Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ MST: Humanity ❯ Intros and Tryin' Not to Be Confused ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

MST: Humanity

MST by: AngelWingAsh

GUEST APPEARANCE: TaRain (she's Raina_Soul in this fic)

ORIGINAL FIC By: Digifan3:16 (Thanks a lot Brian! For letting me MST this and all that! :P)

DISCLAIMER: AWA and TaRain does not own MST3K, the soon-to-be MSTed fic, Pokemon, Nintendo, and all that you know if you guys use common sense. However, this fic is MSTED over at the Anime Review Lounge, or the ARL, which we do own!

WHO'LL PUT UP THE PAIN????: AWA, TaRain, plus special anime/magna guests from various series! (i/e, `Dragon Knights', `Mobile Suit Gundam', and `Chobits!', which we don't own `em!... but if someone out there owns Rath, what's your offer?! *pulls out checkbook*)

Now.... on with it!!!


(Anime Review Lounge)


(A girl of 16 was already online, chatting away to her friend, Brian Smiley, aka Digifan3:16. She has long red hair, at least to her shoulders, hazel-ish green eyes behind her calico bifocals, and blue jeans with a brand new Pink Panther baseball shirt and was happy now she gotten her friend's permission that she could `bash' a fic, cuz she was just bored. Meet Ashley, but some call her AngelWingAsh or AWA.)

AWA- "OH BOY!!! But... lesse... WHO WANTS TO GO MST `Humanity'!?....*cricket chirp...*..... You chickens......."

(Only one girl came out. She is Brandelynn, but everyone calls her Raina. She has blond hair, blue-ish green eyes, with black rimmed glasses, she's a couple inches taller than AWA, is currently wearing black baggy pants and her fave anime fairy shirt.)

Raina- "You're so pathetic, Ash. They went out for vacation. Or maybe running away, but knowing those idiots, they come back in the next month."

AWA- "Oh, lesse now... oh! I got an idea!!! How `bout we invite certain guests over here?!"

Raina- O.O "What?"

AWA- "It'll be fun! How about.... at least 3 or 4 characters?!"

Raina- "What are you trying to get at?" *suspicious tone*

AWA- "Char from `Mobile Suit Gundam', Hiromu Shimbo and his laptop persocom, Sumomo from the anime `Chobits', and one more..."

Raina- "How about Thatz from `Dragon Knights'?!"

AWA- "Huh?! No... RATH!!!" ^_^

Raina- "What?! Rath'll cause hell in the lounge!!! Thatz is easier to put up with!!"

AWA- "You forgetting- we're broke!!! How the heck do you suppose to pay him?!"

Raina- "Yeah, but Rath'll will just complain that there are no demons, he'll want to kick demon butt..."

AWA- "You're nagging again... ^.^ Aw well!"*grabs the phone....*

~*Sometime later...*~

*Outta nowhere, Char Aznable, Hiromu Shimbo and his quirky persocom Sumomo and a very disgruntled Dragon Knight, Rath Illuser has arrived!*

Rath- "What the hell?! I was going to sneak outta the Kingdom to kill more demons but Alfeegi nearly got me and then... I'm here..."

Shimbo- "I'm lost... Sumomo... can you tell me where are we???"

Sumomo- "I'll do a search!" *eyes in a trance...*

Char- "I demand what is going on! Who's responsible for bringing me into this?!"

*AWA and Raina were amazed, but still surprised at what they were doing....*

AWA- "Quite a motley crew we have." *Raina nods*

Sumomo- "Search complete! We are at the Anime Review Lounge, Oklahoma, USA! Today's date is Saturday, March 20, 2004! Time is 9:45 p.m., Central standard!"

Raina- "WOW!!!! THAT-WAS-FREAKING-COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sumomo- "Waaaaaah!!! Master, she's scaaaaaaaaaary!!!!!" *hides in Shimbo's shirt*

Everyone except Raina and Shimbo- O.o;;;;

AWA- "Um... maybe I should explain everything. *clears throat* I'm AngelWingAsh, but call me AWA. And that blond is my sister, Raina_Soul."

Raina- "Jus' Raina's fine!!!"

AWA- "And I like to say, welcome to the lounge."^_^

Guys- "..........."

Rath- "Does this area have demons?"

Shimbo- "I think we're out of place..."

Char- "This is too old!"

Raina and AWA- "...... get with the program guys!!"

Raina- "Seriously, you guys are in the 21st century. And no Rath, there are no demons." *Rath pouts* "Anyway! It's BASHING TIME!!!"

AWA- "Sis, you didn't need to say it out loud. Anyway, what we do is we make fun of fics... because we feel like it, or sometimes we're forced too."

Char- "How do they tell if you went through the story?"

Raina- "The bastards monitor our minds. And enjoy our pain..."

Shimbo- "... okay. But I see what you're getting at."

Rath- *sighs* "If I'm forced too..."

AWA- "Don't worry, Rath! This seems confusing at first, but you'll get it! Anyway!! Ready Raina?! *Raina nods* FANFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC!!!!!!!!"

*A doorway opens and reveals a mini movie theater*

Shimbo- "How you ladies got that theater, I may never know."

Raina- "It was all thanks to AWA's ex-boyfriend's time and confusion."

AWA- *shudders about the geek* "Never mind!!! Anyway! Let's go!"

*Movie Theater*

*ALL sit down from left to right: Rath, AWA, Char, Raina and Shimbo*

AWA- "Let's begin!"



Digifan3:16 >

CHAR- WWE fan I presume?

AWA- Actually, we're not that sure anymore...

<Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, Kids WB, 4 KIDS productions, Nintendo, and Game Freak does. It wouldn't do any good to sue me anyway, I'm broke. >

RAINA- Waaaaaah, so are we.

<"The mediator between brain and muscle must be the heart."



Thea Von Harbou >

RATH- Nice quote.

AWA- That was a good book and movie too! ^_^

RAINA- What does that have to do anything with the fic?

SHIMBO- It doesn't matter who you fall in love with?

AWA- On second thought, never mind that.

<Our story begins when our mysterious, hazel-eyed character, with brown hair, is walking through a forest, when all of a sudden>

CHAR- He has won a million dollars!

< a net falls upon him.>

RATH- A net?! *psh!*

AWA- It's just a fic, Rath...

< "What's going on?" He asked. >

SHIMBO (Mystery Guy)- "Why did this fic started out bad?!"

<Then a voice said, "Be quite, you'll find out!">

AWA- Remember, it's all in your head.... *evil snickering*

< The last thing our character saw before being knocked unconscious was a big red R. >

RATH- And by the number 0.

RAINA- Now you're getting it! ^_^

<2 hr. Later… >

AWA- In Vice City Hotel...

<"So, you're finally awake?">

Char- What, 2 hours isn't long enough for you?!

< Was the first voice our character heard when he woke up.>

RATH- I would deem it, Evil Voice number 1.

< "Huh?" >

AWA (Drugged Monkey)- Duuuuuhhh.... no?


RAINA- ...is my sanity?!

< He asked, then he saw his kidnappers face.>


RATH- BIERREZ!!! WHERE?!?!?! *gets up but is immediately pulled back down*

AWA- Dude, Bierrez is not here.

RATH- But you said-


<"I know you!>

CHAR- You're the Grim Reaper!! I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything!!

<You're Giovanni, the Viridian City Gym leader!" He said. >

SHIMBO- No kidding, Einstein.

<"Smart kid," Giovanni replied>

AWA- Short attention span, though...

< "it looks like our random human picking idea worked." >

CHAR- It would suck for them and good for us if they picked out Jasmine.

AWA and Raina- O.o How did you know our sister?!

SHIMBO- Word gets around. -.-;

<"Huh?" Our character asked. >

RATH- He sure does sound dumb. Hey, is Giovanni a youkai?

*AWA whacks Rath in the head with a mallet*


Rath- *rubbing his head in pain* OWWWWWW!!! What was that for? And where did you get that mallet?!

AWA- Mention `youkai' again and it's another mallet hit for you!! And I found it under my usual seat! And to answer your question, NO!

<"Call it bad timing." Giovanni answered.>

AWA- Bad timing equals bad fic and waste of our time!

RAINA- Then why the hell are we MSTing this?!

AWA- My dear, this is what makes the world go round- bashing everyone and ourselves!

RAINA- I'm confused...

< "If someone else arrived before you,>

RATH- Is that person Nadil?!

RAINA- Rain K.?!

CHAR- Amuro?!

SHIMBO- Motosuwa?!

AWA- Duo?!

RAINA- Chief?

AWA- McCloud!! O.o

< another person>

ALL- Oh.

<would be the subject of my experiment." >

SHIMBO- My preciousssss.......

<"Experiment?" >

RAINA- Oh my God, someone call the Prez- a human is doing stem cell research outta free will!!

<"Oh yes, the experiment.>

AWA- Eeee-yup, someone said experiment!

<You are to become the first B.R.I.AN.>

RATH- `Brain'?

AWA and RAINA- It's `Brian'!- Waitasec!

<, a Bio-living Robotic Intelligence ANdroid.">

CHAR- *tch!* Could've been worse!

<"A what?" >

RATH- Is he a answering machine or soon-to-be one?

RAINA- Soon to be one. And it's a android, Rath!

AWA- Sis, take it easy on him. Remember, he's from the past!

<"A cyborg." >

RATH- But he called him a `cyborg'? I'm confused...

*Char, Shimbo and Raina were fixing to kill him...*

AWA- And I thought Daisuke was an idiot. *explains Rath to her abilities what androids and cyborgs means*

RATH- I'm still confused.

AWA- *sighs* You'll see soon enough.

<"Oh." "And you will do what I say." >

CHAR(Guy)- I dun wanna do this, Giovanni!!! You can't make me!!!!

<"Did you escape from Bellevue?>

ALL- Maybe.

< Because you're nuts!" >

ALL- Oh really?

<"Oh yeah!">


AWA- *bonks Raina with the same mallet* And don't make me do it again!

< Giovanni said, as he was about to flash>

SHIMBO- To the guy.

AWA- Ugh! Shimbo!

< a mirror in front of his "experiment." >

RATH- Ugh... more things to come to rot our brains out.

<"What the?>


AWA and RAINA- AHHH! *both hides behind their chairs*

CHAR- I'm only kidding!!!

*Both AWA and Raina bonked Char with their own mallets*

< Its… it's a brain! My brain!">

RATH(Guy)- Look-y how pink it is...

AWA- RATH!!! Gross!

<The last thing the future B.R.I.AN. saw was scientists working on his body, then he blacked out. >

RAINA- The next thing y'know is he probably got drunk about the whole thing and needed to take some of those anti-hangover pills.


So what did you think? Rate and send me your opinions.>

AWA(Review Critic)- Hn. It's alright I guess. Easy to make fun of and all that crap. Alright, let's take a break, guys.

*The male characters started to celebrate*

AWA- But the fic isn't done yet!


RAINA- We'll be back! ^.^
