back at him.
Ash understood but reluctantly let go.
"What can you do?" asked Gary with sarcasm in his voice.
"Fire Fox give him a flame thrower," she said with an evil smile.
Gary's face paled as he heard this. Fire Fox who had been wanting to flame Gary from the beginning smiled mischievously before launching her flamethrower. Gary collapsed automatically making his cheerleaders run away carrying him.
After a brief moment of silence Ash spoke up, "Thanks for helping me back there."
"I should thank you for stopping Gary from giving me a black eye," she said smiling at him.
'He's so nice to me. He doesn't look half bad either,' she thought.
"Come on I'll show you around," he said as Carly picked up a happy Fire Fox.

They spent the next few hours talking about their towns and Pokemon. Ash was happy to have someone to talk to besides his mom even if it was a girl. Carly and Fire Fox were enjoying themselves too.

"So where do go now?" Carly asked as she glanced at her watch.
"We could back to my house and have lunch," Ash answered as he petted Fire Fox who purred contentedly.
"Good idea, let's go!" she said picking up Fire Fox from her comfortable position.
"Ok then. Here let me help you up," he said standing up and extending his hand.
Carly smiled and took his hand. They walked off toward the Ketchum's household joking about what had happened earlier with Gary. They reached Ash's house to a surprised but happy Mrs. Ketchum.

"Hey Mom, I want you to meet my friend Carly. She's from Cinnabar," Ash said as Carly smiled.
"Hello Mrs. Ketchum. Pleased to meet you," said Carly with a bow.
"Oh I'm so happy you made a friend Ash. I'll fix you guys up something ," said Mrs. Ketchum as she ran into the kitchen.
"What was that all about?" asked Carly.
"Let's just say I'm not very social with people," replied Ash quietly.
"Screw them then. I met you a few hours ago and I think you're a great guy," she said with a cheerful grin.
"Thanks" he said blushing.
" I'll be right back. It seems Fire Fox wants to go outside some more. Call me when lunch is ready," she said as she and Fire Fox went to the Ketchum's backyard.
"Yeah sure" he said in a distant voice.
'What's so different about her? I've never had anyone besides my mom be nice to me. She's great! She didn't run off when I yelled at her. She stood up for me against Gary and she said I was great guy. She's pretty toowait what am I thinking?! I met her a few hours ago! I can't like her' Ash thought to himself.
Mrs. Ketchum saw her son deep in thought.
"What's wrong honey?" she said looking up from the food she was making.
"Huh? Oh nothing mom," he said pushing his thoughts away.
"Ok then. Why don't you go back out with Carly?" she asked giving her usual cheerful smile.
"Yeah mom," he said as he went to his yard to find her.
Meanwhile Carly and Fire Fox were on the hill that Ash was on earlier enjoying the view.
"Pallet Town is a lot different than back home. Everything here is so peaceful," Carly said taking in the fresh air.
"Vul Vul Vulpix ," ("Yes I agree,")
Carly smiled at her life long friend and became lost in her own thoughts. 'Let me seeI like Charmander since it's a fire type. I guess I'll take that one. I was thinking of going on my journey alone but Ash changed my mind. He's nice enough so I'll ask him later. He is kind of cute' but her thoughts were interrupted by Ash as he sat down next to her on the hill.
"Hey Carly," he said smiling as Fire Fox jumped up to lick his face.
"Hi," she replied not taking her eyes off the countryside.
"Nice isn't it?" asked Ash turning his gaze to the scenery he was so familiar with.
"Yeah it makes you want to think," she said as Fire Fox turned his head to see what everybody was looking at.
"I'll race you to the bottom!" said Carly with a devilish grin.
"You're on!" said Ash as they ran.
Fire Fox yawned and ran after her trainer. Ash and Carly acted like little kids for the next few hours. They skipped lunch so their stomachs were growling by the time they got back to Ash's house.
"That was great!" Carly said as they collapsed on the couch.
"I haven't had that much fun in years," Ash said smiling at her.
Fire Fox came into the room panting from trying to catch up with the two friends.
Carly laughed as she picked up Fire Fox and placed it on her lap. As she stroked Fire Fox's soft fur Ash daydreamed about which Pokemon he would get. Ash eventually fell asleep and so did Carly and Fire Fox afterwards. Mrs. Ketchum walked in and smiled at the peaceful scene before going back to her chores.

An hour later Carly woke up and looked at the time.
"Oh no, I got to go!" she said waking up Fire Fox.
She left Ash a note telling him to meet her at the lab tomorrow so they could both start their journeys together.
"Bye Mrs. Ketchum!" she said as she whizzed pass her out the front door.
"What a nice girl," she said sweetly.
"Hurry up Fire Fox, we got to get to the lab," she said running down the street.
"Vulpix Vulpix!" ("What do you think I'm doing?")
As they came closer to the lab an old man in a lab coat came out of the lab to check on the Pokemon. He saw a young girl run up to him panting and trying catch her breath.
"UmCan I help you?' he asked seeing that the girl had a Pokemon.
"Are you Prof. Oak?" she asked .
"Yes," he replied.
"Well my name is Carly and me and my friend here came to Pallet Town so I could get my Trainers License. I was wondering if I could spend the night here," she said quickly.
"Let's seeI do have a spare room but you'll have to earn it," he said pointing to the Pokemon he had running around through the fields behind his house.
"Of course Professor," she said with a smirk.
As Carly tended to the errands the Professor had given her Ash woke up. He was surprised that Carly was gone but when he read the note he smiled. He went up to his room and turned on the TV.
'Can't wait till tomorrow!'
he thought as he read the note again. 'What am I doing? What's up with me? I feel strange around her. Got to concentrate' he thought.

(That Evening)
Carly yawned as she collapsed onto the bed. She had worked really hard for the small room she was laying in. Fire Fox wearily took its spot on its trainers bed.

"I heard they were going to show some battles on TV tonight," she said looking at her TV guide.
Fire Fox just yawned.
"Yeah maybe you're right. Their probably re-runs. Goodnight," she said closing the book and her eyes.

Carly had a very strange dream. She was on a pillar in the middle of a bubbling volcano. She was warring a red body suit that sparkled lightly in the dark night. Her hair was no longer in it's usual ponytail but instead had grown to her knees. She wore a red mask that covered her now flaming red eyes. In her hand she held a tall golden scepter that held a large ruby on top. She looked around seeing there was no way to get off the pillar without falling to a fiery death. On the other side of the Volcano she saw Ash staring at her in utter disbelief. In his arms was an unconscious Pikachu. Carly was confused and scared. What was she doing there? Where was Fire Fox? Why had she changed? Before she could sort her thoughts a blast came from the sky and threw her off the pillar. The last thing she heard before falling into the boiling magma was Ash yell "Carly!" She woke up in cold sweat panting heavily. She glanced at her watched and saw that it was about 2 in the morning. Carly carefully got out of bed and washed her face with cold water. Millions of thoughts raced through her mind as she recalled all the details to her dream; her transformation, the volcano, Ash, and then the lethal blast. She put it out of her mind and tried to concentrate on the following morning. She put her face in her hands and tried to figure why she had had such a dream when she saw something sparkle on the floor. She carefully bent down and picked the shining object; it was a gold chain with a small ruby dangling from it. 'HmmWho would leave this here?' she thought as she examined the necklace. She placed it around her neck and looked at herself in the mirror. The ruby seem to shine in the dim light of the room. 'It looks beautiful! I think I'll keep this.' She went back to bed to see if she could fall asleep again.

The next morning she and Fire Fox woke up early and got ready to go. As she walked down the stairs she was met by a cold stare. It was Gary Oak. His hair was still singed from yesterday.

"Hi Gary," Carly said trying to keep herself from laughing.
Gary just continued giving her the evil eye. Fire Fox growled causing his stare to waver a bit.
"Good Morning Carly! I want you to meet my grandson Gary. Gary this is Carly," the Professor said in a cheerful smile.
"We've met," they said in unison.
"Ok then why don't you each choose one of the three Pokemon on the table and you may nickname it once you have chosen," he said showing the circular table.
Carly eagerly picked up the pokeball with the fire emblem.
"I choose Charmander!" she said throwing the pokeball. Out of the pokeball came out a cute fire lizard Pokemon.
"Charmander!" it said smiling at it's new trainer.
"Hello little guy. I'll call you Torch if you like it?" Carly asked.
It nodded its head contentedly and started a conversation with Fire Fox.
Gary grunted and asked, "Where's that Pokemon you saved for me, Grandpa?"
"Oh yes Gary here you go," the Prof. replied handing Gary a pokeball from his pocket.
"Perfect," he said smiling proudly.
"So Gary want to try out our Pokemon in a battle?" Carly asked looking at his pokeball curiously.
"I would never waste my time with losers like you," he said crossing his arms.
"Jerk," she muttered under her breath.
"Carly may I speak with you for a moment?" the Professor asked seeing the war Carly and his grandson were about to start.
"Fine," Carly said reluctantly.
"For helping out so much yesterday I decided to give you this Pokemon. It has a small problem though. It's fire sack is fractured so it can't use any fire attacks. Don't use it till you get your first badge, " he said handing Carly a pokeball.
"Thanks Prof." Carly said with a huge grin.
When she exited the lab she glanced her watch and saw that it was nine o' clock.
'Ash where are you?' she thought.
She returned Torch and sadly walked on toward Viridian with Fire Fox. As Carly walked along she pondered about the Pokemon Prof. Oak had given her. She found a serene grassy spot by a stream that ended in a waterfall. Fire Fox flinched. Carly returned Fire Fox immediately. She wanted to see the Pokemon she got but she got remembered what Oak said. She stared at the current of the sparkling water and fell into a complete state of calmnessuntil she heard a loud yell coming from behind her. She immediately became alert and assumed a defensive position. She was shocked to see a beaten up and frightened Ash. He was carrying a small yellow bundle in his arms.

"Ash?" Carly asked in a surprised voice.
All Ash did was grab Carly's arm and drag her down the river bed. Once they reached the edge Ash held Carly tight with his one free hand and jumped. When they tumbled down to the ice cold waters a wild Gyrados tried to attack. Carly let out a scream that came out as a large bubble under the water.
Carly felt a hard tug at her shirt and soon she and Ash were flung out of the water seconds before the hungry Gyrados could reach them.
Carly opened her eyes and coughed up some water. Her clothes were torn and wet and she was angry. She looked over to see Ash worryingly overlooking the limp Pikachu in his arms. All anger washed away from her face as she saw that.
"Ash you ok?" she asked putting a hand on his damp shoulder.
He nodded and grabbed a nearby bike. He put the Pikachu in the basket and sped off.
"Hey that's my bike you brat!" yelled a voice from behind Carly. She tuned around to see a girl with red hair and a strange outfit. She looked a little older than Carly.
"Sorry miss. My friend was kind of in a hurry. Let me give you my spare bike," Carly said as she searched her bag for an item ball.
"Thanks," said the girl.
Carly tossed her the item ball and ran off with quick goodbye. She followed the tire tracks until she reached a hurt Ash and Pikachu. The area surrounding them was scorched and desolate. She ran over to Ash and kneeled down next to him. His clothes were badly burned and he had cuts on his arms and face. He opened his eyes slowly to see a worried Carly tending to his cuts.
"Where's Pikachu?" he asked weakly as he slowly sat up.
"Pikachu's not doing so good. We need to get it to a center," she said holding up the limp Pokemon.
"Thanks for your help but I have to help Pikachu," he said taking it and standing up.
He started running toward Viridian leaving Carly in the middle of the road.
"Hey wait for me!" she yelled running after him.

(½ hour later)
Carly ran into the Pokemon center of Viridian City panting . She was cold, wet, tired and hungry. It was becoming late and she ran around most of the day catching up with Ash. She looked up to see Ash with his face in his hands sitting on a couch. She glanced up to see the emergency care light on.
She slowly walked over to Ash and sat next to him. She placed her hand on his back causing him to look up.

"You ok?" she asked with a small smile.
"Yeah I just hope Pikachu is ok," he said struggling to smile back.
"Don't worry Ash. I'm sure everything's going to be fine," she said with comforting pat.
"I'm sorry about everything I did to you today. I overslept so when I got to the lab you were gone. Then I was attacked by Spearow and Pikachu got seriously hurt. I needed to get it help fast so-" he was cut off by Carly's giggles.
"What's so funny?" he asked with a confused face.
"You don't have to apologize for something you didn't do," she replied leaning in closer to Ash.
"UhhYeah," he said feeling his face go red.
Carly's face blushed pink as she leaned back to her seat.
'What just happened there? ' Ash thought.
'Why did I do that?!' Carly thought shyly.
"I'm going to go freshen up. I've had a long day," Carly said as she stood up.
"Yeah sure," Ash replied still deep in thought. After Carly and Ash got dressed they waited hours for Pikachu to get better. Ash was very worried and Carly was doing her best to comfort him. Around midnight Carly felt her eyes drooping and got a coke out of the soda machine. She popped it opened and drank the whole thing in one gulp. She wiped her mouth and tossed the can away feeling more energetic. Ash watched as he sweat dropped. Suddenly a *ding* caused them both to look up. The emergency light turned off and Nurse Joy walked out calmly. Ash held his breath.
"Pikachu will be fine. It will need to stay the night to fully recover," she said with a smile.
Ash sighed of relief and said "Thank You!"
"Thank you Nurse Joy and good night," Carly said as Nurse Joy walked away.
She turned to Ash who looked like he would fall asleep right there as he stood. Carly smiled at him.
"You're sleepy aren't you?" she joked in a motherly voice.
"Ha Ha very funny," he replied running his hand through his messy hair.
"I'm serious. Go to sleep. I'm still a little restless so I'll go to sleep in a little while," she said.
"Goodnight then," he said giving her an affectionate smile before heading to bed.
Carly felt her heart beat faster with that smile. She quickly put the feeling away and took Fire Fox out of his pokeball since they were no longer near water.

"Vulpix Vul Vul Pix?" (" Did anything exciting happen while I was in there?")
Carly smiled slightly and sweat dropped. "Nothing much really."
Carly fiddled with the ruby necklace she had found. It glittered brightly in the dim moonlight. Fire Fox casually jumped up and stared at the shining stone.
"Beautiful isn't it," Carly said as she tucked it under her shirt.
Fire Fox nodded and laid on Carly's lap. She petted Fire Fox as she tried to fall asleep. Suddenly Fire Fox's sensitive hearing picked up a noise. It raised it's head and perked up its ears to find the sound. It jumped off Carly's lap and followed the sound. She followed Fire Fox to the front desk where she saw shadows roaming around. Carly filled with worry but automatically she knew she had to wake up Ash and Nurse Joy.
"Ash, Ash!" she whispered as she shook Ash violently from his slumber.
"WhaWhat happened? Why is there an earthquake? " he said groggily.
Carly sweat dropped and with a small smile said, "Sorry Ash but I think somebody is breaking into the center."
"Oh! Why didn't you wake me!?" he said as he jumped up and went to wake Nurse Joy.
"Stubborn boy," Carly mumbled to herself. She picked up Fire Fox and went after Ash.
She ran in Ash's direction but stopped when she heard voices coming from around a corner. She leaned against the wall and made a signal to be quiet. She heard Ash arguing with two other voices; one female and one male.
"Get out of the way twerp!" yelled the female with strange red hair.
"I won't let you steal the Pokemon here!" Ash yelled back.
Out of the corner of her eyes, Carly saw Nurse Joy sneaking into the storage room.
'Clever, Ash,' she thought as she listened on to the argument.
"Fine you brat we'll just force you out of the way," the purple haired male said as he enlarged a pokeball.
'Oh no! Ash doesn't have any Pokemon with him!' she thought seeing the glint of fear in Ash's eyes.
"Ash run! I'll take care of these losers," Carly said as she jumped out of her hiding spot.
Ash nodded and gave her a grateful smile before dashing toward the storage room.
"What did you call us!" said the fiery haired female.
"Shut up and let's battle," Carly replied coolly.

Meanwhile Ash and Nurse joy were transferring the Pokemon to pewter.
"We're almost done," Nurse Joy said as she typed furiously.
"Hopefully Carly can hold them off long enough-" Ash was cut off by a small explosion that knocked the doors open. Carly came out from the smoke holding her arm that was bleeding. Her clothes were dirty and she was obviously weakened. She walked limply toward Ash and collapsed. Ash caught her before she hit the floor.
"This is not my day is it," she said weakly before passing out.
"Carly!" he exclaimed with concern.
"Is she ok? Oh my the power has gone out," Nurse Joy said.
The lights flickered and went out. The computer made a pop sound as it shut down. As Nurse Joy went to start the backup power Team Rocket came in from the smoke filled hallway.
"Now we'll ask you one more time; Give us your Pokemon now!" said the red head angrily.
Ash leaned Carly against the wall and grabbed one of the remaining pokeballs. "Never!"
"Fine then kid we'll just do the same thing we did to that other kid to you," said the lavender haired guy as a Koffing appeared from behind him. An Ekans appeared from behind the girl.
At that moment the power came back on and Nurse Joy with Pikachu in her arms. It seemed to be a bit healthier. Pikachu jumped up into Ash's arms and cuddled into his chest.
"Cut the cute crap and let's get this battle started," said an unknown voice from behind Team Rocket.
"Shut up Meowth!" the girl said.
Ash seemed a little shocked at first but he shrugged it off.
"This is for Carly!" he said as he threw the pokeball.

YG710: Sorry about making Team Rocket look so tough but hey, it makes the story interesting.

Carly: You made me look weak!

Fire Fox: ^_^;

YG710: Sorry but i had to make the story interesting for my readers.

Carly: Whatever...

YG710: Anyways please r/r and if i get enough reviews I'll update. See ya!

Carly: ...

Fire Fox: Vulpix!