Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Transformation ❯ Strange Happenings ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's my Pokemon fic. It was supposed to be the sequel to Pokemon Evolution Quest, but seeing how it was deleted on FF.net. This will be the first part

Chapter 1: Strange Happenings
this story takes place after the Pokemon Contest in Slateport city. Ash, May, and Max were at the Pokemon center, ready to head to the
next gym. Brock was out shopping for supplies

May-finally, my first Ribbon. I'm so happy

Ash-Congratulations May

Max-you were excellent at the Pokemon Contest


Ash-well, it's off to the next gym

???-i'd suggest you be careful


???-because, didn't you hear the news?


???-then it's a good thing i found you, there have been reports of people vanishing.

Ash, May, and Max-vanishing?!

???-that's right. they wander off, then they're never found again. Never heard from either

May-what do you think?

???-i don't know, it's still a mystery to me. You must be careful.

Ash-we will


???-anywho, my name is Blade


Blade-yep, take care of yourself

Blade leaves

Ash-who is he?

Max-i don't know

Brock comes back

Brock-i'm back guys

Ash-ready to go?


Ash-then let's go

To Be Continued

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