Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Missed Chances ❯ Missed Chances ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don t own anything.

A/N: Never wait to do something that s important to you. Be for you know

it, it s too late.

Misty sat alone in her darkened room. She couldn t sleep. She hadn t been

able to get a full nights rest ever since she left Ash and Brock to come back

home. She kept wondering how they were doing with out her. Had they

found someone else to travel with had Ash found someone else? She hadn t

heard from them lately. Did they forget about her? About everything they

had been through?

Tears ran down her face as her thoughts wondered to Ash. She felt sick to

her stomach remembering saying good-bye. She meant to tell him. She

swore to herself to tell him everything before she ever had to leave his side.

So why didn t she? What was the point to blurt out everything that she had

kept buried deep inside her right before she left? He probably wouldn t

except it and she would accomplish nothing. But still....Wouldn t it be better

than keeping it all to herself? Wouldn t it be better than leaving it to eat

away at her soul?

Confused thoughts raced through her mind as she lay back down in her bed.

Tears still streaming down her face, she clutched her only picture of Ash in

one hand. The other hand was placed close to her heart and held the letter

the picture came in. It was the first and only letter she had received from

Ash. The first line read:  To Mist, my best friend. I m going to miss you,

now that you re gone. Don t forget me...

Misty cried herself to sleep again that night, knowing deep in her heart that

she would never see Ash again.

That night Ash was hit by a drunk driver and died. In his hand was a letter

addressed to Misty. The first line read:  To Mist. I love you. I never got a

chance to tell you, so please forgive me...

Misty never received his letter and with word of his death she could take no

more. Grief-stricken, she drowned herself in the Cerulean City Gym s pool

after whispering what she could never say to his face.  I love you...

Now two souls, plagued with unfinished business, strive to find each other

somewhere beyond this chaotic world.