Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Power of Love ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Power of Love

Chapter 1

By Kawaii_Cherry_Blossom

(I was BellaWaterFlower when I wrote this)


Rating: PG13


Ash - 15

Misty - 15

James - 17

Jessie - 17

Mrs. Ketchum - 35

Giovanni - 40

"Oh my gosh Ash! You look almost exactly the same as you did when you were a kid!" Misty joked as she laughed at old photos of her best friend.

Ash, Misty, Pikachu and Mrs. Ketchum were in Ash's living room, looking at old photo albums.

"Hey! I do not!"

Misty was laughing uncontrollably at a picture of Ash in the bath (A/N: Our parents all have those…).

"Hey!" Ash yelled, snatching it away from her. He blushed as he shoved it back into the album.

Pikachu was also laughing at the funny pictures of his trainer.

"And this was when Ash turned 7 years old", Mrs. K said as she showed them a picture of Ash, his mum and lots of little kids in a playground.

"Yeah, I remember that! Gary got so jealous because I didn't invite him, and we all had so much fun without him", Ash said.

Misty smiled. They looked at some more pictures until Ash found one of a man in his early thirties. He was sitting at a table with his arms around someone, but you couldn't see who it was because the picture had been ripped in half.

"Mum, who's this?"

Mrs. K gasped, "Where, where'd you find that?" she said shakily.

"In the back of this photo album. Who is it mum?"

"Ash…" Mrs. K held back tears as she began to tell her son the horrible truth.

"Er… I think this is my cue to leave", Misty said as she got up.

Ash grabbed her hand and gently pulled her back down, "No Misty please stay."

Misty sat back down next to him. She knew he was scared of what his mother was about to tell him.

Mrs. K began again, "Ash I…I wasn't going to tell you this until you were a little bit older, but I guess I'm going to have to tell you now."

Ash just stared straight ahead at her, waiting for an answer.

"The man in that picture is, is your father."

"WHAT?!" Ash yelled. This seemed to come as a huge surprise to him.

"This picture was taken just before I got pregnant."

"My…my father…" Ash murmured, "Mum?"

"Yes honey?"

"Where is he now? I remember asking you when I was younger, and you told me that he was on a Pokémon journey."

"Oh Ash I'm sorry."

"Huh? Sorry for what?"

"What I told you when you were younger, wasn't the truth. I knew you wouldn't understand when you were little…"

"Well then…what is the truth. If he didn't go on a Pokémon journey, then where is he?"

"Ok, let me tell you the story. When I got pregnant with you, I kept it a secret because I didn't know if your father wanted a baby. But when it started showing I had no choice. When I told him we were having a baby he got so angry. And he, he hit me."

"What?" Ash asked.

"He hit me and when I woke up again I was in the hospital. I, I had been in a coma for 2 weeks and…I almost lost you Ash. I almost had a miscarriage."

Ash didn't know what to say, he just sat there staring at the floor.

"After that I never heard from him again. I thought that maybe one day he would come back, not to see me because I'd throw him out, but atleast to see his child. But he never came. He…abandoned us."

"Abandoned…by, my own father."

"Pika pika pi [Ash it's ok]" Pikachu said as it tapped Ash on the back.

Ash just stared at the floor. Misty put her arm on his shoulder, but he pulled away. He got up and started out the door.

"Ash where are you going?" Misty asked worriedly.

"For a walk", he said in a tone that was bearly hearable. With that, he walked out the door. Pikachu tried to follow its trainer, but the door closed in its face.

"Pika pi… [Ash…]"

Deliah gave Misty a worried look.

"What have I done?" she said.

Ash went out of the gate to his house. He was angry, but he wouldn't let it show in front of everyone. He walked at a fast pace for about 5 minutes with a bitter look on his face, until he got to the place he was looking for. A small clearing hidden away by tall Oak trees. In the middle there was a smaller tree with long branches that curved round. Ash used to come here all the time to think when he was younger. Usually his thoughts were about Pokémon, and how he couldn't wait to train more. But today they were bitter thoughts, about his father. He sat under the tree and leaned his back heavily against the trunk.

'He abandoned me. My own father left me to be raised by a single parent. Sure, my mum did a great job, but there was always something missing. I always needed a man to talk to…'

"Ash!" his thoughts were interrupted as he heard someone calling his name. He turned around to see Misty standing there panting, probably from running.

"What are you doing here?" he asked her, turning his head away.

She walked up and sat down next to him.

"I was worried. Are you ok?"

"And in what lifetime would you worry about me?" he snapped, putting more emphasis on the words 'you' and 'me'. He instantly regretted saying it though, as he saw the hurt expression on her face. "I'm sorry Misty…"

"No, it's ok", she cut him off.

"It's just…how could he do that? Now that I realise how much I missed out on, I am so angry!" he said, letting his emotions run loose. Misty could tell that he was crying, because he had his hat brim down over his face.

"I know."

"No you don't."

"But I do! I know how you feel because I've been in exactly the same place!"

"Huh?" he looked up at her. Tear marks stained his face as he quickly wiped fresh ones from his eyes. He didn't want her to see him cry like that.

"When I was little…about 4 or 5 I guess, I had the perfect family. A mother, a father and 3 sisters. But one day, my mother and father had a huge fight. I was in the doorway, and I heard the whole thing. They…they were fighting because of me…" Misty quickly wiped tears from her eyes. Ash was looking at her with confusion on his face. "Why?"

"My father was sick of me. I guess I was a real naughty child. He never wanted another girl, and he wanted to put me up for adoption. But my mum wouldn't let him. After they had yelled at each other, a lot, my dad walked out. He never ever came back. My mum stayed with us for 3 years, but she couldn't do it. She got really sick and eventually passed away. I stayed with my sisters for about 2 years after that. But they hated me and treated me like crap because it was claimed to be my fault for everything that had happened. So I left. That's when I met you."

"I'm sorry Misty. I never knew… I'm acting like such a big baby, and you've been through ten times as much as me and you're fine."

"You're not acting like a baby. I know it's hard when you first find out something bad. But eventually, everything will turn out fine."

"Really?" Ash said, wiping more tears from his face.

"Yes. I promise. Now, what do you say we go back to your house."

Ash stood up and forced a smile at Misty. "Thanks Misty."

"What for?"

"Letting me know that I'm not alone in this."

Misty smiled and put her arm on his shoulder. "You're welcome Ash. "

He smiled at her again, this time it wasn't forced, and they walked home together.

To be continued…

That's the first part done. I think it's kinda bo-ring so far, but when the plot thickens it will get better, I promise. They are older in this, so that's why Ash seems a little out of character. This will have about 8 parts and I hope you will like them all!

Luv Sarah