Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ May and Brendan's Hoenn Adventure! ❯ Chapter II The Beginning of the Pokemon Journey! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter II

The Beginning of the Pokemon Journey!

---------------------- is now the beginning and ending of a chapter


"Who?" asked Cooper as he continued laughing.

"You little!" the boy yelled as he started to chase Cooper around.

Haley cleared her throat and Brendan stopped chasing Cooper and finally noticed May standing beside Haley. His face turned red as Cooper started to snicker but was replaced by an "ow" since Brendan nudged him in the ribs.

"Uh, hi! My name is Brendan. I'm one of your neighbor." Said an embarrassed Brendan.

"Hi, I'm May!" said May smiling.

"Darn it! I forgot me, Haley, and Cooper have to do something! You know your way out right?" asked Brendan. May nodded.

The 3 left and May walked down the stairs and out the door. She kept walking until she saw a little boy yelling for help.

She ran over to the boy and asked, "What's the matter?"

"A fat man is screaming and is being chased by a little puppy!" exclaimed the boy. May ran to the man. (Hey that rhymed!) and saw a fat man in a white lab coat, being chased by a black red nosed puppy.

"You over their! See that bag? Grab a pokeball and throw it and battle this Poochyena for me!" ordered the man climbing up a tree.

May ran to the bag, and pulled out a pokeball. "Go whoever you are!"

The ball snapped open to reveal an orange chick. It ruffled its feathers and chirped. The Poochyena noticed the Torchic and began to growl at the chick.

"Torchic, use your Scratch Attack!" ordered May.

"Tor!" it yelled as it scratched the poor puppy 13 times. The Poochyena whimpered and ran away.

"Phew, thank you young lady.

"You're welcome." Said May as she returned the Torchic to its pokeball.

"You're Norman's little girl aren't you? Hello, I'm Prof. Birch. Nice to meet you." He said as he shook hands with her.

"Hi, I'm May." She said smiling.

"Would you please come to my lab?" he asked.


"May!?" exclaimed Cooper, Haley and most of all, Brendan.

"Hey, guys." She said.

"What are you doing here?" asked Haley curiously.

"I'm not sure. Prof. Birch asked me to come here." Answered May.

"We're here for starter Pokemon." Said Cooper.

"Hey dad, what's May doing over here?" asked Brendan.

"You'll all find out soon enough. First of all, all 4 of you are getting starter Pokemon." Said Prof. Birch. "Also, I want you to keep the Torchic May." Continued Prof. Birch.

"Really!?" asked May in disbelief.

"Of course." Answered Prof. Birch smiling.

"Thanks!" exclaimed May.

"You're welcomed." said Prof. Birch.

He handed Cooper, Haley and Brendan each a pokeball. They snapped open, and in-front of them stood a different Pokemon.

A Mudkip stood in-front of Brendan, a Pikachu stood in-front of Cooper and an Eevee stood in-front of Haley.

"Cool!" they all exclaimed.

Prof. Birch handed them each 5 pokeballs, and a pokedex.

"One more thing, your mothers and I have decided that you all should travel together." said Prof. Birch shoving them out before they could say anything.

As they were outside, the heard some people call their names. They turn to see each of their mothers standing not too far away from them.

Brendan's mother wore a sky blue sun dress and had brown curly hair with hazel eyes. May's mother wore a yellow dress and had light pink curly hair. Cooper's mother had blond hair and pale blue eyes and she wore a light green dress. Haley's mother had black hair and hazel eyes and she wore a black dress.

They each said good bye, and handed them Running Shoes.

They set off to Route 101.


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