Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Interview ❯ The Interview ( Chapter 1 )
The Interview
Ash: (shaking) I'm nervous.
Gary: And why is that?
Ash: Because I just know that they're going to ask me if the rumours about Misty and me are true.
Gary: *Yawn* Just read a magazine loser. See, here's the perfect one for you, Barbie magazine.
Ash: (sarcastic) Ha. Ha. Ha. That was so funny, I forgot to laugh.
Gary: Oh really. What about that `Ha. Ha. Ha.'
Ash: I was being sarcastic.
Brock: (walks in) Hey Ash, what are you doing here so early?
Ash: Well, I'm supposed to be here right?
Gary: Oh my god. Ash is early!
Misty: (walks in) Are my ears deceiving me or did I just hear that Ash was early?
Brock & Gary: Ash is early.
John MacEnroe suddenly appears
J. MacEnroe: You cannot be serious! (disappears)
Misty: Miracles can happen after all!
Ash: Come on guys, it's not that big a deal.
Gary: Are you kidding? Of course it's a big deal!
Brock: Wait till your mother hears about this. She'll be so proud.
Mrs. Ketchum: (walks in) What will I be proud of?
Ash: Uh. . .nothing mom. Nothing.
Gary: Ash was early.
Ash: Shut-up (Homer style)
Mrs Ketchum: Oh sweetie, that makes me so happy! (starts smothering him)
Ash: Mom! You're embarrassing me!
Gary: (snickers)
Mrs. Ketchum: (Lets go of Ash) Where's everyone else?
Jessie: Prepare for trouble.
Misty: You had to ask.
James: And make it double.
Brock: Haven't you guys had enough practising that motto over and over and over (and I can't fit all these overs) again.
Jessie: No way! Anyway a real actress must practise as much as possible, but of corse you wouldn't understand, as you have no experience in that area.
Gary: Hey! At least we entertain our audience, unlike some people who repeat a stupid motto in every episode!
James: It's not a stupid motto! We came up with the words ourselves!
Gary: Now THAT explains everything.
James: By the way, have any of you seen my pink tutu?
Misty: I heard it was in the wash
James: Damn!
Ash: (enters the conversation) What do you need it for?
James: For my dancing classes (makes an awkward pose)
Brock: OK. . . . (backs away slowly)
Jessie: Come on James, lets practise more.
Everyone: OUTSIDE!!
Jessie and James walk outside to practise
Gary: Thank God they're gone.
Mrs. Ketchum: I think its nice that they work so hard.
Misty: I'm sure it is. . .
Brock: Hey, has anyone seen Prof. Oak?
Gary: (Checks his watch) Should be here soon, unless he suddenly broke his back and can't walk. Giving me the chance to sneak into his room and find some extra change.
Prof. Oak: (walks in) I'm fine Gary.
Gary: Oh. Hi Grandpa. He he . . .
Prof. Oak: Hi Gary, how about we have a nice chat later?
Gary: Great . . .
Ash: Now, the only one left is. . .
Everyone: Tracy. . . .
Prof. Oak: What ever made me think he was a capable assistant. . .
Gary: We all make mistakes Grandpa. (pats Prof. Oak on the shoulder)
Misty: What ever made me think he was a great poke'mon watcher. . .
Gary: I understand how you must feel (pats Misty arm)
Ash: What ever made me think he was a good travelling partner. . .
Gary: Well, you were just a loser.
Ash: Thank-you for your sympathy.
Gary: Anytime.
Tracy: (Walks in) Hi guys!
Everyone: Hey. . .
Suddenly a huge roar is heard.
Misty: What was that?!
Brock: The earth is blowing up!
Gary: Seriously Brock. Think before you talk.
Roar is heard again.
Prof. Oak: What is that?
Mrs. Ketchum: I think Ash's hungry.
Ash: Must. . . eat. . . .food. . .
Everyone, except for Ash's mom and Ash fall anime style.
Gary: Are you sure that's a stomach you got in there? You didn't swallow the Lockness Monster now did ya?
Brock: Ash, I'm joining your club. I'm hungry!
Ash: (gets a piece of paper and a pen) You'll have to fill in these forms.
Brock: Stop joking around, we need some food.
Misty: Too right.
Gary: Hey how about Tracy goes out and buys us something.
Prof. Oak: Good idea Gary.
Mrs. Ketchum: That's a bit unfair. .
Tracy: She's right.
Gary: OK. All those for Tracy raise your hands.
Everyone except Mrs. Ketchum raises their hands.
Ash: Mom, raise your hand.
Mrs. Ketchum: I find it quite unfair that he has to go.
Ash: Mom, I hate to break it to you, but. . . he said your cooking tasted like Gloom drool.
Mrs. Ketchum: He DID! Why that little. . . (raises her hand)
Gary: Well, majority rules so out ya go! (pushes Tracy out the door)
Ash: He'd better come back with food.
Mrs. Ketchum: He had better watch his back. . . No body insults my cooking!
Misty: He insulted your cooking. That kid has no brains.
Gary: Do you know what he called you? A scrawny little carrot-top.
Misty: WHAT!!! Oh he's gonna PAY!!!
Ash: Don't worry Misty. He's just a jerk.
Misty: Do you know what he said about you? He said you were a pathetic rookie, with little brains and a big mouth. . . or was it stomach. . .
Ash: He said WHAT!! That half-witted Slowpoke. I ought to rip him limb from limb.
Mrs. Ketchum: ASH!!
Ash: What?
Mrs. Ketchum: Save some for me.
Ash: OK mom.
Mrs. Ketchum: Oh yeah, while were talking about this, he also said that Prof. Oak was nothing but an old geezer with no idea about poke'mon what so ever.
Prof. Oak: Oh really? Well then he's fired.
Gary: You should have listened to me.
Prof. Oak: I should have, after he said you were a self-centred little brat with an over use of hair gel.
Gary: WHAT!! I am not self-centred!
Ash: Oh really?
Gary: I'm not. I'm just arrogant that's all. And plus, I do not use hair gel, it's just the way my hair is.
Brock: Oh yeah, he also said you were just like your grandpa, brainless with no talent.
Gary: That's a double insult on me and Grandpa! That's rat's gonna get it when he comes back.
Tracy walks in.
Tracy: Hey guys, I'm back!
Gary: Where's the food?
Tracy: I couldn't find anything.
Ash: Oh really? There's a fish and chip shop across the street.
Tracy: There IS?
Gary: That's right you double-crosser.
Tracy: What?
Misty: You thought we wouldn't find out didn't you?
Tracy: Find out about what?
Ash: Talking behind our backs, that's what.
Gary: And now we're going to get rid of you!
Tracy: You can't get rid of me. I have something you don't have!
Brock: And what would that be?
Tracy; THIS! (Holds up one of those beyblade tazo tops)
Ash: Oh no! It's a beyblade tazo top!
Brock: And it's got five stars!
Gary: This is getting too weird.
Tracy: Now with the power I have at my finger tips, I shall destroy you all! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Ash: We're gonna die!!!!!
Gary: Uh. . . no we're not.
Ash: We're not?
Gary: No.
Ash: Really?
Gary: Ash. . . .It's a tazo top. . . you have a Pikachu.
Ash: What's your point.
Ash: I am (thinks to himself) Oh yeah! I am . . . . but I don't have pikachu here!
Tracy: Ha ha. Now I shall release my power. (twists tazo top and releases it)
Everyone screams, except for Gary.
Gary: Really, who wrote this stuff? (steps on tazo top and breaks it)
Tracy: What? Oh-no, he broke my tazo top!!! WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! (begins to cry)
Ash: Gary, you did it!!!!!!!!
Gary: And with a lot of common sense too.
Suddenly, out of the shadows, a figure emerges. . .
Misty: Who is that?
Gary: It's the interviewer!
Tracy: (still crying) Who cares about her!!!! What about my tazo top?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
???: What do ya mean, who cares about me?!!!!!!
Tracy: (stops crying) You're not important right now!!
???: I'll show you who's not important!! (pushes Tracy out of the window).
Misty: Hey, what do you know, I like her already.
???: Stupid cry-baby, `Your not important . . .' Of corse I'm important!
Ash: Excuse me Miss ???, but what's your name?
???: Why how silly of me, my name's Celina.
Brock: (rushes up to Celina with love-hearts above his head) Hello, Celina, I'm Brock and I was just wondering, do you have a boy. . .Agh!
Misty: (tugging Brock by the ear) Come on lover boy.
Gary: So, you're the interviewer?
Celina: Bingo.
Gary: Interesting. . .
Mrs. Ketchum: Um. . . just wondering, whose going to get interviewed fisrt?
Gary: Well, I think it should be me. I am much too talented, to conceal everything.
Ash: No way! If someone's going to get interviewed here it should be me. I at least have something to talk about other than just showing off.
Misty: I think it should be me. . .
Brock: No me! I need your phone number!!!!
Mrs. Ketchum: Interview me!
Prof. Oak: Me!
Team Rocket: What about us?!!
Tracy: (looks through window) And me?!
Celina: You can shove it! (throws a chair towards window, knocking Tracy unconscious)
Ash: Well? Who first?
Celina: Um. . . (sweatdrops) I have a confession to make. . . I'm not an interviewer. . .
Everyone: You're not!!!!!!!
Celina: I'm the author of this crazy story originally known as Charm65.
Gary: Well, that explains the tazo top.
Ash: Hey, if you're not an interviewer, then what was the point of calling this story "The interview"?
Celina/Charm65: I don't know.
Misty: Well, what happens now?
Charm65: I think make this pointless story come to an end.
Gary: How are you going to do that?
Charm65: Easy THE END!
Author's Note: Well that crazy story has come to an end. Relatively pointless, I know. But I had the urge to write something. I don't blame you if you don't like it. It is my first fic anyway.