Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ When the sun goes bright again. ❯ Those feelings ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

About: Advanceshipping, SatoshixHaruka, (AshxMay)

Other little ships: SatxKas(a little) HarxShig (some chapters) Mus x Koji

minor char.:Kasumi(Misty),Shigeru(Gary),Musashi(Jesse),Kojiro(James).

Ages:Satoshi,Shigeru - 23. Kasumi - 25. Musashi & Kojiro - 31. Haruka - 21

Genre: Romance,Comedy,Drama,Adventure,Action.

Summary: Satoshi and Kasumi are now married and they lived happy? together.Untill Satoshi on 1 day went too the shop and bumped in on someone,who was Haruka and wonderly they fell in love with eachother. Satoshi,who was with Kasumi,began too lie on her too be with Haruka. But Haruka also had problems. She has taked over her father's 'job' as a gymleader but now was the fiancée of Shigeru. Shigeru had founded out of their secret relationship and began too spy on them and Kojiro and Musashi where dropping by.

Other things:Satoshi is a Pokémon master,Kasumi gymleader of city,Shigeru has taken over his grandfathers lab,and is now a young professor,Haruka is a gymleader two and had won all Pokémon contests,Musashi is a newsreporter,and Kojiro a voice actor :P

My notes: I'm using the Jap. Names, but not for the Pokémons

I have noting against Kasumi,i just make her a bit disturbing in this. AshxMay is my fav. Couple, and if you don't like it,then do not read it!

....Enjoy ;3 Owja P.S: Takeshi isn't in it,because in this storyline he's becoming worlds greatest Pokémon breeder =P but they will mention him....

Ow yeah.. I did some mistakes that i used '..' instead of "..." hehe but now i will do that. ^^'

Those feelings.

Masara Town.

" Haruka-san." Shigeru yelled from the lab." Haruka?"

Shigeru Okido was busy doing a research, Haruka on the other side. Was planning the big party for tonight... But..well Haruka was thinking on other things.

" Haruka dear!" Shigeru said and walked too her side, putting a hand on her shoulder." Everything Ok?"

" Huh?" haruka asked waking up from her daydream." Uhh..Umh.. Yeah of course Shigi, why wouldn't i?"

" You where dipping the invitation cards in the sauce... and somehow bite's in it."

" Ooow... well.. emh.. I think i must take a break." Haruka said now finally knowing what she was doing.

" Yeah i think so two." Shigeru said worried.' There really is something with her.'

Haruka walked away, too the backyard. Looking in the sky, no mather if she looked at Shigeru...she actually saw Satoshi.

' Since that incident yesterday... i only think of Satoshi the last time, Why?' Haruka asked herself as she walked around.' Why? Shigeru's the one i love...or was it all the time Satoshi?'


The sun was setting and Haruka just had won her 5th ribbon, and was celebrating it.

" Yay! On my 5th ribbon!" Haruka said and drunked up her bottle of fresh lemonade.

" That was really going fast." Takeshi said." You really are wining every cool contest with your Blaziken huh?"

" Of course, Everyone knows Blaziken is the coolest around." haruka smiled. " Isn't that Satoshi?"

" Huh?" Satoshi asked snapping out of something." Well maybe for you."

" Hehe... Now i am thinking. This day was 7 months ago when we've met isn't it Satoshi?" Haruka asked looking his way.

" Yeah...That's right." Satoshi said turning around too look at Haruka.

" Time really flies by." Takeshi said looking at the horizon." well i'm going too find ahotel for us ok?"

" Okay then,Takeshi." Satoshi said." Find a motel with some comfy beds then!...I really need those."

" Okay captain!" Takeshi said and went off.

" Hehe you always satoshi." Haruka giggled.

" Well it's a big journey, and not everytime you can sleep in a comfy bed then." Satoshi said smiling.

" Where's Pikachu?" Haruka asked looking around.

" With Brock." Satoshi said looking at Haruka.

" I thought Pikachu would always be by your side."

" Yeah, but look at the bright side." Satoshi said coming closer too Haruka." We're alone."

Haruka began too blush when Satoshi said that, putting her hands on her cheeks.

" Ow Satoshi." Haruka giggled.

" 'cous now..." Satoshi said and came closer and closer too her.

' OMG OMG OMG.. What is he going too do now??' Haruka thought thinking what he maybe was going too do.

" Because now..I finally can see those ribbons you've won, i never even had a chance too look at them really long!" Satoshi bla'd out.

" .....Whhaaattt??" Haruka asked, Mad and dissapointed at the same time.

" Well?"

" Ow Satoshi!!" Haruka yelled then and stomped away." You really can make a romantic moment sooo....Uh! You really are feeling nothing don't you?"

and she ran away, leaving a clueless Satoshi behind.

" Wait Haruka!" Satoshi yelled with no idea what she was talking about...or maybe he did?' What's the mather with her?'

Haruka walked further, but satoshi was chasing her. Yelling out her name too stop and listen too him and Haruka stopped finally.

" Ha..Ru..Ka.." Satoshi breathed.

" Yeah!" Haruka asked a but mad.

" I really didn't know what you where talking about earlier... But you must know....he..."

" Know what?" Haruka asked taking an intrest.

" I...I...I really like you Haruka." Satoshi said, still tired but he smiled.

" Oow Satooshi." Haruka said for the 3th time this day." I really like you too, the previous scene we had...I thought you would say it too me."

" Well Haruka, I said it now." satoshi said looking reliefed.

" ..Wait.. You don't mean it?" Haruka asked, looking at his face.

" No no no! I mean it Haruka, I really do.." Satoshi said putting his hands on her shoulders." I really do.."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* end flashback

" Satoshi..." Haruka softly said, walking around."... It's like your screwing up my life, since yesterday."

Haruka looked back at Shigeru, who was making some Genmaicha tea for both of them.

' But i'm with Shigeru now, I'm going too marry him, going too have a happy life....' Haruka thought.' Since the day i met him... he seemed so nice.'

~*~*~*~***~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~* Flashback.

It was at the poképarty we had 4 years ago.

" Hehe too bad Satoshi didn't come." Prof. Okido said.

" He's sick, i wanted too stay with him." Hanako said looking a bit worried." But he said that i better would come."

" So you listened too your son didn't you Ms.?" Haruka smiled.

" Well, yeah."

" It was nice that you could come here Hanako." Prof. Okido said." Maybe we can see eachother tomorrow?"

" Okay, i'll go." Hanako said putting on her jacket.

" Say hi too Satoshi for me." Haruka said.

" I will do that."

" Bye." Haruka and Prof. Okido waved.

It was passed midnight, and everyone already was gone. Haruka decided too help clean things up.

" That's strange, Shigeru still didn't came." Okido said grabbing a broom.

" Shigeru?" Haruka asked.

" He's my grand-son." Okido explained." he and satoshi where the biggest rivals."

" How funny."Haruka said and swept the dirt of.

" Hey gramps." They both heared." Don't say anything.. I'm too late."

There stood Shigeru, looking a bit messed up with a bag full of Pokéballs.

" Ah Shigeru, did you had catched many Pokémons these day?"

" Why yes grandfather." Shigeru said, walking too his grandpa, looking at Haruka." That's why i'm so messed up."

" I understand." Okido smiled." Ow Shigeru, this is Haruka from Hoenn."

" Hi." Haruka waved.

" Hello Haruka." Shigeru said taking Haruka's hand giving it a little kiss." Nice too meet you."

Haruka blushed, Okido saw a thing.

" Well, you 2 can talk toghether and i'll make some gyokuro tea." Okido said and walked off.

" So, i heared you where traveling with Satoshi on his journey thrue Hoenn?" Shigeru asked taking a seat.

" Yeah... i did." Haruka said still blushing.

" Could you tell me something?" Shigeru asked.

" yeah sure, Ok."

" Did you had something with Satoshi?" Shigeru asked.

" What?! No of course not..why?" Haruka shocked.

" Because you're too beautifull for him." Shigeru said warm.

" .Thanks..I gues.. Most people don't think i'm attractive, or do you mean something else.." Haruka said slowly.

" No...I mean, you're pretty... I have a pair of fangroupies who only exist out of girls.. well they are doing everything too get my eye on them." Shigeru said." Make-up, dying hair and stuff."

" You have a fangroup?.. and you think i'm pretty?"Haruka asked suprised.

" Sounds weird for a guy like me,but.... i seriously think i do." Shigeru smiled.

" Shigeru.." Haruka blushed.' He's so sweet, i don't know him that good...but he seems too be a nice person.'

" Say Haruka."

" yeah?" Haruka asked.

" Could i ask you... too go out with me sometime?" Shigeru asked looking at her.

" ..Of course! Why not?" Haruka said happy.

" Great Haruka, why not tomorrow. You're staying here don't you?" Shigeru asked unsure.

" Yeah, i was planning too do that. I still don't have a place too sleep."

" Sleep with us here." Shigeru presented.

" Really? Can i?"

Shigeru nodded, and Haruka smiled happy. Thanking him. After their first date, they went with eachother more and more. Shigeru was most certain, already in love with Haruka. Haruka on the other side, was taking a few months untill she saw what Shigeru really was.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~* end flashback

' Why the hell am i thinking of Satoshi??' Haruka thought with anger.' I love Shigeru!'

" Haruka-san." Shigeru said coming with the tea." Here Genmaicha tea, your favorite."

" ..........Thanks Shigeru." Haruka said softly looking depressed.

" ..Something wrong with you?"

" Huh?...emh no, i err...i just must take some choices." said Haruka drinking a bit from the savory flavoured tea.

" Ow..." Shigeru said." ..How was it with Satoshi and Kasumi?"

" How did you knew i was there yesterday?" Haruka asked.

" A frend of mine, saw you and Satoshi in the shop." Shigeru softly said.

" Ow, we just.. bumped in on eachother." Haruka smiled a fake smile.

" .. "

" Okay, i went in their house, and it was nothing Shigeru nothing... You know he's married with Kasumi." haruka smiled cupping his face in her hands." I love you."

" . Well i love you too Haruka." Shigeru said, looking unsure but still happy." But there's nothing going on between you and that goofball since the encounter?"

" No of course not fuShigi." Haruka smiled, drinking the last drops of Genmaicha up." I'm going too write more invitations okay?"

" Okay then." Shigeru said, now normal again.

Haruka nodded, grabbed her pot, and ran inside the house again.

' I better hope it's nothing.' Shigeru still thought.

× end chapter 2 ×

a/n:Okay that was chapter 2, what do you guys think?.. Well i'm a bit of an HarukaxShigeru shipper ( don't even know what the ships name is >__<) but, is this fic sounding intresting or something? I know, my spellings a bit messed up... and i'm not Japanese ^^'. I already knew the Jap. Names by looking for episode's and stuff........ well see (see?) you guys later in the next Chapter..
