Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Tales of a Bored Raichu ❯ Impossibility ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tales of a Bored Raichu, killing his writing block and taking out time before school with the same blow

11:09pm, Wednesday 28th November 2001

Today needs a change. I can write a bit better about things I know then things I make up. And because shaking off writing block is hard, I'll share you a nice little personal tidbit. Read and learn. And appreciate, if you want.

#6 - Impossibility: Tale of the Bored Raichu

I have long held the notion that 'impossible' is a bad definition of itself. Impossible things truely can be done; however, an equally impossible reaction will remove the event and anything involved from all known existence, and memory, in order to preserve everyone else.
Seems screwed up, doesn't it? Well, perception is everything, so it might not be as far-fetched as it sounds.

Take today, for instance. School deftly annoys, even the most apathetic people sometimes feel patronised. So maybe it was a little fortunate that I chanced upon a spot of boredness one lesson, and sporadically began to write. It was a story about someone exceptionally similar to myself, going through my daily routine. I say 'exceptionally similar' as the person in my story did one thing that I could not. At lunch, he found something in his backpack, and for reasons unexplained, it transfigured him into the electric rodent, Raichu. At the time of completing it, I was quite pleased with just finishing at that point. I had no real prowess as a writer. And I thought nothing else of the subject for quite a while.

Some time before lunch, something had felt rather odd. There was an event depicted in my story that stuck out, and I decided to read over it. It went like this.
~( Today, of all days, was not so bad. All classes have an obnoxious airheaded female somewhere, it's like an unwritten rule. The unlucky ones get two. However, neither of them were here today. Lucky me. )~
They'd been here the lesson previously. They weren't here now. I wondered over this.. before I wondered. Why was I thinking over this, they'd never been at school today.. I almost choked on air, and coughed a few times. My mind noted an irregularity. I shuddered slightly, and went back to working for once. This was perhaps a little confusing...

My writings depicted lunch very well. Pizza was indeed on the menu. At the time, forcibly going against my writing did not sound good. It didn't sound particularly sane, either.
I sat alone. The person in the story sat alone. I then decided following a written story was not so good to do, took a leap of faith, and dropped my knife 'accidentally' on the floor. No mention of that in story. I hadn't written it. And I really wasn't going mad, either. All was now well.
Perhaps a sense of paranoia after that told me that I should reread. Hey, I knew what I'd written.. and there was nothing at all about this in there. It wasn't a long story, I found the part about lunch in little time at all. And then stared.
~( Lunch can only be noted for one thing; I dropped my knife on the floor. Didn't bother to get a new one, no real point really. I didn't use the knife while eating that day. )~
I looked at it, read it backwards, forwards.. Then, I felt the need for some air. And got up, and went outside, leaving a half eaten lunch on the table. Now things definitely weren't making sense. Had I written that paragraph? Was it writing itself? It felt hopeless, nothing I could have done would prevent the course of the story. At that point, there was only one thing to do. I went to get my backpack.

"I don't know what is orchestrating this, but you've won. You hear?" I mumbled rather deliberately as I looked through the pack. Many items of clothing, a couple of books.. and several pieces of fluff. But, nothing else. A little curious, I reread the story again.. Perhaps something else had changed this time.
~( After lunch, I got my bag as usual, and I headed for PE but on the way, I stumbled some, and dropped it. A loose zip meant the top split, and some of my kit was scattered a way across the floor. Assembling them back inside, I turned to walk away, before noticing something else that seemed to have fallen from the bag. It didn't look like anything I knew existed.. and it was odd in its own right...)~

Had I won? I went away to PE as I normally would.. it was perfect on that regard. My lack of thought caused me to plough into someone, and the jolt caused me to lose the grip on my bag.
The other person mumbled, and moved away. I picked up the bag. No loose zip. All was fine. It seemed I was just paranoid, or something.
And the rest of the day went just fine.

Both story and bag ended up, former on latter, on a spare chair in the front room, while I sat back on the couch and relaxed to some unhealthily loud music. Nothing like it, in my opinion... Like that it stayed for a good while... before it just suddenly stopped, for no obvious reason.
A weird, somewhat dark-looking nineteen year old looked upon me from the direction of the sound system.
"I still don't know how you do that." I said.
"When you have loud music on 24/7, it's not hard to sneak anywhere in your vicinity." said she.
Yes, of course I knew her. She was my sister.
"I was taking a look at this story of yours... What the hell do you think you're doing? Trying to follow in my shoes, eh?" she commented. I kept quiet. Well, hey, everyone has to start somewhere, so why not with your sister, the one who just happens to have been writing for as long as you can remember...
"Anyway. Being that I'm a mentor without being asked.. I decided to rewrite your ending a little. Needs the work. But hey, anything for you, right? Normally I'd charge for this service, but I got paid already and you're family, so you're let off the hook." She shrugged, and headed off for the kitchen. "Now, your central problem is that you do things logically. It's nice to think like that, but remember; you make the rules when it's down on paper. So toy with it. Anything goes on paper, don't forget.." And then she was gone.
Left behind on top of the sound system was my story, with what looked like an extra bit of paper. Added an ending? More like wrote the same thing twice... Oh, the handwriting was changed noticeably, it was of a deathly cute style, and I knew it well. Curl the w's, cross the o's, and circle the i's and j's. I put the music back on and read.
~( He stepped outside. Even then, he could feel something was misplaced with today. Not quite right. He checked through his bag, to find nothing of any iregularity. He was more satisfied then he perhaps ought to have been, and he went off to P.E., walking into someone else on the way. )~

And then followed about a page. He looked at it, and read, rather quickly. It had his day described, to the letter. But his sister didn't go to school any more, especially not his own... A nagging feeling appeared, and he read on, and on, and neared the end of the paper. Until;
~( Listening to music, he relaxed, convinced today was over. But it was not. And the music halted, abruptly. )~

"And from the kitchen walked his sister, reciting some things she had written down. He became anxious; had she ended the story? What exactly would this be leading to?" His sister stood against the door frame of the kitchen, reading off a bit of paper. "A story that plays out in reality as it is written.. It's the dream of many. A few can just do it whenever they please.. So we'll see how far we can take things."
"What the hell is going on here?" said I.
"Something wrong? I'm just reading my ending here.. I'm good at telling out how people act. It's like a trait. Oh, one thing I did want to comment on.. You have my writing style down rather well. What I don't get is why you started using it a page from the end. And another tip, keep your description constant. The change was a little underdone. Though it seems you rewrote that, and noticed.."
I could do nothing. "You didn't write this?"
"It was there when I read it. Eh, you predicted yourself very well. I do think you'd be better as a burakki then a raichuu, but I didn't change what was written." I stared at her like she was mad, and she looked back.
"Ah.. You think..? Hee... Stop playing games with me. I'm your sister, I can see through all of this.." She said. "Anyway, I'll continue reading this out. I don't think it's too bad an ending, myself." And off she went, reading over the top of a rather frantic-sounding self. "He was so agitated by the recitation of his work that he tried to get upstairs. However, a certain transformation had yet to catch him up, and it took now to do it, immobilizing him, reshaping him against his will."
My recollection of this event ceases here.


"Sound good? Worship the twist ending, bro, it'll do your readers happy. If you ever get any that aren't me. Anyway, I spent pages doing the change description, those things are so fun.. You can read it in your own time, it's too much to read out here." And she brought the page down, and watched the figure that was now lying on the floor. Funny.. that's how the guy had looked in her description, right when..
A thinnish tail slid out of the waistline of the pants. She stifled a yell, and just watched as her description became reality before her eyes. Speechless, as her pages dropped to the floor. Somehow she knew that any writing she could do now would not do anything. Because she'd ended this story. She glanced at her page again.. There was a few lines. Perhaps now wasn't too late to do something.
So she wrote some things.
~( Fate had decided the changed creation could not come to exist here. So instead, he ended up in some other reality, a different place.. A place that wasn't really there. Many times was he at school, and many times while there was he bored. And stories he did write. Perhaps he could undo things. Practice is perfection, after all. )~

And there she ended it. She picked up her dropped sheets, and headed for upstairs. Now, all she had to do was wait.

