Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Pokémon: Infinity ❯ Chapter 1:Faith ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Pokémon: Infinity

By: ChocolateEclar

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon or any of its characters, places, or things.

Claimer: I do own Faith and Allen Ketchum (yay!) Josh Miller, and 'Reaper' (boo!).

A/N: Depending on if anyone likes this will decide whether I post another chapter.

When you're finished please review, even if it's a flames (though I'd prefer if it wasn't).

An Except From the Journal of Faith Ketchum:

October 11th

For others and myself to look further back on, I found a copy of the newspaper article about my first junior trainer battle. That really was the day that would change me forever, even if I didn't realize it then:

Youngest Competitor at the Junior World Tournament is Beaten in Her Fifth Battle!

Written by: Alexandra Flint

The final battle of the youngest competitor at this year's Junior World Tournament started with a head on battle between a formidable Eevee and an Azumarill.

"Come on, Eve! Ya can do it!" exclaimed a small girl with a dark bobbing ponytail. She was Faith Ketchum, the daughter of the Grand Master.

"Vee!" the Eevee type pokemon replied nodding its shaggy brown head.

"Eve, use your…um…tackle attack!" shouted little Faith Ketchum uncertainly.

The Eevee swished her bushy tail before springing forward and towards her opponent.

Her adversary, a small Azumarill, growled and when its trainer, eight-year-old Josh Miller, told it to use a water gun attack, it obeyed. The stream of water blasted out of the pokemon's mouth and at the oncoming Eevee. Ketchum's 'Eve' dodged to the left and came at full force at the other pokemon. She tackled her foe to the ground where the Azumarill remained unconscious.

The battle continued with a new pokemon from young Miller. He called upon a Charmander now. The Eevee was able to defeat the new creature as well, but had trouble with Josh's third and final pokemon. He called upon a pokemon no one had ever seen before. Even known professor of pokemon, Professor Oak admitted he had no idea what this mysterious creature was.

The pokemon was slender and wolf-like with silvery fur and glowing golden eyes. It had a tuff of thick fur around its neck and the only thing this strange pokemon would say was, "Reeppppp!" Its howl was cold and left many people shivering.

"Go Reaper! Use your swift attack!" hollered Miller. The pokemon, 'Reaper,' stepped towards the little Eevee and let out a tremendous Swift Attack. Poor little 'Eve' didn't stand a chance and was blown right out of bounds.

Ketchum's last two pokemon could do no better against the new creature. And in the end her Eevee, Pichu, and Cleffa were defeated. A few battles later Josh Miller won the whole tournament, but his opponents weren't happy. His 'Reaper' had injured many of their pokemon severely.

My Eevee, Eve, was one of the pokemon brutally hurt but together we pulled through and continued training…

Chapter 1: Faith

There was a sleek black pokemon with flaming crimson eyes and several yellow bands and circles in various places on her body running through the forest in between Veridian City and Pallet Town. She was an Umbreon, and an unusually small one at that. She was only about two and a half feet tall, which was about nine inches shorter than the average Umbreon. She was very young though, only recently evolved in fact.

"Breeee…" she said softly twitching her ears in the direction she had heard the sound of rustling in.

A moment later a teenage girl stepped out of the bushes. Her hair was long and as glossy raven-black as her pokemon's fur. It was nighttime so the girl whispered, "You sure there's no wild pokemon nearby?"

"Umbre," replied the Umbreon confidently.

"Oh well. I've still got the best dark pokemon around," muttered the girl while scratching her pokemon behind its ears.

The Umbreon made a light almost purring sound and swished her tail in the thick undergrowth of the forest. "Ready to go home, then?" the girl inquired. The dark pokemon gave an 'eon' sound in response and they started off to the large abode the Ketchums called home.

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"ALLEN!!!" came a screech the next morning at the Ketchum residence. A few moments later sounds of two people bounding down the stairs inside could be heard.

"Pica pi," said Pikachu shaking its head. The electric rodent was sitting in the living room on one of the scarlet armchairs with a young seeming Pichu. The Pichu was gazing curiously out the door at the scuffle going on between the siblings of the household.

Faith, her hair down and wearing only a nightgown, was trying to force a pokeball out of her little brother's hands. "Allen, let go! My Vulpix's in there!" she bellowed.

"I only want to look at him!" whined Allen.

Faith yanked the red and white sphere out of Allen's hands and retorted, "Pokemon aren't toys!"

Allen stuck his tongue out at Faith and snapped in a childish little sibling sort of way, "My pokemon are better than yours anyway!" He then stormed away.

Faith smirked and set the pokeball down on a table nearby. Around her neck was a strange looking pokeball that was completely white. It was her Umbreon's pokeball, or more precisely, Eve's pokeball. Eve was almost never in it though and at that instant the pokemon herself stepped into the living room behind her master, yawning.

Eve shook herself and then sat down comfortably on Faith's lap. Faith had sat on another scarlet lounger and said to Pikachu, "Hey, Pikachu."

"Pika," replied Ash's first pokemon.

Eve's sensitive ears twitched. "Umbreon!" she exclaimed jumping out of Faith's arms.

"A gym battle? Really?!" Faith questioned happily. It was always fun watching her mom and dad battle someone.

She hopped off the chair, Pikachu and Pichu following, and into the foyer. It was huge with cream-colored tiles and a crystal chandelier above it all. Leading out of the lobby were the stairs, the living room door, the closed kitchen door, and the door to the outside. Faith and the pokemon skipped out of the front door and around the house. It was ashen and huge with many rooms.

Soon Faith rounded the corner, the others at her heels, and towards the three large dome-shaped structures behind the mansion. One was her father's gym, where people attempted to earn his title. Only those who had already won the Mastership League could battle Ash and even then they had to beat, Misty first. The second building was Misty's gym in fact. The battling field was almost all covered in water of course.

The final building was smaller than the others and was just a practice room were Ash, Misty, Faith, Allen, or any of their friends could battle. It had an interchangeable field so that they could train their pokemon in all conditions.

Faith rushed to where her Umbreon pointed at, which was Ash's gym. She ran in the side door and hurried to the railing in front of her. She could see the battlefield from up there. Pikachu ran down the nearby stairs and to Ash's side.

"Sorry I couldn't get you, buddy," Ash said scowling faintly at his opponent, "But I needed to take care of someone."

A youngish looking man with straight flaxen hair and a frowning mouth was his challenger at that second. He was wearing jeans and a leather shirt and Faith wondered if he was as tough as he looked.

She looked across the battlefield. On the other side, leaning over the opposite balcony was her mother. Misty's reddish hair was longer now and it draped in ringlets over her shoulders. Her arms were crossed and Faith realized she had obviously lost to the man for him to be even facing Ash.

The opponent was using a Steelix and Ash was currently utilizing his evolved Squirtle who was now a Wartortle. His Wartortle had returned to him after its days as a member of the fire fighting 'Squirtle Squad' were over and now was apart of his 'team' again. The man's Steelix roared and tried to crush Wartortle who dodged and blast it with a powerful hydro pump. The attack hit the Steelix head on and the pokemon collapsed.

The man just sighed, returned his pokemon, and called out, "Go, Meganium! Use your tackle attack!"

The green colored fully evolved form of Chikorita charged at Wartortle, but only manages to get a 'skull bash' in return. The Meganium staggered back but still tried to use a vine whip instead on its foe. Wartortle used 'Bite' to stop the attack though and the other pokemon fainted.

Ash sighed and said, "That means I win."

The young man only nodded gruffly and remarked, "I'll be back when I'm ready to face you again." He then turned around and left.

'My dad sure showed him what kind of punch one of his average pokemon has…' thought Faith smiling. She looked down again to see her mom was already down there talking to her dad. Pikachu had also taken its usual place on Ash's shoulder. 'Speaking of electric mice…' Faith thought. She turned around to see her Pichu beaming at her. She picked the tiny yellow pokemon up and looked down at Eve who was twitching her long, slightly pointed ears randomly. "Come on, Eve," she said. They walked out of the gym and into the sunlight.

Being a dark-type pokemon and all Eve winced somewhat at the brightness, but she soon continued following her master. Faith was walking back a different way then she had left, and towards the garden where various grass pokemon were having fun. Ash's former Bulbasaur, now a small Venusaur, was watching over some of the younger grass types, as was his Meganium. One of the younger pokemon was Faith's own Bellossom who was skipping among the roses, swinging its flowery 'skirt.'

Faith smiled at them and walked on and through the rear door. She walked up the backstairs, through a narrow lavender passageway, and into her own room. She plopped down on her bed and let Pichu crawl out of her arms. Eve jumped onto one of the pillows and soon Pichu followed her lead and began bouncing on the bed itself. Faith chuckled and hugged her first two pokemon.

Her third pokemon, a Cleffa who was now a Clefairy, skipped into the room then and looked at them in her adorable sideways method. Faith picked her up and set her down next to the others. She had named all her pokemon really and her Pichu's name was Lightning and her Clefairy's name was Fey.

She hoped someday she would find a pokemon no one else had. It definitely wouldn't be destructive like Josh Miller's 'Reaper' had been though…

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A/N 2: Hi again. I hope you like this. Whether you did or not, please review!