Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Destiny Of The Stars. ❯ The Calm Before The Storm. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This Story was Created By and Belongs to H. Falcon.

[[The Below Story and all Creative Property Within Belongs to H. Falcon. ©2000-2003.]]

[[Pokémon, Mewtwo, and all Associated Characters are Copyrights of Nintendo, GAMEFREAK, Creatures.inc. ©1995 1996 1998 & 2000 - 2003]]

[[ Pokémon is a ®™ of Nintendo, GAMEFREAK, Creatures.inc. ©1995 1996 1998 & 2000 - 2003]]

[[ All Trademarks™, and Copyrights© belong to their Respected owners. Everything else is ©H. Falcon.]]

All Copyrighted Materials Belong to their Respected Owners.

Everything else is Mine.


For Information, Comments, etc... Contact Me, H. Falcon.

Myutsuu150@aol.com [Come Visit Me on My New Message Board The Falcon's Nest.]

DO NOT POST this Story Anywhere unless Authorized.

Ask Me first.

Authors Notes: Hello there! H. Falcon here to let you in on a little information. I have decided to finally post my master story here up on FF.Net. Much to the delight (hopefully) of many readers who will read and enjoy this story. Before you begin reading, please take the time to read this section. It will help you to better understand a few things. First of all this story is by no means complete. I have been working on it for over a year on and off. What that also means is in order to put this up sooner then I had originally planned to, I will be editing it as I prepare to put each section up. Therefore errors might get by, and things might be updated as need be. So, in other words, if this page is uploaded, and in time I notice something needs to be changed, it will be fixed and replaced. Of course, if that happens, I will post it on my board and let you know of the update, so if you choose to you can come back and re-read it to see what has changed. For the most part I don't intend to change anything majorly. And, not counting any unforeseen problems or such, I don't think it will change much. What might change, however, is this notice as well as my memoirs and such. This story is my masterpiece. And therefore means a lot to me. In more ways then just that. This story is about my most favorite character of all time. As you read on you'll know who that is. It's a dedication as well as a tribute to him. I hope it upholds that honor well. And I hope I do it justice... do him the justice he deserves. In the following story I have decided to take an approach most Authors tend to try and avoid: first person. Why have I done this you ask? Well, I have a few reasons. Two of the more obvious is that it is a much harder challenge to maintain the whole context of the story as first person and keep it interesting still. And second, because this was how I thought it would best be served and portray him to a wonderful degree. I know this first part might seem a little on the slow and dull side. But it is merely the beginning. I assure you that if you hang around long enough, you're in for a lot of surprises and fun. Well, I set out making this story to be the ultimate, most fantastic Mewtwo story of them all; the best of the best. Have I accomplished that? Only time will tell. Please hold off your final judgment on that until the story has reached its ultimate end. Until the last word is spoken and said. Until the final words appear on the very last page. When will that be? Who Knows! ^__^ But for now read on and please leave your comments and reviews. For it is within the fans, that make the journey continue. Take care, my fellow readers. ~Falcon.~

[[On a side note: Yes I am very aware (now) of the Mewtwo Returns special that will be arriving shortly on our shores. However, when starting this story back in September of 2000, I was not aware of such a special. Therefore, the events in here obviously differ from those. So please do not go posting stuff on my Reviews about how that and that didn't happen after the movie and such. Obviously this takes a different route then how the special does; however, in an attempt to consider the special and how it would change some aspects of my story, there might be revisions in the future that would then make the story in fact coincide with the special. Just like it does with the movie. I will have to see.]]

A Very Special Thanks: I want to Take this time to Mention Some very special Thanks that Must go out to some people. As this Story is far from complete and therefore in Progress this list might change as things progress. First and Foremost I'd like to thank A very Special Individual who is Such a Wonderful and Great inspiration to me, who fills me with love when I am in need of it. She will probably Never Know exactly just how much she has done for me or how much of a impact she has made on me. Nor just how much she has helped with this story. I already know she thinks she hasn't helped much, since the Story is Completely mine, in all respects of ideas Character Plot, and everything in it that happens, and that is True. But she has been a huge help in all this, She has done more then she will probably ever realize, By just Being here for me. By just being in my life and being here for me. By surrounding me with her love. She has been such a huge factor in my life and I thank her with all of my Heart. Thank you Michelle, My Angel.

That Being Said, As I said before there are many people who Have Been a great Help to me, Not necessarily with the story but in general. And being a part of my life. And as I said this is still being updated and Will so in time, and perhaps mention more of the people who have touched me and are a part of my life. To all those people who have, Thank you. ~Falcon~

A Special Note I'd like to mention here and a Thanks as well. Thank you to Shadowy Knight for Being my wonderful proofreader. Notice any errors and you can blame him folks! ^_^ Also you might want to Start feeling envious of him. As due to the fact he is my New Proofreader he gets to see my Stories a little in Advance before all of you do. ^__^ Hee Hee. Better hope you can run fast Shadowy! I don't think their to happy with that!


Skipped past the above notes? I highly suggest you go back and read them. It will only take a few minutes. It would be very wise to do so. So please take the time to read them. They're not there just to bore you. They will provide you with an insight and better understanding then if you just go ahead and read the story. But I can't stop you, so if you must rush on to the story then do so. But really... you're missing out. As for the rest of you who did take the time to read my notes above thank you! ^__^ You're all the better off for doing so. ENJOY!

Still with me? Good, now sit back, get comfy, get your nice hot cocoa or tea or whatever suits your fancy. And be prepared to see the world, through the eyes of one… through the eyes of another…

Through the eyes of Mewtwo!

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Humans... what strange creatures... filled with mystery...

At one time, I didn't think very highly of them. I was exposed to certain ones, and based my whole judgment on them as a race from those negative exposures...

How wrong I realized I was to judge a race by a few people. How wrong I was to judge a book by its cover...

A while back, certain things happened, certain events unfolded, and opened my eyes.

I am Mewtwo… and this is my tale. I will tell you of it... if you'll listen.

Destiny of the Stars. [[Working Title]]

--The night was calm, the sky was clear, and I found myself looking to the night sky, as I often did. The stars held such beauty... such elegance... how I could look at them for hours and not care of anything else. They called to me... I could hear them, their bright glow beckoning to my soul. Some called me a cold creature… that I had no emotions. But I did; I just didn't show them as the humans often did. I kept them to myself, for I had no one to share them with, and I never would. You see, I was a creation, not born of this world. I was created by science, not born from nature. I had no mother... no father… no brothers or sisters, and I would never have a mate. I was truly and absolutely alone in this world. Oh, you might think to yourself as I tell you my tale that you know how I feel. That you have no one to love... and perhaps… in your own way you would be right. But imagine being the only one of your kind in the world. Knowing that you were the only one. There would be no others. Your race would die with you. And you would never be able to have anyone to share your life with. Such was my burden… and that was why I kept everything to myself, and seemed cold and heartless to everyone else. That is why I gazed upon the stars often, hearing them call to me... their siren song in my heart telling me that I was not alone... that in some way... I was not... alone...

--It had been over a year since my lesson with that boy. Yes, that boy and his Pikachu. He was the one who helped me to see a different light, but that light became dim. You see, that is another tale. Another tale that has already been told. But the events that happened there, helped me to see that not all people are alike, that everyone is different. But that all life is precious, no matter what the differences. The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are. But after those events, time went on, and the more it passed, the more I felt the same as I had before. That I was alone... nothing… not even the truth that I found out on that day would change that. Yes... life was precious. But what good was it, what did all that matter, if you could not share that with anyone. If you knew you would be alone... so terribly alone for the rest of your existence. And that is why, as time passed on, the light that that boy had shown me started to dim…

--You may ask, well, what happened to the others, if you know my other tale that I speak of. Well, that boy and his Pikachu continued on their journey, and everyone from there, they no longer remembered those events, because I purged their minds of those things. Now you might say how cold of you! But I was not without reason. It was not a good idea to let them remember the events that had happened on that night. But I am also not without compassion and feeling, as I have told you. So even if they where not aware of it, they did leave my island that day with something still in their minds. For I left the knowledge of what I had learned with them on that night, in the deepness of their minds. So… you ask, what happened to the rest? Well... I will tell you... Mew went back to wherever the place was she called home. I knew that she was not the last of her kind. Although not many had ever seen more then one or two Mews, there where a lot more. So she went home. And what of my clones you ask? Well, I stayed with them for awhile, training them more, but not in only power… but in trust as well. For I set them free after, making sure that I knew good trainers like that boy with the Pikachu was, would take them in. After all, I knew they needed to have a master. They were not born Pokémon, they where created by me, as clones. So I knew they needed to be with masters. I had arranged everything, and now they all had good homes, with good trainers.

So that brings me back to me... and how I was alone again...

--I turned away from my window, dawn was coming and the stars were disappearing as the light replaced their sparkle, as if someone was covering them with a blanket. The sun would be up very soon, the new day would start, life would begin again, as the humans awoke and got ready for their days. So it was every day, so it would always be. Morning was coming, a new day beginning. So it was time for me to sleep. I walked to my bed, if you could call it that. It was merely an old, tattered mattress I had thrown on the floor. Something to rest my back on, besides the old cobblestone of the floor. You might ask, why cobblestone? If you knew my last tale, then you know why, but in case you don't I will tell you. My home was a castle. I had created this as my home. I had done some changes on it since where it stood on New Island. I no longer had any use for a Stadium, since the clones where gone. I had no need for a laboratory. So I had removed them, reshaping the castle. But for the most part, it retained its main look. And yes, it still has those windmills. Although I did not use a stadium, I had created a smaller area, similar to it where I could practice, use and develop my powers. I tell you this, because it is where we will go next.

--I lay on my bed, my mattress, looking up at the ceiling, staring at the old cracks that had formed. For you may think I had just created this castle from thin air, but I did not. I had taken the resources I needed from an old wreck of a castle which remains had stood on a cliffside, slowly falling into the sea, bit by bit. It was a forgotten place, so I took it and reformed it into my castle. I found it ironic how even though I had created this, reformed them, rearranged them as I needed. The stones, they had retained their stature, cracks and all, as if telling tales of their own. So I lay there, staring at the cracks that ran along the stones that made my ceiling. I tried to close my eyes... but sleep was not coming. So I lay there, looking at the ceiling, tracing the lines of the cracks with my eyes, as maybe you have done one time in a room where there was a crack in the ceiling. But on this ceiling, there where many cracks, running in many different patterns. Eventually, I do not know how much time later, I fell into a restless slumber.

--"Hello there..." A girl's voice? Who is she? "Hey... are you OK?" Who are you…? I stood there, looking around, and then I saw a girl. She… she smiled at me. I found myself smiling back for some reason. I went to move closer to her and then a bright light… I saw it coming, and it hit her dead on. She vanished in a bright, intense, white light. I squinted my eyes, placing my hand in front of my face. The light felt so intense. No! I heard myself screaming. NO! I heard her scream a sick scream... a scream that sent nails into my soul. "help...me.....please...help me....."

--I woke up and sat upright, breathing heavily, my body covered in sweat, my eyes wide, and I didn't remember why. I only knew the fear inside me… but this was wrong... I had never been afraid of anything in my life. Ever. I was never scared. I sat at the end of the bed trying to regain my thoughts, control myself. I closed my eyes... "help.....me.." My eyes darted open, a girl… a girl's voice. Crying for help. I remembered her in my dream, but couldn't remember all of it. It was shattered… like a picture frame after falling... fragments everywhere... scattered about in my mind. The girl... she asked for my help. I held my hand to my head, holding it between my eyes. I tried to remember, but it was fading... the thoughts becoming more distant... like grains of sand let go from your hand on a windy day, blowing away... I stood up and went to the window.

--It was nighttime again. In the distance there was orange on the horizon. The sun had just recently set, and the glow mixed in with the darker sky above. I moved from my window and went to the stairs. I walked down the numerous stairs to the next floor, and stood before a wall. One might think I was staring at the wall, perhaps examining it for cracks or some other strange thing. But this was not just an ordinary wall. I lifted my hand and the wall parted, revealing a grand room beyond. This room was big to the eyes; it was surrounded by a complete glass dome. But this room only looked big to the eyes because it was mostly empty, and not filled with any furniture that tends to make rooms look less grand then they are. This room looked mostly empty, but in itself it was a rather large room. Not your average room; in old castles large rooms like this were common, but in today's times, a room like this would be considered large. It looked like someone could house a large pool, and would be a perfect room for such a thing. Something I was aware of as well, and did not let that idea pass me by either, but we will get to that later... much later on. It was large, not quite as large as the stadium, but one would be hard pressed to notice the slightly smaller size of it. In this configuration, it simply looked large enough to actually hold the previous stadium inside. But one would soon be quick to discover it would not fit if they tried. The wall continued to move aside and I walked in, the wall closing as soon as I passed it. I looked up at the dome and out into the sky above. The wall behind me closed with a loud thud, like metal hitting metal. Still looking up I smiled, it was another cool calm night outside and the stars where beginning to show, it was a perfect night to train in the cool air. I lifted my hand to the dome and it started to recede. The giant glass roof seemed to fold in on itself, making a noise as if complaining, as if at any moment it would break and come smashing down. Of course, it did not. And it finally opened fully. The room now looking like it was roofless. I felt the cool air from the night rush in against my skin. I closed my eyes enjoying that feeling. I always felt good when the cool air touched against my skin. After a while, I do not know exactly how long I simply stood there, still… not moving… not even my tail twitching. Feeling the cool air against my skin… against my body. But I figured it was at least 30 minutes or so, for when I looked into the sky again, it was darker, and their was no trace of evidence that the sun had once been casting its glow. Now it was time to get down to it, I thought to myself. And then I turned to the wall on the far side and my whole body became enveloped in a bright blue light, it surrounded me.

--I started to glow more, my whole body surrounded in this bright blue light. I focused my eyes on something, something in the distance, and then I moved my hands backwards to my right side. I formed a ball like motion with my hands and something started to form between them. I moved my hands forward, still focusing on what I was looking at at the far end of the room, and threw the ball of energy forward. It traveled down the room at a very fast speed and struck the far wall making a crackling sound. Lots of white powder shot up into the air, as the energy ball dissipated. More crackling was heard as it did. If someone had seen this they would have either felt one of two things, or both. One… and this is the most probable, they would have seen this, and been scared, terrified, horrified of me and scared for their life. Or they would have simply felt overwhelmed by it all and most likely fainted. It seems that was what happened to humans when their minds couldn't comprehend what they had just seen. But myself, I was used to this; it was nothing new to me. It is a part of who I am. So I just casually walked to the far end where I had shot the blast. And when I got there I examined what I had been looking at, and I smiled. You see, what I had been looking at was simply this. A target... a small round target. About the size of a soccer ball, but slightly smaller. This target was placed on a very thick, very long concrete slab. But you could no longer see the target. You see… it was no longer there. And that is why I smiled. Where the target was, there was now a hole, and that was what the white powder had been that shot into the air when my blast hit. It was the remains of the concrete. And now there was just this hole where the target had been. One would think if they only just saw the hole now, that it had been neatly cut by some sort of machine. It was perfectly round, well… almost perfectly round. There where some discrepancies, very small ones. But it seemed almost perfectly round. So I smiled, for I had hit the target over 100 feet away with great accuracy. But there was more to my smile then that. Because behind this concrete slab, which was 5 feet thick, were 5 more, exactly the same. And they all had a hole in them. My blast had gone through 25 feet of concrete. So I smiled when I realized what I had done, for I had only been able to go through 4 of the slabs before. I walked over to the wall behind the slabs and touched the 2 foot thick sheet of black metal I had placed there. It was hot; my blast had gone all the way through the concrete slabs and hit it, and dissipated against the metal. You see, you might be thinking, well if it went through 25 feet of Concrete how come it didn't go through the metal? Did it not have enough momentum or power? That is not the case at all. It would not have mattered if I had stood before the metal sheet and blasted it and only it. My blast would simply hit it and dissipate against it. Heating it very hot, but not going through it. You see, this was no ordinary metal. It was a different kind, a special kind. I had seen this metal before. I was all too familiar with it, although I did not know where it came from. I did know that for some reason, my powers did not affect this strange blackish metal, and I did not know why, but nor did I drag over it. I simply accepted it as a human would accept that he could not bend a very thick bar of steel until it broke. That is also the reason I had placed steel against the wall here, and why I placed it on any wall I used my powers on. So I would not destroy them. So I smiled, having gone through all 5 of the slabs and with amazing accuracy as well. Now you might be saying to me, why tell us of this? Why not simply get to other things of the tale, other parts, more interesting parts. And that I will, but I tell you this with good reason, and you will see why, later on...

[[The Above Story and all Creative Property Within Belongs to H. Falcon. ©2000-2003.]]

[[Pokémon, Mewtwo, and all Associated Characters are Copyrights of Nintendo, GAMEFREAK, Creatures.inc. ©1995 1996 1998 & 2000 - 2003]]

[[ Pokémon is a ®™ of Nintendo, GAMEFREAK, Creatures.inc. ©1995 1996 1998 & 2000 - 2003]]

[[ All Trademarks™, and Copyrights© belong to their Respected owners. Everything else is ©H. Falcon.]]

All Copyrighted Materials Belong to their Respected Owners.

Everything else is Mine.


For Information, Comments, etc... Contact Me, H. Falcon.

Myutsuu150@aol.com [Come Visit Me on My New Message Board The Falcon's Nest.]

DO NOT POST this Story Anywhere until Authorized.

Ask Me first.


Pokémon is a © of Nintendo, GameFreak, Creatures inc.