Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ One Pokemon ❯ Lost Romance ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Lost Romance

By Michael O'Hare

There was nothing like the taste of the summertime air in one's lungs,
and it had been too long since she had taken the time out to
appreciate it.

The young Vulpix contentedly took a deep breath, letting the crisp,
refreshing summertime air fill her lungs. It had been less than two
weeks since her memorable battle with the Arbok, when she tasted the
euphoric feelings of being so close to evolving. Since then, she and
her trainer had not had too many chances to fight any battles. The few
she had taken part in were nowhere near challenging enough for her to
even think about the potential of evolving. They had both decided to
head to the next city through a thick forest that was supposed to be
full of wild Pokemon.

She was looking forward to a challenging fight now. During her more
recent battles, the sensation had not returned, and she was beginning
to get impatient. The wild Pokemon in this forest would provide a
challenge for her, and she would be able to experience that rush once
again. She might even be lucky enough to evolve.

At least, that was the plan. They had been walking through the forest
for some time, and, with the exception of an angry Beedrill or two,
there had been no strong Pokemon at all.

"That's odd," her trainer said, "they said this forest is full of wild
Pokemon. We should've run across something strong by now."

She huffed in disappointment.

"Maybe it's their off season," he said jokingly. She shot him a look
that told him she did not think their situation was funny.

"Hey, relax, Vulpix," he replied defensively. "Why don't we take a
little break? I'm tired, anyway."

She sighed, and nodded in agreement. She had been going through this
forest looking for a battle, and had ignored its serene beauty the
whole time. As her trainer sat down in the shade of a tree and took a
quick nap, she decided to take a walk through the woods. The weather
was perfect for a walk, and she might even run into a Pokemon to
battle, if she was lucky.

She could not believe her bad luck. Moreover, she could not believe
her lack of common sense. She really should've known better than to go
blindly scampering into the woods, yet that was exactly what she had
done. Now, she was lost. She had been for the past two hours, in fact.
While she had been trying to find her way back to her trainer, she had
had no luck at all, and, in the process, she had messed up her
beautiful fur.

She sighed, and sat down. She gave up. This was definitely lost.
Anyway, her trainer, no doubt, was looking for her at this very
moment. All she had to do was stay in one place, and he would run into
her. Although, considering how long she had been walking, and the fact
that he had no idea where she was, that might take a while...

She decided that was definitely not going to work, and was about to
continue her search, when she heard something behind her.


She quickly turned around and saw another Vulpix staring at her. She
was surprised to see one of her own, and so was he, she could tell.
She was not sure how he would react to her, a trained Vulpix, or if he
had ever seen a trained Pokemon in the first place. On the other hand,
he might help her find her trainer. She decided to take a chance, and
cautiously approached the male Vulpix, not quite sure of how to react.
It had been a long, long time since she had met any wild Pokemon, much
less one of her own kind. She could see that he was unsure of how to
act, as well. Slowly, she approached him and sat down in front of him.

Although there was confusion in his face, there was not suspicion.
That's good, she thought. As long as he was not afraid of her, she
probably had nothing to worry about, herself. She smiled at him, and
he smiled back.


She jumped slightly at his sudden, friendly cry, but quickly calmed
down. She did not know what to expect from him, but she was happy that
he was at least friendly.

Her stomach growled. She smiled and laughed nervously, quite
embarrassed. He laughed back, and pointed towards a patch of trees.


Food! She quickly jumped up and followed him as he jogged away.

They both sat by the small river, both of them stuffed with fish. She
had never had the displeasure of going too long without food, and
overreacted to her hunger. Now, her stomach was hurting, and she felt
somewhat embarrassed. He had laughed and mentioned something about a
trained Pokemon's inability to `rough it,' to which she told him to
shut up. Still, despite his rude statement, he was being nice enough
to stay with her for the night, and to help her find her trainer in
the morning. They curled up around each other for warmth, and he
immediately fell asleep.

She, however, was having trouble falling asleep, her worry keeping her
awake. She had barely been in these woods for a day, but it already
felt like an eternity. She was not used to such rugged conditions, and
she did not like them. It was extremely fortunate that she ran across
this other Vulpix when she did.

She stared at the sleeping form beside her. It had been a long time
since she had been able to be with one of her own, and, although she
did not care much for the environs in which they met, she was glad
that they had met. She was worried, however, about how he and her
trainer would react to each other. When wild Pokemon and a Pokemon
trainer met, it usually would lead to one thing...

She quickly forced herself to stop worrying about it, and fell asleep,
resolving to bite her trainer on the shins for suggesting they go
through these woods in the first place.

The next morning, they dedicated all of their time to finding her
trainer. They would have had more luck if she had been able to
remember which direction she had been headed in when she left him.
Unfortunately, they had nothing to work on, and had resultant success
in their search. It was now late afternoon, and they had taken a short
break to wash themselves at a small river.

She repeatedly splashed her face and body in the cool, clean water,
allowing the dirt and sweat that had accumulated on her to wash off.
She despised feeling so dirty and sweaty, and savored the cool,
refreshing feeling of the water. She paused from washing herself to
stare at her male companion, who was similarly bathing himself.

She had been too busy being upset over her situation to notice, but
now, as she stared at him, she noticed how handsome he was. His
majestic form, his shining eyes, and his gleaming fur. He was

Suddenly, she realized that he was staring at her in the exact same
way. Quickly, he realized that she was staring at him, and they both
quickly turned their gaze elsewhere, their embarrassment showing on
their faces.

Eventually, night set in, and they gave up until tomorrow. As they
settled in to sleep, she began thinking about her situation once
again. What if she never saw her trainer again? What if she would be
stuck in these woods for the rest of her life? As these thoughts
danced around in her head, she started to cry. She did not want to be
here forever, she did not want to be separated from her trainer. She
cried louder at thinking this. Frantically, he tried to calm her down,
assuring her that she'll be fine, and licking the tears from her face.
They both stopped suddenly, realizing what was happening, and stared
into each other's eyes.

They had just met, and they hardly knew each other. But, staring into
each other's eyes, they both came across an overwhelming feeling.
Neither of them tried to deny it, nor did they try to hide it from the

...They were in love.

Cautiously, she neared him, placing her lips close to his. Looking
into his eyes, she could tell that he had intended to do the same
thing, and was more than willing. Before either of them had realized
it, their lips had connected into a full kiss, and, as the seconds
passed, it became deeper and more passionate. After what seemed like a
joyful eternity, their lips slowly separated. Slowly, she set herself
on the ground, beckoning for him to join him. He was caught off guard,
but only for a second, and quickly complied, setting himself on her

She had never given much thought to this aspect of life, especially
that aspect pertaining to her own. Now, however, with this Vulpix, it
was all she cared about. The indescribable pleasures they shared that
night would stay with her for the rest of her life.

The next morning, everything took on a brand new, dazzling light for
them. Bathing in a nearby stream, searching for food, and frolicking
joyfully more than a few times, each second of their day was spent
together, and with shared happiness. But, eventually, the day turned
to night, and they were tired from their day's activities. Finding a
comfortable spot near a large tree, they curled up by each other. With
a quick kiss, they drifted off to sleep. At least, he did.

Once again, her worry was keeping her awake. By now, she was certain
that her trainer was desperately searching the woods, worried about
her well - being. That was why they had not gone far from where they
had met. She was going to meet with him again, there was no doubt
about that. She never had any intentions of abandoning her trainer and
longtime close friend, even during the greatest heights of passion.
What still worried her was how he would react to her having fallen in
love, and how they would react to each other. She could certainly ask
him to join them, to follow them on their journey, and her trainer
would definitely not object, especially considering their love. But he
was a wild Pokemon, used to being free and untamed. He might not be so
willing to give up the life he was accustomed to.

She sighed lightly. This was too much to worry about, and so late at
night. She decided to speak with him about it tomorrow, before
searching for her trainer, and began to drift into sleep. She had
almost fallen asleep, when the sound of a branch snapping nearby
startled her awake.

At first, she was ready to dismiss it as nothing, but the sound of one
branch snapping was soon followed by another, and several others, then
what sounded like several bushes being uprooted violently. She could
not tell what it was, but whatever it was, it did not sound very
friendly. By now, the noises had woken him up as well, and they were
both tensely scanning the darkness for any indication of what was
causing the sounds. Whatever it was, it was large, and it was heading
directly towards them. Whatever it was, it did not sound friendly at
all. They both stood up and stared in the direction of the sounds,
ready to attack.

A large Pincer suddenly burst from the shadows, staring at them with
hateful savagery. As they stared in shock, it stared back angrily.

It charged at them, and they leapt out of its path, the Pincer
stopping between them. This would work to their advantage. He called
out to her, and she nodded. Unfazed by the large insect Pokemon's size
and intentions, she charged at it, ready to ram into it. Before she
could even reach it, however, the Pincer effortlessly slapped her
away, and she tumbled onto the ground painfully. Upon seeing this, her
mate growled furiously, and bit into the Pincer's arm, cracking its
hard exoskeleton. The Pincer shrieked in both surprise and pain, and
frantically swung his arm around, trying to detach the enraged male
Vulpix from himself. Finally, he was thrown off, and, much to her
horror, he collided head first into a tree.

She cried out in shock, and was ready to run to his side, when the
Pincer stepped in front of her. She looked into its eyes, and the
bloodlust they were ripe with froze her on the spot. She trembled with
fear, and the Pincer cried out and charged at her. Frozen with terror
as the Pincer bearing was down on her, she could only stare at it in
terror. Fully expecting to feel the pain of her flesh tearing, she was
unprepared for, instead, the feeling of someone violently pushing her

He had been able to push her out of the way in time, but doing so left
absolutely no time for him to save himself. She watched in horror as
the insect Pokemon's pincher racked violently across his stomach,
bathing all three of them in blood. As his body was violently thrown
to the ground, she cried out in terror and anguish.


The Pincer cried out in victory, momentarily ignoring her as she ran
to his side. He was hurt badly, blood was pouring out from a wound in
his stomach, and from his mouth. Panicking, her head darted left and
right, searching desperately for something, anything that would save
him. Her frantic sobbing was interrupted as the Pincer shrieked at her

Immediately after hearing the Pincer's cry, her panic and anguish was
replaced with a burning hatred. It had just savagely wounded the only
Pokemon she had ever loved. It was going to have to die for that...

She spun around and faced her opponent, growling. As she did so, a
bright aura surrounded her body. Once again, the euphoric feeling of
being so close to evolving was with her. It was far more intense than
the first time, now it felt as though every atom in her body was going
to explode. However, this time, she was unaware of its, presence, as
it was completely overshadowed by her murderous rage. Nothing else
existed to her, and nothing else mattered to her now. The only thing
in her mind, the only thing she felt, was the maddening desire to kill
this Pincer for what it had done.

The Pincer, apparently unaware of her determination and strength,
charged at her, its crushing pinchers ready to slice her in half. She
stood completely still, facing her charging opponent with no fear. As
it neared her, she spun around with lightning speed and kicked it in
the head, sending it flying into a tree, quickly spinning around and
charging as her opponent flew back helplessly. As the Pincer collided
with the tree, she landed on its head, grabbed one of its pinchers in
its mouth, and ripped it off of its head with a sickening crack. As it
bellowed and blindly stomped around in pain, she opened her mouth,
revealing an intense glow coming from deep in her throat.

Finally, the Pincer shook the daze from the blows off, and was ready
to charge once again, but stopped. Finally, he had noticed the flaring
aura around her body, and the savage hatred in her eyes. It hesitated,
unsure of how to deal with such an opponent. She did not allow him the
chance to figure anything out. Crying out in pain and fury, she let a
humungous torrent of fire explode from her mouth at her opponent.

The flames were unbelievably intense, the heat alone charring plants
and earth all around her and around the path of the flames. The flames
were bright, almost as bright as the sun itself, lighting up the night
sky as if it were day. The Pincer was too stunned by the blinding,
searing river of fire barreling towards him, and could only stare in
horror as it bore down onto him. The flames impacted on his body, and
he was killed instantly, not even having enough time to scream. As his
burning corpse fell to the ground, the light and the heat died down
almost instantly, the cool night once again rushing in to take their

The flames quickly died around the Pincer's charred carcass, the light
around her body died down, and she slowly exhaled, allowing her body
to relax. She quickly tensed up once again upon remembering her mate's

She quickly ran to his side. He was not doing well. His entire body
was shivering uncontrollably from pain, and most of his fur was soaked
in blood. Gently, she moved his paws away from his stomach, seeing if
perhaps there was anything she could do for him. She gasped in horror
upon seeing the wound. It was deep, so deep that she could literally
see his intestines. She fought back the wave of nausea and terror, and
frantically tried to nudge the organs poking out of his belly back in,
not caring about getting her fur stained with blood. He would be fine,
she thought to herself. All she had to do was carry him to her
trainer, and he would fix everything. That was all they needed to


She stopped, and looked up at him. He was smiling weakly at her. He
said nothing more, as the look in his eyes, a look of acceptance, told
her everything. He was dying, and there was nothing she, or anyone,
could do to stop it.

Tears began to roll down her cheeks, as she stared into his eyes. Why
did this have to happen to him? Why did he have to be taken away from

She was brought out of her tortured thoughts by his paw touching hers.
She looked at him. He was still smiling, as if he was not in pain at


He wanted one last thing before going, just one thing. Just a kiss
from her, and he would die happy. She understood. Slowly, with tears
streaming down her face, she brought her face close to his, and they
shared on last, loving kiss. As their lips separated, he smiled at her
once more, and closed his eyes. Forever.

For what seemed like an eternity, she stared at his still form, her
eyes full of anguish, and then let out a long, saddened cry into the

It had taken her most of the night to dig his grave and bury him. By
the time she was finished, the sun was beginning to peek over the
mountains. She had buried him at the spot they had met, and decorated
his grave with flowers she had found.

"Vulpix! Vulpix, where are you?"

Her ears perked up slightly at hearing her trainer's worried voice.
She gave one last look at her lover's grave, and reluctantly left to
reunite with her trainer. After a short amount of running, she saw
him, slowly walking through the forest, scanning the area for her, his
worry more than evident on his face. She sighed and smiled weakly, and
ran towards him.


At the sound of her voice, he spun around and saw her, his worry
changing to relief and joy.

"Vulpix, there are you are! Thank God, I was so worried!"

Slowly she approached him, and he knelt down and stroked her head
happily. By now, she had abandoned her smile, and was simply trying
not to cry, and failing at that.

"Where have you been? I was so worried, I was afraid that..."

He stopped speaking, as he had noticed she was crying.

"Vulpix?" He stared into her puffy, bloodshot eyes. "What's wrong?"

She had been forcing herself to truly cry since her beloved's death,
but she could not hold back any further. She buried her face in her
trainer's lap, and cried loudly. In the span of two days, she had met
someone who had shown her true love, and had him taken from her
violently. There was nothing she could do right now, except cry.


Nintendo owns Pokemon and all related characters. I own this fic, for
lack of better term. I also own an old USSR pocket watch, but that's


Well, that was rather saddening to write for me. Not that I cried,
mind you. This was not supposed to have such a tragic ending
originally, but, after some thought, I realized that I simply could
not write a simple romance story. There had to be some morbid aspect
to it, I could not have it any other way.

...In that respect, let us all be thankful that I do not write
children's stories.