Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Savior of the Ocean ❯ Chappy 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Savior of the Ocean: Chappy 10

Now we were surrounded by dirty Blaziken. EEEEWWW! Well, so now, Lazuli brought out his (dun dun dun duuuuuun) machine gun. But suddenly Discoise had a question (fanfare).

"Y'know something, Lapis? I have a question about these so called Blaziken that are currently doing the Charleston in front of us…"

"What, Discoise? What is so weird about Blaziken doing the Charleston in front of us? Have they committed a crime?"

" Yes. What is so strange about Blaziken doing the Charleston in front of our faces and rapping along with it? I mean, is that a abnormal?" asked Lazuli.

" Well, doing the Charleston is weird enough, and then they're rapping with it, and then WHAT THE HELL IS A BLAZIKEN DOING UNDERWATER?"

The Blaziken were shocked. They stood silent, and suddenly a cold wind blew through and an oak leaf (huh) came by (???). Then, what appeared to be the fat, stupid idiot, dumb Charleston-doing idiot said:

"Well, uh, uh, uh, I know! We are here to see the Red Sox vs. the Yankees! GO RED SOX*! And then we were here to see Michael Jackson! Yeah, that's it! Michael Jackson! GO MICHAEL JACKSON**! And then we were innocently doing the Charleston!"

Ok… when somebody tells a ridiculous lie; forget trying to prove them wrong. Just hit them (fanfare). Then you can hit them with a machine gun. So that's exactly what Discoise and I did!

We hit them with something feared by anyone with a sane mind… TELETUBBIES. They were frightened out of their wits. They fell down, and then their costumes came off. THEY WERE…

*I hate both teams equally

** I, like everyone, despise Michael Jackson