Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Pokemon Adventures: Kanto ❯ Brock ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Pokemon Adventures: Kanto
Oy! I finally got a review! YAY! And I see more people are reading my fan fic.! Thanks guys! I've been sick for the past few days so I haven't been writing but you guys have made me so happy I'll write another chapter! (^-^)
Chapter 4: Brock
Current Pokemon on Garen's belt:
Tommy was back at home. He looked around to see a large building that looked like a dome. There were lights blinding him from the top of the large structure. “Tommy…Tommy…” Tommy gasped. “Pop, that you?” But the voice was different. “Tommy…Tommy…TOMMY! Dude, wake up!” Tommy suddenly opened his eyes. Everything was green. Except for something in front of him, a mixed blur of red and blue. “Garen? Huh? That you?” Garen laughed. “Of course. Come on, we need to get goin!” Tommy stood up. Garen was pouring spring water on the fire. “Where'd you get that?” he asked. “I woke up early so I figured I'd get some water and food. Here, have some fruit,” Garen answered, tossing a couple of apples towards Tommy. Tommy thanked him then got up and yawned. The early morning light shone on his thick blond hair. `If he only knewhe wouldn't treat me so kind' Tommy thought with a grim look. Garen asked what was wrong. “Nothing, mate,” Tommy said quickly, grabbing his things. And with that, they returned to the forest trail.
Garen smiled as he walked down the forest trail. It was another day, another new adventure. He let out his pokemon to check their levels. They popped out, and happily ran or flew around, glad to get some exercise. Garen pointed the pokedex at Bulbasaur to find it was level 13. Then Pikachu, 11, Aipom, 10, Beautifly, 10, and Pidgey, 7. Tommy was surprised to see Garen's new Beautifly. “When did you catch a Beautifly?” he asked. “Oh, last night. And it was a Wurmple then, but it evolved into a Beautifly,” Garen explained. Tommy looked at Garen astonished, but Garen only grinned. They continued down the what seemed to be a never ending forest trail, both of them getting angrier by the minute. “Ok, we have been traveling on this trail HOW long now? Come on, how much longer to the end, mate?” Tommy asked. Garen sighed then looked at his map on his pokedex. “Well, what do you know, it's just up ahead!” he exclaimed. Grinning together they began running towards the exit, happy to get out of this never-ending forest. But suddenly they were stopped by a little figure that dashed in front of them. Almost knocking him over, Garen and Tommy barely stopped in time to see a short kid wearing a hat with a picture of a Caterpie on it, plus a t-shirt and very baggy pants. He was holding a long net in his hand. `A Bug Catcher' Garen thought. “Halt right there!” the little boy shouted, “You cant go through the exit without battling me, Ging, the Bug Catcher! Lets battle! A 1 vs. 1!” Garen grinned at the thought of another battle and was about to agree when Tommy stepped in. “No, mate, let me take this one.” Garen stared at him, surprised, but he nodded. “Ok then, Elekid, I choose you!” shouted Tommy, tossing Elekid's pokeball in the air. Out popped Elekid, the little yellow pokemon with black stripes. The top of its head looked like the end of an electric plug. Elekid shouted happily, ready for battle. Ging laughed. “Pathetic. See my pokemon! Syther, go!” Ging tossed out a pokeball, and a tall green man like pokemon with sharp scissor like hands. “Syther! Syther!” the green pokemon shouted. “Lets begin,” Ging announced.
The battle was set. Ging decided to start the battle off. “Syther, quick attack!” Syther was still to lightning fast in a second. Elekid didn't even blink before Syther was before him, eyes glaring. Syther struck the surprised Elekid hard in the face sending him flying backward stumbling on the ground. Elekid immediately got back up, though, growling at its enemy. Tommy only smiled. “Elekid, screech!” Elekid let out a high pitched screech, making the Syther cover his ears. Garen covered his ears too, surprised to hear such a loud noise from such a little guy. While Syther's defenses were low, Tommy took action. “Elekid, thunder punch!” Elekid's fist glowed as small bits of electricity shot out from it, then he struck the Syther, and the tall green pokemon was sent backwards, hitting a nearby tree. “Perfect!” Tommy shouted, “Elekid, swift!” Elekid's body glowed as it sent out dozens of stars Syther's way. But Ging wouldn't let him get away with another attack. “Syther, sword dance!” Ging commanded. Syther began to spin, faster and faster, sending up dust everywhere. Tommy and Garen covered their faces, while all of Elekid's stars were being sent everywhere. Garen looked up surprised, to see that the spinning Syther was knocking all the stars back! Tommy took action and ordered a light screen from Elekid. Elekid brought up a strong glass like force field, protecting himself from the flying stars. But Tommy and Garen had to dodge and duck all the stars heading their way. Finally Syther stopped spinning and stared at Elekid. Ging ordered another attack. “Syther, cut!” Syther charged Elekid's way, drawing back its arm preparing to strike. “Double Team!” Tommy suddenly shouted. Suddenly Garen watched in amazement, as there was not one Elekid but six! Syther hacked away at an Elekid while Garen winced, only to his pure surprise find the Elekid disappear, leaving five still left standing. Garen finally realized that there was only one real Elekid and that the rest were fakes! Tommy shouted for his Elekid to use thunder punch, which all five used. Syther, surrounded and left with nowhere to go, was struck by all the Elekid. Syther fell to the ground in pain. “Needless to say, he's shocked!” Tommy grinned. Ging suddenly ordered another sword dance from his Syther. Syther slowly got back up and began its attack. Tommy suddenly realized what Ging was preparing and quickly shouted for his Elekid to look out. But it was too late. Using its sword dance Syther struck all the Elekid, leaving all but one left. Tommy knew his Elekid was wide opened and shouted for Elekid to use light screen. And not a second too soon as the light screen barely blocked an oncoming cut attack from Syther. Tommy knew he had to act fast. “Elekid, finish him! Thunderbolt!” Tommy shouted. Elekid sprang up and let its body charge. Sparks flew everywhere as Elekid's electricity was at its max. “Now!” shouted Tommy. Elekid shot out a huge stream of electricity, striking the tall green pokemon and sending him to the ground. Syther was knocked out. Tommy shouted with glee, and Ging nodded with respect. After the battle Tommy and Garen spoke with Ging. “Yeah, I've been a bug catcher all my life,” Ging explained, “and I'm pretty surprised you beat my Syther! He's the strongest pokemon I've got. It was a good match.” After they parted with Ging, Tommy and Garen finally left Viridian Forest, and stepped into Pewter City.
Garen smiled as he overlooked the bustling city. There were children playing, flowers blooming, it was truly a happy town. Garen saw a poster showing that the Gym Leader, Brock, was having Gym battles today at three through six. “Leaves us some time, huh?” Garen said, “we better go to the Pokemon Center. We can heal our pokemon and make that trade you were talking about.” So they headed to the Pokemon Center. While Tommy and Garen's pokemon were healing, Tommy showed Garen the pokemon-trading machine. Tommy instructed him to put his Pidgey on a small teleport space, as he did the same. The screen flashed and Garen saw a picture of his Pidgey and Tommy's Chinchou. The two pokemon went across the screen, Pidgey to Tommy, and Chinchou to Garen. With a beep Chinchou was now officially Garen's. Garen grinned and held up his new pokemon. “Hey there, Chinchou,” he said smiling. Afterwards they went to the Pokemon Mart and Garen bought Tommy and himself and all their pokemon ice cream. Then Tommy easily beat Garen at the arcade game, Pokemon Dash. Next they spent an hour at the Museum, seeing all the weird pokemon fossils. Finally Garen checked his watch to find that it was almost three. They headed towards the Pewter City Gym. Garen stood before the tall building. He guessed he was a bit nervous. “Don't worry, mate,” Tommy encouraged him. `You would be worried if you stood where I stand, in this situation,' Garen thought. Finally they walked into the Gym. It was strangely dark. Garen was about to shout hello when suddenly the lights came on and a rock arena was before them. On a large rock sat a man wearing a white shirt and black pants. His skin was tan. “Welcome to the Pewter City Gym,” the man said suddenly, hopping off the rock, “I am Brock, the Gym Leader. Do you come for a challenge?” Garen nodded, as beads of sweat left his face and hit the floor. “Then lets begin, a 2 vs. 2!” Brock shouted, pulling out a pokeball. Garen grabbed a pokeball from his waist, and the battle began.
Garen sent out his Pikachu, while Brock sent out a Geodude, a small rock like pokemon. Brock laughed. “An electric pokemon is useless against a rock type! You should know that!” Sweat was pouring from Garen's head. He guessed he had thought too quickly. “Geodude, rock throw!” Brock ordered, and Geodude sent dozens of strong hard rocks Pikachu's way. Garen shouted for Pikachu to dodge the attack, which Pikachu did easily. Next Brock ordered a Tackle, which Pikachu hopped over. Garen grinned. Pikachu could win this! Garen happily ordered a tackle from Pikachu. Pikachu charged at Geodude, fangs showing, and then-BANG! Pikachu hit the hard rock pokemon and fell right to the floor, a bruise on its head. Geodude stood, unhurt. Garen winced and returned Pikachu to its pokeball. Garen thought about it for a few seconds then finally sent out Chinchou. The little water pokemon appeared, smiling its funny smile. Garen ordered a water gun-and to his surprise it hurt the Geodude greatly. Garen couldn't believe it! Tommy explained that the rock type was weak against water. Garen nodded and ordered a bubble. Chinchou shot out dozens of bubbles and they all hit Geodude, knocking him out. Garen shouted happily, glad to win the first match. Brock merely nodded and sent out another pokemon-an Onix. The tall looming pokemon looked like a snake only one made of rock. Garen began to sweat again. Brock shouted for his Onix to use tackle, which hit Chinchou hard, almost knocking him out. Garen shouted for Chinchou to use water gun, but before the attack could hit Onix, the snake like pokemon dug into the ground to dodge the attack. When Onix reappeared Garen shouted for Chinchou to use the same attack but Onix burrowed underground again. Garen knew it was useless trying. Then Garen got an idea. He shouted for Chinchou to use Bubble. Chinchou sent out many bubbles and Onix once more dug underground to escape. But Garen grinned and ordered Chinchou to use water gun again-in Onix's hole. Chinchou began to shout water into the hole Onix dug and soon the water was flooding out of the hole. Now Onix had no escape for his hole was full of water! But Onix burst out before the hole was filled and glared at Chinchou. But Garen knew it was useless, as Onix would eventually lose. Before Garen could order another attack though Brock ordered his Onix to use wrap. Onix wrapped around the little pokemon and squeezed him hard. Garen knew his pokemon would get very hurt so he called Chinchou back. Garen had no choice but to send out the dazed Pikachu. Pikachu was still dizzy but ready for battle. Garen knew the pokemon would lose easily unless he came up with a plan…Brock ordered a tackle and Onix charged at Pikachu. Garen suddenly got it-there was water that had overflowed from Chinchou's water gun all over the floor! Garen quickly ordered a thundershock from Pikachu to the ground. Pikachu let out the electricity all over the floor. As water conducts electricity, the attack shocked Onix and he fell to the ground, knocked out. Garen shouted with glee and sent out his Chinchou and hugged him along with Pikachu. Brock walked over to them and handed him the Boulder Badge, a small gray stone proof of his victory. Garen thanked him and left the gym with Tommy. Once outside, Tommy's look was grim. Garen asked what was wrong. Tommy sighed. `Looks like it's time for me to leave mate. I have to head back home.” Garen nodded. “Well, Tommy, you've been a great friend. Thanks for traveling with me.” And with that they parted ways and Garen headed out of the city, to Route 3.