Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Realness Plus The Square Root Of Imaginary ❯ One-Shot

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Realness Plus The Square Root Of Imaginary
+--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+

Silence, silence, silence; yawn, shuffle, shuffle.

Silence, silence, silence; rustle, shuffle, yawn.

Screaming, "What the hell are you doing Ash?"

"Rreeaa-ding," was the drawn-out reply, the last syllable being accented, making
it sound more like the bell on a 99-cent kitchen timer than a word.

"You should be sleeping!" Still, this was screamed, as if from a distance of many,
many miles.


Silence, silence; rustle, rustle.

This time, the female voice was more tentative; curious, even,
"Um...Ash? You don't read."

"I can read."

"Well, I know you can, you just don't."

"But I'm reading now."

Pause for eye rolling, "That's not the point. I want to know why you are reading now."

"Why do you care?" Long yawn; six blinks of watery, burning, brown eyes.

Footsteps, footsteps; nearer, nearer.

"Because I just do, okay? Is it wrong to be curious?"

Page turn, "I'm reading a book."

"Good one; that was real informative."

Tangled red hair peeking in the doorway, along with a face, of course.

Overjoyed, grinning, "Hello Misty!"

Aqua eyes narrowing, eyebrows raising, "Hello to you too Ash. I suppose it is
nice to greet one another halfway through a conversation."

"You weren't here."

"I was just in the other room!" Finger pointing through doorway to adjoining
hotel room.

"That's not the point."

More eye rolling; eye-roller sits on bed.

"'The Master's Guide to Pokemon Training'...heh...I should've known."

"It's a book."

"Yeah...but not a real book."

Brown eyes detach from words, "What makes one real?"

"Well, it has to be good, and it has to be long, and it has to..."

Black-haired boy in pajamas interrupts, "But it's here, Misty. I can touch it,
and hold it, and read it."

"That's not the point."

"But it is, Misty. This is realness." Presenting of book to cynical eyes.

Cynical eyes rest on glossy cover, on fingerprint smudges, on bold title and
colorful photos. "Just because you can touch it, huh?"


"See, I told you you don't read. If we all adopted your logic, tons of things
wouldn't be real; good, evil, love, hate, friends..."

Another interruption by black-haired boy, "...you wouldn't be a real pain..."

"I really hate you Ash."

"I really hate you too, Misty."

Silence, silence, silence; shuffle.

Blurted by boy, "What's love?"

'The Master's Guide to Pokemon Training' rests between black-haired boy and
red-haired girl, forgotten.

A shrug, "Don't know."

"Me either. I was hoping you would."

Deep breath; boy starts, "I think..." boy pauses, "I think that I love this book."

Finger taps cover of, 'The Master's Guide to Pokemon Training.'

Blue eyes scowl, "Because it's real?"

"No. Because you think that it's not."

"That wasn't my point!" Slender hand bangs on mattress.

Brown eyes grin, "I know...I know."

Boy's hand takes girl's wrist, "I think..." boy pauses, "I think that I love this
book too."

Blue-eyed face turns sad, teary. Whining, "You don't read."

"I can read."

A hug.

Silence, silence, silence; shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.

Silence, silence, silence; click, click; black.
