Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Curse of the Werepokemon ❯ Chapter 01 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: This fic uses the work of the
Pokemon. Which is not my property. I hope I
don't offend. I have no money for legal
problems and would very much appreciate
it if no one tries to sue me. Thank you
very much. I also use some concepts from
Dungeons and Dragons plus Gold Diggers. I
don't not own that or profit from it. So
please don't sue.

Curse of the Werepokemon

Chapter 01

Ash was having that dream again. The one where he was running
through the forest, looking
at everything with new eyes. Pokemon were appearing everywhere around
him and it was
wonderful. Then he came to the edge of the island, looking over the
water. Then he looked at
the water, at his reflection. It wasn't his... it was the image of an

Ash woke up! he looked around. He was in the woods again, away from
the campsite that he and
his friends had been sleeping in. Worse, he was naked! Again! Ash
tried to get back to the
campsite without alerting anyone that he was in his birthday suit
again. Luck it was really
early in the morning. With any luck, no one was up yet.

That came to a stop when he saw Brock up in the morning, cooking
breakfast early in the
morning. There was no way that he could sneak into the tent without
alerting Brock to his
presents. But he had to think quickly. It was either letting Brock
see him...or have Brock,
Max and May look at him while he tried to get back. Gathering his
courage, he walked ahead.

Brock was cooking the meal, when he stopped and looked at the naked
boy that was coming
towards him. His eyes opened wide and he asked it gently, "Ash why
are you out naked?" He
was ready for any excuse that might make things clearer.

"I don't know actually!" Ash said as sweat dripped from his head. He
also turned a bright
red. "I just want to dress before the others get up." Ash said
nervously. As he tried to
slip to the tent. He slipped in and went to his clothes. He was
feeling completely awkward.
First there had been the lost to Brawly, then the strange Eevee
dreams. Now it was waking up
in the woods nude. 'What is going on with me?' Ash thought to himself.


Aki crossed the waters with a little reluctance, but he had a
mission to help his old
friend's son with. Before his friend's death, Aki had been made the
godfather of the child
in question. For good reason. He was one of the few that knew the
secret that Ol' Ketchem
held in his bloodline. The same secret that he held in his bloodline.
They were a rare race
that mingled between the worlds of Pokemon and humans. The ancient
Werepokemon race. Of the
Were-Eevee clans, in his and Ketchem's cases. And possibly in the
case of Ketchem's son...Ash.

Aki just had to Ash before he developed too much of the
transformation...and before others
with less morals tried to use him for a darker purpose. Team Fang had
to be stopped at all
cost. He didn't want his friend's son to be seduced by their evil.
Plus he had to know his
history and the secret world of the Werepokemon. Of their powers and
responsibilities. Of
the dangers that he would have to face.

Aki hurried to Dewford Island.

Still, Elsewhere...

Mai headed to Dewford Island, ready to recruit the werepokemon that
was haunting the island
to Team Fang. Luck, one of their spies on the island had seen the
traces of a new werepokemon.
What type, they didn't know. But they had to increase their ranks for
the mission. She was
told to do whatever it takes to recruit him. As a sexy young woman,
she had many attractive
methods of control. Then there was the nastier side of the equation.

Mai flew to the island.

On Dewford Island...

Ash ran his hand through his hair. It was strange that his hair had
been changing while he
had been having these strange dreams. It had turned from it's normal
black to a more brownish
shade. His ears had also changed, turning more and more pointed. 'Is
it swelling or something
else?' Ash thought. Lucky his hat and hair hid the tips of his
ears. 'What is wrong with me?'

Ash stepped out of the tent. Breakfast was over, and know he was
suppose to train his Pokemon
to have more patience. But Brock had wanted to talk to him about what
had happened this
morning. I was really embarrassing to talk about, but it was something
Brock thought had to
come up. Ash headed out to face the music. Ash followed Brock to the
woods as Max and May tried
to train May's Beautifly for a Pokemon Beauty contest. It was a
distraction that would keep
them from learning about Ash's secret.

"So Ash, how long has this been going on?" Brock asked Ash, with
concern in his voice.

"A few days now. Almost as long as I've been having these dreams."
Ash replied as he
explained his strange Eevee dreams. Then he mentioned the changes in
his appearance. He
took off his hat. His brown hair stood out from his head. The tips of
his ears were also clear.

Brock looked at the differences in Ash's appearance. "Are you sure
that you're feeling all
right? You don't think that it could be something that might be
catching?" Brock said as he
placed a hand on Ash's forehead and tried to take his temperature,
looking for a fever no doubt.
"You feel okay, but I'm not sure. It could still be some kind of bug.
But the question is now
is if this bug is causing you to sleepwalk?"

"So what do I do? Tie myself up at night? Don't fall a sleep?" Ash
asked, nervous about this.
"You don't think that it has something to do with my lost to Brawly?"

"That might explain the sleepwalking, but not the physical changes.
It could be the
combination of the lost with something altering your health. But
there might be a way to see
what is happening. I say up on watch tonight and see what happens
when you fall a sleep. Then
I might be able to figure out why you're walking in the forest
naked." Brock explained, "Until
then the only thing we can do is try to keep things as normal as
possible. I'll also try to
keep it secret for now, until we know what is happening to you."

"Thanks Brock. I know what, I'll have my Pokemon help you keep a
watch over me. That should
help." Ash said, "With any luck we should be able to solve this
problem easily." Ash started
towards moving to the wilderness to train his Pokemon. 'I'll just
give my Pokemon a rest
tomorrow after tonight's watch.' Ash thought to himself.

That night...

Brock stood watch over the tent as Ash slept. Pikachu, Treecko,
Corphish and Taillow stood
outside looking at their trainer as he slept. It was getting close to
midnight as the man and
the Pokemon waited for the weirdness to begin. Then they heard the
noise. A call out of the
night. "Eevee!" came the call. It came from inside the tent. Brock
could see movement inside.
Then there was a burst of movement and out of the tent came Ash.

"What's that noise?" May said as she walked out of the other tent as
her brother followed her.
"What's going..." started the young woman as she saw a naked Ash
standing in front of his tent.
She screamed out as was startled by Ash.

"Anyone know why Ash is naked?" Max asked, a little out of it. This
wasn't normal Pokemon
trainer behaviour. But then things seemed to get weirder.

Ash started to grow hair all over his body and his features started
to shift. His nails grew
into claw like features. He developed a pelt of soft brown, with a
whitish-yellow collar around
his neck. Pointed ears stuck out from the sides of his head. He even
had a little bit of a
snout. Then came the cry, "Eevee!"

"Ash has just turned into a weird new type of Eevee!" Max said
excited. This had to be
something big. ' This is too cool! I wonder what Prof. Oak would say
about this.' Max thought.

May just shook as she looked at the creature that Ash had just
become. 'This is too weird.
This can't be happening. It must be a dream.' May relaxed at that
thought. This had to be a

Ash just crawled on his hands and feet, looking more like a wild
Eevee than a human. 'He
must still be asleep or in shock.' Brock thought, 'How do I snap him
out of it?' Looking at
Ash's Pokemon, it came clear. "Pikachu, give him a thundershock to
wake him up."

"Pika-pik." came the reply from the Pokemon. "CHUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" he
squealed as it let loose
with it's lighting. It almost missed the moving creature that Ash had
become, but Pikachu had
been use to moving targets and had adapted.

"EEEEEEEEEEVEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Came the reply as Ash was charged with
lightning. Then he fell over.

A little while later...

Ash woke up a little disoriented. 'What hit me?' He started to look
around. It was then that he noticed that everyone had gathered around
him. Watching him with worried looks. "Hey, everybody. What's the matter?"
he asked, curious. "Was I sleepwalking again?"

It took a moment for them to answer. Then Brock replied. "Yes, but I
think it would be best for you to look in a mirror first. To see what
has happened." Brock pulled out a small mirror and handed it to Ash
who took it. He looked into it carefully.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?!" asked screamed out as he saw his reflection.
He looked like some kind of cross between a human and an Eevee. 'What the
heck is happening to me? Is this connected to the dreams and the changes
that have been happening to me?' Ash thought as he stared at himself.

"I think I know what happened. It's just that I can't believe that it's
true!" Max said, getting more excited at the possibility of what was

"Good, cause I don't know what's happen. I was hoping that this was all
a dream." May said as she tried to believe that weirdness. 'Was this
something that happened to Pokemon Trainers over time?' she thought

"I think I know what you're talking about Max. And I can't believe
I'm saying this, but I think that Ash is some kind of Werepokemon. Most
likely a Were-Eevee from what he looks like and from what he has told
me." Brock said as he moved closer to Ash.

"What's a Werepokemon?" Ash asked, curious.

"You haven't heard the legends? Or watched the movies that has come out
about it? I thought that everyone has seen those movies. There so cool!"
Max said, still excited. "A Werepokemon is a person that can shape shift
between a human and a Pokemon form. They can also take a hybrid form that
has all of the powers of a human and a Pokemon! It would be so great to
be one!"

"Am I dangerous then?" Ash asked, trying to figure out what he was going
to do next.

"Most legends say that the person afflicted with the nature of a
Werepokemon usually takes some of the personality traits of the Pokemon.
Fortunately, Eevees are pretty friendly and helpful. So I don't see any
danger from that front. But legends say that a Werepokemon could change
ordinary humans into Werepokemon. Only that the new Werepokmon is under
the thrall of the original Werepokemon." Brock said as he looked at Ash.

"What's a thrall?" asked May asked, curious. She had seen Max watching
the movies that involved this were affliction. But she had never seen the
movies. She didn't know much about the movies or the legends.

"A thrall is a slave. They would have to obey the every command of the
original Werepokemon. It is part of the legend that Werepokemon would
travel in packs of Werepokemon they had converted." Brock said, adding
"But from what I heard it has to be transfered by way of a bite. And then
it seems that there is a small chance that the person might contract the

Ash looked at them and then at himself. "So is there any reason that I'm
still naked?"

Not too far away at that moment...

Meowth was watching the dweebs from the brush, trying to make heads or
tails about what had happened. Nearby, Jesse and James were also looking
at the reason they hadn't raised thought the ranks of Team Rocket. Or
caught the Pikachu!

"I can't believe it. The twerp has turned into some kind of rare
Pokemon! This is just what we need to get in good with the Boss!" Jesse
said. "Or better yet, make us rich!"

"How so? I can't think about away to make money off of a goofy Pokemon?"
James said, not sure what to do.

"Well, the talk show potential alone would make us rich!" Jesse said, her
mind filling with dollar signs and the things they can buy.

Meowth, however, knew what was happening. For he had seen something like
this before. He had know a Weremeowth, once. He had thought him to be
another talking Pokemon, till he changed. It was from him that he had
learnt of the secret underground world that existed for the Weres. One
that could be dangerous to a Meowth's life. Especially if they were to
take a were to the Boss or to the TV talk show lanes.

'But how do I convince those guys not to pounce on a multimillion dollar
deal without looking suspicious?' Meowth thought to himself. 'I thought
that Team Rocket was tough, but it pales in comparison to Team Fang! Those
guys will eat you up!'

Meowth thought quickly. 'I guess I just gotta hope those twerps know how
to stop us.'

Moments later...

Ash had just gotten his clothes on...having made the alterations that he
needed to make it fit. 'Human clothes aren't made for tails.' He walked to
where everyone else was. 'What's else could happen to me?' That was when
the explosion happened. Then he was scooped up in something. The next thing
he knew, he was in a net.

"What the..." came May's voice from next to him. It turned out that she
had been scooped up as well. They were in a net hanging from the end of
the Meowth balloon of a certain duo.

"Prepare for trouble..." came a female voice.

"Make it double..." came the male reply.

"To protect the world from deviation."

"To unite all people of every nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."

"We know, we know." May said, adding "Could we please just get to the
part were we kick your butts! And...Owww." May called out.

"What the matter?" Ash asked, curious.

"You scratched me." May said, adding "Watch where you're putting those

"Shut up, you twerps." Jesse said, "We're taking you to the boss!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it." Ash said, as he had a plan. He
used his claws to slash the net. To create a hole in the netting. 'Now
we just have figure out a way to get down from here.' Then a surprise came
up. It was Taillow floating up beside them.

"Taillow!" came the reply. Ash could see that the flying Pokemon was
holding a rope. It was a long shot, but it could work.

"Mai, grab the rope. Taillow, might be able to get us down." Ash said as
they grabbed the rope. It was a sudden jolt downwards, but Taillow was
slowing their descent.

"The Twerps are getting away! After them!" Jesse said as they tried to
get another netting device ready.

Down on the ground, a certain Pokemon readied his attack til Ash, May
and Taillow were out of the way. Then he fired. "PikaCHUUUUUUUUUU!!!!"
A thunderbolt launched out of the Pokemon, striking the balloon. Causing
an explosion.

"Team Rocket is blasting off again!!!" Called out the team as they blew
away. Soon only a slight gleam in the sky told of their presents.


Ash and May had landed on the group, as Taillow fell over exhausted.
"Sorry, Taillow. Time for a good rest." Ash said, as he pulled out
the pokeball and sucked the Pokemon in.

"This is not good." Max said, simply. "Team Rocket must have seen Ash in
his hybrid form. That means they know that he's a Werepokemon."

"And if they know, they will be after him forever. Cause however rare a
Pokemon is, a Werepokemon must be twice as rare. We'll just have to be
prepared for attacks against Ash from Team Rocket." Brock said, seriously.

"Owwww." came May's voice as she tried to treat the scratches that Ash had
given her. "These scratches don't seem to be healing well. Their turning
bright red for some reason." It was true. The red scratches were turning
a bright scarlet. "It's like there's something crawling under the skin,
throbbing like crazy!" A look of fear crossed May's face. "You don't think
that I'm going to turn into Ash's Werepokemon slave." May said, nervously.

"I'm pretty sure it has to be a bite." Max said.

"We'll take a better look at it in the morning!" Brock said, adding "I
think that we could all use sometime to sleep and think on this."