Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Forever After ❯ The Beginning ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Forever After

Hi!!!!!!!! How are you all? I'm doin' great. I wrote this story, and it's not finished, but I like it, so I'm going to finish it, and fast! I'm not proceeding with my other Pokemon story, I don't
like it. I don't own Pokemon, ok?!

Oh, this story is very similar to Ever After, if you've ever seen it. It's my favorite movie. I just saw it, so I'm in the mood for a medieval story…I think I'm going to model a Card Captors
story after Ever After, too, but Pokemon first!


Misty Waterflower pranced around the room in the new dress her father had sent her. He wanted her to wear it when she met her new mother. The dress was a spring green renaissance style. It went down to her feet, poofed out at the shoulder, and then went back at her elbows. It had all the strings and things that many of the other 16th century resses had.

"Misty! Calm down! I must fix your hair!" The servant cried out. Joyce loved Misty, she really did, but that girl had so much energy! "Please sit down!" She cried out again. Misty's other favorite servant, Jeinine, came in to help capture the little girl.

"Misty! Don't you want to look well for your new mother? You must, then, settle down!" Jeinine said. Misty sat down on her bed, her feet still fidgeting. "Thank god!" She sighed. Joyce settled down next to Misty, and started brushing her hair. "Now, the Baroness has 3 children, one of which lives in Jhoto, married. The other two are a little older than you. Lily is a year older then you, and Daisy is your age. They will arrive at noon. Only 3 hours from now!" Jeinine explained. Joyce finished with the girl's hair. She braided the sides and attached them together in the back.

"Don't go and get all messy, now, ya hear?!" Joyce said as she got up. "You're father wants the Baroness to think of you as a lady, not a messy little girl!" She joked.

"Yeah!" Misty replied. She ran out of the room and down to the kitchen, then out the kitchen door. Tracy was there, waiting for her. He had a sketchpad in his hands, and was drawing Misty's Eevee.

When he looked up, he was shocked. "M-misty! You l-look like a…girl!" He stuttered. She looked menacingly at him.

"I am a girl, you half wit!" She sneered. She then ran over and tackled him. She started punching him in the stomach. Although the boy was 2 years older, Misty was strong and stubborn. She kept punching till he finally got her off him, by using his Pokemon. He called his Marril out, who drenched the girl. She got furious, and ran off to the pond behind the house. That's where her Pokemon, besides Eevee, lived. She hadn't caught them in Pokeballs because she was still too young. She got to the pond, and whistled for her Pokemon. They appeared from under the water in seconds. "Trilin! Trilon! Water gun Tracy!" She shouted. Her 2 Staryus obeyed. Tracy was soaked.

"My sketch pad!" He screamed as he looked at it. It laid on the ground, a little water on it. He picked it up and looked through it. "Good, none of the pictures were damaged," He sighed.

Misty just rolled her eyes.

"Good job, guys!" She congratulated her Pokemon. She went over to the pond. "Hi, Goldeen!" She greeted her fish. It nuzzled against her hand, making her giggle. "Guess what?" She asked it. "I'm getting a mother!" She screamed.

She started running around the little field they were in, Eevee following at her heels. "Father is bringing her home today. She has 3 girls, too! Although one is married, so she won't be here. I think they'll be great!" She commented as she flopped down into the grass beside Tracy.

"Hey! I think your Pokemon are ready to get in real battles!" He said, looking up from his sketchpad.

"Were you listening to anything I just said?!?!?" Misty yelled.

"Yeah. You were going on about how you were getting a new mother. It's great, really, but I noticed that your Staryus are looking stronger. You could battle them in the upcoming Pokemon contest! It's divided into age groups, and I'm entering, too. You really should!"

"That'd be fun!" Misty squealed. She loved her Pokemon, and if they could battle…it would be so much fun! "Can you register me? I'll ask daddy tonight. I know he'll say yes, but I should still ask. This is great! A new mother and sisters and I can battle Pokemon! This day is great!" She yelled as she ran around some more. She fell back into her original spot, and closed her eyes. Tracy was drawing her Goldeen.

She'd been asleep for a while, Tracy looked over at her. He'd been drawing all of her Pokemon, he hadn't noticed she'd fallen asleep. "Hey, Misty, wake up!" He nudged her. She stirred, but refused to rise. "Misty!" He yelled. She moaned, and opened her eyes.


"You'd fallen asleep! What time is your father returning?"


Tracy looked at his wristwatch. "It's almost 12, you've gotta get back!" He shouted. She immediately shot up and dashed home. Eevee following her <Eevee is always following her ^_^>. When she arrived, the servants were already lining up. She stood next to Joyce and Jeinine, who were amazed at how she had gotten so messy.

"Misty, look at yourself! You're drenched and all muddy, not to mention that you're hair is ruined from, I'm guessing, running. I told you not to ruin it!" Jeinine scolded. The trumpets then sounded that the master was arriving. "To late now." She muttered. Everyone stood straighter as the carriages came into sight. They pulled up to the house, and stopped. Jonathan hopped off the top of the first.

"Misty!" He greeted his daughter. She ran up into his arms. He held her and looked at her. "I was wanting to present a lady to your mother, but I guess you'll do." He said with a smile, Misty's even bigger. She hopped down and watched the others come out of the carriages. Out came 2 girls, their eyes wide. They looked around, in amazement. They were in matching dresses, except one was light blue and the other pale yellow. Then, a hand stuck out of the carriage. The doorman took hold of it, and a woman came out. She had very pale skin, and her long, dark purple hair was pulled up in a fancy headpiece. She looked around, with an emotionless expression. She then looked at Misty and her father.

"It's so…quaint." She said with some happiness. "You must be Misty." She said, looking at the carrot-top. "I am Malena."

Misty smiled and curtsied. "I am honored to have you as my mother." She said with a huge smile.


"Misty, these are Daisy and Lily." Jonathan introduced. The blonde curtsied at Daisy and the blue headed one curtsied at Lily.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." They said in unison.

Misty stood there, awestruck. She then curtsied. "The pleasure's all mine."


"Daddy?" Misty asked as she hopped up onto her huge bed.

"Yes, Mist." Mist was his pet name for her.

"Well…Tracy said my Pokemon are all ready to battle, so I want to know if I can join the upcoming Pokemon

Festival?" She asked.

"Of coarse you can! And, I have just the thing to help you!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out something that was hidden in his fist. Misty squealed as he slowly opened his fist. When he opened it, she squealed.

"Father! Those are Pokeballs! Where did you get them?!" She asked as she picked them up. There were 5 of the multi-colored balls, all in their mini form.

"One of my friends, Kurt, made them. I told him how you love your Pokemon, and he told me that if I got him the apricorns, he'd make them for me. Look, they have the picture of the Pokemon on it." He pointed out. Misty enlarged one of them.

"This is for Goldeen!" She squealed as she pointed at it. "And this is for Trilin, and Trilon! She said when she enlarged their balls. "Oh, and Eevee's!" She pointed to the little picture of her Eevee. "That's a Psyduck, father! I don't have one of those!" She said when she enlarged the last one. It suddenly opened up, and a beam of red light shot out and landed on the end of her bed.

"Psy…duck?" It said.

"Father! A Psyduck! I love it!" She said as she threw her arms around him. He just chuckled.

"Knew you'd like it. Now, Psyduck gets very powerful when it gets a headache. So, be patient with it." He told her as she still had him in a giant bear hug. "And, I have something else for you." He told her. She pulled out of the hug and looked questiongly up at him.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Let me find it…" He started looking through his travel bag.

"Psyduck, return." She pointed the Pokeball at the duck, and it returned.

"Here we go…" He pulled out a little red book and handed it to Misty.

"Pokenolis." She read. She looked at her father. "What is it?"

"It's a book. Written by the famous Professor Oak and his helpers. It's a bit complex for a 9 year old…but you'll get it. And, of coarse, I'll help. I think you'll love it. It also has some fairy tales about how Pokemon and humans joined in peace."

"Can we read it tonight?" She pleaded.

"No, not tonight. You need some sleep to train tomorrow. The festival is only a week away!" He tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead. He then put the Pokeballs on her nightstand, and left her room.


"Mother! Please let me enter the festival!" Prince Ashton asked for the twentieth time.

"No, Ash. It would not be fair if you won. You've been around them all your life…and you have some of the
stongest ones at your fingertips." Queen Delilah said sternly.

"But father won't give me his! He told me that, and I'm fine with that! I've raised the Pikachu I found…along with some others…Please mother?!" He asked again.

"Ask your father." She sighed, sitting down in the chair she was near. Ash ran out of the room, to his father's business room.

"Father?" He asked as he entered the room.

"Yes, son?" Lance asked, looking up from his papers.

"Can I enter the Pokemon Festival? I don't want to use your Pokemon, I've raised my own!" He said quickly.

"No." Lance replied, then got back into his papers.

"But father! Please?! I am a good trainer, and I just want to do something for the festival! PLEASE?!"

"No!" He yelled. Ash hung his head in defeat. 'Father is so stubborn…But I'll be in that festival…I know it.'


Misty trained hard for 6 days, also having lessons from her stepmother about being a lady. She liked the training better. Tracy helped her, and even gave her "A water stone?!" Misty held the stone in her hands.

"Yes, Mother came across it while she was cleaning the house. She gave it to me to use…but I can't, so I'm letting you have it. Once you use it, you can give it back, it can be used again."

"Oh, Trac, you're the best! I'm going to use it on Trilin!" She pulled out her Pokemon's Pokeball, and the Staryu popped out. "Do you want to evolve, Trilin?" The Pokemon responded by nodding. "Oh, yeah!" She placed the stone next to it, and it glowed white.

"I gotta sketch this!" Tracy said as he pulled out his pencil.

"Trilin!" Misty screamed as she put her arms around her new Starmie. "Now, Trilin, return!" She put the Pokemon back into its Pokeball, which picture changed. It was now a Starmie on the top. "Tracy! You're the best!" She screamed as she threw her arms around the boy.

"Aw, Misty, it's nothin!" He responded.

"I gotta show father!" She gasped. She tossed the stone to Tracy. "Thanks again!" She yelled as she dashed off to her manor. When she got home, she ran through the house till she got to her father's study. "Daddy?! Are you in here?" She said as she opened the door.

"Yes, Mist, what is it?"

"I have to show you this!" She pulled out Starmie's Pokeball and released the Pokemon.

"Wow! You evolved Staryu! That's very impressive, Mist!" He hugged his little girl. "I think you are fully ready to battle tomorrow." He told her, she just beamed.


"Mom, if I can't be in the competition, then why do I have to watch it?!" The prince whined as the royal family seated themselves on thrones in front of the battleground.

"Because, Ash, I said so. You need to be polite with the people of the land. You'll rule over this land one day. The people want to know you. And stop whining about not being able to battle. It's not that big of a deal, so stop making it one." Delilah scolded. She seated herself to the right of her husband, Ash to the left of Lance.

"Stop complaining. Now!" Lance said, immediately quieting the boy. Lance noticed this and stood. The whole stadium quieted, waiting for their king to speak. "We are all gathered here today, in Cerulean Stadium, to watch young people battle. The winner of each age group will be invited to the Indigo Stadium for a grand feast, along with a medal. Now, let the matches begin." Lance's voice echoed through the packed stadium, and when it dispersed, everyone cheered. The king sat himself, and the referee came out. The announcer, whom was seated at
the top of the stadium, started to speak.

"The first competitors are Mercies and Nelson…." He went on about who was from where and what age group they were in. Ash wasn't listening. He just sat there, on the throne, with his elbow resting on his knee and his head in his hand. 'I want to be in this…not here. This is so boring. That Bulbasaur is going to win, it has type advantage and it's been trained better. You can see it in its eyes.' Ash kept thinking to himself about each of the battles, who would win and who was a better trainer. He was right about the winners each time.

It was nearing the end of the day, only a few more battles. "And now, Misty Waterflower against Gary Oak. Misty is 9 years old, as is Gary. Misty is a hometown girl, and the only girl to make it to the last battle in her age group. Gary is from Pallet Town, the famous Samual Oak's grandson. The battle is a 3 on 3. Let's go!"

A girl stepped out and climbed up to the trainer's box. Ash took his head out of its comfortable position and sat up. This girl had fiery red hair, which was put up in a bun. She was wearing a simple gown, easy to move in. It was green and had a white apron on it. 'Her Pokeballs are probably in the apron's pockets.' Ash thought as he watched her prepare for battle.

Gary stepped out, but Ash didn't notice. He just watched the girl.

Delilah was delighted that there were some girls in this festival. It always helped when some females were in the battles. None of the girls had made it to the finals, but none seemed as spirited as this one. Lance hated the idea of women battling Pokemon. They didn't have the talent. 'I should've passed that law against females in the Pokemon contests.' He thought to himself as he prepared to watch yet another girl get killed. The other 3 were taken care of really easily.

"Trilin, go!" Misty said as she pulled out a Pokeball and let it fly. A very, very healthy looking Starmie popped out.
At the same time that she threw out hers, Gary threw out his. "Hustof, go!" He screamed as he tossed the Pokeball. A decent looking Diglet appeared from it. He then saw Misty's Pokemon, and his face drained of its color. 'Ground's weak against water. Fool.' Ash thought from his spot.

"Trilin, bubble attack!" Misty shouted. / "Diglet, scratch!" Gary yelled at the same time. The Pokemon both attacked, but since Starmie didn't have to move, Diglet was the one who got hurt. It fainted.

"Return." Gary said as the Pokemon returned to its Pokeball. "Now! Electrode, go!" He threw out another Pokeball. Misty expected this. She kept her Starmie out there, though. It was strong and it could do some amount of damage.

"Trilin, swift!" She ordered before Gary could do anything. Starmie shot out the yellow stars, each hitting Gary's Electrode. It hurt the electric ball, but it didn't do any real amount of damage.

"Electrode, Thunder!" Gary shouted to it. It obeyed, but the attack missed as Misty ordered Starmie to use agility. It dodged the onslaught.

"Trilin, Psychic!" She shouted. She'd taught it some psychic attacks this week, and it knew psychic. It attacked Electrode, and the Pokemon fainted. Gary recalled it.

"Bulbasaur, go!"

"Ok, Trilin, return! Good job." She put the Pokeball in her apron pocket and pulled out another Pokeball. "Your turn, Eevee." The little brown and white Pokemon shot out.

"Bulbasaur, vine whip!"/"Eevee, agility!" The Pokemon both did their attacks, but Bulbasaur didn't even touch Eevee.

"Now, Eevee! Tackle!" Eevee tackled Bulbasaur, and he fainted.

"All 3 of Gary's Pokemon have fainted. Misty is the winner."

"Yeah! I won!" Misty ran out of the box and out onto the field. Eevee ran up to her and jumped into her arms, and she hugged it fiercely.

"Amazing, folks. A girl has won a battle, and she didn't even use all 3 Pokemon needed." The announcer said, dazed. Jonathan came from the crowd, and ran up to his daughter.

"I did it Daddy!" She cried to her father as he picked her up in a hug, she was still holding Eevee.

"You were amazing! A natural!"

'Wow…she was good. Almost as good as me.' Ash thought to himself. He wanted to run over and congratulate her, as did Delilah, but they both stayed on their thrones. Lance, on the other hand, was furious. A girl had won. She was the winner from her age group. Ash silently got up and left the stadium. He got on his Rapidash and rode off to his family's palace in Cerulean.

Misty got many 'congrat's and 'great job's. The queen told her that a messenger would bring a message as to when the party would be held and the details.


"Misty, calm down. The party is in an hour, and you have to look very good for the king and queen." Joyce asked. Misty was in her bedroom, getting ready for the party. They were to leave once Jonathan returned from his friend's house. Misty was dressed in a light purple dress, with gold ribbon embroided in it and a purple-gold crown to wear around her head. If she would sit still for Joyce to get it on! "Misty! Please, please sit down. Tracey shall be there for you to play with, and there will be many, many people there.<Tracey won his age group>You must look good for them. You are representing this whole estate." Misty sat down on the bed. Joyce was right. She was representing everyone at this household. Her father was to pick up the family and Tracy, since her helped Misty to train, and they would ride to the palace. Then they would go in and feast, dance, and party. It was a big occasion, and Misty couldn't wait.

"This is almost as good as getting a mother!" Misty exclaimed as Joyce did her hair.

"Yes, child." Joyce murmured.


"Now, Ash, you are to be polite to everyone. Greet them, and smile. You look great." Delilah said as she fixed his hat. "Now, let's go out there." Ash followed his mother from behind her huge dress. She walked from one of the many hallways leading from the meeting hall. You could hear the music playing, and the people talking. They entered the room, and walked around. Ash mingled with Brock and Richie. They were the only people he knew, the others were adults. He did see some boys that won the upper competitions, but those boys looked mean, almost like gypsies.

"So, Ash, what did you think of that girl who won the 9 year old competition?" Brock asked his friend.

"Oh, yes. I think I could've easily defeated her. Pikachu would've destroyed her Starmie, and her Eevee could've been defeated by Charizard."

"Yeah. Too bad you couldn't join. You would've done great! But, it's only fair. Hey, isn't that that girl?!" Richie asked, pointing to a family entering the palace. The red head got out of the carriage, and a man hopped off the top. He helped a woman out, and the 2 little girls hopped out. The last 3 girls looked stiff, but the fire head looked curious. She ran into the hall, amazed at the greatness of it all.

"What…you look like you've never seen a palace before." Ash said as he walked up to her. She jumped from being startled.

"Hum? Oh, I've been to this castle before, but never had it involved me in any direct way." She responded. She didn't know who this guy was, just coming up and talking to her.

"Come on, sweetie." Jonathan said, taking his daughters hand and pulling her away from the boy she'd been talking to.

The rest of the night, Misty stayed away from Ash. She ran through the gardens and danced with her father, although her danced a lot with Malena. Ash, on the other hand, stayed in the great room and danced. He danced with Misty's stepsisters, and a few other girls present. And he talked with Brock and Richie.


"Father, must you leave again?!" Misty asked her father. He was preparing to leave on another trading expedition. He was going to be gone for a week, and that was real long for Misty.

"Yes, Mist. I must go. But, you'll be just fine here! I'm only going to be gone for a week, that isn't as long as normal."

"Yes, but you shouldn't have to leave at all! Your business is great, why must you leave when one of your workers could go?"

"It's a meeting with some Orange Island officials. I'm bargaining with them so I can send some of my goods to the Islands. I need to be there, I'm better than my workers. Now, I must leave." He kissed her on the forehead. He kissed Malena, and then kissed his new daughters on the forehead. "Good-bye. I'll be back soon."

"Bye, daddy!" Misty said. Jonathan hopped on his Rapidash and started up the long driveway.

"Well, we should go back to our studies, girls. Let's go!" Malena said, ushering the girls into the house.

"No, wait. He has to wave. It's tradition!" Misty argued. She stood back in her original spot, waiting for her father to wave. When he was almost to the gate, he didn't wave. Instead, he toppled off his Rapidash, which was going crazy, and laid on the ground. "Daddy!" Misty screamed. The retreating Malena turned around and saw her new husband lying in the dirt.

"Jonathan!" She yelled. Both her and Misty sprinted to the man. Misty got there first, being much more athletic and young. She knelt down and looked at her father.

"Daddy! Daddy, please answer me! Daddy!" She shook him, and his eyes fluttered open.

"Misty…" He whispered. By that time, Malena made it to them. She kneeled down on the opposite side of Misty.

"Jonathan, please be all right." She whined. He moaned in pain.

"No…too late…I love you…" With that, his eyes closed and died. Misty and Malena both cried uncontrollably, as did Joyce and Jeinine and some of the servants who had gotten to know Jonathan.

"No! Don't go! No!" Malena screamed while pounding on his chest. Misty just wept into her hands.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

She was reminded of him every day of her life: in her Pokemon, in the nature, and in her stepmother.
10 years later…

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*

"That boy is getting married to the princess of the Orange Islands, and there is nothing that will change my mind!" Lance boomed in the palace gardens. Delilah was on a walk with him, trying to get him to call off the wedding.

"But Ash doesn't love her. Lance, you know he'd rather die than marry some girl he hasn't even met! He'll never speak to us again!"

"I don't care if he never talks to anyone ever again! He will marry that…that…"

"Prima the Second?"

"Yes. The deal is made, and your son is not backing out." He stopped and turned to her. "I won't change my mind. Now, I'm going to tell him that." Lance turned around and went back to the castle, his wife on his heals. He barged through the doors and stomped through the hallways. They went up stairs and round bends. When they finally got to Ash's room, the guards opened the doors and the king entered. "Ashton, get up! Now!" He pulled back the curtains to Ash's bed, and Delilah sighed.

"Not again." She said to no one in particular.

"Guards!" Lance shouted. "Get Ash back, now!" Lance ordered.

Ash, though, was speeding away on his beloved Rapidash, with his Pikachu holding onto his head. They were both covered by Ash's cloak. He sped off from the palace at Indigo Plateau, away from his troubles.


"Morning Eevee!" Misty said as the Pokemon licked her awake. She sat up and put her Pokemon book that was on her lap in the basket next to fireplace. 'Fell asleep reading again!" She thought as she stretched. "Well, it's off to work. C'mon, Eevee." Her little Eevee followed at her heals. She walked from her room in the side of the house out to the pond where she let her water Pokemon live. She would keep them in her Pokeball, but they didn't like it much, and their powers increased. At night they would sleep at the bottom of the pond, and if any wild Pokemon attacked, they could easily defend them, and get experience points! Eevee still stayed by it's Mistress, like a beloved and loving dog. And Psyduck stayed with Tracey, he couldn't live in the water, and Misty couldn't take care of him, the Baroness wouldn't allow it. Malena knew about Eevee, but she thought Eevee lived outside, so it was fine. Of coarse, Eevee would stay inside with Misty most nights, sometimes she would sleep out in the valley near the pond.

Misty walked to the pond, and called to her Pokemon. "Trilin, Trilon, Goldeen! Come out!" she waited a couple seconds, and then her Pokemon came out of the water. "Good, you're all doing fine. Well, you guys can play around, I'll train you later, hopefully. The Baroness is making my life so much harder! She's ordering me around more than normally. I think something's wrong, but I'm not sure. Be good!" She ran off to the stables to care for the horses. There was a stable boy that fed them, but Jonathan's Rapidash would only let Misty and a few select people care for it. So, Misty was the one that would brush it. The stable boy could do the rest. She started up the hill, back towards the house. She saw a figure coming towards her, on a horse. She wasn't far from the pond, so she ran to it and called for Trilon. "Trilon, watergun that person! That's Daddy's Rapidash!" The Staryu obeyed, and the cloaked figure was hit in the face. It toppled off the horse. .It was quite far away from Misty and the Pokemon, but Staryu was trained by Misty to have great aim. Misty whistled, and the Rapidash came to her. "Are you all right, girl?" She asked it as it nuzzled her neck.

"Ow…" The figure said, standing up. He pulled his hood back, and his face was revealed.

"My prince!" Misty gasped as she looked at his face. She fell to the ground before he even looked at her. She was kneeling over, her arms out. "Please forgive me, your highness. I did not know it was you."

"Yeah…Sure doesn't feel like it." He said, rubbing his nose, where he was hit. "I'm just needing to borrow a horse."

"We have others, your highness. This one is hard to manage."

"It's all right, I can handle it. I'm leaving my Rapidash with you, and I'll borrow this one. I'll return it soon. And, for your silence, take this." Ash took out a pouch from his belt and emptied the contents onto the ground in front of the girl. She heard the coins jingle as the hit each other, and her heart was racing. The prince hopped onto the Rapidash and ran off.

<Pikachu was on Ash's head the whole time> Misty got up a little after she heard him take off. She scooted over to the coins. There were about a hundred of the copperish coins. She took them and put them in her apron pocket. She madly rushed into the kitchen. "Joyce! Jeinine!" She yelled as she neared the kitchen.

"What is it, girl?" Joyce asked, walking into the doorway.

"Look!" Misty emptied the contents onto the table in the kitchen.

"Oh my! Child, where did you get these?" Jeinine asked, holding some like they would break at any moment.

"An angel." Misty said with a smile. "And I know just what to do with it." She looked at Joyce.

"Oh, no. Misty, this is yours. You obviously did something good to get it, you deserve to spend it on something for you." Joyce told her, Misty didn't care.

"I'm going to free your husband. It's only fair. He doesn't deserve to be shipped off…He was accused without a trial, and that isn't fair-"

"Misty!" A high-pitched voice from the dinning room called. "We're in need of food." Malena said.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm coming with it." Misty yelled back. She picked up the plates that were sitting out and ready, and started out of the kitchen.

"Wait!" Joyce whispered. She took all of the coins and put them back in Misty's pocket. "Keep them away from the Baroness's eyes, she'll take them from you. Now, go!" She pushed the red-head out of the room.

"Good-morning everyone. I'm expecting you all slept well?" Misty said as she entered the room. She put the plates down infront of each person. Daisy got the omelet, Malena got the sunny-side up, and Malena got an egg in the bowl. There were other things sitting on the table, fruit, juice, and bread. Malena thought that the girls shouldn't eat too much, her prize daughter could get fat. Of coarse the prize was Lily. Daisy was a little chubby, but not very. Lily was very cruel, as Daisy acted cruel so her mother wouldn't scold her.

"Well, well. Looks like you slept by the fire, again…Reading again?" Lily asked coldly.

"Yes.. I heard that people who read can never think on their own-constantly needing to have others entertain them…" Malena replied. No, mother dear…People who read are able to think on their own, those who don't read can never think on their own, just like Lily there. Poor Daisy isn't allowed anything, you give all your attention to your oldest daughter…Misty thought. She would probably never tell Malena to her face, but she could try and send the message to her stepmother telepathically. You never know.

"Well, servants can never think of things themselves. They need their masters to tell them what to do…That's why your household is so great." Misty replied. She could never be mean to her stepmother-she would get such a whipping if she did!

"Yes…We don't need you in here. Go, stand somewhere till we're done." Lily said, waving her hand near her shoulder to emphasize her leaving. Misty bowed her head and returned to the kitchen. Once there, she started to plan for getting Quincy, Jeinine's husband, back. Let's see…Tracey could help…He's got plenty of dresses. I could dress as a noble and save Quincy…Could I pull it off? I think I could, but I don't have enough grace and dignity. I should talk to Tracey about this; he was always good with ideas. Yeah, I'll ask him…After breakfast. She got up from her chair when she heard her stepsisters and stepmother go upstairs. They were now going to summon her to draw their baths and get them ready.

"Misty!" Malena yelled. "Misty! Get up here, now!" The woman yelled. She started upstairs, and she went straight to Malena's room.

"Yes, Baroness?" She asked, her head down.

"Draw Lily's bath. We are going to the palace today to watch a Pokemon match. I want her to look marvelous." The Baroness pointed to the hall, to Lily's room. Misty curtsied and left the room, heading to Lily's room. She entered the room, to find Lily standing in front of her.

"Took you long enough." She snarled. She then went back to her closet of dresses, holding some up and then looking in the mirror, only to throw the dress onto the bed in disgust.

Misty, though, went downstairs. She took 2 pails of water from the well right outside the house, and she brought it back upstairs. She then put the water in the cauldron held above the fire. She made one more trip; the pails strung across her shoulders were large. She waited by the fire for the water to get hot enough, while the Baroness came into Lily's room and talked with her about the dress to wear.

"Now, the prince might be there, so you must dress for the occasion! Now, what's his favorite color?" Malena asked, not even needing the answer, only wanting to be sure her daughter knew it.

"Red, mother." Lily replied monotonously.

"Good. Let's see your red dresses" They went back into the large closet and started going through more dresses. Misty checked back into the pot, the water was starting to bubble. She used all of her strength to pull it off or its hook. She then poured it into the bathtub, which was brought in by Joyce. When she was done, she stood silently in the corner. "Good, you shall wear that one, but we should go to the market to get some jewelry for it. Bathe and dress. I will come and do your hair." She walked out of the room, and back into hers. Lily looked at Misty daringly.

"You may leave me, cindersoot." She spat. Misty did as she was told. She left the room and went to Daisy's room to see if the younger daughter needed anything.

She knocked on the door. "Who is it?" The girl's voice sang out.

"It is Misty. I was wondering if you needed anything…"

"Come in, come in." She said. Misty opened the door, and saw Daisy on her bed, trying to do her hair. She had her arms around her head, trying to get her hair in a bun.

"Oh, let me do that!" Misty said, hurrying over to her stepsister. She took the brush from her hand and started to brush. She easily pulled the hair up and into a bun. "There, is that what you were trying to do?" She asked as the blonde looked in the mirror <I don't know who is who, so I'm making up the color of their hair! >

She nodded. "Yes. I'm afraid I'm not quite well at it…I guess I can't reach the back of my head, or something…Thank you." She turned around and looked at Misty for the last sentence.

"No, it's what I'm here for." Misty said, quietly. Daisy sat on the bed next to her.

"I don't think you belong as a servant…Your father was the one that ruled over the land, not my mother. And, he died, and now mother is running it…I feel as if she stole it from you…I just want you to know, I admire you. You still have the air of dignity around you, and mother hates it. She knows you will never, truly, be a servant, and she hates that." Daisy confessed. Misty was taken back by what the girl told her.

"T-t-thank you…" She stuttered as she made her way out the door. She stumbled down the stairs and to the kitchen. Joyce was doing the dishes from breakfast, and Jeinine was outside in the small garden.

"I'm going to go over to Tracey's."


Ash galloped through the forest on his new Rapidash. This one was really fast and well trained. His Pikachu was still holding onto his shoulders. He was getting farther and farther from the palace every second.

"Give me back that picture! Thief! Thief! Someone, help! Help me!" An old-sounding voice called. Ash heard it, tried to ignore it, but couldn't. I always have to be the hero, don't I?! He asked/told himself as he directed himself to the voice. He found an old man, shrouded in white robes, yelling at a band of gypsies. "No, no, no! Not my papers! Stop!"

"Get away!" Ash yelled as he bound towards the thieves. He scared all of the gypsies but one. He was behind the old man's wagon, still trying to steal some items. "I said, leave!" Ash rode over to the gypsy, and was about to order Pikachu to use a thundershock, when the robed-man stopped him.

"No, no! That will destroy the picture! Don't!" He yelled, coming from the front of the cart to the back. Get that canister back!" He yelled, pointing to a can the gypsy man was holding under his arm. Ash saw it, and called out a Pokemon.

"Bulbasaur, vine whip! Get the thing the gypsy is holding!" He ordered. Bulbasaur's vines whipped out and tried to grab the thing the man was holding, but the gypsy was faster. He called out a Pokemon, a Tauros. Silently, he hopped on the bull and sped off. Ash, seeing the man get away, ran and jumped on Rapidash. The Pokemon dashed off after the man, Ash's Bulbasaur was left behind. Pikachu held on for dear life to his master's shoulder as the sped towards the thief. They caught up to him after a long ride through the forest. They were heading back towards Cerulean! "Oh, great." Ash sighed. He knew the guards would catch him now. He urged Rapidash to quicken his pace, and he was next to the gypsy. He debated with himself on whether he'd jump on the Taros and push the gypsy off or to punch the gypsy while still riding his horse. He decided on hopping on the gypsy's ride. He hopped so quickly, the gypsy didn't even notice. Ash proceeded to push the gypsy off of the Taros, and he was successful.

They both landed on the ground, rolling from the fall. When they stopped, Ash grabbed the golden can from the man and dashed off. His Pikachu was back on Rapidash, and Ash hopped on the horse, and they galloped back to the old man. When they got there, the royal guards were surrounding the old man. They were helping him gather his belongings that were scattered about the crossing.

"Prince Ash! Why did you run away, again?" Brock asked. He was now in the royal guard, and Ash's protector. He was assigned to find Ash and bring him back. "You know your father is going to kill you! He was enraged when you ran off. He almost took off my head! Oh, Prince Ash, meet Professor Oak, the famous Pokemon researcher." The professor came up and pulled back his hood, revealing a man in his late 60s with gray hair. He bowed to the prince.

"Thank you, your Majesty. That holds my life." He motioned to the canister slung around Ash's shoulder. Ash handed it over to the man.

"What was so important that I had to get caught by the royal guards?" The prince questioned as Oak opened the top of the container.

"My Pokemon." He said. He tipped the container, and 3 Pokeballs fell out onto his palm. He tossed them in the air, and 3 Pokemon came out.

"Suicune…Entie…and, Raikou?! How did you capture the legendary dogs?!" Ash asked/yelled.

The professor just smiled. "That's for me to know, and you to imagine." Ash looked at him with a blank expression.

"Well, the professor, here, was invited by the King. He'll be staying in the Palace at Cerulean with you." Brock told Ash, who was still in awe at the Raikou.

"H-he is?! This is great! He can convince Father to cancel the engagement! You're too important to not listen to! He isn't listening to me, and that's why he won't cancel the wedding. I don't even know this-this-Prima. You believe in new ways and ideas, please, please….Can you try to convince Father? Please?" He was on his knees, his hands clasped together. He looked at the professor, who was amazed that a prince would even get on his hands and knees.

"I'll try my best to convince him, I guess." He replied. Ash hopped up and hugged the old man.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" His voice grew louder with each thank you. He separated, and put his hands on Oak's shoulders. Ash was much taller, then old man was quite short. "I've always admired you before, but now you're my hero!" He took his hands off Oak and went over to the dogs. "Now, can you tell me about these dogs?"


He opened it and greeted her. "What brings you here today, Misty?"

"Oh, Tracey, I need your help. Look." Misty walked over to one of his tables and emptied to bag of coins.

"Whoa…Did you steal it?!"

"What?! No! But I'm going to get back Quincy. Jeinine needs him…and Malena was wrong to sell him. But, I can't very well go to the jailer and tell him I want one of the criminals for only 20 coins! I'd be shunned. So…I was wondering…If I could dress up as a Lady…"

"What?! I couldn't do that! My clients would never trust me again!"

"If I get caught, but I won't!"

"Do you know what the penalty is for servants who try to rise above their status?!" He asked her.

"I am not a servant! I was born a Lady, and if it weren't for Malena, I'd be a Baroness! She knows she stole my title! I am only trying to save one of the men she got rid of. And if you're not going to help, then that's fine…. I'll borrow one of Lily's dresses. I just need to look rich. I can act the rest…Please Tracey?"

"Well, you're right…Ok. I'll let you borrow one of the dresses. Follow me." They walked through one of the rooms, to a wardrobe cabinet. Tracey opened it, and there were some dresses hanging in it. He pulled them out and held them, one by one, up to Misty. Only the last one looked like it would fit her. It was the most extravagant one. "You better bathe, and then dress…I'll be in the study." He left the room. There was some water near the fire, which Misty got going for a bath. She bathed, washing away all the dirty and soot she got fromworking. When she got out, she dried off with the towels in the room. Tracey really goes out of his way to make the people feel welcome. She was in the dressing room. The one for his human and Pokemon clients. <Humans who want their Pokemon's portrait!!> She then dressed in the dress, and then went to his study. He was sketching the passerby's. He heard her open the door and come into the room. He stood and turned around.

"How do I look?" She asked. He was speechless.

"Well….um….you look….well-erm, great." He stuttered. He was right. She was in a form hugging blue-beaded dress. It had light blue fabric and dark blue edging. It trailed behind her just a bit, and it had sleeves that trailed, too. Her hair was down and limp, "I should do your hair." He said, directing her back into the dressing room. He fixed her hair so she was wearing a bun on the top with beautiful decorated hair combs surrounding it.

"What about my shoes?" She inquired, showing her servants boots from under her dress.

"I don't have any shoes, but nobody will notice. The dress'll cover it up. You should go…the carriage bound for the docks leaves in only a few minutes!" Misty practically flew out the door, headed for the palace.

Misty was awestruck at the beauty of the palace. It was so big! The only other time she came here was when she was little. She remembered that time well, but she tried to forget it. Just go in. You'll be allowed. Don't look down, look up. Act like you're walking on air. Ok, let's go. She started across the entrance to the giant castle. She passed the entrance without a problem; the guards just gawked at her beauty. She walked through the courtyard and went down the road that led to the docks. She saw signs pointing in the direction she was going that said the docks were in that direction, so she followed them. When she got to an intersection, there was a cart pulling a wagon. In the wagon was Quincy and a few other poor men.

"Stop!" she yelled out to the man driving the cart. He didn't stop, so she ran up to him and stood in front of the Ponyta that were pulling the wagon. "Did you not hear me?! I said stop!" She told the man in a mean tone.

"I chose not to listen. Now, what is so important that you stopped my delivery? The boat leaves in half and hour, and I need to get these fools on it!"

"I want to get my servant back. He was wrongfully accused, and I have money to pay for his freedom. I have 20 coins. That is surly enough for him." She said, motioning to Quincy.

"No. These men were sentenced to living on Seafoam Island, and that's where they're going. Now, get out of my way!" He tried to get the Pokemon to continue moving, but Misty held their reigns. She gave him the death glare, which he gladly returned.

"You dare raise your voice to a lady?!" A voice from the crowd said. The crowd parted to reveal the prince riding a Rapidash. He trotted over to the 2 bickering people, and looked the driver in the eye. "Apologize. There is one thing I know my mother hates, and that's when men are rude to a lady. Now, apologize." Ash spat out.

"I'm sorry, ma'am." The cart driver said, meaninglessly.

"That's better, now, ma'am, what is it you're trying to do here?"

"I'm trying to get back one of my…servants. He was taken from me, and I want to get him back. I have money to pay, and it's enough. But this driver chooses not to give him back." She looked down at the ground, afraid the prince would recognize her from this morning.

"Well, go on."

"Well…These criminals, as you like to call them…they don't belong in cages or tied up in cells. If you chose to not educate the people that serve you, and then you punish them for not knowing something you should have taught them in the first place, then you were the criminal. You deprived the person of knowledge, which, in my opinion, was wrong. Now, I want my servant back. He was falsely accused of stealing, which he would never do. I grew up around him, and he would never do such a thing. Now, I educate all of my servants…He knows what is wrong, and he stay clear of wrong doing. Now, if you would please release this innocent man…" She trailed off, looking into the prince's eyes. Her eyes were begging him to release the man in the cages.

Her eyes…They're so beautiful…Say yes, let the man go…Her case is too good to turn down… "Well, that argument was thrilling. I say we release her servant." He looked at the man driving the wagon, who sighed. He muttered comments under his breath as he opened the cage, and Misty helped Quincy out.

"Meet me back at the pond." She whispered to him. "Ah, yes, get the horse ready, I will meet you back at the Rapidash's." She said. Quincy nodded and left the scene. People started leaving, there was nothing left to watch. The cart driver left, knowing he wouldn't get paid for the man who was just released. "Thank you, your Majesty." Misty curtsied as she started off, back to the entrance.

When she picked up some her dress to walk away, Oak, who was back behind Ash, noticed her odd sense in shoes. She was wearing servant's boots! He chuckled to himself. "Wait!" Ash called as he hopped off his horse, Pikachu staying with Brock. Misty didn't slow her pace, so her ran to catch up with her. "So, who are you? I know almost every woman in this land, and I've never seen you." He said, looking at her. She was looking dead ahead.

"Well, I'm visiting a friend."

"Would you mind telling me which friend?"

"Well, sire, I'm visiting my best friend. The only best friend I have."

"Can you tell me the name of your friend. Then I can go about finding you again?"

"…" Misty didn't say anything, she just kept walking.

Ash stopped her by walking in front of her. When she tried to go around him, he'd block her. "Will you answer any of my questions?"

"I don't see why I should…"

"I just helped you to get back a servant. And I am asking you."

"Well, I'm eternally grateful for you saving Quincy from a fate in Seafoam, but did you even look at the other men your father is sending to that island? They're just the same as Quincy, but they don't have someone here defending them. You could have, but you had to follow me. That is incredibly rude to them, and now they're going to live their life away from their family, their wives, their children…It's a horrible fate, and you let them go to it. Now, good-bye, my prince." She started around the dumbstruck prince. When she was all the way around him, he turned around to watch her.

"You can call me Ash!" He told her. "Now, what can I call you?" She froze. She needed a name that he could use that nobody would know…

"Rose Williams." She said after she turned around to face him.

"See! It wasn't that hard, now was it?" She laughed.

"No, it wasn't."

"Now, where are you staying?"

"My friend's."

"Not this again!" He sighed.

"Oh, Ashton!" A voice called. Ash froze in his tracks.

"Mother…" He muttered under his breath. He turned to the gardens. His mother was coming out of it, with her guards and maidens following her.

"Oh, Ash, I'm so glad you're back!" She exclaimed. Ash just sighed, while Misty escaped. She picked up her dress and ran off, disappearing in the crowd.

"Just a minute, mother." Ash turned back to where the red-head was, and she was gone. "Great." He muttered.

"Mother, I need to go with Brock for a bit. I'll see you at dinner." He yelled out as he ran back to his friend. Delilah sighed and shook her head.

"Oh well…at least he's with a guard."

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Obi-Wan Katie©

A/N-This story is copyrighted by me! Ok?! No copying. And, I've never read a Pokemon story in AU in this manner. I've read Pokemon stories based in the medieval time and such, but
not like this
Ok, well, please review! I think this story is great, but I need others to think that to continue!