Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Misty's Diary ❯ Day 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Dear Diary

I didn't make it through the night. I actually fell asleep on the couch just before midnight. I wish that I had stayed away for thirty more minutes. I could have been there for Ash when he came in.

Brock told that Ash stumbled in alone at 2:00 AM, looking very upset. When I asked him why he was so upset, Brock just sighed sadly. He didn't say anything else.

"Brock…was it Vanessa?" I asked, softly.

Brock shrugged his shoulders, which confused me. Ash never kept anything from Brock.

When I tried to ask Ash what happened, he would just walk away as though he is afraid of me or something. I wanted to yell at him for being such a moron, walking away from me when I to help him, but something stopped me.

Ash was too upset to just be sulking.

Even Brock didn't say anything about Ash's late return from the date, although he still looked concerned that Ash would show up in the middle of the night, without giving him a reason. Instead, Brock just focused more on cooking than he usually did, while keeping a close eye on Ash. He kept on insisting that Ash would tell when he was ready.

I didn't think Brock really believed himself.

Normally, Ash would be running around, while me and Brock chased him around, but instead he just sat down on a rock all day, as though he was deep in thought.

I mean, he's never this quiet. It's really scary to see him like this.

He didn't even eat lunch, and he tried not to eat dinner, but Brock practically forced fed him.

Pikachu even tried to shock him out of his misery, until Brock took Pikachu away, and told him to stop.

Tomorrow, I am going to get to the bottom of this. I can't stand the sight of Ash just sitting still like that! Ash is going to tell me what's bothering him, whether he likes it or not!