Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ 35_Fantasies ❯ Theme #16: Unwanted ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Throwaway
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Red)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #16, Unwanted

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Warnings: AU, het
He hates her. He hates his precious little sister. She's beautiful, with long golden hair and blue eyes, but he doesn't care. Being the eldest gains him nothing - she is the one who will inherit the kingdom. The youngest princess - or youngest prince - gets all the benefits. The fairy godmothers gather at her christening, and it's beautiful and marvelous and wonderful.
Red takes no part in it. He slips out of the Great Hall silently. Yellow is a gifted child indeed, and what is he but a throwaway pawn? Elder siblings never come back from quests alive and whole, and he's sure soon enough his Father will fall under some curse or incurable disease, and then well, they'll all fail before seventh princess Yellow goes questing for the Healing Water, returns with an enchanted prince in tow, and lives happily ever after.
The others will become naught but corpses along the wayside. It is not a fate he relishes, but he has read the chronicles and history always plays out the same way.
He does not know how to defy his fate.
If a cursed life is all he has, perhaps he does not wish to live at all.
Red feels sorry for Lance, too. She's from another kingdom across the mountains, their third princess, kept here for fostering, and out of the way, because how could two beautifully flaxen-haired parents produce someone with red hair like a temptress, coarse and thick?
It will prevent a scandal at least, and since she's not the youngest, she doesn't matter either. When he tells Lance this, after their archery lesson, Lance stares at him as though seeing him for the first time.
It frightens him, but maybe she won't feel so alone now. After all, she is the only outcast in her family, while Red has two older brothers, and it's not like she can talk to her sisters - they're all beautiful, but can't even read, and that makes her look down on them, though maybe she shouldn't.
Red knows he's ugly, but Lance finds him fascinating. His eyes are the most brilliant shade of ruby, though the Court Mystic whispers something about devil's eyes.
She doesn't care. After all, haven't they called her the Devil's wife because of her bloody hair? And if she has to be the wicked sister and dance to death in red-hot shoes, well, that is her fate and she will accept it.
Red is right. They're both spares, but at least they can embroider within the framework of fantasy and have a little peace and happiness.
Would it be selfish to want more?
They're curled up in the Royal Library, and even though it's slightly dusty, he is reading a thick tome on enchanted beasts while reclining in a warm plush armchair, crimson with gold tassels of course, while she is not more than three feet away, examining a fascinating treatise on poisons.
Its companionship, Red thinks, and they have nothing to lose any more. Perhaps that's the courage he needs to set his book down and close the gap between them.
Lance blinks, golden eyes startled, and he settles himself on the older teen's lap, and kisses her.
There is only the barest fraction of a second before Lance kisses back.
She understands.
Perhaps this is all they will ever have, but it's better than nothing, and no one cares when they disappear for long hours together, not even when they reappear with wedding-rings, and Red gasps as Lance holds him close, fingers stroking softly.
They're unwanted extras, cluttering up a prophecy, but this is all they want, and it's not too much to ask, is it?
End Fic
Completed 5/11/07
Edited 8/4/09
Perhaps I skimmed too much, but I liked the tone of this fic…
Lance: And no one died!
Phantomness: That too…
Red: *Clings to Lance*