Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ School With A Hint Of Fighting ❯ The First Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

School With A Hint Of Fighting

By: Mezuno: Anime Reader

Summary: Misty and Ash are in Middle School, Misty is more girlie than ever by being a Cheerleader, and Ash is a Soccer Player for the Sunny Charmeleons. I got this idea from all of my "No Good" fics, and my best friend Joie! ^_^ I'd actually like to dedicate this fic to my best friends, Amber, L.P, Lizzy, and that delightfully annoying child down the street! Hah hah! Let's get on with the fic, and remember to review!

Chapter 1

The First Day

It was a very sunny day in Goldenrod, Johto. Ash Ketchum and his trusty sidekick, Pikachu, were walking to Sunny Middle School. Ash had his green backpack over his shoulder, one strap on and one off. His favorite, Pokemon League hat stood on his head in all its glory. Ash had won the top 16 in the Indigo League, and the winner of the Orange League. He was very lucky to have finished collecting the Johto League Badges, but while he waited for 5 months to pass, he'd go to school. "Pika pi? Pikachu Pika...?" Pikachu chirped, looking up at its trainer. Pikachu ran up Ash's jeans and stood on top of his head, "Chaaaa...." Ash laughed at this, thinking Pikachu couldn't wait for their first step back into school. Ash was now 12, and was in 6th grade. He himself couldn't wait to enter a classroom again! Especially if it would make him smarter than Gary Oak, his childhood rival. "Hey Ash!" a voice called behind him. He stopped, turning around to see his friend Misty Waterflower running towards him. She wore her usual outfit, but her hair was in a different style. Her short orange hair was in two ponytails, each held into the ponytails with a sea shell. There was a rubberband behind them. Also, she carried her red bag, which looked rather square. When she reached him, Ash smiled and spoke, "Hey Mist, what are you doing here?" "Well..... When I heard you were going back to school, I decided I wanted to go, too.... I once fluncked in Kindergarden.... So I'm in 6th Grade with you..." Misty answered back, looking at the ground to her left. Ash continued to smile, "You look good like that, you should do it more often." Misty blushed a bit, "Thanks...." "Well, we better get going... We don't want to be late for School!" Ash reminded, looking at his new watch, "WAAHH!!!! We're SO Late!!" Hearing this, Misty and Ash ran off towards their new school.

It was a very large school, 2 or 3 stories Ash would think. The 3 of them ran into the building, the bell ringing almost right away. They ran to the office and asked for a schedule, they thanked God that their scheduled rooms were easy to find. They had a few classes together, and they went to their first class, The Science Of Pokemon. Pikachu hid in Ash's backpack, and Misty left Togepi with Brock, so they didn't have to explain much. "Your names? Oh! Ash Ketchum and Misty Waterflower! Welcome to Sunny Junior High! Please! Take a seat where ever you'd like!" the teacher, Mrs. Lorelei, spoke with a happy tone. She was obviously happy that a Gym Leader and trainer of many Pokemon Leagues has joined her class. Misty chose a seat by the window, she looked outside and went starry-eyed. There were people in bathing suits by a pool, the Swim Team! She would, after school, join since she loved the water so very much. Ash also chose a seat by a window, but it was in the back of the room. He turned to look out the back window, he grinned ear to ear, there was a battle field where a coach tought many students how to battle correctly. Ash would have to remember to join the battle team, but something else caught his eye. He looked to the side of the Pokemon Battle Field, he saw another field, but saw people kicking around a ball, the Soccer Team perhaps? He wondered if he could join both the Battle Team and the Soccer Team, that would be fun! He nodded to himself, deciding that he'd join both teams after school. As the last student entered the room and took a seat, Mrs. Lorelei got the classes attention and spoke, "Hello all! My name is Mrs. Lorelei, and I'll be your Science of Pokemon teacher. We'll have some hands-on lessons, and we'll rarely have any tests. But we'll have many vocabulary tests!" Everybody in the room except for Mrs. Lorelei sweatdropped, wow, she was really TRYING to make it either funny or stupid. "All right, now why don't we all introduce ourselves? We'll start at the back of the room and make our way to the right side of the room." Mrs. Lorelei spoke again, pointing to the left corner of the room. A girl with long orangeish hair in two braided ponytails stood up, she wore a red T-shirt and a maroon skirt. Her eyes almost literally had flames in them, "My name is Macy, and I'm a Fire Pokemon Trainer! I'm in the Johto League, but I'm taking a break by coming back to school." Mrs. Lorelei looked to Ash, who sat right next to Macy. "Huh? Oh! Sorry..." he spoke, scrambling to his feet. He laughed nervously, his hand behind his head, "My name's Ash Ketchum, and I'm also in the Johto League! I don't specialize in any type of Pokemon, I was one of the top 16 in the Indigo League, and I won in the Orange League." All of the students, including Mrs. Lorelei, stared at him with amazement. Ash got embarassed and sat down, his hat over his eyes. Wow! Those people really must have heard about him if they were staring at him like THAT. The person sitting next to Ash stood up, though Ash didn't know it, he wasn't going to have a good time in school after all. "My name is Gary Oak, and I was also in the Indigo League. I'm also in the Johto League, but I've got all the badges already. I'm here just to have something to do and to learn more about Pokemon. Oh yeah! And Professor Oak in Kanto is my Grandfather." the boy spoke, grinning. Ash's head immediately looked to his left with a glare, Gary was the last person he'd want to see here! After Misty saw this, she forced Gary back into his seat, and either fortunately or unfortunately, she sat right next to him. She continued her standing, and she spoke, "My name is Misty Waterflower and I was once the Gym Leader of Cerulean City. I specialize in Water Pokemon, and I'm also the 4th Sensational Sister." A bunch of the boys smiled at Misty, and a bunch of the girls just smiled because they thought they could learn more about Water Pokemon from Misty.

After 3 more students introduced themselves as Amber Pickles, Elizabeth 'Lizzy' Spillers, and Alex Johnson, another boy stood up. He looked a lot like Ash, but short different colored clothes and had brown hair. "Hey, I'm Richie, and I was also one of the top 16, and I've seen and studied a lot on many types of Pokemon. My best Pokemon would have to be my Pikachu, Sparky." the boy spoke with a smile. Ash stood up quickly, looking in front of Macy at Richie. "Richie?!" Ash asked with a happy tone, "You're Here, Too?!" "Hah hah, yup! I wanted to see if I could get all A's this year since I've been traveling and I guess you can say I was home-schooled." Richie answered turning to Ash, "I also brought Sparky with me, where's Pikachu?" Ash sweatdropped, hearing a sound like "Pika Pi!" from behind and in front of him, "You shouldn't have mentioned them... They're gonna pop out anytime now!" And just as Ash predicted, Sparky popped out of Richie's backpack with a "Pika Pika Chu!" Then Ash's Pikachu bounced out of his backpack and while in the air chirped, "Pi Pikachu!" The two long-time-no-see Pokemon friends approuched each other and shook each other's lightning bolt shaped tails. Mrs. Lorelei was startled, she really didn't expect to see their Pokemon in the classroom. Oh well.... How will she take it?

"Oh my... Pikachu's in the classroom..." Mrs. Lorelei spoke, blinking. She paced a tad, then snapped her finger when she stopped, "I got it! Everyone! Take out your Pokemon, and let's see what you've got!" All of the students Hip Hoorayed, taking out pokeballs and their Pokemon popping out. All of their Pokemon stood by their Trainers at the desks, and they continued to introduce themselves. "My name is Lauren Piku, and I was given a Pikachu before I was ten because my last name had the first 3 letters in Pikachu." a girl spoke, she sat in the 3rd seat in the 1st row. Another two girls stood up, one sat in front of the other, and they were to introduce themselves together. "I'm Lanna Guilar, and this is my sister, Kanna Guilar. We both specialize in no particular type of Pokemon, and we usually are found battling each other." the girl with short, dark brown hair spoke. The girl behind her, her sister Kanna, had hair a little over shoulder-length, and her hair color was like Karen of the new Elite Four's. Finally, the last student spoke, "My name is TK Samson, don't ask what TK stands for, you don't want to know.... I specialize in Fire-types and Grass-types of Pokemon." Mrs. Lorelei clapped her hands together, "All right! Now that we know everyone's names, maybe we can get going on the attacks of Pokemon!" A few of the boys lowered their heads as they sat in their seat, their Pokemon patting them on the head. Ash was ready to show how much he knew about Pokemon, he wanted to show Gary that if he could beat the Orange League and half the Indigo League, then he could know the attacks of Pokemon. At least.... a few of the known Pokemon... "OK, now who can tell me what attack is very fatal to many Pokemon? This attack is done by Wigglytuff, Igglybuff, Clefairy and...? You have to tell me what the name of the attack is and the Pokemon I left out." Mrs. Lorelei spoke, grinning at the students. Ash's hand immediately flew up, Gary was thinking of an attack that Wigglytuff knew that could be 'fatal,' so was Richie. Since no body's hand except for Ash's was up, Mrs. Lorelei called on him. Ash stood up, his hands on the desk as he leaned forward, "This is an easy one! I've been hit by this attack so many times that I can literally make it happen in my head! The attack is Sing and the Pokemon is Jigglypuff!" "Correct! Ash and his Pikachu get a treat!" Mrs. Lorelei responded, since no body else knew the answer, she would have to get them to study by showing them what they could get. She turned to his desk, opening a jar and taking out two riceballs. She walked over to Ash's desk, giving a rice ball to him and his Pikachu. They both took a bite and gasped, "Mrs. Lorelei! Is this-?!" Mrs. Lorelei laughed, her brightish, darkish purple hair moving behind her neck as she walked back over to her desk, turning back to look at Ash, "Yup! Your good friend Brock the Old Gym Leader of Pewter City made them.... Actually, he's gotten to be a very nice guy...." Ash and Misty anime fell out of their chairs. Brock?! Being Nice?! To A Girl?! That's Not Anything New!!

Mrs. Lorelei straightened her glasses, so far, Ash had gotten most of the questions right, but Gary was only behind by one question. "All right, Class! It's time for lunch! Tomorrow we will be switching classes so be ready!" Mrs. Lorelei told everybody. She stepped over to the door and spoke, "Now everyone, make a line in front of the door, and we'll go eat." Everyone did as they were told, but they all ran to get in line. They must have been VERY hungry, especially Ash! He was at the front of the line, his green lunchbag in his hands. His stomach growled loudly, making everyone stop their talking. "Umm.... OK.... Let's go." Mrs. Lorelei said with a blinked, opening the door. Everybody walked out of class, Mrs Lorelei leading them to the Lunch Room. Ash sat at a table with Pikachu sitting on his head. They both stuck their hands into the bag, pulling out more riceballs. They happily ate the riceballs as if they hadn't eaten for many many days! Without them noticing, Misty walked up to them, sitting down next to them with a lunch tray in front of her. She looked to Ash's face and laughed. His face was covered with rice, and he was pushing the balls into his mouth. "Take it easy, Ash! Chew!" she laughed, thinking Ash looked silly. Ash almost choked, but thank God that it all went down the right way! He stopped stuffing riceballs into his mouth, and looked at Misty with a smile, "But It's SO Good! Brock really out did himself this time!" Misty just laughed, looking back to her own lunch. She was having a rectangular shaped piece of pizza, and Go-gurt.She must not have been very hungry if she only took that much. "Misty, did you see that big pool out the window? I think that's a swim team, are you going to join?" Ash asked, stuffing another riceball into his mouth. "Yeah, and are you going for the Battle Team? Hah hah!" Misty giggled, she saw the battle field earlier also. "Yeah, but I think I might go for the Soccer Team, too...." Ash responded, gulping the last riceball down. He wiped his face with a napkin, what he using table manners for once?? "Really? 'Cause I was also thinking of joining.... Cheerleading..." Misty thought out loud, leaning back in her chair. "Cool! Maybe you'll be cheerleading at my Soccer games and battles!" Ash told, looking at Misty. "Yeah, maybe!" was her responce. They finished lunch, and the rest of the day just flew by.

After school ended, Ash and Misty walked up to a bulletin board, looking at everything that was availible to join. Misty saw that there was only one more spot open for Cheerleading AND Swimming. She quickly took out a pen, writing her name in the blanks, then handing it to Ash. Ash was looking at the Battle Team list, he was staring at it was a cold look. Misty looked at the list, seeing why Ash was glaring at the piece of paper. Written in cursive, was the name 'Gary Oak.' Misty looked at the Soccer List, seeing Gary signed up for Soccer, too. He must have overheard them talking at lunch. "Come on, Ash. Sign your name in those lists so we can get home. Didn't your mom say she was ordering the regular pizza? Or maybe Brock will make it! Let's go and find out!" Misty suggested, trying to get Ash's mind off of Gary and back into food. "Pizza?! Weehoo!!" Ash exclaimed, quickly signing his name in Comic Sans MS. With Pikachu hanging on for dear life, Ash ran home in a puff of smoke. Misty quickly tried to catch up with him, "ASH!! WAIT FOR ME!!!"

-To Be Continued...-