Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Timetravelers: AAMLS II ❯ And that Awesome Reception Afterward ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer for the lazy: me no own Pokémon. What English. :)
Guess what? You get to use your imagination in this part!!! A lot I might add...
The Timetravelers: AAMLS II
Part Seven: And that Awesome Reception Afterward

Same day
Now about 12:15 p.m. The couple was waiting near the door. They had to go out to the limo, which would take them to the reception. It was in a hotel where none of the out-of-towners would be staying for the night.

"Ready to go?" Ash asked.

"I just hope I don't get rice in my ear," Misty replied.

"Pikachu!" He ran out of nowhere, holding Misty's bouquet. She had set it down during pictures.

"Aww, thanks!" she said. Then he hopped on Ash's shoulder, as always. Slowly they went to the doors, and then opened them. That's when they ran like crazy to the limo. Today was quite warm, and the sun was sending its warmth to everyone. The rice was thrown. Matthew accidentally threw his at his mom, who busted up laughing. Soon the couple was in the limo, and so was an uninvited guest.

"So, you've been married for about fifteen minutes. Feel any different?" Mk was sitting down in the wrap-around leather seat, holding that DVD recorder again. She was smiling.

"Mk! You're not supposed to be in here!" Ash yelled.

"Just answer the question!" she yelled.

"Well, I can't tell you. Like you said, I've been married for about fifteen minutes. How am I supposed to know!?" he asked. "Now get out!!"

Poor Mk was forcefully kicked out of the limo. She was laughing her head off though; she thought it was entertaining.

"Well, that was the beauty of the question!!" she yelled to the limo.

Meanwhile, the people in the limo were confused.

"What was that about?" Don asked.

"Mk's been stalking us. I just hope she don't sell that on the Internet!"

Everyone laughed. They knew very well that she wouldn't. Mk wasn't that kind of person. Besides, Misty would skin her alive if she did. Mk was afraid when she got mad.

Soon they were at the reception hall. Outside of the hall was a swimming pool, and there was nothing separating it from the doors to the hall. If it weren't for the fact that Misty would kill him if he tried, Ash would have thrown her in.

"Don't you even think about it," Misty said when she saw that look in his eyes.

"Who said I was?" Ash asked innocently. But he had shifty eyes.

They went in the hall, and it was decorated for the occasion. In one side of the hall was the dance floor. It was average sized and just polished enough to shine, yet not slippery. One corner had the tables. The last corner had the cake on it. It was four layers and had your usual bride and groom topper on it. It even had the right hair colors on it. Cool, huh? The frosting was done very carefully, and it was just gorgeous. All of the lunch food was outside. And of course, there was a bar against the wall. There was a brown-haired woman named Ashley at it. She was the bartender.

The DJ hired for the job wasn't here yet, but the equipment was set up. Misty picked up a microphone and started talking.

"Ok, I think it's time for lunch!" she said.

"Yah, I'm starving!" Ash commented.

"And we'll do Congrads before we dig in!" she continued.

"WHAT? But honey, I'm starving…" Ash complained like a little boy.

"Shut up and go get your food," Misty said.

Mk got the whole thing on DVD and did a little dance. That was priceless! Come on, this whole thing was priceless to her.

Once the wedding party had the food, they sat at the table. Brock came in with wine, and Giovanni supplied the glasses.

"This has alcohol," Giovanni said. "That's right, right?"

"Yes sir," Brock said.

"Wahoo!" Don said. Everyone who wanted a glass got some, and the others had some apple cider instead.

"Now who has a toast?" Giovanni asked.

"To many good years!"

"To the good and bad times they'll share!"

"To a healthy and happy family!"

"To the hopes that someday they'll actually have children!"

"Oh crap…" someone said. Good thing that Ash and Misty didn't find them, or they would have been pounded.

"To a good life and the hope that they'll be a happy and healthy couple for the rest of their lives!"

"To wealth, and the hopes that they'll have it!"

"And finally… to the future!" Mk, Arielle and Lance said. [irony?]

"Cheers!" The glasses were banged and everyone took a sip or gulp of whatever they were drinking. Then they ate lunch. Ash was glad that he got his. ^_^

After that was the cake, of course.

"Cut the cake!" someone yelled. The couple went up to the cake.

"It almost looks too good to cut," Misty said as she and her husband grabbed the knife.

"Yah, almost." They cut the cake, and then passed it out. Ash would have stuffed some in Misty's face if she wouldn't kill him in the process.

"I know what you're thinking! Don't deny it!" Misty said.

"Please?!" Ash begged like a six year old. "Can I?'

"NO! Do you know how long it took me to do makeup this morning?!" Misty said.

"Aww…" But he soon got over it and helped pass it out. Matthew tried to sneak by and get two pieces when everyone else only had one.

"I want more!" he said, smile on his face.

"Wait until everyone else has a slice," Misty said.

"Aww…" he said, almost sounding just like his big brother. Then he slumped away, disappointed. The cake was excellent.

Then the dance floor was open. [Insert name of some romantic song here] was playing, and no one was on the dance floor except for the two of them. Mk again pulled out that DVD recorder. The newlyweds started dancing to the music. Both of them wished that it'd never end… but soon it was over, and everyone else got on the dance floor.

"Did you wish that'd last forever?" Misty asked.

"Yes, I did."

The rest of the reception was great. Brock had a little too many shots and did some karaoke to the song "I'm too sexy." [Again, use that imagination of yours :)] Misty personally kicked him off the stage. The bouquet [and that garter thingamajig] were thrown. Mk didn't use the DVD recorder anymore. She said that she got what she wanted (she had it recording the wedding and Brock's karaoke). Everyone danced, ate and had a good time.

Then, it was 3:30. The reception was over. Everyone started to go where they need to go.

"Good luck with married life now!" Rachael said.

"Be good!" Delia said.

"Don't cheat on your wife!" Brock said. "Trust me, it ain't worth it. I hit on this pretty girl once--" That's when his wife pulled his ear and he was dragged off. "Hey, watch the ear! Do you know how many times Misty pulled that one!?"

Ash and Misty were alone on the street.

"Hey, I got you a present. Wanna see it?" Ash asked.

"Sure," Misty said.

Ash teleported them to the apartment building. He gave her a blindfold.

"Hey! This isn't fun!" Misty complained.

Ash grabbed her hand. "Come on! You'll like it, I promise!"

Soon they were where they wanted to be. "Ok, you can take it off now," Ash said.

Misty took off the blindfold that was put on her. She saw what Ash had gotten her.

"You got me… a bike?" Misty said, happy and surprised. That wasn't what she was expecting. But she wasn't complaining; Thomas had broken her old one. He tried to ride it once, and it broke. Misty loved that bike too…

"Hey, the last time I checked, I still owed you one," Ash said. "Technically I never paid you back for your old one. It got fixed, and I had nothing to do with that."

Misty smiled. "Thank you!" she said, hugging her husband. Then they went upstairs, and no one saw them until they got one the airplane to where their honeymoon was.

-Ok, that's the end of this story…-
Hey, I told you that there'd be no sex scenes in AAMLS, PERIOD! Geesh people.
But then again, I don't think you care! :)
And besides, how can I have that in a PG story?
Next: Time of Danger [aka Endenflaré, but that's not going to be the title it's posted under.] It has a little of the romance, but it's a whole lot of angst (I think).

Ok, that's enough. :)

The other Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon. I don't think that Ash will ever actually give her a bike.

I'd like to thank my sister, samurai-ashes, for the bike thing. I was talking to her about that, and she gave me that idea. Well, it was hers, not mine. I don't think I'd ever come up with that. Well, thank you! ^_^

Was it good? Huh? Tell me! Please? Pretty please? Pretty pretty please with sugar on top?
Anyway, thanks for reading! *hugs reviewers* *wonders if they don't mind* Go read the next story if you wanna. I'm not forcing you or anything.