Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ MST: Humanity with short ❯ There's something about Brock ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(SOL. You try to think of host segments for a 10-part story)

TOM: Next time, Frank better order them one at a time.

CROW: Tell me about it. I'm not in the mood to see James in his next outfit.

MIKE: Guys, can we please just read the fanfic?

NOTE: Ash's, Misty's, and Brock's pokemon are teenage humans.

CROW: So they'll say they don't need their trainers, live on their own, and then cry for them within two weeks.

MIKE: Pretty much.

Also, I know I missed spelled Delilah, I got it from a fanfic.

TOM: That's a bad sign.

Also, does anyone remember the episode where the gang was at this garden outside of Pallet? Did that Gloom evolved into a Vileploom? Well, till I here other wise, I'm going to say that she didn't.

CROW: That's a worse one.

Outside of the hospital, the now human Pokemon wanted to look around the town. B.R.I.AN decided to stay with them incase Team Rocket wanted to attack again.

MIKE (B.R.I.AN): Plus, I'm scared to be alone.

Once outside, the Pokemon saw skyscrapers that touched the sky, humans talking to some humans with wings on their backs or horns on their heads.

CROW: Or socks in their pants.

MIKE: Crow!

"Every Pokemon here is human?" Chickorita asked.


(TOM starts to shake)

MIKE: Easy, easy.

"Looks that way." Pikachu said.

MIKE: Look at the bright side, none of the Pokemon will repeat their names over and over again.

BOTS (Homer Simpson): That's good.

"AT LAST! I CAN DATE ASH!" Chickorita said, causing everyone to fall down anime style.

ALL (Homer): That's bad.

"No, my dad loves my mom and will date her." Togipi said.

ALL (Homer): That's good.

"No, me." Chickorita shot back.

ALL (Homer): That's bad.





MIKE: Where's a talk show about "Pokemon who love their trainers to the point where the viewers get sick" when you really need it?

"Nothing worse than two teenage girls arguing." B.R.I.AN said.

ALL: This fic.

"Bulbasaur, you get Chickorita."


MIKE: Crow!

"Gladly." The former grass/animal type said as he used his vine whip, and Brian used…


TOM: He filed for one of the two to be no less than one hundred yards away from him?

MIKE: I think that's what he calls his cable attack Tom.

TOM: Oh.

…two strong cables to separate Togipi and Chickorita.

"Look you two, we're here to have a good time. Don't ruin it." Vulpex said and she saw something that caught her eye. "OOOOO! A DANCE CLUB! CAN WE GO?!"

ALL: Uh-oh.

CROW: This doesn't look good.

"Hmmmmm…" Pikachu said. "I don't see why not."

TOM (Pikachu): But there's something in my eye.

"That's great." A voice said behind them. They turned and looked and saw Ash, Misty, and Brock.

"MOM! DAD! UNCLE BROCK!" Togipi said excitedly. "What are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you be in the hospital?"

CROW: Instead of annoying the hell out of the readers.

"Nurse Joy gave us a clean bill of health." Misty said.

MIKE (Misty): Witch caused more than our future kids can afford.


"Yeah. Just in time too. Tomorrow, I'm ready to battle!" Ash said.

"And I'm ready to dance!" Brock said.

"LET'S GO!" Vulpex said as she took Brock into the club.


"You guys go ahead." Togipi said. "I'm going to look around some more."

"Same here." B.R.I.AN said. "I want to know the area where I am." And everyone else went into the club.

CROW: You can just smell the romantic over tone.

**************************************************************** **

TOM (Idiot that got hit in the head): Duh, look at the pretty stars.

"Why didn't you want to go in?" B.R.I.AN asked.

CROW (Togipi): I saw on the menu they were serving my relatives.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." Togipi said.

"I wanted to explore some more." B.R.I.AN said.

"Come on. I'm a psychic type." Togipi said.

MIKE: But she can't read minds.

"But you can't read minds." B.R.I.AN said.

MIKE: Told ya.

"I forgot." She said, causing the both of them to laugh. They reached a restaurant and saw a mini van, and a brown hair woman come out with a gray hair man.

"GRANDMA! PROFESSOR OAK!" Togipi said as she ran to hug the two.

CROW: Ah, the ensemble gets even MORE useless cast members.

"Who…?" Prof. Oak asked.

"Togipi?" Delilah asked.

"Yep." Togipi said. "And this is B.R.I.AN."

"Ms. Ketchum?" B.R.I.AN asked.

"Yes?" She replied.

"There's something I have to tell you…"

MIKE (B.R.I.AN): I left my oven on.

**************************************************************** *****

CROW: And the weatherman said the night would be cloudy.

At the club, the three trainers and their pokemon were dancing up a storm. Everyone looked as Misty and Ash were dancing together.




This caused Chickorita to be a little jealous.

"I know what you're thinking, and no. If Ash is in love with a girl, its Misty." Pikachu said.

"But I'm much better." Chickorita said. "I can be better than Misty."

CROW: I feel like I'm watching Ranma/Akane light.

"In love? No." Pikachu said. "But how about in dancing?"

"Hmmmmmm?" She said as Pikachu extended his hand. "Let's show these two how it's done." She said as they went on to the dance floor. Almost immediately, they got the most attention as they were doing a better job dancing than Ash and Misty.

TOM: The said thing is that they're trying to tap dance. HAHAHAHAHA… kill me.

"WOW! Look at them go!" Ash said.

"GO `RITA! GO PIKA!" Misty said, and started a chant.

"HEY! Look at that Brock!" Vulpex said as she and Brock were drinking soda at a table.


"Hey, who knew that Pikachu and Chickorita were such good dancers." Brock said. At another table was Bulbasaur, depressed that he had no one to dance with. A woman joined him.

MIKE: Along with Bill Clinton.

"This seat taken?" A woman asked.

MIKE (Cop): Calling all cars, calling all cars, suspect leaving with bar stool, I repeat, suspect leaving with bar stool, proceed with caution. She is armed and extremely annoying.

"No, go a head." Bulbasaur said.

"Thanks. You a pokemon too?" She asked.

"Bulbasaur." He said as he noticed the big flower on her head. "And judging by that flower, you're a Gloom."

TOM (Sarcastic): NO!

"Yep. It's been a long time Bulba." She said.

"Huh?" He responded.

"Don't tell me you forgot about the garden

TOM (Singing): In the Garden of Eden honey…

outside of Pallet."

CROW: Off of I-90 on the Dan Ryan.

She said, then it dawned on him.

"Holly! ITS YOU!" He shouted as he hugged the Gloom.

TOM: Yes, YOU!

**************************************************************** **

CROW: If that many stars means crap factor…

"So, let me get this straight, you were human…" Delilah said.

ALL (Rocky Horror fans): No duh Shirley!

"Yes." B.R.I.AN responded.

ALL (Rocky Horror fans): No duh Sherlock!

"Giovanni captured you and sent you to hurt my son, his friends, and take Pikachu…"

MIKE (B.R.I.AN): Actually, I was going to maim them.


"But when Pikachu shocked you, your circuits malfunctioned, and you remember the operation…"

TOM (Deilah): And you dumb down a fanfic.


"But you don't remember your past, and you turned against Team Rocket and sent them packing."

CROW (Delilah): And you're just a fanfic tool.

"Its true. I'm sorry that I hurt them, but I was under Team Rockets control." B.R.I.AN said. "Your son and his friends forgave me and…"

"Well, if they did, then so can I." Delilah said.

MIKE: This fic has the quality of Disney.

"Speaking of my son, where is he? Is he in trouble?"

CROW: He got a week's detention.

"Delilah saw something about her son being in trouble." Prof. Oak said.

`I'm getting strong energy readings from her.' B.R.I.AN thought. `What could they mean?'

TOM: It means prey to God that the energy is something OTHER than a possible Sailor Scout.

MIKE: Oh, now we don't…

CROW: Mike, this is a Pokemon fic, and Ms. Ketchem has energy readings. What else could it possibly hint at?

MIKE: She's a decedent of a wizard?

TOM: Right Mike. That would give them a decent plot.

"Dad's fine. He and mom went to a dance club." Togipi said.

CROW (Togipi): It's called Studio 54.

Just then, they heard sirens whaling past them, going towards the club.


"What's going on?" Togipi asked.

TOM (Singing): What's going on?

"I got a radio transmission. It's the club." B.R.I.AN said. "THE OTHERS ARE IN TROUBLE!"


CROW (Togipi): So are we.

MIKE (B.R.I.AN): Oh.


MIKE: In hell.

(ALL exit)

(Door sequence)


MIKE: Brock's a sad case, isn't he?

CROW: Tell me about it. Its not bad enough that he acts like a dumber version of Davis when he's around any girl, save for Misty, but now it looks like he's gonna get his Pokemon while she's in human form.

TOM: The sad part is that it's his only chance to get a girl.

MIKE: True.

(Lights flash)

CROW: Hey, someone's calling on the hexfeild.

(The hexfeild opens and we see BROCK)

TOM: Hey, it's Brock from both Pokemon and today's experiment.

MIKE: How's it going?

BROCK: I heard what you guys said about me! I AM NOT WORSE THAN DAVIS!

CROW: At least he doesn't float towards Kari or thinks that anytime a gaggle of women come towards him says something along the lines of "I AM HERE LADIES! TAKE ME!"

MIKE: Unless one of them was Kari.

CROW: True.

BROCK: I just don't know how to act normal around girls.

MIKE: Why?

BROCK: You try to figure out how to act around girls when you've spent most of your life taking care of at least half-a-dozen brothers and sisters, running a gym, and beating Pokemon trainer after Pokemon trainer. I'm lucky that gym leaders aren't aloud to go to school as much as the other students or I'd be held back.

TOM: So that's why we don't see any truant officers.

MIKE: Anyway, that's a good point Brock, but you've been with Ash ever since he began, save for your time with Professor Ivory.

CROW: Say, what did happen between you too anyway?


(Men in white appear and take BROCK away as the Hexfeild closes)

TOM: Oh, good one Crow.

CROW: What? It's a reasonable never answered question.

(Commercial sign flashes)

MIKE: Looks like it'll remain that way. We'll be back.

(MIKE taps the light)

(Planet bumper)
