Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Hunter ❯ New toys ( Chapter 7 )
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. Nintendo does. This story isn't written to make profit, or even to get attention from girls. It is simply written for entertainment and to keep myself busy. The main characters are mine however (except for professor Oak and some Jenny's and Joy's) and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't use it without my approval.
Chapter 7 - New toys
Professor Oak showed me the red laptop.
"This is called a pokégear. You can find more information on it than on the pokédex. It also has the maps of Kanto and Johto, since it was developed there by a colleague of mine, professor Elm. Don't worry, you'll still be able to use your pokédex because I know this is a bit to big to use in the field. I designed the pokédex to be used in the field and I tried to make it as userfriendly as possible. I'm sure you noticed."
I nodded, the pokédex was useful in the field.
"Now, you can also add information on it and send to the pokéleague. If they can check it, they might add it to the newest version of the pokédex. Your name will also be added in the thankslist, which is a great honour for some trainers. I would also like to give you this cellphone so I can contact you if something vitals comes up, or you me, in case you get into trouble… again."
"Thanks, I hope I won't be needing it for that." I was dead serious, I didn't want to get into trouble.
"Finally, you'll get this little radio/mp3 player, so you can listen to the radio for vital information or listen to any music you want, you can tape it from the radio or an outside source like CD player. You can use headphones for it or put it on speaker. It also has a link to your pokéball since scientist, like me," he said it with so much emphasis, it had to be him who proved it, "that pokémon like certain kinds of music, so this way, they can listen to it when they are in their pokéball. I've come to the conclusion that your pokémon, all your pokémon as a matter of fact, like the harder type of music. Not my favourite, but still."
"What can I say, they take after me." I said mockingly.
"Yes, that's one of the mysteries of pokémon."
I was lost.
"Test has proven that many pokémon take after their trainer, but none have adapted so fast as yours."
"So, it's not a coincidence my pokémon are ferocious?"
"Ferocious? Why, when I take care of them, they're always, friendly, except maybe for, what's his name, Sabretooth?"
"Hm, sounds exactly like me. That is strange. And you have no idea what causes this?"
"No, but I don't really think that should be a problem?"
"No, it's not, not at all. Was there something else?"
"No, not really."
"Very well, I'll be on my way again, then. Oh, one more thing. Since I don't have a place to live anywhere, may I send stuff that I buy on my travels here?"
"Sure, I'll set up the guest room, so to speak."
"Thanks, dude, I mean professor."
"That's okay, it's no problem," he let out a little smile as he bended through the knees a bit and brought his shoulders back when he pointed at me, "dude."
I had to do my best not to let out "Yeah, right" and shook his hand.
"Oh, yeah, when a kid called Allan shows up? Don't talk to him."
Hey, I mentioned him, didn't I?
Well, back to Pewter then.
Man, I hope I get my first badge soon because I'm fucking tired of this trip between Pallet Town and Pewter. I had decided to leave immediately so it was getting near dark when I arrived at Viridian. I was almost too tired to stop at the police station, but the friendly nurse at the pokécentre reminded me. I crashed at the centre and had a good long rest. The next day I left with refreshed spirits and trained all my pokémon in Viridian Forest. Man, was that place easy with all those pod pokémon. When I thought I was ready I left for the Pewter gym and thanks to War and Blaster I cruised through those trainers and their rock and ground pokémon. Then it was time to take on the gym leader. I had heard in the centre it wasn't the original gym leader, but his father, since the gym leader left to be a pokémon breeder (and also that he was seemingly very obsessed by sex).
"You're good with your water pokémon." He said.
"Let's see if I'm good with my other as well." I responded. Next to Blaster and War I had also Hawk, Shocker, Driller, King and Sabretooth. I chose Sabretooth.
"What? You have water pokémon and you choose something else?"
I shrugged.
"I got to give the others a chance as well, don't I? If they can't make it, I'll rely on Blaster and War, but they have to have their shot, right?"
"Well, I guess…" he hesitated.
It was a long shot, I knew. He got out a Geodude. He didn't look so tough. I sent out Sabretooth that tried to tackle the rock. That looked painful and I thought I saw blood. The Geodude grabbed Sabretooth and threw him back. Sabretooth landed on all fours and attacked again. He jumped over the Geodude and pushed him from behind. The Geodude rolled over and Sabretooth pushed him again. The Geodude was rolling all over the arena, but Sabretooth wasn't really doing any damage.
"You're not guiding your pokémon?" the gym leader asked.
"Uhm, no?" I tried, "They seem to be doing fine like they are, so why should I yell out what to do. If they can manage without my help, I'm not going to distract them by shouting."
"That's a stupid move, if you coach you pokémon, you can do this, Geodude, rock throw."
The geodude glanced over to the gym leader and seemingly nodded. He plunged his hands in the ground and pulled out a huge rock (which suddenly explained all the fixed holes and rock piles in the arena). The Geodude let out a triumphant cry and was ready to throw the rock on his opponent, who had strangely enough, disappeared. He looked around for it's prey and then looked at the gym leader for further instructions.
"Tackle." I coached my pokémon professionally.
Sabretooth jumped up from behind one of the rock piles and before the Geodude knew what was going on, Sabretooth threw his full weight against the little rock, causing the big rock, which the Geodude still held, to fall down. Sabretooth was fast enough to get away, the Geodude wasn't.
"Using his own attack against him, impressive. I can't say I've seen something like this before." The gym leader said while retrieving Geodude, "but it's not over yet."
Dude, that was one big Onix. Sabretooth ran over to me with a lot of effort and a quick examination taught me he had a dislocated shoulder (if Rattata's can have that of course, but he definitely dislocated something). I called him back and brought for Driller. You may think I miscalculated, but you don't know my deeper strategy. Okay, I miscalculated.
"Hah, a Kakuna? Onix, bind."
The onix lounged forward and wrapped himself around the Kakuna, which was kinda impressive given the size of both the Onix and Kakuna. Suddenly the Onix let out a cry and let Driller go. I saw a small black drop at his tail. The Onix was poisoned. I knew that was going to happen when I got out Driller. I really did. Honest. Onix smashed his tail in anger against Driller and he landed against a huge rock. He fell down on the ground and I could see his shell was cracked. Fuck, not again, I had to get my pokéball out before something bad happened to him. I saw his shell crack further and break down. A large Beedrill stood up and spread its still wet wings. A quick flap dried them enough to fly and he flew up circling the Onix. Unfortunately his poison stings couldn't do much damage anymore, although the Onix was swaying dangerously around. Maybe Driller just could fly around until the Onix fell unconscious.
"Onix, back." The Onix was pulled back into the pokéball.
I won? Cool.
"Geodude, finish the job." The gym leader shouted as he brought back Geodude in play.
You can do that? How come nobody told me? Okay, that's it, I was going to finish this fast and good.
"Driller back, Blaster, kick his ass."
The Squirtle came out and a quick squirt of water threw the Geodude against the wall. Needless to say Onix didn't last long as well.
"I thought you said you weren't going to use your water pokémon."
"I lost my patience." I said, truthfully.
Five minutes later I walked out with a sparkling badge on my pokédex, trying to find out why the damn thing was sparkling on the screen of my pokédex since it didn't make any sense. Maybe young kids thought it was "groovy" or something. I just thought it was stupid. I checked my pokémon at the centre and looked for a room for that night. Battling the gym leader made me a lot of money, so I decided I was show the world I was a material gir… I mean guy. The pokémart didn't have a much better CD-collection than Viridian, but I was able to buy some good "commercial" bands like The Offspring and Blink 182, but unfortunately no Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, Pennywise or Metallica. Oh well, this will have to do. I also bought a huge backpack, a new pair of pants and a few t-shirts. Since the trip to Cerulean was through Mount Moon I could use my army boots, so I decided not to buy other shoes. The rest of the money I spend on potions and repel and stuff. When I had everything I needed (I didn't buy a new knife, I didn't want a repeat of that pikachu incident), I returned the centre to try out that mp3 player. When I had everything on mp3, I went to sleep so I could cross Mount Moon totally refreshed.