Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Where Are You Now? ❯ Where Are You Now? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Where Are You Now?

By: Chibi-Suiko

A/N: This is a PRE-AAMRN as I like to call it. It will be--um--kind of cute, maybe a very teeny, little, itty, bitty angsty, and will have an abrupt ending. In any case, there will be a few of these, like a sort of Saga in due time so tell me what you think, all right?

PS: Right now I'm staying at my sister's house in Virginia and so I'm trying to post whatever I can while I'm here. Work with me, I'm not completely sure what I have the time and ability to do.

Summary: Follows the song 'Where Are You Now?' by Michelle Branch with a beginnings' focus on it. If you don't understand what I mean now, hopefully you will later. This will be in Misty's POV.



// Italics //--Song Lyrics

( Blah, blah, blah)--Authors notes, though there may be none


" Thestem of a rose is ugly and brittle in comparison to the actual petals."


// Maybe I'd be better on my own

No one ever seems to understand me...//

That's how I've always thought anyway. I'm not beautiful, though sometimes I like to think so, I'm not that talented, and I'm not exactly--um--'Prize-Worthy'. There's truly only one thing worth saying about me and that's that I'm unique. The one thing that I'm fully proud of is my difference from everyone else. Only I'm the only one who seems to think so. Everyone else refers to me as strange, or diluted, or just plain.

And it pains me to hear them all say that.

// It's easier for me to be alone

But there's still a piece of me that feels so empty...//

Yeah, that's true too. I'd rather live life out there as myself, by myself if not for the hunger of anothers' company. My sisters not only have each other but a new guy is greeting me every week now. I'm left to myself most of the time. I wish there was a way to escape this urge to walk the ends of the Earth for whatever--Or whoever. After all, if I'm unique, what's the chance of my having a 'Soul Mate' or a lover anyway?

But I'm only twelve so I'm too young and naive to think about these things anyhow.

// I've been all over the world

I've seen a million different places...//

Okay, maybe that's not entirely true but, I've got to admit, it sure seems that way. I've traveled all over the countries of Kanto and Jhoto. Of course I'm completely broke from those two parts of Japan. There have been many different experiences in these towns and villages, only none that have inspired me to find my love.

Yes, twelve years old, I know. Sometimes I forget that. I mean, you've got to admit, I can be a lot older than some other people that I won't mention. **Cough** Daisy. **Cough** Lilly. **Cough** Violet.

// But through the crowds and all the faces

I'm still out there looking for you...//

You?Who is this 'You'? Everyone, there are so many people who look my way everyday... Yet they all look so similar. Like the many faces of a single clown. It gets confusing but not so much so that I'd be unable to determine who means something to me.

There's that saying that states 'The ones that mean most are closer than you think' but I'm really not so sure. For my sisters, though... They seem to think that every guy they bring home is perfect for them. You can tell right there how much we're different.

Is it really worth sitting at home, waiting for Love to appear on the doorstep? I doubt it.

// Where are you now?

I'm trying to get by with never knowing at all...//

Am I actually in the position for asking that question? I don't know, but it wouldn't hurt to have an answer. I wait by and by here and there just for your appearance but then, you never come. Stupid, I know, but I don't leave. And I don't forget. I'm not giving up on it when so many seem to believe. It's too cliché, you know?

// What is the chance of finding you out there?

Or do I have to wait forever..?//

So many questions and everyday, they grow. I know it's hard to understand how I think and what I think about but one day it will all fit together, the enigma that is me. They will all be solved by whoever you are. Now I just hope to know you for the sake of me...

When will you show yourself? Should I stand and wait forever or is there more of a chance out there, continuing my everlasting search? I can't say right now but, if found, it'll all be worth it for you.

// I write about the things I'll never know

And I can't find a moment just to slow down...//

My mind always overpowers me when thinking about the possibilities, the chances that come and go, the desires, the many different turn-arounds. I find myself brooding over my lack of discovery. Finding 'Love' seems so much easier in the movies. You know, they meet in a rather disoriented spot, they're forced to spend time together (For some reason or another), and by the end, they find out that they love each other. Like Card Captor Sakura and Syaoron, and Usagi Tsukino and Mommaru. They never had to search for each other. Love just came and appeared before them.

Maybe I should be like them? Let everything just go and wait patiently for this 'You' to emerge. After all, I have better things to do, right? But, my heart races from even thinking about putting a stop to my pursuit. It would be so much hard work spent, down the drain. If those who just sit there and don't bother to give a care about it can find love, then I can as well.

// It makes me think I'll never have the chance

To figure out what it's all about

So tell me what it's all about...//

There are no chances in real life for those who don't even care to ponder whose actually out there. So I'm going to keep looking, no matter the days, the hours, the work... Strenuous as it may be, I'll solve it. I'll have no help from my sisters, my friends. I am here to have it done by myself.

The only acceptance in my look will be from God himself. Because who, besides him, can show me what I'm hoping to find? So I pray, I pray that tomorrow, He shows himself to me. Let him meet me so I know that even the Unusual have luck.

After all, that is who I am. Unusual.

// Where are you now?

I'm still trying to get by with never ever knowing at all

And I still don't know

Where are you now..?//

Did God answer me? Is he, at this very point, crafting You for me? I will wait here, beside the water. The water is the very place that I'll never forget. It, in itself, is a memory to me. If we meet here, I'll be sure never to forget it.

Today is tomorrow. I asked him for You yesterday and today, you are to come. I am fishing now, passing time for my own sake. I'm still hoping for an answer. Still unsure whether You will come. We do not know each other but I do know of You. You are going to come with the falls.

I sit fishing here and now, the sun setting beyond the heights of the cliffs, still nothing. You have to be here soon. Where can you possibly be? The clouds are doubling with the setting sun and I see a silhouette in the distance. I will pay no mind. After all, impatience will get me nowhere.

// I'm trying to get by with never ever knowing at all

What is the chance of finding you out there..?//

No longer out there, here I am. Come find me.

I feel a tug on the line. It is growing powerful, grasping strong enough to pull the whole rod down the river. Is it you? I don't know but I continue to pull. I won't let this chance run from me. I will wait no longer.

I feel another haul at the end of the line. I give more stamina as I pull with a rush of mingling determination and adrenaline.

// Or do I have to wait..?//

I will see You now. I will not miss. I will not run. I will not hide. Think these things and more as I heave cruelly at the mere wooden sole of my fishing rod. It is nimble, breaking, crackling as the stitches of wood curl and fall in defeat. Nevertheless, I will not stop. I barely see Your head.

// Or do I have to wait..?//

I give one last rush of vigor as You come spiraling from the falls. You fall to the ground

aboutseven feet from me and as I step hurriedly over to You, You look up.

// Or do I have to wait forever..?//

And our eyes met for the first time.


A/N: All right, that's it for this one. Hope you liked it, there will be another one soon. These will all be song-fics. Probably pertaining to Michelle Branch or the like. I'm not so sure. At least one more will be though so keep watch.

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( =* _ *= ) ** Chibi-Suiko**