Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ LIFE without ROCKET ❯ The Persian who Stalks the Street! Encounter by the Fossil of Mii-Kahn! ( Chapter 3 )
Here's another chapter which is important to the storyline that's developing LOL And yes the storyline is focusing more on Bashou cos after seeing the Pokémon Crystal Special subbed I really got a little obsessed with him...
...what? He's evil and has that cold lonewolfish attitude, what more do you want in a character XD He's the perfect character to put through an emotional rollercoaster LOL
Anyway hope you enjoy the newest chapter!
*~ LIFE without ROCKET ~*
By Togepi
Chapter Three: - The Persian who Stalks the Street! Encounter by the Fossil of Mii-Kahn!
Bashou found himself stood in a very dark, dank room. The only light was coming through a door ahead of him but as soon as he began walking towards it, something large stepped in front of the light and he found himself looking up at a tall hefty man. Even though his face could not been seen due to the darkness, bashou knew instantly who it was.
"I've told you NEVER to call me that!" he bellowed back. "You're now a member of Team Rocket and I am your superior!"
"But....but I don't WANT to be a Team Rocket member..." Bashou squeaked back. "I want to go home"
"You don't have a home to go to anymore" his Step-Father replied harshly. "Team Rocket is your home now"
"NO! I WANT TO GO HOME!" Bashou screamed back at the large figure in front of him. "I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!"
"Don't you DARE raise your voice at me!"
With that his Step-Father raised his right hand and Bashou squealed as he saw it quickly coming down towards him...
Bashou woke with a start and quickly sat up to find he was no longer in that dark and dank room but in the light filled apartment. He slowly put his hand on the left side of his face remembering how the dream had ended with his Step-father punishing him.
"but...that all happened when I was 8 years old..." he thought to himself. "why did I remember that now?"
With a sigh he looked down to see the blue blanked covering his legs which he knew wasn't there last night after the other's left looking for Domino.
"Finally awake, huh?"
Bashou quickly turned his head to look towards the kitchen where Jesse was stood by the table watching him. Butch was sat beside her reading a book.
"I'm glad you are awake, I wasn't looking forward to waking you up myself..."
"Humph....whatever..." Bashou grunted before getting up off the sofa and walking into the bathroom.
******************************************************** *
"Why can't I get that dream out of my head?" Bashou mumbled an hour later as he walked through the streets of Viridian City on his way to work. "Those events happened ages ago..."
Just then he heard a noise behind him which made him slow his pace. He could sense something following him, so eventually came to a stop and quickly looked around to see a Persian stood behind him meowing at him. Bashou took his eyes off the Persian and looked around the area for anyone who might be it's trainer, but no one seemed to be paying the cat pokémon any attention. With that bashou just snorted at it and turned to walk off.
"Leave me alone..."
Bashou walked for another few minutes before turning around again to see the Persian stood behind him.
"Honestly do you have anyone else to go bother?"
Bashou carried on towards the museum, the Persian following him every inch of the way, unaware that he was being watched by more than just the Persian as a Shadowy figure sniggered and disappeared down an alley way.
"Good morning, Bashou!" the manageress of the Museum and library said to her quiet employee as she entered the staff room and went straight for the coffee machine. The Manageress, Sally by name, was a tall strict looking woman who always wore her hair up in a bun, but behind the harsh exterior was a very kind heart which was what got Bashou the job there.
Bashou just grunted at her and continued to stare up at the ceiling from where he was laid on the brown leather sofa. Sally watched him for a while then decided to speak to him again.
"You're quiet, I mean more than usual. Something up?"
"Nothing that concerns you...." Bashou replied coldly, not even looking at her. Sally nodded to herself, deciding it was best not to ask him anymore questions, so picked up her mug of coffee and wandered over to the window, her eyes soon catching onto something sat on the steps leading up to the museums doorway.
"Why is there a Persian sat outside?"
"It followed me..." Bashou grunted. "...stupid animal..."
"I think it's very cute"
Sally just gave out a long sigh and began to walk out the room, as she passed Bashou she spoke to him quietly.
"I'm going to be teaching you how to lead tours around the museum today, make sure your in the lobby in twenty minutes..."
With that she left Bashou to be on his own, knowing too well she had out stayed her welcome around him for the time being.
"Welcome everyone to the Viridian Museum!" Sally announced twenty minutes later to a group of people, mostly adults with young children as bashou stood beside her looking extremely irritated at having to be in the presence of so many people. "Before we start the tour I'd like to introduce my assistant Bashou who is learning how to lead tours such as these... now...lets begin..."
The group began to walk off and as they did Bashou's eyes rested on a figure at the back dressed in a long brown trench coat with the hood over their face to obscure their face from view. He seemed rather suspicious but there was something else that seemed to draw bashou's attention to him but he wasn't sure what.
"And now we conclude our tour with our most popular attraction" Sally told the group about 40 minutes later as she lead them to where a glass case was stood. Inside was a fossil of some sort and above it was some sort of tatty old scroll which had some ancient text written on it.
"This is the fossil of Mii-Kahn, so called as that was the area it was found in and is said to be the fossil of a very powerful Pokémon that lived hundreds of years ago! It is said that it was so powerful it could destroy whatever it wanted, even the world so it's spirit was confined to a rock by magicians creating this fossil...a whole mysterious legend regarding this fossil is written on that large scroll, it has taken people decades to translate it, but some parts still remain untranslated"
Suddenly a small boy of about seven tugged on Bashou's shirt and pointed up to the scroll.
"What does it say, mister?"
Bashou was a little taken back by someone asking him a question, he looked towards Sally who gave him an expression telling him it was okay to pass the question onto her, after all he had been asked a week ago to memorize the translation but smirking Bashou looked away from her and up at the scroll.
"Legend says that the beast of Mii-Kahn will be brought back to life when the energy of two people are used with their blood and it would be free to reign the world again but only under their command...The city of Blue will experience it's tremendous power and when the young soul of courage and strength is destroyed the world will be destroyed with it... only one or both of the people involved in bringing the destructive beast back to life can confine it once again by spilling their blood once more..."
"Scary..." squeaked a young eight year old girl as she cowered beside her mother.
"Way cool!" Gasped the seven year old boy who had asked the question.
"Okay, now lets all make our way to the cafeteria for refreshments" Sally announced to the group and pointed directly across from the exhibit. "It's just through there"
As the group began to leave for the cafeteria Sally turned to bashou who was still looking up at the scroll.
"Not bad" she told him. "You memorized that legend well...not sure about the stuff you added on about the soul of courage and strength.... that wasn't in the copy of the translation I gave you last week..."
"I didn't add it on..." Bashou replied, his eyes still fixed on the scroll. "...I read it..."
"What from a text book?"
Bashou just slowly pointed to the scroll hanging before them. Sally looked from the scroll to Bashou to the scroll again.
"You're saying all what you said, you read off the scroll...?"
Bashou just nodded. Sally gave him a disbelieving look, but when she noticed bashou still looked very serious she realized he wasn't lying.
"You can read the Ancient Text? Even the stuff the scientists and researches haven't been able to work out for years?"
Again Bashou nodded. "Most of it..."
"That truly is amazing Bashou, it's a talent you really should build on..."
Bashou just sighed and shrugged as if it wasn't a bit deal at all.
"It's just something I can do..."
Sally and bashou just stayed silent for a while, bashou still reading the text over and over again, something made it stick out to him, he felt he had to read it and understand it, although the legend itself did not make too much sense.
"Come on bashou" Sally finally said, making her assistant finally take his eyes off the scroll in front of him. "Lets go to the cafeteria..."
Bashou nodded as Sally walked off. He watched her leave then took one last look up at the scroll before starting to turn around to leave, but as he did he noticed a figure stood beside him, a figure that wasn't there moments ago...
...the person in the long brown trench coat. They too seemed captivated the scroll as they stared up at it.
"Amazing isn't it?" they asked in a distinctive male voice, one Bashou seemed to recognize slightly, yet could not figure out who the voice belonged too. "One little fossil is destined to cause so much trouble..."
Bashou watched him carefully wondering how he got to be beside him undetected.
"Look, I think you should join the other's in the cafeteria..."
"Ah but why?" the figure responded. "They're not like us, not like us at all...Bashou..."
Bashou's eyes widened quickly at the mention of his name and backed off slightly, keeping his blue eyes on the stranger.
"How did you know my name....?"
"It's on your badge isn't it?"
Bashou looked down at his shirt to see his name badge clearly stating his name "Bashou Akuryou"
"Although....I knew it before I came in here..."
"What the hell do you want?" bashou growled, sensing this man was not here for the exhibits of the museum, there was something in his voice that seemed to tell bashou he was up to something.
Suddenly the man reached out quickly with his left hand and grabbed Bashou's right wrist which instantly started hurting as if it was being burned. He tried to struggled free, snapping at him to let him go but instantly stopped when the man stepped closer to him.
"You're the same as me...you want power, destruction....together we can achieve that....I'll be watching you..."
The man let go of Bashou's wrist, leaving it red and sore then as Bashou watched it a strange scar like mark appeared on the back of it which looked suspiciously like the letter "R"
"What the...?"
Bashou looked up to see Sally peering around the doorway to the exhibit area.
"Are you coming or not?"
"Y...yeah I just..." bashou looked up to where the man had been, but he was now gone, leaving no trace that he was ever there, except the mark on his wrist. Carefully he covered up the mark with his shirt sleeve. "...yeah .... I'm coming..."
With that he took one last look at where the man had been stood before walking out of the exhibit room deep in thought.
Same as him...?
****************************************************** *****
That evening as the winter's sun was setting filling the air with and icy cold bite, Bashou had taken to sitting on the roof of their apartment building just watching the sun slowly disappear over the horizon. Down below the busy streets of Viridian could be heard as cars drove past and people spoke to each other.
Bashou slowly pulled his legs to his chest and looked down at the mark on the back of his wrist, still with the mark upon it, but hurting less now.
"What does he want with me..." he whispered to himself closing his eyes trying to find a solution to his questions, yet more questions came. "And the fact that Persian was following me today and this strange mark...could it be..."
Soon he heard the door to the stairs that lead up to the roof open and someone slowly approach him. Bashou didn't move but opened his eyes when he heard Jesse speak to him from behind.
"The other's said you'd been up here since you got home...is there something wrong?"
"Nothing..." bashou grunted quickly. "...just felt like being on my own..."
"Aren't you cold up here?" Jesse asked, noticing Bashou wasn't wearing anything exactly warm.
"I'm fine..."
"I see..." With that Jesse placed something beside him and when he curiously looked around he saw a pizza box with three slices inside it. "...we had some extra money and decided it was about time to have something a bit different than Instant noodles every night, thought you might be hungry..."
Bashou looked at Jesse's kind smiling face then at the pizza box before pulling it into his lap and picking up one of the pizza slices. As he did Jesse caught sight of the mark on his wrist and walked closer to have a better luck.
"What's that on your wrist?"
In a sudden panic bashou whipped around and viciously pushed Jesse away, telling her to keep away from him. Jesse stumbled back a couple of paces before she regained her balance then frowned at hr roommate who was staring viciously back at her.
"You could of just SAID you didn't want me to see it..." She snapped, then her face began to look troubled as bashou turned away from her. "...I just don't get you! None of us do...you make it so hard for us to understand you..."
"Maybe because I don't WANT anyone to understand me..." Bashou sneered back. "...I don't need anyone in my life, especially not a bitch like you..."
Jesse felt both anger and sadness hit her like a wave at once and decided it was best to leave before she said anything to worsen the situation, so with that she left to get ready for work. Bashou stayed still until she left then once again looked at the sunset before him. It was then he seemed to hear a voice in his head, the voice belonging to the man he had met earlier that day, making him stand up and look cautiously over the city.
"I'll be watching you..."
Cassidy, tired of people telling her she's lazy, decides to enter a Pokémon Contest in which the winner could win a large amount of money instead of a ribbon, but which pokémon will she use?
Meanwhile Bashou learns the identity of the mysterious man in the trenchcoat and his motive, but will he except the man's proposition for him?
Next Chapter: - Deal in Darkness!