Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The New Kids ❯ A Dig Into the Past ( Chapter 3 )
"Man…I'm hungry!" Ash cried.
"We've been walking for like…half an hour ash…." Kendi said.
"Man….no wonder I'm so hungry! Hey Brock! How far is the next town?" Ash asked.
"Well, the next town is Peddleburg. But you have to register into the Hoen League first," he said.
"Ooh! A new League to join! Perfect!" Yuuki exclaimed.
"Your friend…Lani. Is she going to join?" Misty asked the two new travelers.
"More than likely," Kendi grumbled.
"Well, the next town is about two miles away. At the pace we're walking, it'll take about…20 minutes. Well, can you hold out that long for food Ash?" Brock said teasingly.
"…" was his reply.
~*~ 20 minutes later ~*~
"Hey! We're finally here!" Misty cried.
"Oooh look!" Ash said. "A food place! Come on Pikachu! I'm starving!" Ash runs off to the food place.
"I'm going to go look around for some medicine and stuff," Brock told the rest. "I'll see you guys later."
"Oh! Hey, Brock! Can I come along?" Kendi asked. "I've been wanting to get some more Potion. I just ran out."
"Sure thing!" Brock said. They walk into a nearby store to start shopping.
"Guess that leaves us…" Yukki said.
"So…what do you want to do?" Yuuki asked Misty.
Uhh…Well…I guess we can go window shopping," she said. "I've wanted, and need, to get some new shorts."
"Okay," he replied. "Mind if I come along? I need some new jeans too."
"Okay," she said.
"Pika?" Pikachu said.
Ash stopped gulping down his food for a moment. "What's the matter Pikachu?" he asked, mouth still full.
"Pika, pika," was the reply. Pikachu pointed at a table on the opposite side of the room.
"Hey! That's Lani," Ash said. "Oh! You wanna go join her?"
"Chu!" was the happy reply.
"Okay, let's go," Ash said. He picked up his food, and Pikachu jumped onto his head as they went to sit down with Lani. "Hey," Ash said as they sat down.
Lani was startled. "Oh! H-hey…" she said, a bit subdued.
"So…you got here before us huh?" he stated more than asked.
"Yeah…" was the reply. There was an awkward silence for a while. "So…You and your Pikachu get along pretty well huh?" she said. Eevee rubbed against her cheek.
"Yeah…me and Pikachu are the best of friends!" Ash said, oblivious to her sadness.
"I can tell…" she whispered. Lani reached out a hand and scratched Pikachu behind the ears. "You're so cute, Pikachu."
Ash finished his meal of rice, teriyaki, and a cheeseburger. "Is Eevee your first Pokemon?" he asked.
Lani snapped out of her reverie. "No…" she said.
"Oh! You guys sure act like it though…" Ash said.
"Do we?" Lani asked, surprised.
"Yeah!" Ash said cheerfully. Lani smiled sadly.
"Oh! Hey Brock! Do we need this?" Kendi asked, holding up some Super Potion.
"Oh! I've been wondering if any of these stores had any of that! Thanks a lot!" he cried happily, as Kendi put the item in the shopping basket.
"No problem!" she said.
"So, Kendi. Do you have a boyfriend?" Brock asked casually, hoping to God the answer was no.
"Huh?!" she said, flustered and blushing. "Umm…N-no!"
"Really?!" Brock said, surprised. "I'm surprised! You're so pretty!"
Kendi flushed deeper. "R-really? No ones ever said that before…Well, a guy I mean," she said, sighing as she remembered how Lani was always saying she was so beautiful, and how they had great times. I should go find her, she thought.
"Oh yeah! You're very pretty!" Brock said. He grabbed her hands. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
Kendi was shocked. Her eyes widened considerably, and she turned red. "Brock, this is kinda going too fast."
Brock let go of her hands. Darn, he thought. So close. "I understand…" he said, hurt lacing his voice.
"Um!" Kendi started. "But, maybe later. I mean, I just met you and everything!"
Brock grinned. "Deal!"
"Do you like these?" Misty asked, holding up a pair of black shorts.
"Well," Yuuki said. "I do like dark things…I guess that would be okay!" Nice and short too! He thought happily.
"Oh! Look at this shirt!" Misty cried. She held up a dark blue sleeveless shirt. It looked EXACTLY like her old shirt, except a few inches shorter, and a *tiny* bit tighter.
"Perfect!" Yuuki said, grinning. "A perfect outfit, for a perfect girl."
Misty blushed. "I'm going to go…try this on…" she said, running to the changing rooms.
Yuuki grinned. "Hey…these pants look good." He pulled out some pants that looked…exactly like his. He looked down at his own clothes. "Perfect…for now at least. And look! It's on sale too! Could this day get any better?"
A/N: Hey! I finally updated! Yay for me! I personally think I was in the story too much, and Yuuki not enough…He shall be in it more next chapter! Yay! Hehe…I'm giddy right now…till next time! Thank you all so much for reading this!-Sly