Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ (Ferriswheelshipping) Awakened Emotions ❯ Chapter 24 ( Chapter 24 )
Yay, I'm back! Let the dramafest commence. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.
Steven and N reluctantly leave the injured White behind, heading off into the jungle to hopefully find food and water. She is left upon the sandy beach, sitting on her knees and not sure what to do with herself. N had suggested she try to find a water Pokemon or flying Pokemon that could help them get off the island, but the island was strangely desolate of any living creatures. Even after spending hours there, she hadn't seen a single creature. The island was a bit creepy in that aspect. A normal island would be teeming with wildlife, and she should probably be able to hear tropical birds squawking away since she was so near the jungle, but no. It was completely silent around her other than the gentle sound of the ocean waves lapping against the shore.
White kept her eyes peeled for any sort of wildlife, but after spending a few hours sitting around doing nothing, she felt like she was going to go crazy. There hadn't been a single sign of any Pokemon nearby, and the midday sun was just starting to beat down on her. The morning sun hadn't been too bad, but the afternoon sun was brutal. With her lack of water for the last day in the terrible climate, she felt like she was going to pass out. She no longer focused her sights on trying to look out for Pokemon, but instead was trying to focus on not passing out. If she passed out, with no one around, she might be viable to any sort of jungle predator that might suddenly appear. Although it was unlikely, with the jungle seeming to lack any sort of life, it didn't necessarily mean that there wasn't any wildlife. They might just be really good at hiding.
Eventually, every minute of trying to force her eyelids open felt like an hour. Her eyelids were fluttering open and closed at her desperate attempt to stay awake, After a while more of struggling to stay conscious, she had slipped into a deep fitful slumber without even realizing it.
White is awakened by the quiet sounds of N and Steven's desperate voices. They sounded exhausted and worn out.
"I don't think we should wake her up, Steven…" She hears N say, and then hears the sound of him plopping onto the sand with a thud. "I think she needs her rest…"
She hears an exhausted sigh from what she presumes to be Steven. "Think about it, N. She should be awake in case any sort of threat is around. I agree that she needs the sleep,, but will probably be able to stay safe and escape if some sort of threat appears while she's awake."
"I suppose you're right. I want her to stay safe…" N murmurs.
White was pretending to be asleep still, and her heart warms at their concern. She slowly opens her eyes, surprised to see that many hours had passed since she had fallen asleep, since the sun appeared to be starting to set. She gasps in horror as she takes in the sight of the thoroughly beaten up N and Steven. They both had various gashes across their bodies, and their clothing had lots of little tears across them. They were covered in dirt and their hands looked especially scraped up. They both looked like they were going to pass out any moment, and basically looked like they had gone through hell out there in the jungle.
I wish I could have helped them… White thinks with feelings of guilt consuming her. I know I can't help that I'm injured, but I feel like a burden…
N notices White's now opened blue eyes. "White! You're awake. I'm sorry, but we weren't able to find anything… But we want to go out looking one more time before it gets too dark out. We're gonna go in a different direction this time, and hopefully we'll find something. We just thought we'd come back here and tell you that we're okay, since it's been so long. Are you doing okay, White?" He reaches his hand out gently, giving her hair a little ruffle.
"Yes… I'm fine." White murmurs. Even though she felt like crap, and she knew N did too, it wasn't completely unbearable.
"I'm sorry White, but we want time to go looking for supplies again before it gets completely dark out. Are you ready, N?" Steven asks.
She notices that the relationship between Steven and N seemed to have improved. She wonders if they bonded while looking for supplies, and she smiles a bit at this thought. They were always bickering, she thought it was about time that they started to get along.
N and Steven wave at her as they then trudged tiredly through the sand, looking like they were going to fall over at any moment.
Tears prick the corners of her eyes as she watches the pair of men pathetically limp away with injuries littering their body and their eyes glazed over. She wanted to help so badly in any way that she could, but it hurt so terribly to move at all. As the pair disappear into the jungle, she attempts to stand for the first time in over a day. Her entire body protests, and her vision becomes incredibly shaky and blurry. Her arm pulses in agony as she gets her first knee up. Then, suddenly, her vision blurs completely out and she finds herself collapsing upon the sand.
Luckily. She landed on her uninjured arm. Despite things hurting even more now after her little fall, she felt more determined than ever.
I can do this. I can do this.
White puts her first knee out again, managing to put all the weight on that. With much struggle, she is finally able to stand up. With a groan, she staggers towards the jungle, her fists clenched in determination.
Steven and N went towards the east originally to search… Then they were unable to find anything, so they left to search the north part. Maybe I should try the far west area? They haven't explored it yet, I might find something…
After a few painful minutes of limping, she manages to make it to the edge of the sandy beach and at the start of the scary looking jungle. The jungle was so dense that you could hardly see far into it, only a few feet in. There were so many leaves and canopies that it would probably be easy to get lost.
She hesitantly takes the first step into the jungle, terrified of what would await her in the unknown area. Although the jungle was eerily quiet, you never knew what could be hidden in the dense forest.
White begins to travel through the jungle slowly at first, the pain in her arm slowing her down quite a bit. However, she found herself beginning to think of their inevitable fate if they couldn't find any food or water, and she was able to motivate herself to keep going, despite the horrible pain her body was in.
She felt like she had been struggling through the forest for days, even though it had probably been only twenty minutes. Every few moments, she would have to move a hanging branch or vine out of her way with her uninjured arm, but she still missed a few. She ended up getting quite a few scratches across her body, but she kept going.
Not to mention, there were also lots of bugs. White definitely wasn't a fan of them, and what she really wanted was to run back to her safe haven. However, she knew this needed to be done. For all of their survival. Eventually, every step felt like another mile to her. She didn't know how she kept going in her condition, but she did.
Suddenly, she heard a sound. It sounded like angels wings from above. Well, not really. It sounded like running water. It definitely wasn't ocean water, and she could hear the water rolling across what seemed like rocks. She runs towards the sound, hoping that it wasn't in her imagination. And then, she found it. The oasis in the middle of the desert. The one place they'd all been searching for.
It was a tiny clearing in the middle of the jungle. There was a small pond that opened up to a few tinier puddles below it, and there was also a banana tree next to the pond. White found herself drooling. She hadn't had any fresh water or food in such a long time, and it looked so delectable at the moment. She rushes towards the heaven on Earth, and gasps in surprise as her foot gets caught on a rock, causing her to spiral towards the ground. She screams in pain as she lands directly with all her weight upon her already injured arm, and her forehead smashes into the ground as well, causing her to go out cold.
"Steven! She's not here!" N screams in horror as he desperately searches along the sandy shores for White.
Steven comes running up behind N, clearly concerned as well. N had rushed quite ahead of Steven in order to get back to White faster, despite being dehydrated, exhausted, and quite scratched up. Steven is horrified to learn of her sudden disappearance. He looks around the beach as well, seeing no trace of the small brunette.
N begins to panic, holding his head in his hands as he collapses to his knees. "Where is she? Did she get attacked by some sort of animal? Is she okay? What are we going to do? Where is she?" His sentences become more muddled together as he starts to breathe heavily in stress.
Steven looks around, trying to think about things logically. "No… If there was an attack, there would be blood. I don't see any blood around here… Oh! We need to look for footprints in the sand, N."
N quickly complies, wanting to do any method needed in order to find White. Steven notices small footprints along the sand, which were leading towards the jungle. "There are footprints here! They're leading towards the jungle… Do you think she left of her own will?"
N chuckles brokenly, his voice sounding like he was barely keeping his own sanity. "It seems like something she would do… She was always so adventurous and energetic... I shouldn't have left her here alone… She probably felt so lonely and scared. I should have known something like this could happen… What if something happens to her? What do we do!"
Steven places a hand upon N's shoulder, attempting to steady him. "N, calm down. She probably just wanted to help us look for supplies. She couldn't have gotten too far with her injuries yet. We just saw her an hour ago before we left again."
He nods, attempting to calm himself as well. "You're right, she can't be too far… Let's go find her!"
I'm going to end this chapter here because it feels right, even though it's a bit short. Hopefully the next chapter will come out fast. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. Please leave me some feedback, I love it.