Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ If Only Tears Could Bring You Back ❯ Farewell Pikachu ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
If Only Tears could Bring You Back
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon
Summary: Ash must handle the death of his favorite Pokemon. Song Fic!
Chapter 1: Farewell Pikachu
How will I start tomorrow without you here?
Who's heart will guide me while the answers disappear?
Is it to late, are you to far gone to stay?
Best friends forever, should never have to go away!
Ash looked sadly his Pikachu, she had wires and tubes connected to her everywhere. Pikachu had gotten hit by a car and according to Nurse Joy, she wasn't going to make the night.
Pikachu weakly opened her eyes and tried to sit up but her battered body protested the movement forcing her to stay lying down. “Pikapi?” (Ash?)
Ash was at her side in a minute. “Pikachu, you're awake!”
“Pi.” She rasped, it seemed that talking was taking up most of her attention. “Pikachu pi pika.” (It's getting harder to breath.)
What will I do? You know I'm only half without you!
How will I make it through?
This wasn't fair, but not to him he realized now. He was afraid because he was a kid, and that he couldn't handle it. Pikachu though, she had to cope with dying. Ash would put aside all his fears if it meant easing that burden. Consequently he now sat silently, cradling his beloved pet's head with one hand. He was so scared that if he touched any other part of her he would hurt her. Ash felt a tear come to his eye, and he was glad that his Pokemon most likely couldn't see it. He silently wondered who was the sadder sight right now. Pikachu would most likely agree.
Suddenly, Pikachu went into a spasming fit. Ash held the animal, soon she gained enough control but she began to tremble again, her eyes held no more life in them. “Pikachu Pikapi.” (Goodbye Ash.) He frowned as she laid her head on the operating table and smiled. Slowly she closed her eyes and committed herself to eternal rest.
“Farewell Pikachu.” Ash whispered, tears streaming down his face, he left the room to go find Misty and Brock to give them the news.
If only tears could bring you back to me!
If only love could find a way!
What I would do, what I would give if you
Return to me, someday, some how, some way!
If my tears could bring you back to me!
AN: Writing this made me start crying. Please R&R this fic. Ja!