Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ This Is My World, Now ❯ Victory! ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Poke mon or anything related to it. It belongs strictly to Nintendo.
This Is My World Now
by shadowAKA086
Chapter 1: Victory!
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“GO!!!!” Mewtwo shouted to his army of clone Poke mon, pointing a finger in the direction of the originals. At their master’s command, the clones charged toward their “parents”. It was counterpart vs. counterpart. Mewtwo watched the battle from the air with an evil grin on his face.
‘The originals are no match for my team of super Poke mon,’ Mewtwo said to himself as he watch the battle go on bellow. He knew that they would fight to the death. He would force them to. Sure, some of his clones might die, but it he would just take DNA from the originals after the battle was won. His battle was won. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mew float higher into the air. He followed he as she made a pink bubble appear and cover her like a protective shield. As Mewtwo got up to her level, he did the same thing, only his was blue. As the battle went on bellow, Mew and Mewtwo began to clash their shields together, seeing if they could break the other’s, forcing them into submission. Psychic energy crackled as they came close and then made contact. After about half an hour, the two psychic Poke mon clashed to the bottom of the arena floor, and they let their shields drop, for it was obvious that they were evenly matched.
They flew to opposite sides of the arena, and as they stopped, and the giant dust cloud caused by their shields crashing into the ground, Mewtwo noticed something that put a huge grin on his face. His clone Poke mon stood tall, with the originals lying dead on the ground next to them. His Scyther stood victorious over the original, who was laying dead on the ground, a look of shock and pain on his face. Mewtwo then noticed a vertical-like hole in it’s back, and then he looked to his Scyther. It’s swords were covered in blood. Ash’s Bulbasaur was lying on the ground with it’s head cracked open. Blood was pouring out of the open wound and onto the arena floor. Mewtwo’s Bulbasaur had a huge, wet, red spot on it’s head, indicating what happened. The original Golduck was lying on the arena floor, but strangely, there wasn’t any blood. Mewtwo took a closer look at the original’s neck, to see that it had been crushed somewhat, which made it obvious that his Golduck strangled it to death. His Rapidash stood triumphant above it’s fallen foe, who had a medium-sized hole on it’s neck, and his Rapidash’s horn was painted red. Mewtwo’s Tentacruel was another winner in the battle, and it’s dead opponent had a giant hole in the top of it’s head. The explanation for that was his Tentacruel’s blood covered horn.
Scattered along the arena were other dead original Poke mon, with their killers standing above their fallen bodies. Not one clone died.
Mewtwo was very pleased to see this, but what really made his day was to see the human trainers, mourning over the lose of their “friends”.
‘Friends my tail. These humans used their Poke mon to fight for them. To get them trophies and glory. They lost nothing more than a replaceable tool,’ Mewtwo thought. He was ripped from his thoughts as he saw a pink light form at the other end of the arena, and Mew was the cause of it. Her pink aura was dancing around her like fire, and she looked ready to take Mewtwo down. At the sight of this, Mewtwo made his own, blue aura, and began to charge it up with energy. Mewtwo waited; he wanted Mew to attack first, so he might have a better chance at finally beating her. After thirty seconds, Mew sent her energy flying towards Mewtwo, bent on ending his evil. This was the chance Mewtwo had been waiting for! He sent his energy flying at Mew, and the two collided in midair. They didn’t explode, but instead, the two psychics began to put more energy into their blasts, making it go back and forth from one side to the other. Mewtwo’s face began to show strain, and he put all his energy into the blast. It slowly moved towards Mew, and since the tiny Poke mon was already worn out, she wasn’t able to hold it anymore.
‘This is it! This is the end!’ Mew thought as she saw the energy getting closer and closer. She used all her energy and then dropped it. The beams hit her, and she fell to the ground.
“MMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!”< /i> She screeched as she fell to the ground. She hit with a sickening thud. Mewtwo slowly descended to the ground, and hunched over as he stood there. Sweat was pouring down his face, and he was panting heavily. He then got his panting under control, put an evil grin on his face, and slowly stood up. He chuckled slightly before addressing the humans.
“It seems that I am the victor once again. I shall now claim my second prize. But this time, I will not take your Poke mon. They have served their purpose. What I want now, humans, is your lives,” Mewtwo said with a demonic tone before he teleported right in front of Fregus. Surprised by this, the Poke mon trainer backed up slightly, before being picked up by Mewtwo’s pyschic powers. The evil Poke mon lifted him high into the air, and then, with great mental force and concentration, threw him towards one of the windmills on the main tower of New Island. Fregus screamed as he flew through the air, but his screaming was suddenly cut off when the fan blade sliced him in half. Blood painted the blade, and Fergus fell from the top of the tower to his final doom. Mewtwo then turned to Corey, who looked at the Poke mon with a look of absolute terror. He turned to run, but Mewtwo caught him, and lifted him into the air, just a few feet off the ground. The psychic then concentrated, and Corey began to scream. The group of remaining trainers looked at him in a look of fear and horror. Suddenly, his head began to slowly expand. The group’s eyes widened as they saw this. Corey’s head continued to expand until he screamed at the top of his lungs, and then his head inflated as far as it would go and exploded, showering to remaining trainers with blood and gray matter. Mewtwo dropped the decapitated body to the ground, and then teleported in front of Neesha. She let out a scared cry as the murderous Poke mon walked towards her. Mewtwo cleared his mind and read her thoughts.
“So, you think that I am going to rape you, huh? Oh no, I do not rape humans. It is against the laws of nature,” Mewtwo said calmly. Neesha slowly began to relax a bit. “Oh no. I have a far more sinister plan for you,” Mewtwo stated as he lifted Neesha up and made her vanish without a trace.
“What did you do with her?!” Misty demanded with an angry look on her face.
“Watch your tone, human. I merely transported her to my torture chamber, where I will deal with her later. You, however, have an attitude that I do not find very respectful to your new master. I think that I need to teach you a lesson,” Mewtwo said with a sinister smirk on his face. Using his mental powers, Mewtwo picked Misty up, and flung her high into the air, making her scream out loud. Mewtwo then used his psychic powers to rip off the dead Tentacruel’s long horn, and placed it into the ground were he knew Misty would land. She came falling down, screaming all the way, and landed right on the huge, blue spike. Her eyes widened in shock, and she tried to speak, but when she opened her mouth, only blood came out. She slowly tilted her head back towards the ground, and died. Brock and Ash looked on in complete shock at what had happened.
“How can you be so heartless?! You evil bastard!! You killed her in cold blood! Now you’ll pay!” Brock shouted at Mewtwo. He merely turned to the tan trainer, with a look in his eyes that said ‘You’re next’.
“I will do as I please, human! This world, and everything on it, belongs to me. I will do whatever I want to, and anyone who thinks that I am being a bastard, will see just how much of a bastard I can be,” Mewtwo told Brock before the Poke mon used his psychic powers to bang Brock into the nearest wall several times. Brock started out grunting, then his grunts turned into cries, and then his cries turned into screams. By the time Mewtwo was done with him, Brock was a bloody mess, lying on the arena floor, with bruises and cuts. He slowly died from a lack of blood, since most of it was on the ground. Ash was in complete and utter shock. His two best friends in the whole world, had just been murdered. He felt a feeling of sorrow take over him, and he cried, right then and there. His tears hit the ground, and he closed his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look at his friends’ corpses.
“Well, it appears that not only are humans stupid and fun to play with, but they’re also weak, and pathetic creatures,” Mewtwo said in a mocking voice, with a bit of a chuckle in his voice. Ash’s sorrow soon turned into a burning rage as he heard Mewtwo’s voice. He slowly lifted his head and opened his eyes, which controlled a look of anger. In a shaky voice, he slowly spoke.
“You killed them. You killed my friends. Now you really are going to pay,” Ash said as he turned to face Mewtwo. He turned his hat backwards, and then, shouted at the powerful psychic in voice as clear as day. “I’M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS, MEWTWO!!!!” Ash shouted as he ran towards Mewtwo again. He tried to punch the Poke mon again, but the results stayed the same. Ash was thrown on the ground by Mewtwo’s shield.
“Apparently you are insane. Since insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, I’d have to say that you are one crazy little fucker,” Mewtwo said to Ash in a devious voice. “Since Mew interrupted us last time, what do you say we try my little idea again?” Mewtwo ‘asked’. With his powers, he picked Ash up, and, with great force, threw him up towards the wall for a second time. Ash screamed all the wall up towards the wall, and he was silenced by his body splattering against the wall, giving it a new coat of red. Mewtwo smiled at his handy work before turning to Joy. She was still staring at what he had done, and didn't notice him coming right for her. Only when his shadow enveloped her did she look up at him with eyes full of fear.
"You have served me well, therefor your death will be...special," the psychic cat said as Joy was lifted up about a yard off of the ground. She was too scared to ask what he was going to do to her, but then again, he probably wouldn't tell her anyway. Mewtwo had special plans for this one. When he kidnaped her and read her mind, he found out a very interesting bit of information. It appeared that even though this Joy worked near the sea, and tended to water Poke mon mostly, she couldn't swim if her life depended on it. Which was slightly amusing, because in a few seconds, her life would depend on her swimming skills. Mewtwo gave her a mischievous grin before flinging her into the air, over the wall, and out into the sea. Mewtwo listened to her, screaming as she went up, screaming as she went down. There was a splash, and then some struggling, but after a few moments, all sound ceased. Mewtwo looked around the arena to see a two dead humans, his cloned Poke mon, and Mew. Wait. Mew! She was just lying there. Mewtwo slowly levitated over to where she was, and placed to fingers to her neck. She was alive.
Mewtwo then addressed his clone Pidgeot.
"Take her up to my tower. I will deal with her there," Mewtwo said. Obeying it's master's command, the Pidgeot, hoisted the knocked out Mew onto it's back, and flew up to Mewtwo's balcony. Mewtwo felt a small nudge at his foot. He looked down to see his Pikachu nudging the bottom of his foot. When the cloned Pikachu had it's master's attention, it looked up at him and spoke.
"Pika pi, pikachu pi pika, pi pi pikachu? (Master, what are you going to do with her?)" it asked innocently. Mewtwo merely smiled at his creation, and then turned back up to watch the Pidgeot come down form his tower.
"Well, let's just say that when I'm through with her, she will be seriously fucked up," Mewtwo stated before giving out an evil chuckle, and slowly floating up his tower, eager to deal with Mew once and for all.
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I would like to say up front, I am very proud of this fic so far, and I would highly appreciate good reviews. Flames are not taken lightly, but accepted nonetheless. R&R. I think that this may be my first masterpiece!
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This Is My World Now
by shadowAKA086
Chapter 1: Victory!
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“GO!!!!” Mewtwo shouted to his army of clone Poke mon, pointing a finger in the direction of the originals. At their master’s command, the clones charged toward their “parents”. It was counterpart vs. counterpart. Mewtwo watched the battle from the air with an evil grin on his face.
‘The originals are no match for my team of super Poke mon,’ Mewtwo said to himself as he watch the battle go on bellow. He knew that they would fight to the death. He would force them to. Sure, some of his clones might die, but it he would just take DNA from the originals after the battle was won. His battle was won. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mew float higher into the air. He followed he as she made a pink bubble appear and cover her like a protective shield. As Mewtwo got up to her level, he did the same thing, only his was blue. As the battle went on bellow, Mew and Mewtwo began to clash their shields together, seeing if they could break the other’s, forcing them into submission. Psychic energy crackled as they came close and then made contact. After about half an hour, the two psychic Poke mon clashed to the bottom of the arena floor, and they let their shields drop, for it was obvious that they were evenly matched.
They flew to opposite sides of the arena, and as they stopped, and the giant dust cloud caused by their shields crashing into the ground, Mewtwo noticed something that put a huge grin on his face. His clone Poke mon stood tall, with the originals lying dead on the ground next to them. His Scyther stood victorious over the original, who was laying dead on the ground, a look of shock and pain on his face. Mewtwo then noticed a vertical-like hole in it’s back, and then he looked to his Scyther. It’s swords were covered in blood. Ash’s Bulbasaur was lying on the ground with it’s head cracked open. Blood was pouring out of the open wound and onto the arena floor. Mewtwo’s Bulbasaur had a huge, wet, red spot on it’s head, indicating what happened. The original Golduck was lying on the arena floor, but strangely, there wasn’t any blood. Mewtwo took a closer look at the original’s neck, to see that it had been crushed somewhat, which made it obvious that his Golduck strangled it to death. His Rapidash stood triumphant above it’s fallen foe, who had a medium-sized hole on it’s neck, and his Rapidash’s horn was painted red. Mewtwo’s Tentacruel was another winner in the battle, and it’s dead opponent had a giant hole in the top of it’s head. The explanation for that was his Tentacruel’s blood covered horn.
Scattered along the arena were other dead original Poke mon, with their killers standing above their fallen bodies. Not one clone died.
Mewtwo was very pleased to see this, but what really made his day was to see the human trainers, mourning over the lose of their “friends”.
‘Friends my tail. These humans used their Poke mon to fight for them. To get them trophies and glory. They lost nothing more than a replaceable tool,’ Mewtwo thought. He was ripped from his thoughts as he saw a pink light form at the other end of the arena, and Mew was the cause of it. Her pink aura was dancing around her like fire, and she looked ready to take Mewtwo down. At the sight of this, Mewtwo made his own, blue aura, and began to charge it up with energy. Mewtwo waited; he wanted Mew to attack first, so he might have a better chance at finally beating her. After thirty seconds, Mew sent her energy flying towards Mewtwo, bent on ending his evil. This was the chance Mewtwo had been waiting for! He sent his energy flying at Mew, and the two collided in midair. They didn’t explode, but instead, the two psychics began to put more energy into their blasts, making it go back and forth from one side to the other. Mewtwo’s face began to show strain, and he put all his energy into the blast. It slowly moved towards Mew, and since the tiny Poke mon was already worn out, she wasn’t able to hold it anymore.
‘This is it! This is the end!’ Mew thought as she saw the energy getting closer and closer. She used all her energy and then dropped it. The beams hit her, and she fell to the ground.
“MMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!”< /i> She screeched as she fell to the ground. She hit with a sickening thud. Mewtwo slowly descended to the ground, and hunched over as he stood there. Sweat was pouring down his face, and he was panting heavily. He then got his panting under control, put an evil grin on his face, and slowly stood up. He chuckled slightly before addressing the humans.
“It seems that I am the victor once again. I shall now claim my second prize. But this time, I will not take your Poke mon. They have served their purpose. What I want now, humans, is your lives,” Mewtwo said with a demonic tone before he teleported right in front of Fregus. Surprised by this, the Poke mon trainer backed up slightly, before being picked up by Mewtwo’s pyschic powers. The evil Poke mon lifted him high into the air, and then, with great mental force and concentration, threw him towards one of the windmills on the main tower of New Island. Fregus screamed as he flew through the air, but his screaming was suddenly cut off when the fan blade sliced him in half. Blood painted the blade, and Fergus fell from the top of the tower to his final doom. Mewtwo then turned to Corey, who looked at the Poke mon with a look of absolute terror. He turned to run, but Mewtwo caught him, and lifted him into the air, just a few feet off the ground. The psychic then concentrated, and Corey began to scream. The group of remaining trainers looked at him in a look of fear and horror. Suddenly, his head began to slowly expand. The group’s eyes widened as they saw this. Corey’s head continued to expand until he screamed at the top of his lungs, and then his head inflated as far as it would go and exploded, showering to remaining trainers with blood and gray matter. Mewtwo dropped the decapitated body to the ground, and then teleported in front of Neesha. She let out a scared cry as the murderous Poke mon walked towards her. Mewtwo cleared his mind and read her thoughts.
“So, you think that I am going to rape you, huh? Oh no, I do not rape humans. It is against the laws of nature,” Mewtwo said calmly. Neesha slowly began to relax a bit. “Oh no. I have a far more sinister plan for you,” Mewtwo stated as he lifted Neesha up and made her vanish without a trace.
“What did you do with her?!” Misty demanded with an angry look on her face.
“Watch your tone, human. I merely transported her to my torture chamber, where I will deal with her later. You, however, have an attitude that I do not find very respectful to your new master. I think that I need to teach you a lesson,” Mewtwo said with a sinister smirk on his face. Using his mental powers, Mewtwo picked Misty up, and flung her high into the air, making her scream out loud. Mewtwo then used his psychic powers to rip off the dead Tentacruel’s long horn, and placed it into the ground were he knew Misty would land. She came falling down, screaming all the way, and landed right on the huge, blue spike. Her eyes widened in shock, and she tried to speak, but when she opened her mouth, only blood came out. She slowly tilted her head back towards the ground, and died. Brock and Ash looked on in complete shock at what had happened.
“How can you be so heartless?! You evil bastard!! You killed her in cold blood! Now you’ll pay!” Brock shouted at Mewtwo. He merely turned to the tan trainer, with a look in his eyes that said ‘You’re next’.
“I will do as I please, human! This world, and everything on it, belongs to me. I will do whatever I want to, and anyone who thinks that I am being a bastard, will see just how much of a bastard I can be,” Mewtwo told Brock before the Poke mon used his psychic powers to bang Brock into the nearest wall several times. Brock started out grunting, then his grunts turned into cries, and then his cries turned into screams. By the time Mewtwo was done with him, Brock was a bloody mess, lying on the arena floor, with bruises and cuts. He slowly died from a lack of blood, since most of it was on the ground. Ash was in complete and utter shock. His two best friends in the whole world, had just been murdered. He felt a feeling of sorrow take over him, and he cried, right then and there. His tears hit the ground, and he closed his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look at his friends’ corpses.
“Well, it appears that not only are humans stupid and fun to play with, but they’re also weak, and pathetic creatures,” Mewtwo said in a mocking voice, with a bit of a chuckle in his voice. Ash’s sorrow soon turned into a burning rage as he heard Mewtwo’s voice. He slowly lifted his head and opened his eyes, which controlled a look of anger. In a shaky voice, he slowly spoke.
“You killed them. You killed my friends. Now you really are going to pay,” Ash said as he turned to face Mewtwo. He turned his hat backwards, and then, shouted at the powerful psychic in voice as clear as day. “I’M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS, MEWTWO!!!!” Ash shouted as he ran towards Mewtwo again. He tried to punch the Poke mon again, but the results stayed the same. Ash was thrown on the ground by Mewtwo’s shield.
“Apparently you are insane. Since insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, I’d have to say that you are one crazy little fucker,” Mewtwo said to Ash in a devious voice. “Since Mew interrupted us last time, what do you say we try my little idea again?” Mewtwo ‘asked’. With his powers, he picked Ash up, and, with great force, threw him up towards the wall for a second time. Ash screamed all the wall up towards the wall, and he was silenced by his body splattering against the wall, giving it a new coat of red. Mewtwo smiled at his handy work before turning to Joy. She was still staring at what he had done, and didn't notice him coming right for her. Only when his shadow enveloped her did she look up at him with eyes full of fear.
"You have served me well, therefor your death will be...special," the psychic cat said as Joy was lifted up about a yard off of the ground. She was too scared to ask what he was going to do to her, but then again, he probably wouldn't tell her anyway. Mewtwo had special plans for this one. When he kidnaped her and read her mind, he found out a very interesting bit of information. It appeared that even though this Joy worked near the sea, and tended to water Poke mon mostly, she couldn't swim if her life depended on it. Which was slightly amusing, because in a few seconds, her life would depend on her swimming skills. Mewtwo gave her a mischievous grin before flinging her into the air, over the wall, and out into the sea. Mewtwo listened to her, screaming as she went up, screaming as she went down. There was a splash, and then some struggling, but after a few moments, all sound ceased. Mewtwo looked around the arena to see a two dead humans, his cloned Poke mon, and Mew. Wait. Mew! She was just lying there. Mewtwo slowly levitated over to where she was, and placed to fingers to her neck. She was alive.
Mewtwo then addressed his clone Pidgeot.
"Take her up to my tower. I will deal with her there," Mewtwo said. Obeying it's master's command, the Pidgeot, hoisted the knocked out Mew onto it's back, and flew up to Mewtwo's balcony. Mewtwo felt a small nudge at his foot. He looked down to see his Pikachu nudging the bottom of his foot. When the cloned Pikachu had it's master's attention, it looked up at him and spoke.
"Pika pi, pikachu pi pika, pi pi pikachu? (Master, what are you going to do with her?)" it asked innocently. Mewtwo merely smiled at his creation, and then turned back up to watch the Pidgeot come down form his tower.
"Well, let's just say that when I'm through with her, she will be seriously fucked up," Mewtwo stated before giving out an evil chuckle, and slowly floating up his tower, eager to deal with Mew once and for all.
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I would like to say up front, I am very proud of this fic so far, and I would highly appreciate good reviews. Flames are not taken lightly, but accepted nonetheless. R&R. I think that this may be my first masterpiece!
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