Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ My Gift to You ❯ My Gift to You ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This fic was written for my good friend Mewwie.

Pokémon belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak. This fic contains sex between two Pokémon, abuse and semi-rape, so if you aren't into that, you had better turn back. Also, in this fic, all Pokémon speak just as humans would. (The way I think it should be all the time)


My Gift to You

Stars, they provided distraction. Distraction from the pain and anger. It was all she knew. Always getting hurt. Why? This she could not answer, but she knew she deserved it. She nursed the now prominent bruise on her left cheek as she recalled the night's events.


"What the hell is this!? You call this food!" a voice screamed.

"I'm sorry, dear," a female Dragonite put her arm on her mate's shoulder, "I was very busy today and…"

"and you decided I wasn't important." He grasped her hand firmly. "Just what were you busy with anyway? Some strapping young Pokémon no doubt," his accusations hurt her far more than his tight grasp.

"Of course not. I would never do that…"

"and admit to it," he finished her sentence again, "So let's here the truth."

This was far from the first time this had happened. He would have a bad day and blame all his troubles on her, making her the villain, "I wasn't with anyone, I never have been," he squeezed her arm tighter, his claws just piecing her skin, "Please stop, that hurts," she saw a small trickle of blood from her wrist.

"Not until you tell me the truth."

She knew he would hurt her even more if he didn't hear what he wanted to hear, "Alright, I was with another Pokémon," she lied.

"See, was that so hard," he relaxed his grip. She began to relax as well, until he backhanded her across the face. She fell to the ground, "You are so lucky to have a guy like me. Most mon would have used a real attack technique on you," he declared as he moved closer to her, "Now, let me make you feel better."

She sobbed softy, but these were not tears of pain, they were tears of fear. She knew what was coming next. She cried out in pain as her entered her. She didn't resist, she never did. She tried to focus her thoughts on other things as he continued to pump into her dry tunnel. Any pleasure or passion on her part was lost in pain.

He arched his back and groaned loudly as he came. He pulled himself from her, not caring if she had orgasmed or not. Some blood from her wounded sex mixed with his cum, "There doesn't that feel better?"

"Yes, thank you," she said, knowing he would only beat her if she spoke the truth. He walked off to the bedroom area of their home. She lay unmoving yet still crying. Crying, washing away pain in a river of tears. Why did he always do that? What had she done to deserve this? These things she pondered, but she knew it was her fault. It was always her fault.


Tsuki shuddered at her own thoughts. Tsuki, her name, although her mate rarely used it. It was always 'You' or some other name she didn't care to remember. Her 'River of Pain' was flowing once again. She gazed up at a shooting star. Please, tell me what I'm supposed to do. I only want to please him. He claims he loves me, but why does he hurt me so?

'He claims he loves me, but why does he hurt me so?' Her last thoughts echoed in Mewtwo's mind. He glanced down at the owner of the thoughts. She was a young Dragonite of traditional Orange/Yellow skin, however he could see the bruise on her cheek even in the moonlight. Normally, he could have cared less about this 'inferior being'. However, something was different about this encounter. He found himself staring at her shapely figure, closely examining each and every curve. Meanwhile, his own body was unconsciously flying closer to her position.

Tsuki watched as the 'shooting star' suddenly changed direction, moving toward her position. She observed it twist and shift as it drew closer, morphing into the form that is Mewtwo. She knew of him, but only from legends. While she was frightened of this all-powerful being, a small part of her wished he had come to kill her and end her suffering. She wiped the tears from her cheek and tried to compose herself as best she could.

~Why do you stay?~ he did not speak, but his words were heard clearly in her mind.


~The one who hurt you, why do you stay with him? ~

Standing over two meters tall, his purple figure was far more intimidating than any stories could justify. Upon closer examination, she realized he wasn't standing but was floating slightly above the ground. She tried to hide the fear in her eyes as she spoke, "He is my mate. I pledged myself to him"

~I do not understand. Why pledge yourself to one such as this?~

"I," she hesitated, "love him."

~You do not believe your own words. I can sense it.~

"Look, I know you've come to kill me, so just do it!"

Her eyes burned with a rage he had never seen before, ~Is that what you want?~

"If I said yes, would you do it?" she was very serious.

~Why do you wish to die? Is it to escape him?~

"I always disappoint him. He deserves someone better than me. I'm a failure, a nobody. I don't deserve to live!" she was sobbing by the time she finished.

Starring into her tear filled eyes, he felt her sadness not just from his psychic ability, but from his own emotions, ~Please, don't cry. I can feel the compassion and caring within you. You claim to love him, but how can you when you don't even love yourself.~

He is right. I know he is. How could I have not seen it before? How can I love if I don't even know what love is?

He could he each and every thought as if she had spoken it, ~Come with me. Let me take you away from here, from him. Let me take you where you will be free. Please, will you let me help you?~ he found himself feeling a compassion he had never known, but did he just feel sorry for the poor creature or was it…

A thousand emotions were running through her mind. She wondered what it would be like to be free, free from abuse, free from pain, free to love. She could think of only one thing to say, "Yes."

He held out a tri-fingered hand to her, ~Come with me.~

Tsuki took his hand as they floated off together. She instinctively flapped her wings but soon realized it was not necessary. He was holding her with his psychic grasp. For the first time in her life she felt safe and secure. She gazed over at his face, but it was different somehow. Before he had seemed powerful and intimidating, now his was a look of a gentle and kind being, almost handsome. She couldn't help but have a few stray 'ideas' in her head. She was, however, unaware he was seeing each one. He looked over at her. Violet met onyx as each peered into the other's soul, "You look tired are you ok?"

~I've been flying for a while, but I'm ok.~

"Oh, I just thought maybe we could rest a while," she smiled at him.

His psychic ability made him fully aware of her true intentions, ~If that is what you would like,~ they floated downward and landed softy on what appeared to be a grassy meadow. Releasing her hand, Mewtwo put his arms around her and hugged her close to his body. He leaned down and kissed her briefly.

She was slightly startled, "How did you know?"

~I can see your thoughts and feelings.~

She blushed a deep crimson, "All of them?"

He drew her closer, ~Every last one,~ they engaged in a passionate kiss. Tongues went to war in a battle neither side could lose. Their tails intertwined in loving embrace as he ran his hands up and down her back, caressing both wings as well. He moved his lips off hers and kissed down her neck and onto her chest. Tsuki, not being a mammal, had no real breasts but did have a sensitive chest area. Her moaning beckoned him on. He moved his lips further down, leaving a trail of saliva on her stomach.

"Wait, are you sure you want to do this? We…barely know one another."

~I said I would help you and I shall. You have always known hate, fear and pain. I will show you kindness, love,~ he knelt down and rubbed a balled-finger across her slit, ~and pleasure.~

She was experiencing brand new sensations. Love making with her mate was anything but pleasureful. She sighed as he removed his hand but soon cried out in pleasure as his tongue replaced it. Mewtwo licked her folds, teasing her for what was to come. He raised his mouth and sucked lightly on the bulb of her sex. She arched her back and moaned loudly. Her breath became labored as his tongue and mouth touched her in ways she had never known. Her knees buckled, but she did not fall. Unbeknownst to her he was mentally keeping her upright.

~Do you like that?~ a question he already knew the answer to, but he wished to hear her words.

"Y-yes," was all she could manage.

~Then you will love this,~ his tongue entered her, exploring every inch of her insides. The hormones completely masked any pain that would have come from her still wounded vagina. He began to pull out of her, only to thrust back in. The young dragon could only whimper in pleasure as his long-slick tongue humped deeper and deeper into her.

"M-mewtwo, I'm going to cum," she cried, deeply in lust.

~I know,~ his tempo increased, soon to give her release from the sexual tension. She yelled out his name so loud it frightened some Spearows, who were sleeping nearby. He felt he inner walls contract around his tongue as his mouth was flooded with her juices. Lapping almost frantically at her, Mewtwo was determined not to miss a drop of her sweet fluid. After a few moments, he pulled his face away from her and released her his psychic grasp. She fell to her knees, still breathing heavily, ~Have I helped you understand?~

"No, not yet," she said, smiling seductively as she lay back, "but I'm sure you can teach me."

~Are you certain that is what you want?~

"Yes, but I'm not the only one," she said coyly glancing at his waist. He looked down to see his member was not only out of its pouch, but had almost reached its full length of twenty-five centimeters. The purple skin of his cheeks turned a slight red, "Please, I know we both want this. Take me."

He smiled and moved on top of her, positioning himself at her entrance. She was still slick from his earlier treatment, so he was able to slide easily into her. He was bigger than any male Dragonite, so she was only able to take it most of his member. He humped her slowly at first, wanting to prolong the experience for both. She grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into a deep kiss. Orange and purple flowed together in a sea of passion as Mewtwo began increasing his speed.

Tsuki had only dreamt of this kind of pleasure. She brought her tail between her legs and rubbed the underside of his mating organ.

~Oh, Tsuki your so tight, so good.~ even telepathically she could hear the pleasure in his voice.

"No, your just so big," she retorted, not even questioning how he knew her name.

He could feel her second climax was near, while his own release was close as well. They humped against each other at and almost desperate pace, looking like they would die if they didn't gain release soon. Finally, her dam broke; she wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him as far into her as she could. That, combined with her velvety-vice squeezing him, sent Mewtwo over the edge. He cried out her name, this time with his own vocal cords, as his life-seed spilled into her. He continued thrusting as best he could, prolonging both their orgasms. Tsuki had one final smaller orgasm from the sheer spunk he was pouring into her.

When he finally pulled out of her, both lovers lay in silence on the cool grass. Tsuki was first to break the silence, "How did you know my name?"

~When we were joined, I could see fully into your mind.~

"Then you must already know this, but I'm going to say it anyway. I love you, Mewtwo."

He held her close to him, "I love you too, Tsuki," he replied, speaking once again with his own voice. They exchanged one final brief kiss, both too exhausted for anything more.

After spending the night in the grassy meadow, Tsuki left in the morning with Mewtwo, her new mate. She would never again remember her old mate, nor the years of horrible abuse he had put her through. Mewtwo had permanently erased her memory of those events, his gift to his newfound love.

The End


Author's Notes: A couple things: One, twenty-five centimeters are about ten inches if you don't already use metrics. Two, Tsuki (soo-key) means "moon" in Japanese. That has no relevance to the story, but I thought it was a pretty name. I hope you liked it, don't forget to R&R. I don't bother to read flames, but if you have any constructive criticism, let me know.

Signed as always,

The §upreme Øverlord of Ðarkness