Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Moonstone ❯ INTRODUCTION and CHAPTER ONE ( Chapter 1 )

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I have been given a sign! A sign that this good "Clefairy and the Moon Stone" novelization should be written. Some of you may ask what of this novelization? What is this sign? Well I had a dream last night that I was reading "Moonstone", a book based on this episode and written by me. I took this as a revelation. It clearly meant I should write this since there is no other explanation. This is the first time I have had this dream and Pokemon has been far from my thoughts recently. Thus I will now write this because it is meant to be. Some of you may wonder how I may do this with so many other novelization of this story floating around in book shops. Once again the dream has provided! In the dream, which was real by the way, I saw what the book looked like. This will not be a short transcription of one episode. Firstly it will be extended till it becomes the sort of book you would (if you bought it. I will provide it freely on this internet site) pay $6 or $7 for. It will be long and include much that is unseen in the episode. You won't pay for it however because this is not written for profit and I do not own Pokemon so I couldn't charge you for it anyway. What was I saying again? Oh yes. Secondly it will have the title "Moonstone." Pokemon episode titles are strange to be perfectly honest and so I will give this a more simple, normal title. Thirdly and finally it will have this introduction and a nice picture of a Clefairy on the front.

Unfourtunaly this creates a no writing other things situation. For the moment all of my other projects will stop. I promise that I will write the rest of my ongoing Team Rocket story eventually. Incidentally a review of my story or more than one even will often inspire me to write more even if its bad (so I can get some controversy going.) Just an idea.

Personally I think the bit in the introduction where the author thanks people for there help is boring so I ask a personal favour of you to please read patiently through what I am about to say. I really, truly, honestly couldn't have done this without


Than you for making this possible. There. Its over now. Start paying attention again! This story features no language, violence or anything else that wasn't in the original episode. This is all I can think of to say. Enjoy the novelization people!

Adam Kyles, 17th March 2002


It was a pock marked rock hurtling through space. A meteorite. Or that's what it looked like from the outside anyway. It was big. Really big. So incredibly, hugely big that it can only be described in terms of bigness, incredabilityness or hugeness. It was a pink colour. Not something you see everyday and although this is not the point because meteorites are generally excepted as non-point having things, it is a fact that it was not a meteorite. It is a moonstone. The moonstone was first created on the planet of the Clefairy. The Clefairy where a species of Pokemon from a far distant planet. The Clefairy's planet was a huge mass of pink rock to be brutally honest. Unfourtunaly a new planet had some how drifted into the star system of the Clefairy's planet. This had changed the gravitational pull of the planet and so it was now hurtling towards the star system's sun. This would obviously be very bad for the Clefairy. Fortunately they were a complex society that often wrote down all- purpose-contingency plans. Their scholars had written a plan in case the planet ever plunged into the heart of the sun. As you may have guessed the expression "always be prepared" had been invented by the Clefairy by this point. All that was required now was a democratic vote. The voting system went thus: ordinary Clefairy voted for ministers who then voted on whether contingency plans should be used. Thus the twelve council members sat on stone benches in the vast coliseum open to the sky (with its seemingly enlarging sun) and waited for the chief Clefairy to step up to a platform in the center of the massive "Place Where Clefairy Vote For Stuff." After a civil, to a Clefairy anyway, half an hour the chief Clefairy walked over to the platform. He would have looked resplendent in his flowing, chief Clefairy robes if Clefairy wore such robes but they didn't. To be quite honest they would have looked stupid on the interestingly shaped body of a Clefairy. A Clefairy was round up to the bit of it with ears on. It had pointed legs. Its face was cute and friendly. It had a ears and a sort of swirly pattern which reached from its neck to the front of its head. It had a curly tail. All Clefairy rose when the chief entered only be forced to sit down again by a wave of the chief's hand which meant "sit down." His other hand had an envelope with the contingency plan in it. He spoke. What he said was this:

"My fellow Clefairy, we face a disaster even greater than that time we built that escalator to no where. We face being burnt alive. Although some of you think this planet is a little too cold we will still all die pretty soon unless we do something about it. We can either read this contingency plan or all die in a very slow and painful manner."

To his surprise the Clefairy assembled voted that they should use the contingency plan.

"Very well then. I will open the plan." He did and read it out loud.

"If this planet is moving towards the sun at an incredible rate, putting every Clefairy on it in danger of being burnt alive you must build a spaceship and colonise a new and less sun hurtling towards planet. Do it now!" and with much muttering about what a stupid plan the ancient law makers had written, the Clefairy left.

Soon the members approached an engineering Clefairy and asked him to build them a spaceship. He looked at them for a moment and then said: "Can't be done mate. Can't make enough extra features which you don't need but they make you pay a lot for anyway. I don't even no where you'd put the air bags. Sorry." At hearing this the Clefairy instantly threw him out forever into the vast mountain range known as "the mountain range with lots of profitable garages and gas stations in it." They eventually decided to cut a piece of their planet of the planet and ride it to the new world. They would call it "Moonstone."

So they left their planet, which promptly entered a new and perfectly safe orbit around the planet which would have seemingly have caused its destruction if it hadn't suddenly turned out to not cause its destruction. Thus the orbit of the Moonstone continued and soon life arrived on the planet and forgot the "Stone" part of its name.

The Moonstone continued on its journey with many a Clefairy inside it until one day it unexpectedly crashed into a planet and wiped out the dinosaurs. After that the Clefairy settled down and eventually stopped muttering about stupid navigators or make you travel in a circle instead of getting you to anywhere new. The moonstone continued to stand in a cave and failed to wait because it was generally excepted that meteorites don't wait for stuff.