Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Pokemon Adventures: Kanto ❯ Viridian Forest ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Pokemon Adventures: Kanto
Chap. 2: Viridian Forest
Garen was now on route 1. Pallet town, his only home, was now behind him. He happily walked on, his Bulbasaur at his heels. He didn't get very far though, before he heard a nearby bush rustle. He quickly took out a pokeball. “I bet it's a pokemon,” Garen said. And sure enough, within seconds a purple ape like pokemon appeared. Garen flipped out his pokedex. “Aipom, the apelike pokemon. The end of this pokemon's tail is strangely shaped like a hand,” the pokedex's robot like voice stated. “Aipom, your gonna be my first pokemon capture!” Garen shouted. “Bulbasaur, lets get him!” Bulbasaur immediately took a battle stance. “Ok, lets start off with a tackle!” Garen said quickly. Bulbasaur ran straight at the Aipom, and charged right into its stomach. Aipom skidded across the ground, badly damaged. Garen grinned. “Good one, Bulbasaur!” But the ape-like pokemon quickly retaliated, using its tail whip on Bulbasaur. With the large hand like shape on the end of its tail, the attack did more damage than your average tail whip. Bulbasaur was sent flying. He landed on the ground with a thud. Garen knew this battle was far from over for Bulbasaur. “Okay, Bulbasaur, use your leech seed!” Bulbasaur got back up. The last attack had barely stung the strong pokemon. Bulbasaur immediately shot out a seed from its bulb, which struck the Aipom, sending vines all over it. The Aipom fell to the ground, struggling with the vines. Garen knew that Aipoms energy was slowly being drained, returning to Bulbasaur. “Let's finish him off, Bulbasaur, use your vine whip!” Bulbasaur sent out two vines from its bulb, each one striking the Aipom. Garen realized that the Aipom's HP was very low, for he had a dizzy look and was no longer struggling with the vines. Garen knew know was his chance. “Alright Aipom, your mine!” shouted Garen, tossing the pokeball he had holding in his hand. The ball struck the Aipom on its head, sending the pokemon inside. The ball began shaking, as the Aipom struggled to get out. But after three shakes the pokemon gave up, and Garen's first pokemon was caught.
“Wahoo! Great job, Bulbasaur! We caught our first pokemon!” Garen shouted with joy, hugging his Bulbasaur. `Hmm…I wander what level that Aipom was' Garen thought. He took out the pokeball containg his Aipom that was on his belt and clicked the button on the ball. Aipom appeared, a little dizzy from the match. “Hey there Aipom,” Garen said smiling. He pulled out his pokedex and pushed a green button while pointing it at Aipom. The number “7” flashed across the screen meaning Aipom was at level seven. `Good enough for me,' Garen thought. He looked up to see his two pokemon happily chatting away. `Come to think of it, I haven't even checked Bulbasaurs level.' Garen pushed the button once more pointing it at Bulbasaur to find that it was level 10. “Alright, I got two strong pokemon!” Garen said with gleam in his eyes. “Come on guys, let's go.” Bulbasaur returned to its place beside Garen and Aipom hopped onto Garen's shoulder. Garen laughed and they continued forward.
Garen began fiddling with his pokedex, and using his map saw that there was a stream up ahead. He decided a good rest stop would be there so he headed in that direction. When he got there, he saw it was even more beautiful than he thought. The stream was glittering in the morning sunlight, and tons of trees bearing different fruit were everywhere. Best of all the grass was low, which made Garen happy for the grass he had been traveling in for the past few hours was really tall. He sat down by the stream and splashed some water on his face and took a few sips finding it was quite cold. Bulbasaur waded into the shallow part, closely followed by Aipom and they began playing and splashing in the water. Garen laughed at his two silly pokemon. He knew that they were quite powerful, but liked to have fun too. He looked to his right to find a bush with strange berries growing on them. He walked closer and saw that they were small pink berries, just fully grown. As the only berry he had ever seen was the Cheri berry, witch grew all over Pallet, he didn't have a clue what kind it was. He thought maybe his pokedex might know so he pulled it out and held it before the berry. Sure enough the berry appeared on the screen and the Pokedex stated, “The Pecha Berry. Very sweat and delicious. Eliminates the poison condition. Garen figured he may need some so he picked a few and put them in his backpack, which he brought along. After exploring around a bit, he also found some Chesto Berries and Rawst Berries, which eliminates the sleep condition and eliminates the burn condition. Figuring he and his pokemon had had enough of a rest break, he called for his pokemon and they continued on their journey.
A couple hours later Garen could see Viridian City before him. The town was the first inhabited place he had ever seen other than Pallet Town. He happily walked into town, wanting to explore all the new places to him. But he knew he needed to go to the Pokemon Center and heal his pokemon, so he headed there first. After returning his pokemon to their pokeballs, he headed in side and was greeted by a nurse with pink hair at the counter. “Hi, I'm Nurse Joy. Do you have pokemon that need healing?” Garen nodded and handed her his two pokeballs. “Ok, it will be about 10 minutes,” she said. Garen thanked her and walked off to the lounge. He sat on a couch, bored. Then he saw a telephone/computer against the wall. He walked over and dialed his mom's number. The screen flashed on and Garen was greeted by his mother. She was wearing an apron and her white hair was tied back in a bun. “Oh, Garen, you called! I was so worried!” Garen laughed. “Hi, mom. You shouldn't be worried, I haven't even been gone a day yet.” His mother began laughing. “Yeah, I guess your right. I shouldn't be so worried. So, how have things been? How's your Bulbasaur?” Garen said that things were going fine and that his Bulbasaur was being healed right now. He also told her that he had caught his first Pokemon. “That's great! Well, keep up the good work. I've got to go, I've got dinner cooking. Call back soon!” Garen said goodbye and when his mother's face left the screen he began to dial Prof. Oak's number. Just seeing his mother's face made him homesick. The screen flashed on again and Prof. Oak appeared. “Oh, hello Garen! How are things going?” Garen told him things were good, and that he had caught an Aipom. “Good, good, you are well on your way to becoming a pokemon master.” Garen laughed. “Sure, Professor.” The Prof. laughed with him. “Oh, by the way, Yuki called today and said he had caught two pokemon.” Garen groaned. “And the other trainer called and said that they had caught one, like you.” Garen gave the Prof. a questioning look and asked who the other trainer was. But Prof. Oak only smiled and said that he would meet her on his journey. `Her?' thought Garen. Garen suddenly heard a crash in the background on Prof. Oak's screen. “Oh, it's that darn Muck again, getting into my lab equipment. Gotta go, Garen, goodbye!” And with that the screen was blank once more. Garen was about to sit back down when he heard Nurse Joy call to him, saying his pokemon were healed. He went to the counter and got his pokemon back, then went back outside.
It was mid afternoon now, and Garen was itching to explore more. He went tot he Poke Mart, where he bought a few items he would need for his quest and some more pokeballs. Then he headed to a small pokemon school. Today's topic was status problems and how to cure them. Garen already knew all of this, but he hung around to watch the smaller children confused faces when the teacher asked them a question. After that he sat on a bench and decided it was lunch time. He sent out Bulbasaur and Aipom and pulled out three sandwiches he had bought from the Mart. They sat munching on their sandwiches. Garen got interested in a pokemon battle brewing not to far away. On his left stood a young boy of about 7, wearing a red cap and black shorts while the one on his right was about 8, wearing a blue shirt and black navy shorts. The boy on the left sent out a Rattata, the rat like pokemon, while the boy on the right sent out a Bellsprout, the flower like pokemon. The boy on the left ordered a tackle from his Rattata, which Bellsprout swiftly dodged. Then the boy on the right ordered a growth from his Bellsprout, which shined briefly before the boy ordered a vine whip from it. The Bellsprout shot out it's vines which hit Rattata-hard. The boy on the left decided to try a tail whip, but Bellsprout once more swiftly dodged the attack. Finnaly, the boy on the right ordered a sleep powder from his Bellsprout, which knocked the Rattata out cold, and the match was over. The boy who was on the left slumped away, while Garen walked over to the boy on the right and congratulated him. “Thanks mate. The name's Tommy,” said the boy. “My names Garen. That was a pretty impressive match. What do you say about having one with me?' Tommy agreed and the match was set. “How's a one-on-one sound to you?” asked Tommy. “Perfect,” Garen replied. Tommy sent out his Bellsprout and Garen sent out his Aipom. Garen wondered why Tommy would send out his Bellsprout when it just battled, but then realized it hadn't even been hurt. “I'll start this one off,” Garen said, “Aipom, scratch!” Aipom charged at Bellsprout, claws flying, but Bellsprout nimbly dodged the attack, just like in his recent battle. “Didn't you learn anything watching my last battle?” Tommy laughed. Garen decided to go with something different and he ordered a sand attack from his Aipom. Aipom began kicking up dust with his tail and sending it Bellsprout's way, but Bellsprout once more dodged the attack. Aipom began growling in anger. Garen wasn't far from doing the same. “Now, let me attack and end this quickly, mate,” Tommy said grinning. “Bellsprout, use your sleep powder!” Bellsprout began sending out small spores which could put Aipom to sleep in seconds. Garen had to think quickly. Finally, he got it. “Aipom, use your tail to blow those spores away!” Aipom began fanning the air with his large tail. The spores were quickly sent back Bellsprout's way. Bellsprout tried to dodge, but a few got to him, probably because he was so surprised to see his own attack being sent back to him. Bellsprout began to wobble around a bit, almost asleep. Garen didn't waste another second and ordered a tail whip from Aipom. Aipom quickly slapped Bellsprout with its tail and Bellsprout fell to the ground, knocked out. “Woah! Great finish, mate!” Tommy said returning his Bellsprout to its pokeball. “Thanks, it was a great battle,” Garen said, beaming with pride for winning his first battle. They began to talk a bit and Garen finally said he had to be heading to Viridian Forest. Tommy grinned and said he was heading there to. So, together they headed to Viridian forest.
Garen was amazed at the size of the Viridian Forest. There were hundreds of trees and bushes everywhere. Tommy began telling him about why he came here from Vermillion. He had lived there all his life and had spent most of his time Pokemon training. But as he was young, his father, a top rank war veteran, wouldn't let him leave to explore till he was 9. So three days after his birthday he headed out to Viridian. Garen listened with interest, as in Pallet he never really had any friends to talk or listen to. Suddenly, Garen saw something run by him, a yellow blur. “What was that?” he asked. “Beats me, mate,” Tommy replied. Just as quickly as Tommy finished his sentence a little yellow rat like pokemon hopped down from a branch to face them. Garen quickly took out his pokedex. The pokedex stated, “Pikachu, the mouse like pokemon. It can generate electricity by simply squeezing its cheeks. Oh, an electric pokemon, ay!” Garen smiled. He checked the pokemon's level to find it was level 9. “Cool, your mine Pikachu.” Garen grinned. He sent out Bulbasaur, who shouted loudly, happy to battle again. “Lets get this Pikachu, Bulbasaur, use your vine whip!” Bulbasaur sent out its two vines, which wrapped around the Pikachu and flung him to the ground. Pikachu got back up, glaring at Bulbasaur. It used its thundeshock on Bulbasaur, sending lots of strong electricity out. But the attack had little effect on Bulbasaur, since electric was weak against grass. “Bulbasaur, leech seed!” Garen commanded. Bulbasaur sent out a seed, which wrapped vines around Pikachu. “Good, now finish him with tackle!” Bulbasaur charged at Pikachu, ramming it on its side. Pikachu was sent skyrocketing, and landed hard on the ground. “Pikachu, your mine!” shouted Garen as he tossed a pokeball at Pikachu. The ball shook once…twice…finally three times and Pikachu was caught. “Good catch, mate!” Tommy congratulated him. Garen thanked him and hugged Bulbasaur. With his new Pikachu in tow, Garen easily managed to catch a Pidgey a few minutes later. “That's a nice Pidgey there mate, and I've been itching to get one. What do you say we trade. I'll give you me Chinchou for it,” Tommy asked. Garen asked what a Chinchou was. Tommy took a pokeball from his belt and and sent out a little blue pokemon with fins and two large antennas. “It's a water pokemon. Back where I come from there's dozens of these,” Tommy stated. Garen agreed for the trade. Tommy said that there was a trading machine in the town ahead and that they could trade them when they get there. Garren nodded and they continued down the forest trail.