Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ 30_Psych ❯ Theme #22: Libido ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Libido
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
s: Ash/Original Character, anti-Palletshipping (Gary/Ash)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #22, Libido

Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Warnings: Het, Prostitution, mentioned past shonen-ai
Ash shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked through the streets of Indigo Plateau. It was late at night, he was freezing, and Gary had kicked him out of their apartment because they'd gotten into a shouting match and he had refused to throw a match for the Championship position.
He was Champion, and he hadn't cheated for it, no matter what Gary insinuated! And ever since Lance had vanished during one of his training trips almost a year ago, he hadn't had anyone to talk to.
Just because he was immature did not mean he had no honor!
His steps slowed, as he stood underneath a lamppost. It cast dull yellow light over his body. What was the point?
Their relationship had failed. Awesome sex dulled quickly, and without friendship, or even companionship, there was no reason to keep going.
Yes, they had broken up a long time ago. Fuck buddies did not work any more. He wasn't even sure he was gay!
Besides, the bastard never let him top, and treated him like a convenient hole. The glamour, if there was any, had worn off long ago.
No, he would not be going back.
A flash of hair caught his eye, and he quickened his steps. It looked like a scantily clad girl, but at this time, he was willing to pay for a prostitute, if only to get in a warm room for the night. He ran up to the figure and grabbed her arm.
Surprised brown eyes blinked at him, and he reached for his wallet hastily. She relaxed then, and he followed her back to her room.
She really was pretty, with hair a rich matte black, and as she closed the apartment door behind them, he sighed in relief. It was warm, with a thick plush carpet, and she came back soon with mugs of hot apple cider for both of them.
Ash sipped his drink, and counted out the bills, and they moved to the bedroom. It was dark, and he didn't really care, but it would serve Gary right, and as it turned out, it wasn't so bad. She was pretty and tight and attentive to his needs, damn good at giving head, and the next morning, he left without feeling guilty. She had even made breakfast for him, cinnamon French toast and scrambled eggs.
Now, he knew what to do about his urges.
Money was money, after all, no matter where it came from, and the kid had sure paid well. Eliza Anne counted the bills, counted them again, and grinned.
She had hit the jackpot with this one!
If he was paying for the girlfriend experience, she would make sure to play it up for him. She knew the type - lonely, horny, and unattached. He would come back again, she was sure of it.
As regulars went, he would be a nice catch. Sure, he wasn't spectacular but he was a lot politer about the act, and he wasn't into sadomasochism or weird fetishes like some people.
Three nights later, he showed up again, and she let him take a hot shower first. He appreciated it, and the hot breakfast, and left her a good amount of cash.
He was hooked.
End Fic
Completed 12/8/06
Edited 9/7/09
Freud proposed that people have a `Libido', which is psychosexual energy. And I can't imagine Ash and Gary getting together until Gary stops being a jerk ass. He might have had a slight change of heart in Johto, but it sure didn't last!