Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Tales of a Bored Raichu ❯ A Day and a Half ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tales of a Bored Raichu, who is killing time before the start of school each day

8:10am, Wednesday 7th November 2001

Despite the fact that I'm writing this purely because of my bus timings.. You know, I can either be 40 minutes early, or 20 minutes late. I know the saying is 'better late then never', but then, somehow I get the sense that this wouldn't be taken into consideration.
Currently, I'm sitting in the rec room, listening to the final strains of a Nirvana song. Yes, in the brief time I'm in here, good music exists.. for around 4% of the time.
So, I can ramble on for a while.. but that's not why you're here, is it...? We know the only stuff I write has something to do with my fanfiction. So, here is a short story that the dark recesses of my mind are currently playing about with right now.

#1 - A Day and a Half
- by everyone's favourite (or not so) zapmouse

There's not much time left. For you, at least. For me it doesn't really matter; I have a long long way. However, this wants to be written now, and it shall.
Fate is just weird, you know? One minute, you're bounding about the bases of trees, in that curious ratty way.. The next thing, everything goes black. And the thought of falling has little effect, no, because it's landing that's the painful part. But this time, the landing was soft, and a bored something could even call it 'pleasant'.
Everything was dark in the hole, save for the pinking glowing kittykat that was somewhere in that fraudulent night. Now, rat + kat = something unpreferable, in my language. However, when I tried to get away, I... just wouldn't. And the night seemed pink tainted after that, as if I was looking through a veil. Then, I turned, though no attempt of my own, and found myself looking at this strange creature.
In all of my three years, I had never seen anything like this kat before. It looked rather like that imaginary creature that the older ones I knew would refer to sometimes. But, would you believe it, they were nearly nineteen.. and so no-one really listened to what they'd say. Except a few.
"Relax, brother.. All will be clear soon." it said, in some language I had never heard before. Of course, as with any other pokémon, I knew what it was saying. So that's what this thing was, then..? Interesting..
"This place is my domain. It is timeless, and while here you would never yearn for anything." Looking back, I can't imagine what this scene would have looked like to anyone else. I know what it sounded like to me; I'd found me way into a kat's lair and being a rat, I did not want to be here. Yet, I was unable to say so.
It was then that I was released from my hold, dropping onto some part of the nothing that had opted to take my weight.
"I see what you want.." said the kat. Did it really..? I wondered.. "But, I won't let you leave here."
"Then don't just let me..?" cried I. "I'll try and earn it in some way. If you would so much as understand--"
"I could.. Though if you leave, trying to do that, I know I shall never hear from you once any task you may do is completed. Perhaps you would never finish, I don't hesitate to guess. Unless..."
It turned a while, thinking to itself. "Unless... you had the time. More time then you knew what to do with. Then you would return here. To my company. And all would be well. In fact, have longer then I. As an incentive. I can make it happen. You just watch. Are you prepared, rat?"
At the time, I was unsure what this meant... He's a cruel one, is that Mew. When you aren't doing hat he wants you to do. Then again, he is but a child, so I guess one would expect no less. Just a child...
Back to then. I was alerted to a definite feeling of psychic heat, similar to an oven that will not burn. And then, things started to contort around me, The blackness, pink-tainted to a strong point, started to spin a little. It seemed like I could see through it.. Above it, around it.. yet I was looking the same way. It was very like if I was watching it at many different points in time..
Something struck me as weird. I held out my hand in front, and just looked on. It was green coloured. It was very different. It was almost wrong. But it was mine.
"Truly, this is the beginning of Time, eh rat?" was all the kat offered, before he just turned, and floated away. The darkness, however, stayed with me.
And then, I was back on top again, looking at the tree where I had been orior all to this. Looking from a point above ground level.

Looking at a rattata, lying dead on the ground. Looking at myself.

I believe I said Fate was a weird thing. Well, it's weird, but it's cruel as well as that. Cruel enough to grant me a thought which accompanies me whenever I go.

I am Celebi. I am Time. Mine is endless. I can be anywhere, for the sole purpose of watching. I will eventually watch anyone I come across become old and fade from the earth like they were never there. Being outside time, I am outside Fate, that mew, as well. And Fate can not be when there is no one else to be fated. He shall cease to be.
And there thall be me, and me shall there be. And what, praytell, do I do then? What should I do? Go back and start again?
No. I have to get away from this. This is not me. The Mew can say what he likes, but I shall find a way out of this loop.

Oh, how I yearn for the simplicity of a simple rat again...

